Holy Trinity Parish and St. Gerard's Mission

Holy Trinity Parish
Holy Trinity Parish
2725 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC V7N 3J2
Tel. 604-988-6304 • Fax 604-988-2600
Website: www.holytrinityparish.ca
E-mail: htchurch@shaw.ca
Office hours 9am– 3:30pm
Holy Trinity Elementary School • 604-987-4454
128 W. 27th Street, North Vancouver, BC V7N 2H1
Website: www.holytrinityschool.ca
St. Gerard's Mission
Father James P. Comey
Assistant Pastor:
Father Reynaldo Usman, AM
St. Gerard's Mission
1111 Miller Road
Corner of Miller & Melmore
Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G0
Website: http://StGerards.rcav.org
E-mail: StGerards@rcav.bc.ca
Welcome to all visitors and new parishioners.
Please complete the Registration form located in the church entrance.
Sundays - 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 a.m.
5:00 p.m. Saturday
Saturdays &
Public Holidays - 8:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday - 8:15 a.m.
1st Fridays also at
7:30 p.m.
Filipino Mass - 3rd Sunday - 7 p.m.
ST. GERARD’S MISSION, BOWEN ISLAND: Sunday Mass 10:30 a.m.
RECONCILIATION: Saturdays 9 - 10 a.m. and 4 - 4:45 p.m.
Weekdays 15 minutes before and after daily Mass.
Contact the Parish office well in advance.
Please contact the priests at least 4 months to the date of marriage, before any other
arrangements have been made. Pre-marriage course (September-June) is mandatory.
PASTORAL VISITS TO THE SICK: Hospitals do not inform us of admissions. Please notify the Rectory if you
want a Priest’s visit.
HOME VISITS & HOUSE BLESSING: Contact the priest directly.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Tuesdays 7:00 p.m.
Parish Religious Education Program: Wednesdays 6:15 p.m.—7:30 p.m.
Liturgy of the Word for Children (ages 3-6): Sundays 10 a.m.
Catholic Women’s League: 1st Monday 7:30 p.m.
Knights of Columbus: 2nd Tuesday 7:00 p.m.
Perpetual Adoration: 24 hours, 7 days a week 604-988-0725 or 604-986-4122
Marian Movement of Priests Rosary Cenacle: Mondays 7:30 p.m. 604-988-0725
Rosary: Following weekday Mass
Moms Who Care Prayer Group: for HT School on Fridays 9:30 a.m. 604-984-8822
January 25, 2015 - 3rd Sunday in ordinary time
The Liturgy of the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time reminds us once again
that God calls us to follow him and to be evangelizers (fishers) of others.
Like Jonah, Jesus called Andrew and Peter, James and John to convert the
people of their day. When He said “follow me” He demanded a
willingness to journey towards the poor and errant and a courage to
encounter others at the extreme limits of possibility. Their awesome call
is ours today. May we be strengthened in this Eucharist to respond as
Mass Intentions for this Week
Jan 24 8:30am
Jan 25 8:30am
Jan 26
Jan 27
Jan 28
Jan 29
Jan 30
Jan 31 8:30am
Feb. 1 8:30am
Giovanni Pistilli
Cecile VanNes
Bea Pickard
Bill Grant
Therese Hanlon-McMillan
Michelangelo Mariannina Cusano
Alexander Dobrzanski &Maria Frechko
Calogero Signorelli
Carmel & Patrick O'Doherty
Rev. James Comey
Michael Dalton
Therese Hanlon-McMillan
Justine Batoon
Erica Reyes
Valentina Remedios
Evelyn Teylan
Domingo Agueda & Isabel Retrta
This week at Holy Trinity
Mon. Jan. 26
Rosary Cenacle
Wed. Jan. 28
Last Tuesday evening I attended a meeting for the Infrastructural
Renewal of the parish buildings throughout the Archdiocese. We
are one of the few parishes that have done a comprehensive plan
for our church since we are refurbishing our parish church hall.
Our renewal down there will be the first phase of the seismic plan
for the church. The second phase will be the removal of the
outside stucco and sheeting the walls with plywood. This will
strengthen the exterior envelope. The third phase will come when
the roof needs to be replaced. Once again plywood will be applied
under the roofing and the tower will need to be reinforced from the
basement storage room to its peak.
I had a meeting with my neurologist on Wednesday to evaluate my
medication. My blood test showed that all is well and I have had
no episodes.
Several different contractors came to view the church hall on
Thursday morning in order to submit bids for doing the proposed
renewal. So many things need to be fixed down there and we may
not be able to do all of them.
Friday morning is the time when we prepare the bulletin and finish
off administrative things. In the afternoon, I accompanied the
sisters to Lions Gate Hospital and Evergreen House. I cannot stand
or walk very much but I visit parishioners and the people most in
need of the sacraments. The annual Appreciation Dinner in honour
of the many parish volunteers took place on Saturday evening. It
always is a great success.
Fr. James Comey
ASH WEDNESDAY is on Feb. 18th. Please bring last
year’s palms to the Sacristy.
CWL is hosting their annual
"Dine Out Dinner" at Trattoria,
Park Royal on Monday, February
2, 2015. Cost is $35. For more
information or to purchase a ticket
contact elainecalla@mac.com or
call 604-929-4431.
So many of us live with a hole in our hearts or see it in the people
around us. At the ONE conference we invite you to ignite your faith
life and spread the good news to others.
Come and Start Joy in your world by listening to great speakers,
celebrating Mass with Archbishop Michael and worshipping as ONE.
Sat. Feb. 14, 2015 at the Vancouver Convention Centre. Tickets can
be purchased online at rcav.org/one or at any parish.
You are invited to attend this next
session beginning Tues. February 3rd at 7pm in the school library.
CONFIRMED. Are you an active catholic adult that has not
received the Sacrament of Confirmation? The parish is inviting
you to attend Symbolon - adult education classes on Tuesdays in
the school library.
Welcome to holy trinity parish
front entrance of the church.
Attention: if you have an appointment on one of
the following dates: Jan. 25 or Feb. 12, 13, 14, 15
please be sure to arrive 10 minutes before your
To make an appointment for the next photo shoot
(Feb. 7 & 8) please phone ONLY on January 25 between the hours of
Noon and 5pm. The contact person is Anne Beresford. 604-985-5651
"Here I am, as you called me!"
This Sunday's Gospel reading recounts the story of a young boy, Samuel,
who served in a temple with a priest, Eli. Samuel was, in essence, the very
First Altar Server and he grew up to become a famous prophet and
priest. Altar serving is a very special and important calling. Students in
grades four and up are invited to join our Altar serving team, which
currently includes more than 50 students from ages 9 to 18. These young
people play a vital role in our weekend masses. A six week training
program will be held with Father Rey in the coming weeks (Dates TBA). If
you would like to join in and make a difference, please email
ht.altarservers@shaw.ca to receive a registration form and more
information. Thank you!
If you are contributing by Credit Card we would appreciate if you
would consider switching to Pre-authorized debt, as our fees would
decrease considerably.
Please update the parish office with any changes in phone number,
address or credit card information. Thank you.
S.T.A. Mid-year exams have begun at STA and continue until January 30.
Open House takes place on Thursday, February 5, all are welcome to
attend. Placement exam for students entering grade 8 in September 2015
takes place on February 24. To register a student for the exam contact the
school at 604-987-4431 or email bdougan@aquinas.org. For more
information about your local Catholic High School go to www.aquinas.org
“Best Lent Ever.”
We are offering a great opportunity for Lent this year that we are hoping the
entire parish will participate in. Dynamic Catholic has an email program
called “Best Lent Ever.” Participants receive daily emails with short
videos, inspirational quotes, and spiritual coaching from Matthew Kelly,
America’s best-selling Catholic author.
Lent is not just about giving things up. Lent is about doing something. We
encourage you to join the parish and sign up for Best Lent Ever. It’s free,
and all you have to do is go to BestLentEver.com and sign up.
Monday, February 2 parents with children preparing for their First Eucharist
gather at Holy Trinity School for the first week’s theme and instruction.
An alternate meeting will be on Saturday mornings at 10am in the
rectory. The theme this week is Belonging. We make our children
aware of how we came to belong to our family and the family of God
the Church. We share information re: our child’s birth, family and their
Sacrament of Baptism. On Saturday at the 5pm Mass we will celebrate
with pride our sense of belonging to our families and the Church.
If Jesus was actually visible in the Church,
everyone would run to welcome Him. But He
remains hidden in the Sacred Host, under the
appearance of Bread, because He is calling us
Just one hour, once a week, is all that He is
This is a simple matter of putting first things first. "In
everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and
crown your efforts with success." (Prov. 3:6-10).
We have the need for hours to be filled due to Adorers leaving
on vacations or illness, etc., especially midnight to 6:00 AM.
Please contact Veronica (604)988-0725.
Thank you for your response, and God Bless!
WEEKEND RETREAT February 6-8, 2015
Cost: $155.00 per person. Rev. Fr. Lawrence Donnelly –
Retreat Master. Pastor of St. Jude's Parish, Vancouver
Retreat Schedule: Friday, Feb. 6 – 7:30pm to Sunday, Feb. 8 –
1:30pm. at Westminster Abbey, Mission
To Register: Call Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Office
(604) 942-7808 or www.assumptionofmary.ca
Vocation Live-In
On the weekend of February 20 - 22, there will be a Vocation
Live-In for boys or young men interested in the priesthood or
the consecrated life, at the Seminary of Christ the King,
Mission, BC. For more information call 604.826.8715.
COUPLES: It’s not too early to register for the
APRIL 17-19 on the North Shore
Re-ignite that much-needed spark in your marriage!
604-876-7298 or wwmevancouverbc@gmail.com
Message from Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB
The 2015 Lunar Year for Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean,
Malaysian & other ethnic groups, coincides with Ash
Wednesday. Therefore, I dispense, in accordance with Canon
87.1, those of the faithful who are present in the Archdiocese of
Vancouver who will celebrate the Lunar New Year on Ash
Wednesday, Feb. 18, the dispensation from the laws of
abstinence and fasting.
However, as Lent is a penitential time of preparation for the
liturgical celebration of the Passion, Death & Resurrection of
Our Lord, Jesus Christ, I am obliging all who make use of this
dispensation to observe a day of fast & abstinence on one other
day at the beginning of Lent, such as Wed. Feb. 25 or Fri. Feb.
27. The mass and distribution of ashes takes place as usual on
Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2015.
Please note that this relaxation of the rule for such a significant
day in the Church’s liturgical year is a one-time dispensation
only and is not valid for future years.
Sow Much Love to Give - Share Lent 2015
The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and
Peace, a democratic movement for international solidarity,
supports partners in the Global South in the pursuit of
alternatives to unjust social, political and economic structures.
It educates the Canadian population about the causes of
impoverishment of peoples and mobilizes actions for change.
Join us for a workshop and reflection on Saturday, Jan. 31,
from 4-9pm at Holy Name Parish, Vancouver. Dinner will be
Driving/walking tours of
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Croatian Products
European Food
Meats & Cheeses
Party Trays
Gift Baskets
1625 Renfrew St.
Ph. (604) 255-1034
Thanks for supporting our bulletin
If you wish to advertise please call the parish
office. One year of advertising for only
Bell & Burnaby Funeral Chapel
Locally owned and operated
“The Slavin Family Since 1934”
4276 Hastings Street
Burnaby, B.C.
Tel: 604-298-2525
Personal Real Estate Corporation
75 years of service to the Catholic Community
Guaranteed pre-arranged funeral plans
(The Bequest Clause can be added to your existing Will as a codicil)
Bequest Clause
I give and bequeath to the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver, incorporated under a
special Act of Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, and whose offices are located in
Vancouver, British Columbia, for the benefit of Holy Trinity Parish, North Vancouver, BC
The sum of $___________ dollars
Or ___________ percentage of the estate
Or the total of the residue of the estate.