HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC PARISH - GRANVILLE - HSC exams Please continue to pray for the students of the parish. HOLY TRINITY PARISH WEEKDAY MASSES Tuesday - 7.00pm (Adoration 6.30pm) Wed, Thurs & Sat 8.15am Friday 9.15am Mass of Anointing 1st Saturday 8.15am RECONCILIATION Saturday 5.00pm or by appointment PARISH TEAM: Priests of the Parish: Fr Clifford D’souza msfs Fr Jerson Desouza msfs Parish Office: Tuesday - Friday Mrs Sonia Hoetzinger Mrs Annette Wirz Mrs Judith Smith Let us offer gifts of prayer: Recently Deceased: Angel Garcee Penalosa (in Philippines), Chafic Saleh (in Lebanon), Lindsay Cameron, Fr Peter Murray Anniversaries: Pepito Tabao, Joe Grech Remembrances: Joseph Chebatte, Sam Grech, Miklina Azzopardi, Gravino, Zammit and Caruana families, Gertrude Toohill, Cyriaco Pinto, Kalaban Youseff Abboud We pray for the sick & their carers: Jack & Ellen Smeal, Christabel Segarajasinghe, Elizabeth Hicks, Cym Rao, Terri (daughter of Betty Jefferys), Janelle Allan, Peter Rahme, Elsie Bugeja, Flory Pinto, Reg Bruuchauser, Thomas Brady, Miicah Mbugua, Tony Moussa, Eddy Saunig, Ester Matos, Sean Brennan, Eileen Flanagan, Ben Nursoo, Marlene Ashton, Leslie Cotter, Joyce Dwyer, Pauline Bugeja, Elsie Sepion, Thora McEvoy, Bill Edwards, Betty Borg, Eileen Dean Last Term Catechist (SRE) Meeting / Newly Recruited Catechists Wednesday 15th October 9.30am in the Parish Office Everyone is welcome to join the Holy Hour for Vocations on the 3rd Thursday of each month for an hour of adoration, prayer, music and quiet time. Fr Warren Edwards – Vocations Director: tel 0409 172 700, vocations@parra.catholic.org.au Date: Thursday 16 October, from 7pm-8pm. Venue: Blessed Sacrament Chapel, St Patrick’s Cathedral, 1 Marist Plc, Parramatta. This appeal will take place next weekend, 18/19th October. Please give generously. - Parish Vision and Mission Statement ‘To act justly, love tenderly and to walk humbly with our God’ Micah 6:8 We the parishioners at Holy Trinity unite to build a welcoming and worshipping community centred around the Eucharist; involving families and youth to reach out to all in love and service. Church: Cnr Randle & Bennalong Streets, Granville Office: 1 Randle Street, Granville Phone: 9637 1904 Fax: 9637 8915 Email: office@granvilleparish.org.au Website: www.granvilleparish.org.au Holy Hour for Vocations on 16 October http://www.facebook.com TrinitariansYouth Ministry Granville Catholic Mission Appeal TWENTY - EIGHTH SUNDAY - YR A - 11TH & 12TH OCTOBER 2014 SUNDAY MASSES Saturday 6.00pm Sunday 7.30am & 9.30am Vietnamese - 6.00pm Youth - last Sundays 9.30am Ghanaian - second & last Sundays 11.30am Trinitarians Corner Pastoral support: Deacon Joseph Vinh-Phu Ledang Br Charles Barry fsp (Thurs) Miss R Chidiac - Sacramental Co-ordinator SCHOOLS OF THE PARISH: K-6 - Holy Trinity Ph 9682 4911 Principal - Mrs Helen Boyer www.htgranville.catholic.edu.au Delany College -Years 7-12 Ph 9637 7788 Principal - Mr Peter Wade www.delanygranville.catholic.edu.au Rosters for Next Weekend 18/19 Oct Altar & Church Cleaning - Team 3 Mary Dao, Vu Thi Vi & Vietnamese Community Readers Vigil : R Hanson, K Ferris 7.30am : J Miranda, Sisters, Sisters 9.30am : T Boada, M Prasad, R Chidiac Children’s Liturgy Rafael, Reanne, Raphaella, Lara, Joanne Holy Trinity Friendship Group Our final bus trip of the year will be “Broken Bay to the Entrance”. Please note the date - Tuesday 21st October not the second Tuesday as previously advised. Bookings and info: John Borg 9644 8263 or Perfecta Molinaro 9637 7598 Feasts / Saints this week Tuesday 14 - St Callistus I, pope, martyr Wednesday 15 - St Teresa of Jesus, virgin, doctor Thursday 16 - St Hedwig, St Margaret Mary Alacoque Friday 17 - St Ignatius of Antioch, bishop, martyr Saturday 18 - St Luke, evangelist A Parish HSC Prayer Heavenly Father, we bring before you our HSC students. Give them the gifts of wisdom, right judgement, knowledge and courage. Bless them with calm hearts and clarity of mind as they sit for their exams. May they be affirmed in their efforts and may they know that you are there with them. We pray that they will stay calm under pressure and perform to the best of their ability. May they feel your loving presence in their lives, now and always, and may they be strengthened by the prayerful support of us, their parish community. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen Artes Christi presents THE JEWELER’S SHOP: The first Feast Day of St John Paul II is 22 October and to celebrate don’t miss The Jeweler’s Shop, a profoundly beautiful play on human love & marriage written by St John Paul before he was elected pope. As specifically indicated by St John Paul II, the play will be staged in the unique style of the Polish underground theatre with no sets or props & performed in a recitative style (reading only). SYDNEY: Sat 25 Oct, 7.30pm, Seymour Centre (Cleveland St Chippendale); PARRAMATTA: Sun 26 Oct, 3pm, Riverside Theatre (Church St, Parramatta). Tickets from $20, bookings essential, Ph. (02) 93517940 (Sydney) or (02)88393399 (Parramatta) or WWW.THEWORD.ORG.AU Schoenstatt Jubilee on 19 October You are invited to celebrate 100 years of the foundation of the Schoenstatt Movement, which was established in 1914 by Fr Joseph Kentenich in the Schoenstatt Valley in the Rhine region of Germany. Schoenstatt is a Catholic lay movement that strives to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the example and guidance of Mary, the Mother of God. Date: Sunday 19 October beginning at 10.30am with Solemn Pontifical Mass followed by lunch. In the afternoon an international festival will conclude with Benediction at 3pm. Venue: Mount Schoenstatt, 230 Fairlight Road, Mulgoa. Details: tel (02) 4773 8338, info@schoenstatt.org.au Marriage and Pre-Marriage Education Survey Couples who are engaged or who have married in the past 12 months are invited to participate in a Marriage and Pre-Marriage Education Survey being conducted by Catholic Care and Relationships Australia through the Australian Catholic University (ACU). Participate: online survey via the link on CatholicCare Parramatta’s website: www.ccss.org.au Closing date: Friday 31 October. Further details: Jennifer Perrott TB0107149@myacu.edu.au Treat yourself to a Retreat Day Hosted by the Missionaries of God’s Love Spiritual Association the day includes input from Sr Rosie Drum MGL on the theme of ‘Jesus’ Look of Love’, adoration and quiet reflection time, prayer ministry, lunch (please bring something to share), and Mass at 2pm celebrated by Fr Ken Barker MGL. Date: Sat. 18 Oct, 10am- 3pm. 3pm.Venue: Missionaries of God’s Love Sisters, 11 Torbert Ave, Quakers Hill. Contact MGL Sisters: 9626 8382, Maureen Richardson 0417 042 790, Maureen_l_richardson@hotmail.com Holy Trinity Piety Stall Sacraments & Inspirational gifts, Bibles, books, rosary beads, cards, etc. Open for 6.00pm Vigil & 9.30am Sunday Masses Run by volunteers RICHARD C PLANCA & Associates PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT PROFESSIONAL TAX PRACTITIONER REGISTERED TAX AGENT ACCOUNTING AND TAXATION SERVICES Individual Income Tax returns Business Income Tax Returns SOLE TRADER PARTNERSHIP COMPANY TAX RETURNS 1/2 William Street Granville NSW 2142 PO Box 596 Granville NSW 2142 Mobile: 0418 646 025 DEBRA GATLEY JP Location Manager M 0418 490 673 Merrylands: T 02 9682 4899 F 02 9682 6411 Parramatta: T 02 9687 2600 F 02 9687 2643 Email: dgatley@guardianfunerals.com.au www.guardianfunerals.com.au Holy Trinity Parish appreciates the support of advertisers whilst not taking responsibility for the products and services. Holy Trinity Parish appreciates the support of advertisers whilst not taking responsibility for the products and services.
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