Holy Family Roman Catholic Parish

Holy Family Roman Catholic Parish
1021 McCarthy Blvd. N., Regina, SK S4X 3P9
Holy Family Parish is to be a facilitator to challenge and assist all people in their ongoing conversion to living the life of Jesus.
www.holyfamilyregina.com office@holyfamilyregina.com
Pastor: Rev. Carlos Jimenez ~ e-mail: carlos@holyfamilyregina.com
Assistant Priest: Rev. Gaspar Lucas
Pastoral Assistant: Jim Walker
Youth Ministry: Kaylene McQuaid
Assisting Priest: Rev. Marcel George
Office Administrator: Helene Marceau
Office Assistant: Audrey Stopanski
Building Maintenance: Trevor Moskal
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 12 NOON; 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Office Phone: (306) 949-7678
Fax: (306) 949-4977
Email: helene@holyfamilyregina.com
NOVEMBER 8 & 9, 2014
Nov. 08, Sat.
5:00 PM
Nov. 09, Sun.
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
- Mass (+John & Eva Muhr
requested by M. Beck)
1:30 PM
Nov. 10, & Nov. 11
- Mass
- Mass
- Baptisms
Poppies may be purchased in foyer.
1st Reading: Ezekiel 47.1-2, 8-9, 12
Resp. Psalm: Ps. 46.1-2, 4-5, 7-8 (R.4)
2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 3.9b-11, 16-17
Gospel: John 2.13-22
Nov. 10, Mon.
Nov. 11, Tues.
7:00 PM
- ACTS Bible Study in UMR
7:00 PM
- Mass (+ Ed Perreaux
The new Missals are now available for purchase
in the foyer. The cost is $5 each.
Nov. 12, Wed.
9:00 AM
- Mass (+Jake Heisler
Nov. 13, Thur.
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
9:00 AM
- No LIFT in LMR
- Mass (+ Alice McPhee
Nov. 14, Fri.
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
9:00 AM
- Senior Confirmation Session/ LMR
- Mary Bible Study in UMR
- Mass (+ Bert Angielski
requested by G. Chicoine)
requested by J. Boschman)
2015 Holy Family Church Calendars are also
available for $3 each.
ADVENT Reflection Booklets available for $ 3 each.
requested by B. & D. Blyth)
The Holy Family Knights of Columbus Gala Fundraiser
November 15, 2014 in the Parish Hall,
Cocktails at 6 PM followed by dinner at 7 PM.
This year’s entertainment will be Regina's own
Jack Semple and Family.
requested by V. Angielski)
Nov. 15, Sat.
5:00 PM
Get your tickets this weekend!
- Mass (+ Pearl Cocks
requested by G. Chicoine)
Nov. 16, Sun.
Tickets $50 each for dinner & entertainment.
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
6:00 PM
- Mass
- Mass
- SOURCE @ Holy Child
NOVEMBER 10: No EDGE. EDGE is for grades 6 - 8 and meets Mondays in the hall from 7 PM - 8:30 PM. Please contact
Kaylene @ 306-949-7678 for more information.
NOVEMBER 12: No LIFT. LIFT is for grades 9 - 12 and meets Wednesdays in the hall from 7 PM – 9 PM.
Please contact Kaylene @ 306-949-7678 for more information.
NOVEMBER 16: SOURCE will be held at Holy Child from 6 PM – 9 PM.
NOVEMBER 18: Holy Family Parent & Tot - Prayer and Play - Contact Josée O'Blenis at joblenis@sasktel.net.
NOVEMBER 22: Save a Life. The Health and Wellness Committee has planned a CPR/AED (Level C-Red Cross) training session
on Saturday, Nov. 22 from 12:30 PM - 4:30 PM in the upper meeting room at Holy Family. There are 10 spots available and the
cost of training will be covered by the parish. The training will increase our parishioners’ confidence in a situation that may
require CPR/AED use. To register please contact Anna Kristoff, Health and Wellness at 306-543-2175 or a.b.kristoff@sasktel.net.
DECEMBER 10 - 12: Parish Mission with Jim Murphy. Keep these dates open. More information will follow.
STEWARDSHIP: Don’t forget to submit your entry for the Stewardship Word Jumble. A box is set out in the foyer. Prize is a $10 Robin’s Gift Card.
Lectors - Please pick up your personalized missal at the Mass Ministry Table in the foyer (by east entrance door.)
Music Groups - Please pick up your new missals, available for you in the music area.
Would you like to become more involved in your parish faith community? There are many ministries that fall under the umbrella
of Liturgy that you could join. For example: Altar Servers, Art and Décor, Children's Liturgy (Leaders/Helpers), Eucharistic Ministers
(Bread/Chalice), Ministers of Hospitality, Lectors, Mass Coordinators, Music, and Tech Ministry. If you feel called to join any of these
groups, we would LOVE to have you. Once you sign up at the Mass Ministry Table in the foyer, the coordinator of the group(s) you are
interested in will contact with you to answer any questions you may have. God Bless! Bernie Eckel~ Liturgy Chair e-mail: eckel@myaccess.ca.
Parish “Finances at a Glance” as of November 3, 2014
General Donations beginning January 2014-----------$ 303 372.97
Building Fund Donations 2014 ---------------------------$ 38 467.40
World Missions --------------------------------------------- $ 3 439.35
Balance of Building Loan -------------------------------- $ 2 127.84
Annual Appeal to date ----------------------------------- $ 29 165.00
Payments to November 3, 2014-------------------------- $ 295 228.03
Building Fund Loan Repayments 2014 -------------- $
40 000.00
Trust Collections------------------------------------------- $ 22 855.00
40 % of Parish Goal 2014 ------------------------------ $
72 411.00
Archdiocesan Annual Appeal Please note:
1. Donations may be made by cash, cheque or credit card. If you are donating by cheque, please make the cheque
payable to Holy Family Regina.
2. If you have been making monthly contributions through pre-authorized payments at Holy Family,
please hand in your pledge card to the office.
New Collection Envelopes for 2015 will be issued in early December. NOW is the time to let us know if you
want to make changes in the way you make your donations. As parishioners you have the option of receiving
envelopes if you make regular donations, or you may make your contributions through our Pre-Authorized
Payment Plan. You may want to consider making your contributions the hassle-free way. With our Pre-Authorized Payment
option, your contributions are made automatically on the monthly payment date - and you don’t even have to sign the cheque!
Pre- Authorization Payment sheets are available at the “New to the Parish” table in the foyer. Either way you receive a set of
envelopes with a number unique to its user. Anyone who makes donations either of these two methods receives a tax-receipt.
If you do not already have envelopes and wish to use them in 2015, please fill out the form at the back of this bulletin and check
the appropriate box. Please make any changes prior to November 15.
A good, pious way to help us in our Advent preparation has been the use of the Advent wreath. The wreath is a circle, which
has no beginning or end. So we call to mind how our lives, here and now, participate in the eternity of God’s plan of
salvation. The wreath is made of fresh plant material, because Christ came to give us new life through His passion, death, and
resurrection. Three candles are purple, symbolizing penance, preparation, and sacrifice; the pink candle symbolizes the same
but highlights the third Sunday of Advent, when we rejoice because our salvation is nearer now than when we first became believers.
The light represents Christ, who entered this world to scatter the darkness of evil and show us the way of righteousness. The progression
of lighting candles shows our increasing readiness to meet our Lord. In all, during Advent we strive to fulfill the opening prayer for the
Mass of the First Sunday of Advent: “Grant your faithful, we pray, almighty God, the resolve to run forth to meet your Christ with righteous
deeds at his coming, so that, gathered at his right hand, they may be worthy to possess the heavenly Kingdom.”
NOVEMBER 15: St. Basil's Ukrainian Church, is holding a workshop from 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM – “Learning About Eastern
Christianity” with special guest Bishop Bryan Bayda of the Eparchy of Saskatoon. $20 registration. RSVP (bretzky@hotmail.com)
NOVEMBER 16: Free Spirit & Friends at Our Lady Of Peace Parish, 425 Broad St. N. on Thursday at 7:00 PM. Come and join
us for a walk down "memory lane." Sing old time songs from the 40's & 50’s as a tribute to our war veterans. Everyone is welcome.
Coffee, treats & fellowship to follow. There will be a free-will offering.
NOVEMBER 16: Italy and the Holy Land! In one tour! Walk where Jesus walked and taught. Then on to Italy where
Christianity blossomed - Assisi, Florence and of course the eternal city, Rome. 15 days, fully escorted, October 2015. You are invited
to an informational meeting at Christ the King Parish Centre Sunday after the 11 AM Mass. Contact Rose @ 306-586- 8680.
NOVEMBER 18: The Calling of the Band Clan - In celebration of the 40th anniversary of Regina Catholic Schools' Band Days,
an alumni band is being formed. A meet and greet will be held at Brewster's, 4180 Albert St., Tuesdayfrom 6 PM - 9PM. If you want
to join the band or simply reconnect with old friends, join us at Brewster's. For more information email j.atter@rcsd.ca or check out the
Alumni Band Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/rcsalumniband.
NOVEMBER 27 & 28: St. Therese Institute in Bruno, SK presents Silent Before the Crib, a mini Advent retreat offering the
opportunity for guided reflection and silence, as we prepare our hearts to welcome and celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord. Supper at
5:30 PM on Friday, evening programming begins at 7 PM, ending Saturday at 4 PM. Register today by visiting http://st-t.ca/twt.
or call Carolyn at 306-369-2555.
DECEMBER 6: Christmas is a difficult time of the year for anyone who has lost a loved one. ‘Mourning to Dawn Grief Ministry’ and
St. Therese Institute of Faith and Mission invite you to join in for Christmas Without You: A Day of Hope and Support For Those
Who Have Lost a Loved One. When: December 6th from 10 AM - 4 PM Cost: $20.00 (includes lunch). To register call 306-369-2555
or register online at www.StTherese.ca.
DECEMBER 12: Camp Monahan’s Annual Fundraising Dinner, Dance & Silent Auction ~ A Great Option for Your Christmas
Party @ The Owl Multipurpose Room, 3737 Wascana Parkway. Live Music by Carnival. Tickets $25.
Ticket & info: 306-522-1047/campmonahan@sasktel.net.
Getting married? Want a weekend away to focus on your relationship? "A Wedding is a Day, a Marriage is a Lifetime". Catholic
Engaged Encounter uses a tried and true method of marriage preparation. For more information please call Kim and Vance Weber
at 306-698-2466, or go to www.ceewest.com.
The Archdiocesan Resource Centre has many books and DVDs for both children and adults that can be borrowed FREE-OF-CHARGE.
Check them out on-line at www.archregina.sk.ca under the Resource Centre tab, call Teresa at 352-1651 or drop in at 445 Broad Street North.
November 8
5:00 PM
J. Myers
November 9
9:00 AM
G. & A.
November 9
11:00 AM
D. & L.
P. Owens
M. Young
G. Stopanski
J. Huber
M. Wrubleski
H. Funke
L. Young
R. Chomos
D. Leach
J. Myers
H. Weninger
F. Benoit
M. Benoit
J. Luther
A. Skinner
M. Taylor
M. Geiger
R. Geiger
R. Toogood
A. Stopanski
P. Obrigewitsch
J. Toogood
R. Coulter
M. Dizy
November 15
5:00 PM
V. Angielski
November 16
9:00 AM
T. & D.
November 16
11:00 AM
M. & M.
J. Van Brek
A. Schubert
C. Wasylyniuk
J. Grill
D. Carvell
B. Eckel
P. Roth
R. Wandler
G. Stopanski
M. Lewans
C. D’Souza
M. Bzdell
C. Holloway
L. Carvell
D. Beitel
C. Bzdell
D. Carvell
P. Pilon
M. Symes
S. Beaubien
S. Schnell
R. Schier
L. Ciarciaglini
V. Angielski
E. Danylczuk
W. Petersen
A. Ward
D. Seiferling
K. Grumbly
P. Taillon
M. Sentes
R. Gareau
P. Nijman
J. Corkery
S. Herauf
H. Funke
L. Zdunich
I. Huculak
T. Chobot
L. Garratt
P. Gianoli
J. Vergel de Dios
R. Coulter
A. Toogood
C. Botkin
S. Phipps (h)
K. & M. Herod
M. Lazorko
B. Shanner
Bond Family
McCann Family
Bryson Family
Bond &
Norton &
Goudy &
Moyer Families
Cullins Families
Buzash Families
T. Biss, M. Toth, T. Chobot, I. Huculak
K. & M. Herod
M. Lazorko
B. Shanner
Spanier Family
Schumack Family
Buzash Family
Sanville &
Le Bruno &
Bauer &
McCann Families Macknak Families Margetts Families
W. & P. Trenouth, D. & P. Wanner