Welcome to Ss. Gregory & Barnabas Parish United In Christ DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA NOVEMBER 9, 2014 MISSION STATEMENT Pastor Rev. Robert L. Ruston Daily Mass: (See inside for locations) As Catholic Christians, we will live to serve God and each other. And do His will as one family united in Faith. We will teach, serve, and be an example to the youth of the parish that they will come to a full understanding of Christ and His plan for their lives. We will nurture the gifts and talents of all parish members and use them wisely for the glory of God. We will compassionately implement the Spiritual and Corporal works of Mercy for those in our Parish, Diocese and throughout the world. Through the celebration of the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, we affirm our Communion with Christ and each other. All are welcome. 8:00AM Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday 6:30PM Thursday Weekend Liturgy: Saturday: 4:00PM (Daisytown) 5:30PM (Bon Air) Sunday: 8:00AM (Bon Air) 11:00AM (Daisytown) 120 Boltz Street 408 Luzon Avenue Johnstown, PA 15902 "What sign can you show us for doing this?" Jesus answered and said to them, "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up." But he was speaking about the temple of his Body. Therefore, when he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this. ‐ Jn 2:18b‐19, 21‐22b Reconciliation: Saturday: Noon—12:30PM (Daisytown) Saturday: 3:15—3:45PM (Daisytown) & 6:30PM (Bon Air) Phone: 814-536-6818 E-mail: sgsb925@hotmail.com Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 2:00PM Visit us on the WEB! www.ssgregbar.org Join us on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/ groups/SSGregoryBarnabas/ Sacrament of Baptism: Parents are to be examples to their children by being registered, active members of the Parish. Please call the rectory office to make arrangements. Sacrament of Marriage: Couples planning to marry are to make arrangements at least nine months prior to their wedding date. Diocesan Guidelines regarding Marriage Preparation must be followed. The Catholic party/parties is/are to be registered, active members in the parish. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the church office if you have a family member or friend in the hospital who would like to receive the Sacraments. The homebound and parishioners in nursing homes should also receive the Sacrament of the Sick and Holy Communion. Parish Membership: New members are always welcome! If you are moving into, within, or out of the Parish, please call the Rectory Office and let us know. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): All who would like more information about membership in the Roman Catholic Church are invited to call the Church Office. November 9, 2014 Welcome to SS. Gregory & Barnabas Parish WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sunday, November 9th K-11th Rel. Ed. 9:30AM 9th Grade Confirmation Session / Rite of Blessing 11AM MASS SCHEDULE Tuesday, Veterans Day Perogie School 8AM, 5:45PM Chuck E Cheese 3-9PM In Stitches 6:30-8PM/RB Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Wednesday, Perogie School 8AM Choir/BA/6:30PM Sunday Thursday, Youth Choir/D/6:30PM Altar & Rosary Mtg./D/7PM Saturday, Soup Luncheon Prep 9AM- 12PM - 9th Graders Eucharistic Adoration 1PM OMOS Rosary/BA/5PM Next Sunday, Nov. 16th 2nd Collection-Thanksgiving Meal K-11th Rel. Ed. 9:30AM Choice Sunday RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Nov. 15th: Eucharistic Adoration 1PM at OMOS Nov. 16th K-11 (Choice Sunday) Nov. 23rd K-11, 10th-11th grades Confirm. Session Nov 30th - No Class Thanksgiving Break CHOIR REHEARSALS Youth Choir Thursdays, Daisytown 6:30-7:45PM Nov. 13, 20, Sings 23rd 11AM Dec. 3, 10, 17, Sings Dec. 24 6PM Adult Choir Wednesdays in Bon Air 6:30PM Nov. 12, 19 Dec. 3, 10, 17 A LOOK AT WHAT’S AHEAD 11/19 LOTTERY TICKETS DUE TODAY 11/20 PARISH COUNCIL 11/23 ALTAR & ROSARY BINGO, OFFICE CLOSED THANKSGIVING: NOV 26TH-DEC 1ST 11/30 CCD - NO CLASS VACATION 12/5 FISH FRY/D 12/7 FAMILY DAY NO CCD 12/8 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 12/11 A&R ROSARY MEETING 12/13 2ND GRADE RECONCILIATION, ROSARY/D/3:30PM 12/14 CHRISTMAS FLOWER ENVELOPES DUE TODAY (SG) 8:00AM (SB) 8:00AM (SG) 8:00AM (SB) 6:30PM (SB) 8:00AM (SG) 4:00PM (SB) 5:30PM (SB) 8:00AM (SG) 11:00AM Family members are asked to present Offertory Gifts at weekend masses being offered for their loved ones. Eleanor Chromy by In Stitches Group Cecelia Korber by Mary Ellen Bartos Ben Arellano by Marianne Bodenschatz Herbert Kessler–Anniversary by Eva & Families Rick Percinsky–Anniversary by Family Raymond Rheel–13th Anniversary by Wife & Family Edward Utnik by Thelma Ponchek Sarah (Polacek) Mihalaki by Ss. Gregory & Barnabas Choir For the People Liturgical Reflection… CONSTITUTION 50TH ON THE ANNIVERSARY SACRED LITURGY Today the Church commemorates the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica, the cathedral church of Rome. The Church is the Lord’s beloved Bride who calls to him and through him offers worship to the eternal Father. In the liturgy the whole public worship is performed by the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ, that is, the Head and his members. Every liturgical celebration, because it is an action of Christ the Priest and of his Body which is the Church, is a sacred action surpassing all others. No other action of the Church can equal the effectiveness of liturgy. Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Number 7. 2014 Liturgy Office Last Chance PIEROGIE SCHOOL November 11‐12 Tuesdays 8AM Peeling & cu ng 101 & 5:45PM Potato Ball Making 102 Wednesday 8AM Pierogie cu ng & Pinching 103 To order Pierogies please call Janet Pribish at 539‐3449 Chuck E. Cheese November 11th 3PM-9PM Don’t forget to mention the church. IN STITCHES Nov 11th 6:30‐8PM/RB Join us the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month! New members welcome! RITE OF BLESSING - Today 11AM Mass As a parish family we are invited this day to encourage and welcome our 9th grade stuSOUP LUNCHEON dents as they formally begin their three-year Sponsored by journey of faith to full membership into the 9th Grade Class ‐Group Service Project Catholic Church into which they were bap- WHEN: Sunday, Nov. 16th, 11:30AM to 2PM tized as infants but now are being asked to WHERE: Daisytown/Hall “confirm” that desire by their own free will COST: Free will giving that will formally be recognized in the rePlease stop by for a sit down luncheon or ception of the sacrament in their Junior purchase a quart to take home for dinner. year of high school. We, as adults, need to set an example for them by our lives as 9th grade Students plan for the soup prep on Catholics and to support, pray and wel- Saturday Nov. 15th from 9AM to 12PM. come them as they are the future leaders of our Church. NOVEMBER 15th Jessica Appley Emily Rozum Eucharis c Adora on Days for teens with Maggie Blaisdell Nicholas Sida Bishop Mark is scheduled for Sat., Nov. 15th Tre` Bu s Tyrus Sorchilla beginning at 1PM at Our Mother of Sorrows in Harlan Chandler Makenzie S ffler Johnstown. 11th Graders must a end. Sydney Chase Taelur Vargo 9th‐10th: if you wish to a end Pre registra on is Alexis Kane Anna Vibostok required and you must let Mary Helen know this Hannah La Bar Andrew Vogel Sunday, November 9th! Lakin Rigby Gabrielle Zaragoza HOSPITALIZED FROM THE DESK OF FATHER BOB Since November is the month of the Poor Souls, I would like to con nue my ar cle from last weekend on what our Church teaches about the state of purgatory. This doctrine is the basis for our offering prayers and good works for those who have died. The church has always taught that it is a good work to pray for the dead. But it should not be viewed as a “buying” the faithful departed out of purgatory. It is our prayers and good works in this life that help to “purify” our own rela onship with the faithful departed, thus strengthening their rela onship not only with us but also with God. It should be viewed as a coming to greater holiness, but as a ransom. In the Dogma c Cons tu on on the Church this doctrine is reaffirmed implying that the members of the church are always growing as we con nue our pilgrimage toward our final des ny. This concept emphasizes less the penal nature of purgatory and rather emphasizes more the faithful departed’s growth in and readiness for eternal contempla on of God in all the divine glory. (Living Liturgy 2014) Our prayers for them this month are a constant reminder that dying does not end our rela onship with our departed loved ones; they are very much living in the hope of eternal Life, which also gives us hope. The Church is silent in her teaching on purgatory about who or how many go there or who or how many go directly into heaven; this is surely le to the judgment of God. (to be con nued) Next Mee ng ‐ November 20th 7:15PM/RB Concerns, suggestions or questions about the life of our parish community should be given to any council member so that the items might be placed on the agenda. Council members and their phone numbers are listed below. The Council meets the third week every other month beginning with January. Karen Blaisdell 495-5292 Andi Cveykus 266-2806 Mary Helen Percinsky & Rodney DeAngelo 535-8335 Jen Percinsky 535-2782 Christina Galasso 539-6314 Clarence Reese 536-4820 Judy Kaufman 288-9053 Kathy Roberts 536-5576 - Youth Member Sharon Rozum 254-3772 Debbie & Raymond Washington, Sr. 536-3616 Wally Rozum, Ohio Bernard Keyser Kay Kormanik Cindy La Bar David Graham Walter Hritz Lois Graham Know someone who needs prayers? Please contact Debbie Washington at 536-3616 or dlwashi@hotmail.com to place a name on the parish Prayer Chain! Boxes for requests are also located in the vestibules of our worship sites. If you have a loved one admitted to the hospital or nursing home please contact the office. The hospital sometimes fails to call and notify us, then Fr. Bob does not know to visit. Thanks for your help. Prayerful remembrance for all serving in the military: Ryan Wood, Army; Nathan Brezovic; Fr. Frantisek Halka, Army; Major David Dietz, Army; Petty Officer Tony Pinkas, Navy Please contact the parish office (536-6818) if we need to add or remove any of our military personnel from this list. Thank you. QUILT RAFFLE Ticket cost: 1 for $5 3 for $10 10 for $20 Dear Father Bob and Ss. Gregory & Barnabas Parish, Thank you for the generous scholarship. It will help greatly with books and the cost of tui on. ~ Thanks Liz S ffler PLEASE HELP MAKE CHANGE FOR A DOLLAR!!! Total Dona ons received as of 11/2: $5 As you know, our parish family has been blessed with the opportunity to provide a complete Thanksgiving meal served at the St Vincent DePaul soup kitchen on Thanksgiving Day for many years now. Since the majority of the turkeys are donated every year, the cost for the parish is only approximately $1.00 per meal, and we prepare enough for at least 400 people to enjoy God’s gi s. If only for the day, the lives of these people are changed as they get to receive a full Thanksgiving meal that perhaps some of us might take for granted. Our parish family has always come together with plenty of awesome helpers to prepare the complete meal, clean up the kitchen a erwards, deliver the meals to the soup kitchen on Thanksgiving morning, and of course bake all those delicious desserts ! This me and service is so greatly appreciated !! We understand that not everyone can do this work or even take a day off of their job to be there to help. But Every Family in our parish can help with this project by dona ng just $1.00 to provide a Thanksgiving meal, and make a change “to the least of these”. There will be a second collec on the weekend of Nov. 15/16. We are asking for a dona on of just $1.00 per family to help defray the cost. As a parish family, we can all make some change for only $1.00. The quilt has been donated by Nancy Pentrack as a fundraiser for the church. We will be selling raffle ck‐ ets this weekend at the fish fry and a er Masses in Daisytown this weekend. Families & the Gospel November 9 Jn 2: 13‐22 Jesus was disappointed when He saw people sell‐ ing inside the temple. Disappointment is a nor‐ mal part of all rela onships. When a couple mar‐ ries, the groom hopes his wife will never change, and she expects that he will. Both will be disap‐ pointed. Parents will be disappointed by their children, and children by their parents. Disap‐ pointment and in macy go together. FINANCIAL NEWS Fiscal Year July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015 Offertory Totals for the week of November 2, 2014 Weekly Offertory $3,941.50 Misc. Income $225 Votive Candles $96 Building $338 Fuel $5 All Souls/ All Saints $40 / $306 Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Meal Prep for the $15 $100 Christmas Flowers $5,066.50 Total Weekly Needs $5,000.00 11/2 $5,066.50 (Over/under) $66.50 YTD surplus/ ($16,348.87) (shortfall) 10/12 TV Ministry $25 10/19 Mission Sunday $15 ($361 to date) 11/16 Catholic Chari es $30 ACA 2015 $364 Saint Vincent DePaul Soup Kitchen on Wednesday, November 26th in the Church Hall in Daisytown. Transpor ng to the Soup Kitchen on Thursday morning so it can be served on Thanksgiving Day! We will start at approxi‐ mately 8:00am on Wednesday, 11/26/2014, and will be in the hall for as long as it takes. Even if you can stop by for a few hours to help out, it would be greatly appreciated. The meal will con‐ sist of Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes & gra‐ vy, sweet potatoes, corn, fresh carrots, cranber‐ ry sauce, and of course pie! We are hoping to again receive dona ons of Turkeys from Honey‐ suckle White. However, we are asking for your dona on of a homemade pie to be brought to the Church Hall on Wednesday, 11/26, so that your baking talents can be shared and enjoyed by many of God’s children (please be sure the pie is in a pan that doesn’t need returned). We also will be delivering meals either Wednesday evening, or Thanksgiving morning to any home‐ bound parishioner or those in the community who would like a prepared Thanksgiving meal! If you would like a meal delivered, or know of someone who may need a meal, please contact the church office with the informa on. If you have any ques ons, please contact Sue Hall @ 244‐7137. LAY MINISTRY SCHEDULE Liturgy Nov 15/16 Nov 22/23 4:00 pm D Lector: Todd Roberts Lector: Cathy Kessler EM: Dave (B) & Nancy Pentrack, EM: Bob Skelly (B), Sue and Jim Sue Hall Sandoval Servers: Nathan, Seth & Isaac Roberts Server: Slavicks 5:30 pm BA Lector: Sharon Rozum Lector: Mary Vibostok EM: Sharon Rozum (B), Luci Pribish, EM: Betty McPherson (B), Tricia SorMary Vibostok chilla, Mary Vibostok Servers: Rozums 8:00 am BA Lector: Daphne Moot EM: Michelle Ritter (B), Ron/Daphne Moot Servers: Sorchillas 11:00 AM Lector: Cathy Kessler D EM: Bob Sweeney (B), Sandovals Servers: Sydney Chase December Lo ery Sweepstakes Tickets are now available. The cost is $20 per cket. Based on PA Big 4 7PM drawing only. Lector: Mary Vibostok EM: Joe Ritter (B), Janet Ritter, MH Percinsky Lector: Sue Rosenbaum EM: Sue Rosenbaum (B), Pentracks Servers: Harlan Chandler, Andrew Tickets are due back no later than Wednesday, November 19th. Any ckets received a er that date will be returned to you along with your money. If you have any ques ons please call the office. Thank you!!! IN THE COMMUNITY: Annual Pre-Christmas Fair & Spaghetti Dinner: at Carmelite Community of the word, Sun. Nov 9th 11AM-3PM. Dinner $7 adults, $3 children under 12. Fish Fry: The Church of the Transfiguration on Fri., Nov. 14th from 3:pm - 6:30pm. Take-Outs Available 535-2698. Cost: $9.50 Baked & Fried JEWELRY BASH: at St. John Vianney, Mundy’s Corner, Sat. Nov 15th doors open 5PM. Tickets $20 includes $75000 prizes, beffet dinner & refreshments. Advance tickets being sold - call the rectory at 322-4789. Spaghetti Dinner: Cover Hill Volunteer Fire Dept. Sunday, Nov. 16th from 11:30AM-2:30PM. Cost: $7 adults, $4 for children 12 and under. - Take out available. Proceeds benefit the Cover Hill Volunteer Fire Co. Nut & Poppy Seed Rolls from St. Clare of Assisi Parish last day to order Nov. 19th, $10/roll. Call 535-1133. Orders can be pick up daily: Dec. 4th - 6th 10 AM to 6 PM & Dec 7th 10AM- Noon in the School Hall. 14th Annual Turkey Raffle at St. Andrew. November 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM. Anyone selling $25.00 worth of tickets will receive a FREE TURKEY! Chancing off: TURKEYS, HAMS, PORK CHOPS, AMERICAN CHEESE, BACON, BREAKFAST SAUSAGE AND REGULAR SAUSAGE. Tickets are $1.00 each ! Plan to attend as a family. ALL proceeds benefit St. Andrew School. Extra Turkey Raffle tickets are available in the Bell Tower entrance. Admission: $2.00 includes food and beverage. Faus na ‐ Messenger of Divine Mercy performed by Maria Vargo Tuesday, November 18th at 7PM At Bishop McCort High School in the Guzzi Performing Arts Center located at 25 Osborne Street, Johnstown. For ckets, call the rectory at 536‐6818 (Tickets are $5/per person) Giving Thanks to God We will again be blessed with the opportunity to prepare the Thanksgiving Meal for the Saint Vincent DePaul Soup Kitchen this year. We will prepare the meal on Wednesday, November 26th in the Church Hall in Daisytown, and then transport it to the Soup Kitchen on Thursday morning so it can be served on Thanksgiving Day! We will start at approximately 8:00am on Wednesday, 11/26/2013, and will be in the hall for as long as it takes. Even if you can stop by for a few hours to help out, it would be greatly appreciated. The meal will consist of Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes & gravy, sweet potatoes, corn, fresh carrots, cranberry sauce, and of course pie! We are hoping to again receive donations of Turkeys from Honeysuckle White. However, we are asking for your donation of a homemade pie to be brought to the Church Hall on Wednesday, 11/26, so that your baking talents can be shared and enjoyed by many of God’s children (please be sure the pie is in a pan that doesn’t need returned). We also will be delivering meals either Wednesday evening, or Thanksgiving morning to any homebound parishioner or those in the community who would like a prepared Thanksgiving meal! If you would like a meal delivered, or know of someone who may need a meal, please contact the church office with the information. If you have any questions, please contact Sue Hall @ 244-7137. “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22 INFORMATION FROM THE DIOCESE Widow-Widowers Spiritual—Tea (Or Coffee if you prefer!) All women and men who have experienced the loss of a spouse are invited to share together a cup of comfort, a cup of tea/coffee. This morning tea will include a time for prayer, faith comfort notes and fellowship. Held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month starting Sept. 10 – Oct. 8-Nov. 12 at 10:00 to 11:00 am. at the Family Life Office, 5379 Portage St., Lilly. Reservations required one week before, call Family Life at 814-886-5551. This is an on-going program held the 2nd Wednesdays of every month. “Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage” Presentation and Italian Dinner Party Sunday, October 19 – 4:00-6:30 pm at New Germany Hall, 635 New Germany Road, Summerhill. This evening will include savory appetizers, a delicious Italian Buffet and desserts. The presentation “Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage” will be presented after the Italian Dinner. Cost for the entire evening is $15 a person. Plan to attend this fun gathering of food, fun and fellowship. All are welcome! Reservation deadline: Oct. 6 (Reservations limited). Call: Family Life Office 814-886-5551. Engaged Couples Marriage Preparation Weekends Fulfills diocesan marriage preparation requirement. Nov. 7-8-9. Begins Fri. 8:00 pm and ends Sun. 3:00 pm. Held at the Sacred Heart Spirituality Center on Munster Road, Portage. For more information and future dates, call Diocesan Family Life Office 814-886-5551 or go to www.dioceseaj.org (Diocesan Offices, Family Life). Gift certificates available. Worldwide Marriage Encounter—Let Christ into your marriage so it can be a greater marriage. Restore and renew your marriage to a unity of heart by attending a Marriage Encounter Weekend Nov. 14-15-16 at the Antiochian Village and Retreat Center, Bolivar, PA.; Feb. 27, 28, March 1 at Toftrees Resort, State College. For more information, contact: (412) 635-7775 or visit website at www.YourMarriageIsWorthIt.org Worldwide Marriage Encounter-Commuter Weekend—Let Christ into your marriage so it can be a greater marriage. Restore and renew your marriage to a unity of heart by attending a Marriage Encounter Weekend on January 24-25 at the Sacred Heart Spirituality Center, Portage. For information, call: (814) 495-4854 or visit www.YourMarriageIsWorthIt.org Natural Family Planning Heard about this Family Planning Method? Husband and wife share the responsibility; no health risks; costs nothing; works with your fertility, not against it; scientifically researched; can improve marital communication; 98-99% success rate. NFP is an updated, scientific, Church approved method. For information/instruction, call the Family Life office 814-886-5551; familylife@dioceseaj.org. Certified instructors available throughout the diocese. Faith & Light – Sharing Faith & Friendship with Intellectual Disabled Persons A faith sharing group which also includes family members, caregivers, friends. Meets monthly, Sundays, 1:00-4:00 pm at handicap accessible locations in Altoona and Lilly. Call Gaye (814) 472-7317 or Family Life Office (814) 886-5551. www.faithandlight.org; www.faithandlightusaeast.org Is your marriage tearing you apart? There is hope through Retrouvaille, a Christian peer ministry. Retrouvaille (French for “rediscovery”) is Catholic, but open to all couples. See www.retrouvaille.org; for brochure or to talk to couples in our diocese who have used Retrouvaille contact diocesan Family Life Office (814) 886-5551 or familylife@dioceseaj.org Your marriage is meant to be a Sacrament—a source of life and energy. You owe it to yourself to heal. Is Your Marriage Hurting? MARRIAGE CARE is a new, free, diocesan couple-to-couple ministry for couples or individuals in stressed marriages who don’t know where to turn or what to do. Find hope, help, and healing, as a MARRIAGE CARE couple walks with you, offering confidential guidance and faith-filled support, through prayer (if you wish), discernment., resources and referrals you can trust. This is not counseling. (Professional counseling is available through Catholic Charities on a sliding-fee scale.) Contact MarriageCare@dioceseaj.org; 814-886-5551. You are not alone! MARRIAGE CARE couples are available throughout the diocese. Know someone married 5 or 10 years? A son or daughter, sibling, niece or nephew, or you yourselves...Bishop Mark has a message for you! To receive this letter, send the couple’s name, mailing address, email and whether married 5 or 10 years to the Family Life Office, 5379 Portage St., Lilly, PA 15938; 814-886-5551; familylife@dioceseaj.org. Be sure to indicate it is for the anniversary letter from Bishop Mark.
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