April 5, 2015 - Holy Family Parish

Holy Family Parish
4848 Pearl Avenue, San José, California 95136-2701
April 5, 2015  Easter Sunday
Peace Be with You!
uring the Easter season, Eastern Catholics as well as
Orthodox Christians greet one another with “Christ
is Risen!,” and the response is, “Truly, He is Risen!”
This core Christian belief is also proclaimed year-round
and liturgically at the Eucharistic celebration.
It is through his paschal mystery that Christ’s peace,
announced by the angels in Bethlehem, is brought to the
world. It’s a gift that the risen Lord repeatedly offered to
his disciples who were at one point paralyzed by fear.
This peace is “invoked, preached and spread in the
celebration” of the Eucharist, “even by means of a human
gesture lifted up to the realm of the sacred” (Congregation
for Divine Worship’s circular letter in 2014).
The human gesture in question is the sign of peace before
receiving Communion. It is not a liturgical sign of
friendship or ritual gesture of greeting, but a witness to the
Christian belief that true peace is not given by the world,
but is a gift from the crucified and risen Christ.
The sign of peace is also a challenge. Originally it was a
sign of reconciliation in response to the Lord’s command
to reconcile with each other before offering a gift to God
(Mt 5:23-24). It can be hard to make peace with those
who are close to us but make our lives miserable.
The sign, however, nudges us to be in right relationships
with God and others. In the presence of the risen Christ,
early Christians were transformed, living in harmony and
love, sharing everything with one another (Acts 4:32-34).
The 2014 circular letter expands the vision of peace
further: “Catholics are today faced with the grave
commitment to build a more just and peaceful world,
implies a more profound understanding of the Christian
meaning of peace and of its expression in liturgical
When the sign of peace is offered between people who are
striving to foster right relationships in their lives or to
work for a just society, it is meaningful. When it is
connected to our life experience; it is not a dull ritual or a
gesture forced upon us.
In Sacramentum Caritatis, Pope Benedict XVI states, “By
its nature the Eucharist is the sacrament of peace. At Mass
this dimension of the Eucharistic mystery finds specific
expression in the sign of peace. Certainly this sign has
great value (cf. Jn 14:27). In our times, fraught with fear
and conflict, this gesture has become particularly eloquent,
as the Church has become increasingly conscious of her
responsibility to pray insistently for the gift of peace and
unity for herself and for the whole human family.
Certainly there is an irrepressible desire for peace present
in every heart.”
When you extend your hand for the sign of peace at the
next Mass, think about what that gesture means.
O Lord, we pray you that this candle, hallowed to the
honor of your name, may persevere undimmed, to
overcome the darkness of this night. Receive it as a
pleasing fragrance, and let it mingle with the lights of
heaven. May this flame be found s ll burning by the
Morning Star: the one Morning Star who never sets,
Christ your Son, who, coming back from death’s
domain, has shed his peaceful light on humanity, and
lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.
Now that the days of the Lord’s Passion
have drawn to a close,
may you who celebrate the gladness of the
Paschal Feast come with Christ’s help,
and exul ng in spirit,
to those feasts that are celebrated in eternal joy.
(Easter blessing)
Have a blessed Resurrec on season!
Fr. Hao, Fr. Edsil and Holy Family Staff
(Easter proclama on)
Welcome to Holy Family!
- Fr Hao
Contact Us
If you are new to our parish, come to the Parish Office ………………….408-265-4040
Newcomer’s Orienta on, held on most School Office………………....408-978-1355
Sundays at 10:45am
Faith Formation……………..408-265-5374
in the Charity Conference Room.
Life Teen /Edge……………...408-265-8650
Parish Office Hours
Mon – Thu:
9:30am—12pm; 1pm–7:30pm
9:30am—12pm; 1pm–5:30pm
10am - 2pm
9am - 1pm
We Gather on This Night
A cosmic celebration of our shared life in Christ
By Melissa Musick Nussbaum
The Exsultet is the legend, the guide to the panoramic landscape of the
Easter Vigil. Who is gathered to rejoice? Heavenly powers, choirs of
angels, all creation. The earth and the Mother Church and all God’s people
join them.
How do we thank the Lord our God? We give thanks united. We give
thanks with our hearts uplifted. We give thanks with full hearts and minds
and voices.
Where have we gathered to rejoice and give thanks? We gather at our
Passover feast, on the night God led Israel dry-shod through the sea. We
gather on the night when the pillar of fire destroyed the darkness of sin,
when Christians everywhere are washed clean of sin and are freed from all
defilement. We gather on the night when Jesus Christ broke the chains of
death and rose triumphant from the grave.
What happens on this night? Evil is dispelled, guilt is washed away, lost
innocence is restored, mourners receive joy, hatred is cast out, peace comes
to us and earthly pride is brought low. Heaven is wedded to earth, and we
are reconciled with God.
My great-grandfather and his kin and hands gathered 90 years ago for a
solemn ceremony on the high western plains. They assembled for a
photograph, a rare and cumbersome event, but worth the time and trouble,
for this was the marker of a land and a people and an identity. My greatgrandfather would not have sat alone, and he and the cowboys would not
have sat without the horses and cattle. Together, they made up the story of a
life, of their lives, these men remembered by us only as “Fuzzy, a farmer
from around Wolfforth” and “AG (I.Z.) Dillard.”
[Continues on page 3]
Pastoral Assignments
Bishop Patrick J. McGrath, in consultation with the Clergy Personnel
Board, has made several pastoral assignments, effective July 1, 2015.
Following are assignments involving Holy Family or priests known by our
Father Andrew V. Nguyen, Holy Family Parish, San Jose
Father Engelberto Gammad, Saint Joseph Parish, Mountain View
Father John Poncini, Saint William and Saint Nicholas Parishes, Los Altos
(from May 20, 2015)
Father Hao Dinh, Saint Martin Parish, Sunnyvale.
The 16th Pastor of Holy Family
Fr. Andrew V. Nguyen was part of the first wave of refugees who left
Vietnam after the war and has been a resident of San Jose for the past thirty
years. After receiving his Bachelor of Science in the field of Management
Information Systems, he worked for Compaq Computers and Solid Data
Systems as a network engineer. He left his engineering career after five
years and joined St. Patrick Seminary to respond to the call to the
priesthood. Fr. Andrew was ordained a priest on May 23, 2009. His past
assignments were for Holy Spirit Parish and Our Lady of La Vang
(formerly St. Patrick’s Parish) as parochial vicar.
Pastoral & Administra on Staff
Rev Hao Dinh, Pastor
Rev Edsil Ortiz, Vicar, Liturgy Director
Kim McFadden, Faith Formation Director
Jeff Gans, Faith Formation Coordinator
Kathryn Gray, Business Manager
Anne Hashimoto, Parish Secretary
Jessica Stalions, Administrative Assistant
Linda Lariz, Bookkeeper
Gail Harrell, School Principal
Jennifer Lozzio, School Vice-Principal
Nancy Melander, School Development
Eucharist (Mass)
8:30am & 5:30pm (Vigil)
8am, 9:30am, 11:15am, 6pm
Tue – Fri: 7:30am
Holy days: As announced
Holidays: 8:30am (instead of 9am)
Viet. Mass: Sat 7:30pm
Eucharis c Adora on
Weekdays: 12noon - 3pm
1st Fridays: 8am – 5 pm Benedic on
Infant Bap sm
Prepara on can begin before
or a er the birth of your child.
Call 408-265-4040 for more info.
Chris an Ini a on
(Bap sm, Confirma on, Communion)
If interested in the Catholic faith
or comple ng the sacraments of
ini a on as an adult, youth or child,
contact 408-265-5374.
Reconcilia on (Confession)
Saturdays, 4pm - 5pm,
or by appointments at 408-265-4040.
Ministry to the Sick
Communion or Anoin ng of the Sick
can be arranged for the sick or
homebound at 408-265-4040.
Couples should contact a priest at
408-265-4040 at least six months
prior to the proposed date
of wedding.
Presiders & Music Groups
This Sunday’s Scripture
 Acts 10:34a, 37-43
This is Peter's first speech before an
audience of Gentiles. The apostle has
only recently become convinced that the
Gentiles are even part of God's plan. He
summarizes the whole gospel for them.
 Colossians 3:1-4
Paul often writes about how Christ
should influence our behavior. This
passage is about how our thoughts
should change, as a result of the
resurrection of Jesus.
 John 20:1-9.
This resurrection scene emphasizes
the empty tomb as a cause for faith,
not the appearance of Jesus. Later, the
vision of the risen Lord would cause
others to believe.
- Based on Lectorprep.org & Word-Sunday.com
Low-Gluten Hosts
If you have celiac disease or are
gluten sensitive, you can receive
Communion using a low-gluten host
(0.01% gluten) approved by the
Church. In order to best distribute
Communion to you, please call Fr.
Hao to let him know who you are
and which Mass you attend.
Daily Mass Intentions
3rd Sunday of Easter
April 18/19
Apr 6 8:30am Bakshish Chahal +
5:30pm —Fr. Hao
Mike & Linda Takita
8:00am—Fr. Vincent
Alleluia Folk Group
9:30am—Fr. Edsil
Alleluia Folk Group
11:15am — Fr. Hao
Steve Austin & Friends
6:00pm—Fr. Edsil
Apr 8 7:30am Matthew Lopreore +
Apr 7 7:30am Anton Ung Tran +
Apr 9 7:30am Maria Nguyen +
Apr 10 7:30am Dominic Tinh Ha +
Apr 11 8:30am Dolly Rapp +
Please Pray
For those who have died:
Joe McTaggart
And for those who are ill:
Stewardship—Weeks 9
March 29
Numbers were not available
as we went to press.
Community Center &
Youth Hall Collection
Though we do not pass the basket a
2nd time on the 2nd Sunday of the
month, we encourage you to make
some contribution toward the upkeep
of our Community Center and Youth
Hall. Please use the lavender
envelopes and place them in the first
collection basket.
Our ADA Report
Numbers were not available
as we went to press.
Please help us reach our goal.
Thank you for your
generous support.
The Parish Office will be
closed on Easter Monday.
Mass on Monday will be at 8:30am.
Happy Easter Season!
To promote the devotion to the Divine Mercy and make it more convenient to our community, this year the devotion will
be scheduled as follows: 10:30am Eucharistic Adoration; 11:00am Divine Mercy Chaplet; 11:15am Mass.
This schedule will allow more people to participate in the devotion. We do not need to start a special Mass at 3pm,
according to Robert Stackpole, director of the John Paul II Institute of the Divine Mercy.
Moreover the upcoming Jubilee of Mercy, recently announced by Pope Francis, will give us more opportunities to reflect
on the mercy of God and practice devotion to the Divine Mercy. The Jubilee will start on December 8, 2015 (Solemnity
of Immaculate Conception) and concludes on November 20, 2016 (Solemnity of Christ the King).
We Gather on This Night
[Continues from page 1]
“We Christians have gathered at the Easter Vigil year after year for over 2,000 years now. We do not gather alone, but in
a cosmic community transcending and embracing the living and the dead, the present and the past, all tribes and races
and languages. We know the candles we each hold to be a portion of the pillar of fire, “a flame divided but undimmed.”
We know that our little candles “mingle with the lights of heaven” and illuminate the night.
We name it all because it is our identity, our first breath and our last, our need, our hope, our treasure, our truth, our joy.
The world my great-grandfather oversaw is gone. Like the tornadoes that tear through the region north and west of
Lubbock each spring and summer, time and new economies have swept his world away. But we continue to gather in
honor and praise of the Morning Star which never sets.
May Christ, the Morning Star, who came back from the dead and shed his peaceful light on all humankind, who lives
and reigns for ever and ever — may this Morning Star return and find our flames, divided but undimmed, still burning.
(Used by permission of Celebration)
Christ in Me Arise
Scripture Studies
HF Women’s Retreat
Monday mornings (10am - noon)
In the Youth Hall. The morning
Bible study is currently on break.
We will resume on Mon April 20th
at 10:00 AM for a study of 1st
Corinthians by Dr. Tim Gray.
Questions contact Donna Holt at
408-371-3682. Or
Tuesday evenings (7-9pm)
“The Road to Redemption”
Contact Terry Giorgetti (408) 9972039 or tgetti@aol.com
Thursday evenings (7:15-9pm)
Hope Room
“The Word is Alive” Bible Study
Scripture study, all are welcome.
Questions, contact GinaT@mac.com.
“Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance
of Christ” - St. Jerome
April 17-19, 2015
Jesuit Retreat Center (El Retiro)
in Los Altos
Allow yourself this time for prayer,
reflection, and focus on your relationship with God while building
your relationship with your Sisters
in Christ. Special guest Sr. Marilyn
Wilson, BVM, will help facilitate
this retreat as seek to know and experience Christ in our lives in a new
and richer way. Mark your calendars and register now for the Women’s Retreat. Registration forms are
available in the Parish Office. The
cost for the retreat is $280. A $50
deposit will hold a place for you.
Scholarship funds are available for
those who need assistance. If you
have any questions, please contact
Susan at suolsen@dsj.org or 408821-7308.
Voca ons to Religious Life
Single Catholic women ages 18 - 40
are invited to a Religious Vocation
Discernment Retreat with the
Daughters of Charity, Apr 10-12,Los
Altos Hills. For more info, contact
Sister Lisa Laguna at 650-949-8890,
213-210-9903, or email SrLisaDC
@aol.com. Find Daughters of Charity
Vocations U.S on Facebook, follow
them at Twitter.com/DofCharity or
read about them on
Catholic Professionals
The next meeting is Thursday, April
9th. Beginning with Mass at 7am, Fr.
John Sandersfeld presiding with the
Speaker Program at 7:30am. Come
hear Dick Lyles, CEO, Origin Entertainment and Popular Radio Host of
The Catholic Business Hour on
EWTN speak on “Answering Your
Call as a Catholic Business Professional in the 21st Century” Where?
Three Flames Restaurant Banquet
Room,1547 Meridian Ave, San Jose.
Reservations needed: $15 members,
$20 Non-Members.
RSVP: sjcatholicprofessionals.com,
408-491-9229, or cpbcinfo
God is watching… The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a
Catholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large
pile of apples. The nun made a note, and posted on the apple tray: "Take
only ONE. God is watching." Moving further along the lunch line, at the
other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies. A child
had written a note, "Take ALL you want. God is watching the apples."
Cinco de Mayo Dinner Dance: Saturday May 2nd
Doors open at 6pm, Dinner is at 7pm.
Menu: Barbacoa (beef), cheese enchiladas, salad, beans, rice, chips, salsa
and dessert.
Live entertainment by Colibri and Dancing to DJ Orlie Marquez
Raffle with cash prizes. Dinner: $25 each. Raffle: $5 each or $20 for 5.
Hosted by Our Lady of Guadalupe Society. Proceeds will help offset costs
for the Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration in December.
Ministry of Consola on
Support, Care & Service before,
during and a er grief.
Contact George 408-226-6606
or call the Parish Office.
Ministry to the Sick &
If you know a parishioner
who would like to be visited,
please call the Parish Office.
Stephen Ministry
One-to-one Chris an care-giving
ministry for those experiencing life’s
‘hurts’ and struggles.
Contact George 408-226-6606.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
For emergency financial assistance,
call the parish office for
an appointment
Rosary Hour
Tuesdays, 7:30 pm in the Chapel.
Prayer Line
Leave a prayer request message with
Jeane e, 408-723-0445.
Contemplative Group
Praise and worship &
quiet medita on,
4-5pm, Hope Room.
For more info, call Annie Esget at 408386-4062. Regular schedule is 1st,
3rd, and 4th Sundays.
Encore Amour -- Re-Married
Joe & Laura Trovato,
Knights of Columbus
Men’s Fellowship & Service
Ed Cruz, H: 408-629-4634 or
C: 408-656-8500
Business mee ng, 7pm,
1st Wednesday of each month.
Community Center
Sundays, 9am—1pm
Middle School
Youth Ministry
High School
Youth Ministry
Meet the Parents
Got a Question
Secure Promise
Edge Retreat Offsite
LifeTeen Retreat Offsite
Social Event
Contact Jeff for more info: 408-265-8650 or jeff.gans@gmail.com
Learn to Pray with
Genera ons of Faith
If your prayer life is in
need of some
inspiration, come to the
Community Center on
Sunday, Apr. 12, right
after the 11:15am Mass,
or Monday, Apr. 13, at 6pm. All are
welcome, including drop-ins.
Sacramental Prepara on Parents of 2nd Year Students
Time flies and this year of preparation has been no different. We have 2 classes left before the big day. Below is the calendar of upcoming dates. Please make every effort to attend all remaining sessions.
Lesson 7: Our Community Shares
a Meal
Lesson 8: My First Eucharist Book
Confirma on Communion Retreat
Youth Hall
Youth Hall
Youth Hall
Community Center Kitchen Update
Conquering Challenges with God’s
Mighty Power
July 13-17, 2015
Effective, April 1, 2015, groups that use the Community
Center Kitchen for fundraising events will be asked to
donate 5% of the net profit from the event to the Kitchen
Renovation Fund.
Klymer and all his bible buddies are
getting ready for VACATION
BIBLE CAMP Summer 2015!
Registration for campers and group leaders opens
April 13, 2015. Forms will be available online and
at the Parish Office.
If you are interested in helping, please email
Kimberly, kmcfadden@dsj.org
The 5% assessment has been a topic discussed and approved by the Building, Grounds and Safety Committee,
the Pastoral Council and the Finance Advisory Council. When the kitchen has been updated the committees
will review and decide whether to continue with the assessment.
Any questions about this assessment should be sent to
Kathryn Gray, kgray@dsj.org.
What is VBC?
VBC stands for Vacation Bible Camp. It is an opportunity for children to learn about God and messages from the Bible.
Churches use a purchased religious curriculum in its VBC teachings.
A typical day at VBC may include prayer, stories, arts and crafts, games, skits, songs, puppet shows, snack breaks, team
lessons, character-building activities. Some benefits:
- Children learn about faith through fun, age-appropriate activities.
- Life lessons help every child learn how to be a good person and a friend to others.
- Perfect for younger children to get a feel for camp without having to go away overnight.
- Kids meet new friends who share their beliefs.
Catholic Charities
2015 Spring Forward Run
Saturday, April 18, 2015 @8:00am.
We had a blast last year! Come join
the fun! You can visit the event at
Call Anne at the Parish Office if
you’re interested in being on Team
Holy Family and you get $5 discount
on registration.
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed for the Fish
Food Pantry on First Fridays, 4:00—
4:30pm, to distribute food. Contact
Nick or Madelyn at 408-264-8810.
Training will be provided. Must
be 18 years or older.
For the Community Ministry Office
Clothes Closet: Tues., Weds., or
Thurs., from 10am to 1pm. If
interested, call Transfiguration Parish
at 408-264-3600. Must be 18 years or
older. Transfiguration Parish address:
4325 Jarvis Ave, San Jose, CA 95118
Free E-Waste Collection
May 30th from 9am-2pm
Start saving your broken and outdated
electronics for our next e-waste
collection. See the flyer on our
website calendar highlights or go to
greenmouse.com for a list of items
that are acceptable.
Small Things Count
Happy Resurrection Day!
Let’s share the meaning of the Event
by responding to the old saying, What
would Jesus do? Christ came to bring
hope and peace to the world and to
unify all people into one caring, loving
human family.
Our response must be to avoid violence
in word or deed and to stand up to it in
others. We must feed the hungry,
house the homeless, welcome the
immigrant, respect all labor, and
protect children, seniors, and people
who are mentally, emotionally, or
physically ill. We must find common
ground with others who are different
from us, make peace with those we
consider enemies, embrace equality of
all people, and be good stewards of the
Earth. That’s what Jesus did in His
human form. Of course, He doesn’t
expect anyone to accomplish all of
this, only that we work toward it.
Imagine if, each day, we did some
small positive act or refrained from an
un-Christ-like act. We’d be so much
farther on our way to that perfect world
that began on that first, glorious Easter.
Call Jackie O’Donnell at
(408) 622-5372
or write c/o Holy Family.
Catholic Charities Golf Tournament
Save the date for the 31st Annual "Playing With A Purpose" Golf Tournament,
Dinner and Auction, Friday, June 12th at Cinnabar Hills Golf Course.
Young Adults:
This is your time!
Are you looking to:
- Get away to reflect on your personal
relationships and their meanings?
- Reignite your passion in Life?
Then come away with other young
adults in their mid 20's and 30's to a
Caritas Retreat and get more out of
your faith and your life!
Caritas Retreat
April 23-26, 2015
Mt. Hermon, CA
Learn more & register
at: www.caritasretreat.org
Cursillo News
Men's Spring Cursillo—April 16-19
at St. Clare's Retreat Center,
Rector: Don Wolk
Women's Spring Cursillo—April 30May 3, 2015
at St. Clare's Retreat Center,
Rectora: Mary Grunthaner
Catholic Roadmap
We all know that Jesus was executed in
spite of his innocence. But did you
know that in the U.S., it is legal to
execute an innocent person? In 1992,
the Supreme Court ruled that States
may carry out a death sentence, even
after new evidence has proven the
convicted person's innocence. For more
info on wrongful convictions,
see californiainnocenceproject.org,
or innocenceproject.org/free-innocent
or law.scu.edu/ncip.
April, Month of the Eucharist
Since the 16th century, en re months were designated to special devo ons. The
Church has encouraged increased devo on to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist during April.
"The Church in the course of the centuries has introduced various forms of this
Eucharis c worship which are ever increasing in beauty and helpfulness; as, for
example, visits or devo on to the tabernacles, even every day; benedic on of the
Blessed Sacrament; solemn processions, especially at the me of Eucharis c
congresses, which pass through ci es and villages; and adora on of the Blessed
Sacrament publicly exposed . . . These exercises of piety have brought a wonderful
increase in faith and supernatural life to the Church militant upon earth and they are
re-echoed to a certain extent by the Church triumphant in heaven, which sings
con nually a hymn of praise to God and to the Lamb 'Who was slain." - Pope Pius XII
At Holy Family we gather for Eucharis c Adora on every weekday from 12 noon to 3pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, and
every First Friday from 8am (right a er the 7:30am Mass) to the 5pm Benedic on.
Next Sunday, the Divine Mercy Sunday, we will have the Eucharis c Adora on at 10:30am, then Divine Mercy Chaplet at 11am.
Come and worship the Lord in the Holy Eucharist!
Associated with the Los Gatos Memorial Park
San Jose
Los Gatos
Your Parish in
Your Will.
For further information,
please call the Parish Office.
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New Evangeliza on:
Ten things Pope Francis wants you to know
Two years after his election, the praise for Pope Francis
continues from people of all sorts of backgrounds. The
media, the public, and members of the Catholic Church
continue to hang on his words and his actions.
authentic personal fulfilment. For “here we discover a
profound law of reality: that life is attained and matures in
the measure that it is offered up in order to give life to
others. This is certainly what mission means”.
—Evangelii Gaudium
Evangelization Starts with Our Own Relationship with
The spread of the Gospel is not guaranteed either by the
number of persons, or by the prestige of the institution, or
by the quantity of available resources. What counts is to be
permeated by the love of Christ, to let oneself be led by the
Holy Spirit and to graft one’s own life onto the tree of life,
which is the Lord’s Cross.
—Homily, Mass with Seminarians and Novices,
July 7, 2013
We Must Witness the Faith with Our Lives
If you happen to be with an atheist who tells you that he
does not believe in God, you can read him the whole
Pope Francis has the amazing knack for preaching while
library, where it says that God exists, and where it is
embodying this preaching with his own life. He is not
proven that God exists, and he will not believe. [However]
simply a great marketer for the Church; he is a model of
if in the presence of this same atheist you witness to a
evangelization that we can all learn a lot from. Pope
consistent, Christian life, something will begin to work in
Francis has been trying to tell us more and more about how his heart…. It will be your witness that brings him the
he hopes the Church can evangelize.
restlessness on which the Holy Spirit works.
—Homily, Domus Sanctae Marthae, February 27, 2014
Here a list of 10 things Pope Francis wants you to know
about evangelization, according to Focus, a fellowship of
An Evangelizer Must be Joyful
Catholic university students.
Consequently, an evangelizer must never look like
someone who has just come back from a funeral! … And
Everyone is Meant to Evangelize
Every Christian is challenged, here and now, to be actively may the world of our time, which is searching, sometimes
with anguish, sometimes with hope, be enabled to receive
engaged in evangelization; indeed, anyone who has truly
experienced God’s saving love does not need much time or the good news not from evangelizers who are dejected,
discouraged, impatient or anxious, but from ministers of
lengthy training to go out and proclaim that love.
the Gospel whose lives glow with fervour, who have first
—Evangelii Gaudium
received the joy of Christ”.
Want Authentic Personal Fulfillment? Evangelize
—Evangelii Gaudium
When the Church summons Christians to take up the task
[Continues next week]
of evangelization, she is simply pointing to the source of
Discover Jesus through the Alpha series
It’s not too late to join us. Sessions con nue on April 8, April 15, April
22, April, 29, etc., in the Community Center. Each session includes:
Dinner (6:30p), video presenta on, small group discussion.
The Alpha Course was started in the United Kingdom, at Holy Trinity
Brompton Church in 1977, and knows no denomina onal boundaries.
Anglicans, Methodist, Congrega onalist, United Reformed, Pentecostal,
Salva on Army, Bap sts, Presbyterian, Charisma c Fellowships,
Evangelical Free Churches, and the Roman Catholic Church all run Alpha
Courses. Having a racted 18.5 million guests since 1993, the Alpha Course
is adver sed as a non-confronta onal means of sharing the truths of the Chris an faith. Even Time Magazine
is no cing how ALPHA has surged worldwide in 2012.