The Holy Trinity and Our Lady Fleet & Church Crookham

The Holy Trinity and Our Lady
Fleet & Church Crookham
The Holy Trinity (HT)
Aldershot Road
Church Crookham,
GU52 8JU
Priest: Fr Sean Tobin 01252 616963
Deacon: Rev John Cumpsty 01252 683606
Parish Administrator: Sara Oliver
Parish Office
Our Lady (OL)
Kings Road,
GU51 3ST
2 Connaught Rd, Fleet GU51 3RA. Telephone 01252 616963., Website:
Fr Sean:
Charity No 246871
Welcome to all visitors to the parish!
Please join us for refreshments in the Parish Room after 9am Mass, or
Our Lady’s Hall after 10.30am Mass.
Sat 1st Nov:
Edna & John McGarry RIP
(J&J McG)
Sun 2nd Nov:
9.00am (HT):
Norma Doohan RIP (Fr S)
People of The Parish
Mon 3rd Nov:
9.30am (HT):
The Holy Souls
Tues 4th Nov:
Sorry No Service
Wed 5th Nov:
9.30am (OL):
The Jackson & Dunne
Family. (SD)
Thur 6th Nov:
9.30am (HT):
James and Elizabeth
Hanrahan RIP (PL)
Fri 7th Nov:
9.30am (OL):
Theresa Blackwell RIP (JC)
Sat 8th Nov:
Dedication of The
Lateran Basiilica
Edna & John McGarry RIP
Anniv (J&J McG)
Sun 9th Nov:
9.00am (HT):
Dedication of The
Lateran Basiilica
Una Frances & John
Joseph Grimes RIP
Carlos Alves RIP (FA)
Over the years I’ve heard the Saints referred to as our role models. In a world
where ‘celebrity’ is rife, the Saints lead
us in the right direction, that being, to
God as opposed fame and fortune. Many
of the Saints were something of a ’rum’
lot, they were not perfect in life, however they came to mirror the image of
Christ in the world in which they lived;
either through prayer or service. It is of
course, the role of each of us saints in
the making, to portray that image also.
What image of Christ do you portray?
What is your image of Jesus? This is a
question we will be pondering on soon. I
know Advent is some weeks away, but
not long! During Advent we are going to
be focussing on ‘Images of God’ as we
lead up to the Feast of the Nativity,
when the Image of God became flesh
and lived among us. You will be asked to
share your images, either through a
word, through a picture or poem, whatever. These thoughts and feelings of
each of us will be displayed around our
churches. This may help others in their
relationship with the Father. (Is your image of God as Father? It’s not to everyone.) You may benefit from thinking of
God in another way. Today though we reflect upon those who know the true image of God in His presence.
Our Parish is part of the North East Hampshire Pastoral Area
Reconciliation: 5pm on Sat at Holy Trinity
or by appointment with Fr Sean.
Liturgy of the Word: All Saints
1st Reading:
Apoc 7:2-4,9-14
Rest in Peace: Please pray for the repose Resp Psalm: “ Such are the men who seek
Your Face O Lord.”
of the soul of Peter Vaughan who died recently. Peter was a regular worshipper 2nd Reading:
1Jn 3:1-3
here in the parish. We pray for his family
Matt. 5:1-12
also at this difficult time.
Evangelisation 'in the
heart of the family.’
Sacramental Preparation
Baptism: This weekend we welcome
Kristina Pires-Cox who will be baptised at
the 10.30am Mass in Our Lady’s.
May she know God’s blessing.
A series of workshops for all who want to
show their caring love by passing on their
Faith to those near to them.
First Holy Communion: The next sessions
are: For parents: 4th Nov 8pm Our Lady’s
6th November - THE HOME
Hall. For children: 8th Nov 9.30am Our La13th November - THE MASS
20th November - THE COMMUNITY
27th November - THE SACRAMENTS
Confirmation and Emmaus: Preparation
In Our Lady's Hall, Fleet at 8 pm on Thurs- for Confirmation begins on 22nd Feb in
days facilitated by Bridie Stringer,
Our Lady’s Hall from 6-8pm with an InforSarah van Wely, Paul Latawski,
mation and Introductory session. Please
Gabriel Chevalier & Fr Sean.
complete an application form,
Everybody Welcome
which can be found in the church
porch and return it to Fr Sean
Prayer in the Parish
Adoration: Tuesday Adoration 7-9pm. Holy
Trinity house.
Thursdays from 10am—4pm. Holy Trinity.
Mother’s Prayer: Weds 10am (after morning Mass) in Our Lady’s Hall
Don’t forget, the next Emmaus
group meets this weekend 2nd Nov at Our
"Do you enjoy working with young people and would you like to be part of the
Parish youth mission? Then please pass
your details to Brian McDermid via the
Parish Office.”
Journey of Faith: (RCIA) At Our Lady’s,
8pm every Wednesday. This week we are
Friday Prayer Group: Fri 10am-12pm. Our looking at Saints and the call to holiness.
Lady’s Hall
Divine Mercy: Fri 2-3pm Our Lady’s
Other Catholic Communities in the NE Hants Pastoral Area.
St Joseph’s & St Mary’s Aldershot
Tel. 01252 320956
Fr Chris Whelan
St Swithun’s Yateley &
St Thomas More, Hartley Wintney
Tel. 01252 872732
Fr Simon Thomson
Our Lady & St Dominic, Cove
Tel. 01252 546897
Fr Tony Sultana
Our Lady Help of Christians,
North Camp
Tel. 01252 545364
Fr Dan O’Donohoe
In the month of November we pray for all the Faithful Departed. Please remember you can write the names of your loved ones who have died in the
Book of Remembrance or place their names in the box at Holy Trinity.
There will be a Mass for the Bereaved on Sat 29th Nov, 11am, Our Lady’s.
Parish News
Blessing of Graves: The Annual
Blessing takes place on Sun 2nd
Nov at 3pm, Fleet Cemetery.
Please come along as we pray
for the faithful departed
Parish News
James Snyder: As you may be aware,
James from our parish, is currently in formation for the Permanent Diaconate.
James was told he will receive his formal
Candidacy on 22nd Nov at Oscott Seminary, Birmingham. Please keep him in your
prayer as he prepares for this important
Please pray also for Michael Browne who
was a member of Holy Trinity for a number
of years. Michael was ordained a permanent Deacon this weekend in Nottingham.
Holy Land 2014: Cards and prints from a
Watercolour Montage by Rita Gaunt will
be available for sale and to order in the
porch after all Masses on
weekend 8/9 November.
Please note the picture
here doesn’t do justice to
Christmas Bazaar: If you are willing to
the original or the prints!
help at the Christmas Bazaar please come
Calling all Musicians: Would you like to to a meeting on Weds 5th November at
join the orchestra for the Feast of Christ 10am in the Parish Room at Holy Trinity.
the King? Please let Louise know so that The Bazaar itself will take place over the
you can start learning the music. Contact: weekend of 29th/30th November and we
will need donations of cakes, toys, gifts
and bottles nearer the time.
Journey on in Faith: Meets every Wed
8pm in Holy Trinity Parish Room. These Jane Walker: From The Philippine Commuevenings are based on study of the previ- nity Fund would like to thank Father Sean
ous Sunday Readings in the Liturgy of the and all Parishioners for the very warm welWord, to help us think, discuss and pray. come they gave her. A massive thank you
All are welcome!
as well for the Collection which raised
£1278 - 74. The Sale of Gift Items raised a
Christmas Meal at Peppones: Thurs 18th
further £550 . Thank you so much for your
Dec 7pm. A choice of starter (cold), main
kindness and generosity.
course (hot), dessert and coffee (price
£20 per head). Wines/beers etc available. Thank you: To the Knitwits and all who
When details of menus arrive they will be supported the CWL by buying knitted popput on the respective noticeboards. Mini- pies. £250 was raised for the Royal British
bus available on a list-booked basis. Plac- Legion.
es are limited and several places already
reserved. Veg options possible. Contact Prayer Evening at Church of Our Lady on or phone 01252 Wednesday 12th Nov on the theme of Social Justice. 7-45 for 8pm start.
Office hours: Tues (10-1) Thur (10-1) Fri (10-1)
Parish email:
Parish Website:
Charity No 246871
Churches Together
Wider Church & Community
FACCTS. An exciting Job Opportunity:
FACCTS has worked for over 12 years on
behalf of our local churches to provide
schools workers and volunteers to serve
our schools in a variety of ways. We’re
looking to employ a part-time worker to
work alongside the current part-time
workers, Luke and Julie. This is a flexible
position for up to 15 hours a week term
time only. Salary, based on the JNC youth
worker scale, is dependent on experience
and qualifications. More information on
our website Please
contact: Rev Dan Haylett
or phone
617698. Interviews 8 Dec 14.
St Joseph’s School, Aldershot: Remembrance Service will be held on Tues 11th
Nov, 10.45. Open to everyone. Please
come along and support the school.
Parish Finances
Finance Sunday: On the weekend of
15/16th Nov, members of the parish Finance group will be presenting a report to
the parish, enabling you to know where
your contributions are going and telling
you the state of the parish financial resources. As a charity it is important we do
this, and it helps raise awareness about
the level of parish giving. Members of the
group will be available after Mass also to
answer any questions you may have.
Collection for 26th Oct. 2014
Total: £1375.70 of which £339.31 in cash,
£483.86 in Envs and £552.53 via S/O.
The retiring collection and sale of goods
for the PCF came to £1078.74 thank you
for your kindness!
There will be a second collection this
weekend for Bamenda.
Hart Food Bank: Have advised shortages
of UHT Milk, Tinned Meat and
any Christmas treats (e.g.
mince pies, Christmas puddings etc); and donations of these items in
particular would be most appreciated.
Operation Christmas Child. Shoebox Appeal: please return your full Shoebox to
the parish no later than Sunday 9th Nov.
For further details contact Ellen Gotel on
Crondall Support Group: invite you to our
Christmas Fair in aid of the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice. Preview evening (open to
all) Wed 5th Nov 6.30-8.30pm £5 entry
(includes fizz and canapes) and Thur 6th
November 10 am-4pm (£2 entry includes
lucky ticket). Come and enjoy festive
stalls, Christmas Cards whilst raising money for the Hospice. Church Rooms, Croft
Lane, Crondall, GU10 5QF.
Healing Event: St Joseph’s Infant School,
Hazell Avenue, Aylesbury Bucks HP21 7JF
on Sat 8th and Sun 9th November with Fr
Laurence Brassill OSA, Mrs Pauline Edwards and team with opportunities for individual prayer. 10 am - 5pm (tea and coffee provided bring packed lunch). For further information contact Nicky Jones on
07362 69143 or email nickytm or Pauline Gilbert on
01296 483 951.
WE PRAY FOR THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND: Irene Anderson, Alan McCurrach, George
Whibley, Win Dendy, Julia Warman, Joseph Hopkins, Patricia Crutchley. Ruth Barnes,
Karen and Eleni Dove, Kathryn Hayden, Kevin Kelleher, Maeve King, Denis Cassidy,
Joan Light, Elizabeth Jones, Enid Webster, Liliana Mackie, Dcn David Morgan, Anthony
Wilson, Bill Byrne, Baby Angus McAlinden, Janet Coakley, Marie Brasher, Nancy Byrne,
Corrie Clements, Mary Dapre, Margaret Dorkin, Fr. Paddy Gillen, Nicola Hills, Ann
Keogh, June McCurrach, Derek McSweeney, Stuart Neal, Claire Stewart, Maureen Walker, Josephine Walton, Sheila Williams, Mary Lynch.