St Theresa’s Parish Plimmerton Newsletter Father Bill Warwick, 4/10 James Street. Phone: 233 2080 e. St Theresa’s Church 210 St Andrews Road, Plimmerton p (04) 233 1279 e w Parish Priest Church/Parish Office EUCHARIST & LITURGY IN OUR PARISH- ANY CHANGES FOR WEEK ARE LISTED IN PARISH EVENTS Sunday Eucharist Weekday Liturgy Saturday - 6:00pm (Vigil) Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday Thursday Reconciliation By appointment Parish Office St Theresa’s School Bishop Viard College Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri James Street, Plimmerton 20 Kenepuru Drive, Porirua 18 Mungavin Ave, Porirua St Vincent de Paul Shop Mission Statement Sunday - 9:30 am 10 am Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion 9:30 am Mass st rd nd th 11 am (1 , 3 Whitby Resthome – 2 , 4 Harbourview Resthome th 5 if appl 9:30 am St Theresa’s Church) Hours 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm p (04) 233 8093 p (04) 237 5248 p (04) 237 5968 Our Parish is a Eucharistic Community that aspires to express the compassion of Christ. We invite you to walk with us. Naumai, haere mai. THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED 1-2 NOV 2014 Readings 2 Nov First Reading Second Reading Gospel Isaiah 25:6-9 Romans 5:5-11 Matthew 11:25-30 9 Nov First Reading Second Reading Gospel Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 Corinthians 3:9-11, 16-17 John 2: 13-22 PARISH EVENTS THIS WEEK Mon 3 – 10am Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion and Adoration till 3.30pm 7pm - Meditation at Rosaleen & Garry Conway’s, 14a Sunset Parade Plimmerton Tues 4 – 7.30pm Liturgy Committee meet in the Abbott Room Wed 5 - 10.30am Anointing Mass followed with refreshments in the Hall. 7.30pm Prayer Group meet in Hall. Thurs 6 –8.50am Fr. Bill in Room 1 for prayers 11am Eucharist at Whitby Rest home 7.30pm RCIA Upstairs in Parish Centre Fri 7 – 9.50am SVDP meet in Abbott Room Sat 8– 8.30am Contemplation in Day Chapel THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK so that we too can be encouraged in our own “journey of perfection”. What does it take to be a saint? Surely the Gospel that is appointed for today (the Beatitudes) shows us that it is in the small things that we triumph: gentleness, mercy, making peace, faithful mourning, purity of heart, poverty in spirit - these are not grand, public ways to sanctity. They are domestic, and homely, to be practised and perfected with those closest to us. We sometimes exalt the ”named” saints to the degree that we can feel they are distant from us. Today’s feast, as well as celebrating the memory of the many whose name we do not know, also prompts us to see holiness as within our grasp. "Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven!" “A huge number, impossible to count” – that is the picture this Solemnity creates. In every age there have been men and women who have followed the Lord faithfully, and who now rejoice in the Liturgy of Heaven, as they stand before the throne of the Lamb. These are the “anonymous” saints, whose names we don’t remember - but even though their names are not on our lips, their memory, inspiration, example and prayers are set before us today, 1 Those who are sick PASSIONIST FAMILY GROUPS Ken Sampson Cathy Egan Josephine Butler Fr John Heijnen. A.A. Jason Roberts ( anniv ) Jude Lindsay RIP PATH – Sat 15 Nov 5.30pm BBQ at Sue & Richard Gibbs. RSVP by 9th Co-ordinators – next meeting Tues 25th Nov at Curry under the canopies, Porirua JUDITH ANNE ( Jude ) LINDSAY RIP died at the Mary Potter Hospice 24 Oct. Jude was the partner of Paul Sutorius of the parish and family. Her Requiem Mass was celebrated on Wednesday morning here at St Theresa’s by Fr Phil Cody sm assisted by Fr Bill. Our prayers and sympathy are extended to Paul and all the family at this time. Funseekers & GRaSSroots – 16 Nov “Pentonque & Pizza” at Karehana Park, Cluny Road. The Joy of Ministry Lock in Thursday evening, 13th November, 7.30pm and come along to the hear Sue Devereux present her talk on the Joy of Ministry to us. Sue has some practical steps for us to go through too that will point us to use our particular Godgiven gifts in ministry that will give us, and those who receive, true joy. Sue comes to us from the Catholic Centre in Wellington where she works in Pastoral Services providing her service to Family Ministry. Her particular area of ‘joy’ is Side-BySide Mentoring. Come along and be driven to follow St Francis’ lead. Remember always – “we may be the only Jesus some people ever see … as followers of Christ, we bear the responsibility of demonstrating to the world what Jesus might look like were He to walk the earth today”. Devotionals daily We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 13th November at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. COMMUNITY CONCERTA BIG thank you to Sinead Keane for organising this wonderful concert, which was enjoyed by those who attended - the talent was amazing. The concert raised a total of $483.70. A great effort THE PARISH BOOK OF LIFE: will be displayed in front of the altar during the month of November. This coming weekend there will be clip boards available for parishioners to write down the names of those they wish to be remembered. People at this time also like to have a mass offered for those they remember. If so, you may wish to place a donation in your envelope and these masses will be offered throughout the month of November. SUMMER GARDENING – Wed Nov 5th starting at 6.30pm at Palmers Garden Centre. $20 per ticket which includes a glass of wine/juice and a light supper. Richard Persson will talk about what’s “in” with plants and will answer any questions. 10% of the sales to the Learning Hub Fundraiser. Call Gina at the school office if you would like to support this event. ANTIOCH REUNION – 15TH Nov – If you were involved with this programme please go to our Facebook page oups/1494721504094580/ and join the group. 2 COLUMBAN CALANDARS – going on sale soon. The Columban Calendar has a strong religious focus that links useful liturgical information with inspiring art work. The art work provides an opportunity for faith reflection and is backed up by a commentary (online or DVD). When parishioners buy a Columban Calendar they are supporting the missionary work of the church through the Columbans. The calendar is one of their major fundraisers for mission. Having this enables them to distribute their magazine THE FAR EAST, subscription free so they can keep Catholic people in touch with missionary issues and stories. Having a Columban calendar continues a long tradition of being a “must have” item for Catholic homes. TREASURERS UPDATE As a follow on from our note last weekend about the great response from the parish in regard to our planned giving request, I wanted to share with you our latest financial results. October results are not yet finalised so these are the results to the end of September (which is half way through our financial year). Total income received to date = $67,831 Total expenditure incurred; Pastoral Expenditure $8,223 Property Expenditure $17,828 Administrative Expenditure $43,909 (this includes supporting our local pastoral area) Total Expenditure = $69,960 Total loss to date = $2,129 The extra income we received in September (both regular and one off donations) has gone a long way to bridge the annual loss we were forecasting to make this year so thank you for your continued financial 1. support so we can continue to be a vibrant and financially healthy parish. Warm regards, Annemaree Deed Parish Treasurer ENGAGED ENCOUNTER is a weekend experience for couples intending to be married. The next weekend is 21-23 the Home of Compassion, Island Bay. For more details go to the website at or ph Kate & Simon Olsen Telephone (+64 4) 801 6192, or ST THERESA’S SCHOOL have a pastoral care programme which includes the provision of meals to school families in need (and sometimes families in the wider community). As part of this they keep a freezer with cooked meals ready to go. If anyone would like to support this particular cause, they can ring Shona Hockings. 2331113. VIGIL FOR LIFE - The next Vigil for Life will be held on Fri, 21st Nov at St Anne's Church, Emmett Street, Newtown. It begins with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Dew at 7..00 pm, a rosary walk to pray outside Wellington Hospital, the site of 2,252 abortions in 2013, and concludes after Adoration back at St Anne’s at 9 pm. N.B. The NZ frozen embryos 10 years and older scheduled to be discarded from 22nd November and their parents will also be remembered at this Mass. Remembrance Mass Bishop Viard College Chapel Thurs 6th Nov at 7pm All are invited to attend the Remembrance Mass of those Staff, Teachers and Students who have passed away. There will be a supper afterwards. CHARISMATIC MASS Tues 11th Nov 7.30pm at St Bernadette’s Church, Naenae. Celebrant: Fr Kevin Connors. All welcome. Dove invites all women to a Mass of thanksgiving for the year 15th Nov 1.153.30pm at Connolly hall Guildford Terrace (off Hill St) Thorndon. Please bring a small plate to share for a festive afternoon tea. THE SISTERS OF COMPASSION are offering Taize Prayer Fri 7th Nov at Island Bay Home of Compassion Chapel from 7.00 - 8.00 p.m. There is plenty of parking and it is the No. 1 bus route. You are most welcome Enquiries Sandra 475 5541 3 0211516405. DAY OF REFLECTION at Pa Maria Hobson Street, Wgtn, Sat15 Nov. Bookings THE LAZARUS EXPERIENCE – A healing weekend for separated and divorced Catholics. Fri Nov 28 to Sun Nov 30 in Lower Hutt. Contact Katrin 04 970 9385 brochures on notice Board. are essential.The theme is Ignation spirituality in Advent.. Attendees are asked to bring their own lunch. Tea and coffee is provided. There will be a charge to help meet expenses, however a reduced charge, or no charge, is certainly available. To book for this day, and/or receive info contact Leo Brettkelly ph 472 2883 or Service Rosters for Nov 8th/9th Mass Time: 6:00 pm 9:30 am Sacristan Greeters Data Projectionist Welcomer /Prayers of Faithful Gina Rollandi Angeline & Sean O’Connor Rachel Dodds Rachel Blackaby Christine Storey Jess Ludgate Cath Berryman Julian Howard Sinead Keane Joshua Scott Phoebe Harland Courtney Harland Fiona Robertson Audrey Hinder Altar Servers Children’s Liturgy Proclaimer of The Word Offertory Procession Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Jo McManaway Barbara Harris/Margaret Warmington Angeline O’Connor Sean O’Connor David Wootton Maxine Pearson Rusty Norris Baker Family Jo Ten Broeke Rachel Blackaby Arthur O’Leary Marie O’Leary Sam McClean Communion to the Sick Hospitality Flowers Church Cleaning Anne Dodds Altar Society Rosary Statue (wk fm) Shirley Butt Kayren Smith 4 Claire Gordon Mary & Jo Ten Broeke 5
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