St Denis Parish 8 – 9 November 2014 Parish Priest Fr Peter Porteous Under the pastoral care of the Friar Servants of Mary OSM Micah 6.8 Hear then, what your God asks of you: To Act Justly, To Love Tenderly and to walk Humbly with Your God Dedication of The Lateran Basilica Parish Office 60 Osborne St, Joondanna, W.A. 6060 TEL: 9242 2812 FAX: 9242 2010 WEB SITE: The Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal for LifeLink will be held next weekend on 15/16 November 2014. Please collect your copy of Archbishop Costelloe’s personal letter at Mass this weekend, read his message during the week and give generously to support the valuable work of our Archdiocesan social service agencies. You can mail your donation directly in the reply-paid envelope provided, or return your envelope and donation for a Special Collection which will be held at Mass next weekend. Bulletin notices must be received by 9am Thursday and emailed to Weekend Mass Times Week Day Mass Times Saturday: Vigil Mass 6:30 pm Mon: No service Sunday: Mass 7:30 am Tue - Fri: Mass 8:00 am * 9:00 am Sat: Mass 8:30 am 6:00 pm * Public Holidays 8:30 am Other Services Benediction and Holy Hour: Friday 8:30 am Rosary: Daily before each weekday mass. Peregrine Healing Mass: Third Saturday of each month. 8:30am Reconciliation: Saturday You may also donate (securely) online by credit card at EMAIL: 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm Prayers of The Faithful Please keep the following in your prayers and thoughts throughout the coming week: We pray for builders of our Church, that they never succumb to short-sighted measures to make up for financial shortfalls or apparent scandals Readings for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A: 1st: PROVERBS 31:10-13. 19-20. 30-31 2nd: 1 THESSALONIANS 5:1-6 Gospel: MATTHEW 25:14-30 Joke of the Week Stan went along to a lecture but was not impressed with the academic style of the speaker. He complained to a friend as they were leaving the lecture hall: “He uses those big words so that people won’t know what he’s talking about, because if they knew what he was talking about, they’d know he didn’t know what he was talking about!” We pray for businesses and governments that build infrastructure and create public places, that they keep in mind the common good of all and weigh heavy the means they utilise to achieve their goals. We pray for architects who design buildings and gathering places, that their work might provide true experiences of beauty and build environments that provide opportunities for people to come to know God and each other more fully. We pray for the tradespeople who do the heavy lifting and invest long hours to maintain our way of life. We pray especially in thanksgiving for their families who make sacrifices which seem to go unnoticed and unappreciated in many areas of community. Rosters St Denis Part of Open House Building Exhibition Rosters for the period 29 November 2014 to the 31 May 2015 are being prepared. Last week the Parish Church was listed among 200 other buildings to be part of the Open House Building Exhibition in Perth. There were more than 100 architects who visited our church building over the two days. Could all those who are involved in any of the Ministries advise the Parish Office of their unavailability for this period by the 18 November 2014. It was a positive experience for the parish and has proved to be a wonderful Public relations event for the Parish. Mass Intentions Sat 8 Nov Sun 9 Nov The Biblical Foundation 6:30 pm Joseph and Claudina Fernandes (+) 7:30 am France Alphonse (+) 9:00 am Fr. Bob Anderson (+) 6:00 pm Antonino Stillitano (+) MonSouls 10 Nov Holy Tue 11 Nov 8:00 am No Communion Service 8:00 am David Butcher - Healing 8:00 am Diane’s Family Thu 13 Nov 8:00 am Fri 14 Nov 8:00 am Sat 15 Nov 8:30 am Fr. Bob Anderson (+) 6:30 pm Salvatore Sita (+) Sun 16 Nov 7:30 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm PLEASE NOTE: A contact telephone number is required on the Mass Intentions envelope in order to advise you if the day you requested is previously taken. Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima The Statue is available for any parishioner to have in their home. Please telephone the Parish Office on 9242 2812 or email (see bulletin cover). Although encouraged, it is your choice if you would like to invite visitors to join you in praying the Rosary. Our Lady’s Statue will be at the home of Sylvanna Rinaldi. Our Sacrificial Offering (1 / 2 Nov) Parish Collection: Collection to support the Parish Priest: Do you ever find yourself in need of spiritual nourishment? Don’t forget about the daily Gospel reflections the Biblical Foundation publish on their website! And, if you think these reflections would be helpful to others, please feel entirely free to use them in whatever way you like. The reflection for the upcoming Sunday is usually on their website by the Wednesday before. Wed 12 Nov $1,299.10 $600.55 I would like to thank Peter Pullen for his initiative and effort in having our parish Church listed with the Open House exhibition, as it involved a lot of consultation and planning work. So well done Peter and everyone else who contributed. Notre Dame University Are you interested in studying at Notre Dame, but not sure how to get in? Notre Dame offers a bridging course to get you started: the Foundation Year. This innovative program offers students the opportunity to apply for entry into undergraduate studies upon completion (except Law, Physiotherapy and Secondary Education). Apply today and join a course that is challenging, supportive and will provide you with an excellent foundation for lifelong learning. To apply, contact the Prospective Students Office: Tel: 08 9433 0533 - Email: Website: Local News Items 1. Youth Night: Hot Dog and Games night 21 Nov at 6pm in the Parish School Hall. 2. Rosters: Please advise of unavailability between 29 Nov 2014 and 18 Nov 2015. St Denis Youth Night The Parish would like to invite all our young people from 6th grade upwards to a Hot Dogs and Games Night in the Parish School Hall on Friday the 21st of November at 6:00pm. For more Information please contact the Parish Office on 9242 2812 All appointments with Father Peter (excluding Blessings) need to be arranged through the Parish Office and not before or after Mass or in the Sacristy. For any appointments with Fr. Peter please phone 9242 2812. Around The Archdiocese MONDAY, 10 NOVEMBER Advent: Treasuring our Sacred Texts: Keeping the Jesus story alive Come and hear about the Infancy Narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke with Sr Shelley Barlow rndm on three consecutive Monday evenings between 7-9pm on 10, 17 and 24 November or on three consecutive Thursday mornings between 9.30am to 12 noon on 13, 20 and 27 Nov. Further info and to enrol on or 08 9241 5221. FRIDAY, 14 NOVEMBER World Apostolate of Fatima This apostolate will hold an evening vigil in reparation for sin, for the conversion of sinners and for peace in the world on Friday, 14 November from 7-11pm at St Anthony’s Catholic Church, 96 Innamincka Rd, Greenmount WA 6056. Further info: Diana Fox on 08 9339 2614.
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