St. Polycarp Parish 135 Ransom Lane, Smyrna, DE 19977-1617 WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU Office Hours: 9:30 am - 3 pm weekdays (302) 653-8279 diocesan website: BECAUSE WE SEE CHRIST IN YOU Rev. Thomas A. Flowers (Fr. Tom), Pastor Patricia Freedman, DRE, 653-4101 Bernadette Baker, Administrative Assistant and Bookkeeper Betty Sloven, Secretary, 653-8279 Lori Vien, Daybreak Counseling, 222-0517 Jack Molyneau, Finance Council Tom Hopper, Facilities Rentals, 653-2314 The Academy at St. Polycarp (Pre-School) 499 W. South Street Nancy Koska, Director, 653-1496 WE CELEBRATE THE EUCHARIST 5 pm Saturday, 8 & 10:45 am Sunday (4 pm Nov. - Feb.) (10 am June - August) 8:30 am weekdays (except Thursday) 10:30 am Tuesday, DE Home for Chronically Ill WE FORM ADULTS & YOUTH IN FAITH Christian Formation Office, 653-4101 Judy Lamborn, DRE’s Assistant Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults St. John Bosco Home School Study Group Alison Seewald, 378-7198 ChristLife includes three 7-Monday programs Christ Renews His Parish weekends for men & women WE CELEBRATE FORGIVENESS Confessions 3:30-4:30 pm Sat. or by appointment in Fr. Tom’s office. No matter how long you may have been away, you are always welcome back! Image of St. Polycarp is from an original oil painting by Sean Faust which hangs in Mother Drexel Hall WE WELCOME NEW MEMBERS We will be happy to meet with you in our office or register you over the phone. You must attend Mass weekly for us to certify you to stand as a godparent for Baptism or a sponsor for Confirmation. Working adult children living with parents should receive envelopes. We mail contribution envelopes and have two collections every Sunday for diocesan & parish ministries. WE GATHER FOR PRAYER Eucharistic Adoration in St. Ann Chapel, 9 am – 9 pm Tuesday Sacred Heart Devotions, 9 am 1st Friday • Cenacle of Our Lady, 1st Friday, 9:30 am. Divine Mercy Devotions, 3 pm Friday, September-May BVM Sodality Knights of Columbus Br. Vincent Council Columbian Squires 4th Deg. Assembly Columbiettes Phyllis Ortiz 678-1212 Our Parish Mission We, are a welcoming Roman Catholic family of faith, a thankful, holy people sent forth from our celebration of the Eucharist to walk in faith, live in hope, and act with love for God and one another. Through our ministry we embrace the poor, the suffering, and the lost. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are committed to justice and peace through prayer, Christian formation the New Evangelization, and stewardship. Bud Whitlock 659-6962 Rich DeZao 677-1999 Rich DeZao 677-1999 Mary Lou Bush 883-2705 Holy Cross Elementary St. Thomas More Prep 674-5784 697-8100 Diocesan Vocation Office Rev. Dave Kelly 378-5800 Help With Pregnancy Post-Abortion Help 698-9311 472-0649 Day Break Counseling Lori Vien 222-0517 Improve Mail Delivery: Use the ZIP + 4 1883 St. Polycarp Church February 15th, 2015 6th Sunday in Ordinal Time World Marriage Day February 15, 2015 From Our Pastor’s Desk Someone recently asked if our parish would ever become a mission of Holy Cross. “Impossible!” I replied. When questioned why I was so certain, I replied, “In just a few years, there may be only 1 priest stationed in Dover!” In 1977, I became one of 105 diocesan priests in full-time ministry. Today there are just 68 of us. With retirements and deaths, that number could drop by 10 in another few years. (Remember: no ordinations last year, this year, or next year!) Not counting missions, we have 56 parishes (several more than when I became a priest). Half a dozen are staffed by religious communities (for how long, no one can predict). If we were to lose 10 priests within 4 years, the 58 remaining would have to staff at least 50 parishes. You don’t need to be a math whiz to see that we are trouble NOW! In Baltimore some parishes see a priest for only a Mass or two on Sun. Some of you reading this may find that, when it is time for the funeral of your mom or dad, a service will be led by a deacon or a lay person. (At one parish in Philly, the undertaker does the committal services at the cemetery.) We can twin parishes, as was done in the past couple years with Marydel & Dover and Our Lady of Fatima & St. Paul in Delaware City. Doing that, however, still leaves us with fewer priests trying to cover more people and more territory. More critical than a drop in numbers of priests is the disappearance of young adults. Every survey shows that those between 18 and 39 are the Catholics we are most likely to lose in coming years. In the Diocese of Wilmington (Delaware & the 9 counties of Maryland’s Eastern Shore), marriages over the past 15 years have declined by a startling 40%! Some raised Catholic go to other churches, where rules are fewer & easier. Others are satisfied with just a civil union, while the rest simply live together without benefit of legal marriage. Central Delaware is the fastest growing part of the state, but most of our newcomers are retirees. We welcome them, of course, as they help our parish grow, but the aging of our parish must concern us. One of my regrets is my inability these past 13 years to address the issue of how to reach out to young adults. Rich Seewald has done a marvelous job in developing ministry to teens thru the PSSR, but that must be only a first step. Evangelization includes more than converts to the Catholic faith--all of us need to be evangelized. Evangelium means “Gospel,” and each one of us needs daily conversion thru proclamation of the Good News. Our own personal growth in holiness and our compasssionate and generous service to others will attract and inspire others to learn about, and share, our faith. Lent once again offers us an opportunity to hear & read God’s Word, reflect on our individual relationships with Jesus, and evaluate how much more we can and should do to live our calling from the Lord. Let us pray daily for neighbors & family members who have fallen away from practice of the Catholic religion. Let us reach out to the “unchurched” who are searching for answers, meaning, healing, forgiveness, a place to belong. Let us pray that the R.C.I.A. will grow each year, drawing more and more folks to our parish. And let us intercede, too, for those young people whom the Lord is calling to serve Him and His Church as priests, deacons, and religious. May our final Lent together be filled with the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit! Fr. Tom 301 PAGE TWO LITURGY Masses & Prayer Bread & Wine for the Eucharist Today are given for couples in our parish who are faithfully & joyfully living the Sacrament of Matrimony. Our Sanctuary Lamp in Church burns for those preparing for Marriage. Our Sanctuary Lamp in St. Ann Chapel burns all of our widows & widowers. Mon., Feb. 16 Presidents Day 8:30 Jacqueline Perkowski --James Sloven Readings for Ash Wed.: Joel 12: 2-18, Psalm 51: 3-6b, 12-14, 17, II Corinthians 5: 20-6:2, and Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18 Tues., Feb. 17 Founders of the Servites 8:30 Mary McCoy --M/M Michael Moran, Jr. 9 am Eucharistic Adoration (St. Ann Chapel) 10:30 Phoebe & Wm Dunn & Family --Terri Readings Next Sunday: Genesis 9:8-15, Ps 25:4-9, I Peter 3:18-22, and Mark 1:12-15 Wed., Feb. 18 Musicians for Ash Wed.: no music (8:30 am), Peter on the organ (12:05 pm), Rosanne on the harp (6:30 pm) Ash Wednesday fast & abstain 8:30 Joseph Orlando --Angel & Al Grasso 12:05 Wanda Mann --Fran & Chuck Miller 6:30 Tommy Snyder --parents, Tom & Elaine Musicians Next Weekend: Richie (guitar, 4 pm & 10:45 am) and Peter (organ, 8 am) Thurs., Feb. 19 8:30 George Dunn Let’s Pray for the Sick Week I Leon Wallace, Baby Williams, Susan Mays Week II Darrin Tanis, Marie Carney, Eleanor Hartnett Week III Rev. John Riley Week IV Deborah Oset, Karen McKenna, Gerald Wong, Margaret Walters, Dave Brown Week V Diane Harman Week VI Bobby Bullins, Anthony Lennon, Lewis Blood Let’s Pray for Our Deceased Fr. Michael Kelleher & Msgr. Jan Gulcz (Sun.), Fr. Edward Wisniewski (Mon.), Deacon John Seador (Tues.), Fr. Henry Berg (Wed.), and Fr. John Connelly (Fri.) --wife, Terri Fri., Feb. 20 abstain 8:30 No Mass 3 pm Divine Mercy devotions (chapel) 6:30 Stations & Benediction Sat., Feb. 21 1:30 Reconciliation (2 hours) 4 pm the Wallaces --Terri Dunn Sun., Feb. 22 1st Sunday in Lent 8 am Missa pro Populo 10:45 Mario & Erminia DiNozzi --Fred & Anita Keyton Burning Alive & Beheading of People by the Islamist extremists calls all of us to more frequent & fervent prayer for the success of efforts to fight the war on terrorism and evils being propagated not only throughout the Middle East but on the city streets of the U.S. and our allies. 301 PAGE THREE Lent Has Its Origins in preparing catechumens for the Easter sacraments. Prior to the Council (1962-66), “the popular idea of Lent was a prolonged meditation on the Passion, with special emphasis on Christ’s physical sufferings. Understood only in light of the feast for which it prepares us, Lent is “the great Paschal retreat.” Vatican II’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy says, “By recalling or preparing for Baptism and by penance, it disposes the faithful, who more diligently hear the Word of God and devote themselves to prayer, to celebrate the Paschal Mystery.” Fasting initially lasted only a day or two; by the late 4th century, a 40-day fast (which mirrored Jesus’ fast in the desert) was observed. Christians ate one meal a day, abstaining from meat, fish, & dairy products. These rules grew less severe thru the years, and recent trends include greater emphasis on exercises of piety & works of charity. Making penance & discipline an end in themselves obscure the real purpose of Lent. (Instead of eating less just to lose weight, giving up food can provide money to give to charity; giving up cigarettes shouldn’t end in an Easter orgy of smoking 3 packs but rather lead to remaining free of cigarettes and fostering better health for the rest of one’s life.) Lent purifies us by weaning us away from sin & selfishness through self-denial and prayer, creating in us a desire to do God’s will and advances His kingdom by making it come first in our hearts. We who are baptized share our faith with catechumens, and the eagerness & joy of our elect inspire & challenge us to renew our faith & baptismal promises so that the entire Church experiences renewal of Her youth. Lent is not a preparation for confession but more ideally a period that follows confession, at the beginning of the season, reinforcing, thru Lenten practices, good intentions which otherwise can so easily whither on the vine. Our Long-Awaited Vestments have arrived. A new funeral pall (the cloth placed over the coffin as a reminder of Baptism) and a cope (the cape used for Benediction, processions, and for Baptisms & Weddings outside of Mass) were lovingly and reverently made by the Poor Clare Sisters in Wilmington. Our sincerest thanks to Sharon & Mike Gismonde for donating the pall (draped over the Communion rail) and an anonymous parishioner for donating the cope (hanging on the side wall). PARISH & FAMILY LIFE This Week in Our Parish Today 9 am PSR (gr. 1-4), 10:45 am baptisms at Mass, Noon wedding co-validation, 1:30 basket Bingo Mon. 12:30 pm Academy, Tues. 9 am adoration in chapel, 10:30 am DHCI Mass, staff Mardi gras lunch, 12:30 pm Academy, 6:30 pm R.C.I.A. & Finance Council, 7 pm PSR (Gr. 5-8) Wed. 8:30 am Mass/ashes & Academy, 9:15 ashes only, 12:05 Mass/ashes, 12:30 pm Academy, 6:30 pm pastors meeting on racial harmony, Mass/ ashes Thurs. 8:30 am & 12:30 pm Academy, 5 pm counseling Fri. 8:30 am Academy, 9 am Altar Guild III, 12:30 pm Academy, 3 pm Divine Mercy, 6:30 pm Stations of the Cross Sun. 9 am PSR (gr. 1-4). PSR Gr. 3 confessions, K of C breakfast, 10:45 am PSR Gr. 5&6 at Mass 301 PAGE FOUR To Prepare for the Synod on Families, we’ll meet Mar. 16, in the Patriot Room in the clergy residence to discuss issues raised at last Oct.’s Synod. Our input will go to the diocese & become part of info sent to Rome. If you want to review a summary in advance, contact us at or 6538279. SOCIAL CONCERNS Our Community Food Pantry needs ketchup, meal helpers, baked beans, canned diced tomatoes, & jelly. Don’t forget coupons, too! Ash Wednesday’s Collection provides money to our parish conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society to serve Christ in the neediest in our midst. Your almsgiving is an excellent way to begin the Lenten journey. When you look at the image of Jesus on the linen hanging near the side door next to the ambo, remember that you, by your charity, are serving Him. Next Weekend’s 2nd Collection helps us with the tremendous cost of fuel during these bitter winter days. HAPPENING ELSEWHERE Feb. 22 Catholic Forum of the Air 10:05 am, 1150AM WDEL & CHRISTIAN FORMATION Bring It Home… You see a basketball player make a sign of the cross before a free throw or a batter point to the heavens after a home run. At awards, winners often thank God. Today’s readings remind us to “do everything for the glory of God.” Take the Word of God and Bring it Home by pointing to the heavens when you accomplish something. Share stories of your & God’s Good News with others. STEWARDSHIP 5 th Sun. in Ordinal Time $ 5,249 Youth Ministries $ 837 Poor Box $ 252 We Had No 50/50 Winner on Feb. 8 (#928). Today’s jackpot is $160. Proceeds defray some of the cost of our Parish School of Religion. (Tuition covers only a portion of the huge expense of running our very professional and very pastoral program.) Trips With Our Diocesan Priests Shrines of France with Fr. Brian Lewis, June 8-16. Paris, Vezelay, Nevers, Paray-le-Monial, Ars, Lyon, Lourdes, & more! Air/and or land only. 999-0211 or Spain & Provence with Fr. Ed Aigner. Cruise the Rhone River in scenic South France. Trip begins June 27 in Barcelona, Spain. Includes Arles, Lyon, and more. Includes all tours and beer/wine with meals. Mary Grubert, (800) 275-0935 or Alaska Cruise in August with Fr. Aigner. Details available soon. Portugal, Estoril Coast, Azores & Madeira Islands, Nov. 6-18, with Fr. Tom Flowers. Fatima, churches & castles, scenic villages, volcanic lakes, pineapple & tea plantations, botanical gardens, waterfalls, & hot springs, and more! (888) 878-8187 or 653-8279 or 301 W. A. Faries, Jr. FARIES FUNERAL DIRECTORS, INC. Robert M. Timblin Six Generations Since 1831 Family Owned Crematorium • Pre-Planning Counseling • State of the Art Facility 302-653-8816 29 S. Main St. • Smyrna Seewald Woodworks, Inc. Replacement windows Bridge Way For all your building needs Framing & Trim Family Restaurant Owner & Operator Decks & Designs Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Renovations & Additions RICHARD B. SEEWALD 15 E. Glenwood Ave., Smyrna Kitchen & Bath Over 20 Yrs experience Roofing & Siding (302) 378-7819 302-653-3466 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards 38 Deak Drive Smyrna, Delaware 19977 Board Certified Pediatricians Vicenta P.G.-Marquez, M.D. Ma Caridad P. Rosal, M.D. Jennifer C. Liquido, M.D. (302) 653-6174 FAX (302) 653-6029 Board Certified Internist Rufino V. Rosal, M.D. Board Certified Internist & Endocrinologist Blanca Ocampo-Lim, M.D. (302) 653-1669 FAX (302) 653-9563 Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Newark • Bear • Smyrna • Dover • Milford Serving PA, NJ & DE 877-401-4777 FINDING GUIDANCE DURING A DIFFICULT TIME IS COMFORTING. Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: GARAGE DOORS THAT’S WHY PEOPLE TURN TO US. Burial & Cremation Services • Pre-Arrangements Cemetery Markers • Out-of-Town Arrangements Matthew R. Bryson - Funeral Director Carol L. Bryson - Parishioner 653-2900 “A Name You Can Trust” 123 W. COMMERCE ST. SMYRNA, DE Installation & Servicing all makes & models of Garage Doors & Openers TOLL FREE 1-855-844-DOOR (3667) FREE ESTIMATES MHIC #129239 Telephone: 653-6277 Telephone: 653-0503 Smyrna, DE 19977 Breakfast Buffet 7am-12noon Sun 7am-1pm Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Friday Dinner Buffet Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 302-653-9980 301 St. Polycarp ~ Smyrna, DE (back) FX 5pm-8pm 99 S.Cory Lane Smyrna Parishioner John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 •
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