St Joseph’s Parish Como—Oyster Bay Pastor: Fr. Bob Stephens, 210 Oyster Bay Road, Como 2226 (PO Box 12, Jannali 2226). Phone: 9528 0205. Fax: 9528 7434 Web page: Email: Parish Office hours: Mon - Fri. 9am-1pm School: PO Box 447, Jannali 2226. Phone: 9528 8716. Principal: Mrs Anna Cindric Sunday Eucharist: Saturday: Vigil 6 pm, Sunday 8 am & 10 am Weekdays: Mass, Tuesday...7.30 pm, Wednesday…..9 am Thursday….6.30 am, Friday….9.15 am (School holidays...9 am), Saturday 9 am Reconciliation: Saturday: 9.30—10.30 am Contact presbytery for—Anointing & Communion for the sick and Homebound. Baptisms: 2nd & 4th Sundays 11 am (by appointment) Marriage: To prepare adequately, at least 6 months notice should be given. REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS DEDICATION OF LATERAN BASILICA NOVEMBER (Month of Holy Souls): Mass offered each day for all for whom prayer has been requested on envelopes provided at rear of church. During this month, only recently deceased & anniversaries will be mentioned by name. C.W.F APPEAL: Last week’s appeal has so far realized $2,180. Thank you for your contributions. READERS ROSTER: New 12 month roster begins 7 Dec. Existing readers will automatically transfer to new roster. New readers welcome at all Masses & are rostered on approx every 6 weeks. If you would like to be part of this Ministry, place your name on clipboard at rear of church. Enquiries phone Deanne Buckham (9528 6543) or email MRS. JOANNE BUSBY (nee EDE) will be Baptized & Confirmed during Mass on Tues, 11 Nov, 7.30pm. We welcome her into our parish community. MASS WITH ANOINTING OF SICK: Sat 6 Dec. 9am. Morning tea to follow. Please inform the homebound, & perhaps offer transport. CALVARY REMEMBERANCE SERVICE on Tues 11 Nov, 7.30pm, Calvary Chapel. Attendees are invited to bring a photo of their loved ones. Light supper to follow. ON SALE at rear of church: Columban Calenders (2015) for $9 Christmas Cards - pkt of 10 for $6 SYNOD ON THE FAMILY: Go to Vatican website ( for documents relating to this recent synod. Also (a free mail service) for links & further news. PARISHIONERS invited to tour of St Mary’s Cathedral & Crypt, Tues, 9 Dec. Meet at Jannali Station, 8.45am for train to city. Guided tour 10.30am including tour of ‘Christmas Story’ Art Exhibition in Crypt. Cost $5 per person. All welcome! Contact Tracey Bowler, School (9528 8716) or email MASS OF INSTALLATION OF ARCHBISHOP ELECT ANTHONY FISHER: At St Mary’s Cathedral, Wed 12 Nov, 7.30pm. Please be seated by 7pm. All welcome SUTHERLAND SHIRE CHORAL SOCIETY Handel’s Messiah, Sun 7 Dec, 2.30pm, Caringbah High School Auditorium, $25 adults, children under 12 free. More info PROPERTY LEFT IN CHURCH is on cupboard at rear of church. Please check if you are missing anything. The items will be disposed of this coming week. “The number one cause of atheism is Christians. Those who proclaim God with their mouths and deny him with their lifestyles are what an unbelieving world finds simply unbelievable.” (Fr Karl Rahner, S.J) All the sick of the parish & the deceased REC: Romayne Carroll ANNIV: Kevin Riordan Stella Delasey SEE NOTICE BOARD NOTRE DAME UNI: Information evening, Tues 11 Nov, 5.30-7.30pm, St Aloysius Hall, 11 Giddings Ave, Cronulla. VEECH LIBRARY will be hosting a talk by Fr Eugene Stockton titled ‘Theology of the Heart: Probing Deep Consciousness’, Thurs 20 Nov, 10.30am, 99 Albert Rd Strathfield. RSVP (9752 9530) . See flyer DISCERNMENT RETREAT FOR WOMEN: 21 -23 Nov, Varroville, Phone 9390 5970. MT CARMEL RETREAT CENTRE: Varroville, . Weekend Retreat 14-16 Nov, Cost $220 with Fr Aloysius Rego on Teresian Themes. Enq 8795 3400. ‘DOMUS AUSTRALIA’ is an Australian guest house in Rome. For bookings - ph 9390 5980 (Syd) or or visit ‘THE GOSPEL ACC. TO MATTHEW’: Course at CAEC, Lidcombe, 24-25 Nov. More info & enrol - 9646 9010 or or see flyer at rear of church. WEEK ENDING 16/11//14 Church Linen: Julie O’Hara Cleaners: Karen Moseley, Bev Mellor Readers: Janne & Melinda Hoskins, Jim Hagley, Anthony Reed, Morning Tea Team 4 Ministers of Communion: Jennifer Kratz Rose-Marie Hoekstra, Michael & Maryann Borg, Fiorella Bosustow, Helen Cooper Homebound: Janette Hickey, Maggie Cranney, Melinda Hoskins, Marites Bairstow Chesalon (Wed 12 Nov) Rose-Marie Hoekstra “The Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa once claimed that Apartheid was of divine ordinance. To deny this was to be labelled a heretic! The God revealed in later books of the Bible, and in Jesus, is a very different God, a God who has compassion on the whole of creation, who allows the rain to fall on the just and the unjust alike, who identifies with every human being, and whom we meet in every human encounter. ‘As you do to one of these least, you are doing to me.’ To be chosen by God is to be called to let God be the God of compassion to us and through us. Christians, both individually and corporately, can still be tempted to think of ‘Chosen People’ as meaning ‘chosen to be superior to’, ‘chosen to have power over’. The Covenant to which we are called is not a covenant of control, or of domination, but a covenant of love, of self-giving that others may live.” (Fr Gerard Hughes S.J God of Compassion,
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