Beckington Berkley Lullington & Orchardleigh Rodden The Beckington Group of Parishes Network November 2014 1 CONTACT LIST Rector Revd. Andrew Chalkley 01373 830314 Regular rest day: Friday Clergy PTO Revd. Noel Hawkins 01373 228357 Readers Readers PTO Dr. J Beaven 830535 Mr. G. Bridges 01225 755784 Mr. S. McKie 830369 Mr. H. M. Daniel 461870 Cdr. E. Phillimore 830677 Reader Emeritus Mr. A. Hawker 474309 Baptist Minister: The Revd. M. I. White Email: 453334 07971 438694 Church Officers Beckington PCC Secretary M Rolf 01225 763040 P. Spencer 830932 Church Wardens L. Spencer 830932 S Conway 830228 Deputy Treasurer J Johnson Berkley PCC Secretary Caroline White Church Warden J Hayward 832315 Church Warden E J Oakes 473989 Treasurer C Eyres 830625 Rodden PCC Secretary C Higham 472636 Church Warden J Beck 464574 A Sandall 465869 Emeritus: D Pattinson Treasurer S McKie 830369 Lullington/Orchardleigh PCC Sec: O & L G Bridges 01225 755784 Ch. Warden: O Treasurer: Jo Rathmell (Orchardleigh) Ch. Warden: O J Ladd(Orchardleigh) 830514 Ch. Warden: L R Bridges 01225755784 Treasurer: Jo Rathmell Lullington Verger: J Hayward 832315 Orchardleigh Wedding Admin. J Ladd 830514 Beckington Web Site: Beckington School Web Site: Berkley School Web Site: Springmead School Web Site: Beckington Memorial Hall Gary Peters 01373 830949 Beckington Parish Council Clerk: Joy Book 01373 300184 Chair: Stan Wilson 01373 830337 Berkley Parish Council Clerk: Janet Harvey 01373 832303 Bell ringing practice at St. George’s is every Thursday from 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tower Captain: J Ball 830419 Beckington Group Mothers’ Union Branch Leader: Mary Earle 01373 302817. Meets 1st Wed in the month except August. All welcome. Beckington Tower Lighting Mary Hickling 01373 830274 Beckington Pre-School Please submit items for publication in the December/January issue to: th no later than November 20 Network Advertising: Mrs. J. Evemy, 2 01823 322 287 London) but losing the years. As I savour the changing seasons I also try to savour the specialness of each day. The word ‘day’ is used in different ways in the Bible, sometimes indicating a season in which a wonderful opportunity is offered: “As God’s fellow-workers we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain. For he says, ‘In my time of favour I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you’. I tell you, now is the time of God’s favour, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6: 1, 2). ‘Religious’ words can sometimes get in the way, conjuring up wrong images and throwing up imaginary mental roadblocks. But did you know the Hebrew word for ‘salvation’ means ‘being brought into a spacious place’? What an image! I’m reclining in my chair that bit more even as I type! Rector’s Blog Seasons I love the seasons that mark the year! September’s warmth was a welcome bonus, but I comfort myself in enjoying the positives within each part of the year. The crops and fruits of harvest; the dazzling colours of autumn in October; (my birthday!); bonfire night; the solemnity and reflection of our acts of Remembrance; Advent; Christmas (a bit frenetic!); New Year and Epiphany. Each season has something special about it, something precious, that allyear-round supermarket strawberries undermine. As our daughter grows up I have tried to enjoy each stage in her life - even if last year’s jokes don’t work any more… Savouring the seasons is something that amid the busyness of life I will myself to do. Yes, I miss the warmth of summer but I take time to appreciate the dewiness of each morning, the falling leaves and the first logs in our wood burner for those autumn evenings. These words from 2 Corinthians tell me that we live in an unimaginably special ‘season’: a favourable time, in which God’s blessing is held out and offered to us. It comes to us through a Person, whose first Advent (‘arrival’) we celebrate and whose second Advent (Christ’s return) has never been sooner. I recall a radio interview given by Labour politician Neil (later, Lord) Kinnock, who slightly surprised me by saying that one of his favourite passages of literature is the famous chapter in the Bible from Ecclesiastes: “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven…” (chapter 3, verse 1 onwards). These weeks and months are full of opportunities to join us fellow-learners in acts of worship marking the seasons and celebrating that most special favourable season of Christshaped grace the Bible says we are in. Don’t miss it… Someone once wrote a song about us chasing the minutes (like my dad catching his commuter train to With all good wishes, Andrew Chalkley 3 In aid of St. George’s Church 4 Beckington Limousines Danceworks CLASSICAL BALLET, JAZZ, TAP HIP-HOP, DRAMA & SINGING DANCE CLASSES FOR CHILDREN FROM 3 YEARS T. 01373 474481 Weddings, Theatre trips, School proms, Children’s parties, Race meetings, Birthdays/Anniversary celebrations # And all other special occasions Tel: 01373 831717 Dust Busters Independent Domestic Cleaners Reliable and trustworthy References available Tel: 077616 45580 Or: 079215 55030 Jeremy Young Systemic Family Therapist U.K.C.P. Registered D HURLE PLASTERING SERVICE Reliable and trustworthy Competitive rates, no job too small Tel: 07849 717702 Anne Young Jungian Analyst/Psychotherapist U.K.C.P. Registered Individual, Couple and Family Counselling/Psychotherapy For Personal or Relationship Difficulties, including Depression, Stress, Bereavement, Anxiety/Panic Attacks, Abuse, Low Self-Esteem, Poor Communication, Couples’ Issues, Children’s Problems, Family Feuds, EMDR Private Health Insurance Providers WESTERLEY HOUSE, TELLISFORD, NR. RODE, BATH BA2 7RL 5 Please ring: 01373 831 349 • Farm shop • Deli • Home reared pork, vegetables & salad grown on farm • Own free range eggs • The Scallop Shell fish counter • Jon Thorner’s butchery • Café/Restaurant/Grill – open for evening meals • Gift shop & florist (weddings, funerals & special occasions) • Take Away fish & chips Monday - Friday 9 am to 6 p.m. Saturday 9 am to 5 p.m. Sunday 10 am to 2 p.m. (café to 4pm) Restaurant: Tues-Sat from 5.30pm White Row Farm Shop, Beckington BA11 6TN Tel: 01373 830798 REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR HOME AND GARDEN Ben Sergeant o Painting and decorating o Shelving and blinds o Fencing and decking o Pergolas and garden sheds o Garden clearance o All home/garden repairs Telephone: 07706 683699 Email: 9-11 Goose Street, Beckington, Frome BA11 6SS 6 WE’LL HELP YOU CREATE THE HOME YOU WANT! • New curtains or blinds in a • Old favourites • Colour schemes large choice of beautiful reupholstered fabrics • Full interior design and project • Bathroom and kitchen design management • Sofas and chairs made to your exact requirements FOR A VISIT WITH NO OBLIGATIONS CALL BARBARA ON: 07733 268 825 7 Benefice Weekend Away at Sidholme: 2016! St. George’s Beckington Advent Sunday, 30th November Advent Sunday marks the beginning of the Church's year around the world. Join us not only for our Benefice 10.30am act of worship, hosted by St. George's Beckington, but also for a shared lunch afterwards in the Church/School hall. Our September 2015 Benefice Weekend has been in the diary for some time, but since then Beckington's new September Village Day has seen considerable involvement from members of St. George's, with the 2015 Village Day clashing with our Weekend. Following consultation with members of our PCC, I have decided to move our Weekend to another date. Sidholme cannot accommodate us in 2015, so I am looking at a spring date in 2016. In the meantime I am exploring the possibility of having a Weekend 'at home' at some point in 2015, with a Saturday in a local venue and our speaker joining us on the Sunday. More to follow! Andrew After lunch, Andrew will be speaking on a vision paper that will be given out that day to everyone on St. George's Electoral Roll. Advent Sunday, 30th November coincides with our shared 'fifth Sunday' 10.30am service at one of our Benefice churches. St. George's hosts the service this year, and a shared lunch follows in the Church/School Hall. Please join us, and bring along something-plus-a-bit! Floodlighting If you would like the tower to be floodlit on a particular date, please contact Mary Hickling (830274 Suggested donation £10 payable to PCC Beckington only please. Andrew Harvest - 2014 and 2015 We are grateful to everyone who decorated our churches and who organised events as we celebrated harvest. Some of our PCCs are at present considering how we might better support one another across our Benefice for next year's harvest! Andrew 8 St Mary’s Berkley A Century and not out! Thank you everyone in our Beckington Group of Parishes who have so kindly sent good wishes, messages and beautiful cards to me on the occasion of my 100th birthday, it makes me feel humbled and encouraged to be so remembered. With Love Mary Good Following a recent change to Berkley's service patterns, our services in December will be as follows: Dec 7th: 11am Matins Dec 14th: 9.15am Family Service Dec 21st: joint 10am Holy Communion at St. George's Dec 24th: Christmas Eve 6pm Lessons & Carols (as normal) Dec 25th: joint 10am All-age Holy Communion at St. George's Berkley’s Christmas Craft Bazaar 2pm Saturday 22nd November St. Mary’s Church, Berkley Local crafts and gifts as well as homemade Cakes and preserves £1 entry includes Coffee and Mince Pie Incorporating GRAND CHRISTMAS DRAW 1st prize £100 cash, plus lots more fantastic prizes to include digital Radio, Matalan Vouchers, big Christmas Hamper etc. etc. DO COME AND BRING A FRIEND For more information call Pauline on 01373 462368 Event in aid of St. Mary’s Church, Berkley 9 has been Rodden only. It has been a pleasure to have been involved, thank you to all those who have helped over this time. Hopefully the delivery to the majority of homes in the Benefice will continue for many years to come, I know many look forward to the arrival of this useful little book. All Saints Rodden Our final social event for 2014 takes place on Saturday November 22nd with a Festive Tea starting at 2.30pm. There will be a sales table for Christmas related items, a raffle and the result of the Flower Quiz to be announced. Please come along to bring and buy while enjoying the friendly, cheerful atmosphere. First Thursday at No 30 will be on November 6th at 30 Styles Hill from 10.30am. Hope to see you then. Sheila Walker We are all immensely grateful to Sheila Walker for organizing the monthly distribution of Network across our Benefice, and warmly thank her as she 'retires' from this. Our thanks and welcome go to Madeleine Prescott, who takes over from Sheila. Andrew The church was beautifully decorated for Harvest Thanks-giving and the following evening our Harvest Supper was enjoyed by a cheerful gathering. The proceeds from the evening, £131, were donated to Dorothy House. Rodden's PCC recently agreed to move our December evening Communion to a daylight time of 11am, so our services in December will be as follows: Dec 7th: 6.30pm Evensong Dec 14th: 11am Holy Communion (new time) Dec 21st: 6.30pm Lessons & Carols Dec 25th: 9.15am Holy Communion Additionally, the PCC agreed that if there is a shortage of available clergy during the month of August, one of our Holy Communion services could become Matins/ Evensong. Please also note that Rodden's PCC, meeting on Wednesday 10th December, will now begin at 10.30am, and not in the afternoon as originally agreed. Andrew Raisford, the Diocesan Stewardship Officer gave a talk on the use of the Parish Share within the finances of the diocese at the October meeting of the PCC. This was followed by a short discussion. Following last month's request for help with getting Network to the deliverers in the Rodden area, not only did it arrive, in the shape of Mrs Madeline Prescott, but she has completely relieved me of the task, for which I am very grateful. I shall be stepping down at the end of October after some 27 years in which at least a quarter of a million magazines (very conservative estimate), have been counted and passed on throughout the Benefice, until earlier this year, since when it 10 specimens and laying them in the bags as tenderly as if they were my own children. All futile, of course. Every apple picked sets the boughs swaying, and the shockwaves are enough to release a dozen neighbours from their fragile bonds and plunge them into the slush below. Lullington & Orchardleigh Delights of Lullington 31: Picking apples This time of year, fruit loses its taste. The blackberries are mush. The sloes and damsons have mostly been picked off by the birds. There are plenty of haws and rosehips, but nothing worthwhile to do with them. I’ve got a tree full of medlars, but they’re only good for soaking in gin. That leaves the apples. They swing cheerfully on the trees, getting ruddier and blotchier every day (maybe that’s where scrumpy drinkers get their complexions from), yet despite rain and cold they’re still edible. Pretty soon the bags are full, and I totter off home. But there’s plenty left behind. At least three-quarters of the crop regularly rots on the ground, filling the orchard with a miasma of fermentation and alcohol until Christmas. Every year, someone vows excitedly that we must hire a press and make our own village supply of cider. And every year nothing happens – because, I suppose, in the end it’s much simpler to pop along to Tucker’s Grave and drink theirs. Great Bustard The glass is falling hour by hour: the fag end of a hurricane is on its way, and tomorrow the fruit will all be blown to the ground. So I scurry down the lane to the old orchard, plastic bags flapping from my pockets. Most of the trees here are ancient and unidentifiable. Some are so scoured and hollowed with age that you can see right through the trunks. The owner has fixed wire mesh over the holes to keep woodpeckers out, but this is no good against wasps and other bugs. Don't forget that on Remem-brance Sunday (Sunday 9th November) Matins at St Mary's, Orchardleigh starts at 10:55am so that the Act of Remembrance can take place at 11:00am. Please arrive early! The Carol Service takes place at All Saints, Lullington at 6:00pm on Christmas Eve (Wednesday 24th December), if you would like to join our choir that sings at this service please contact the Director of Music, David King on 01225 710127 or The choir will rehearse at 7:30pm on Thursdays 4th 11th and 18th December in All Saints. To get near the branches, I have to trample on a thick layer of fallers. They squelch under my boots like mashed potato. I begin harvesting, pulling gently at the least battered, pecked, cankered, wormeaten 11 there was an exciting visit from some of the Welsh Bird of Prey Centre’s very well-behaved, feathered friends with six children even getting to hold a very large and heavy American Eagle Owl; Beckington School News It's official: we're “outstanding”! We know Beckington School is a special place to learn and this was fully recognised by Ofsted in the report we received last month following an inspection in September: classes have been out and about having fun on wellie walks and as 'Nature Explorers', which will soon involve use of a fantastic hide built by (parent) Mr Picton-Phillips at a wonderful pond area on land generously provided by Geoff Bowles; "The school is a happy and harmonious place to be..." “Relationships with pupils and adults are excellent...." our gymnasts and country dancers performed brilliantly at Village Day and again at our packed open afternoon where guests also got to enjoy singing, tours of the school, refresh-ments, and chats with staff and current parents; "Pupils are uniformly polite and helpful..." "Staff have consistently high expectations and skilfully enable pupils of all abilities to make excellent progress...” This is only possible with staff and volunteers working tirelessly to give our children the best opportunities they can and we're really fortunate to be part of an amazing community, surrounded by people who are willing to give up their time to support us. On behalf of (and to!) the school, its staff, governors, PSA and children, "Thank you" to everyone involved in making Beckington First School such an outstanding place to be! families were back in before half term to enjoy a ‘Pumpkin Party’ with delicious soup, bread and biscuits made and served by the children; Looking forward, we'll next be opening our doors for our Christmas Bazaar on Monday 1st December. It promises to be a delightful afternoon starting at 2:30pm with festive performances by the children, activities and a well-stocked, pop-up cafe as well as a range of enticing stalls. We look forward to seeing you there - it'll be… outstanding! It's also a busy place to be: we all went to Westonbirt Arboretum (where even the rain and mud didn't stop us having a great time with workshops and fun in the woods!); Janine Franklin 12 Berkley School countries. It should be a great way to end the half term. As I left school on Friday evening some children were arriving in their disco gear ready for the music, glitter, glow sticks and face paints. They all looked ready for fun!! Several clubs are now up and running, the recorder club, choir and the P.E. multi- skills club. The FBS are working hard on the preparations for the fashion show on the 12th of November. The evening sounds if it will be a fun one. Many thanks to all parents and children for their wonderful contributions of fresh produce and tinned goods for our recent harvest festival. The church looked amazing with all the gifts and the wonderful wheatsheaf that Lawrence and Robin Sanders made for us. The Year 4’s did a fantastic job of decorating the church with artwork from all the classes. It was a lovely service and it was good to see so many people there. Yvonne Rayner Rodden Rota Flowers We raised well over £100, which was excellent. Fair Frome food bank were delighted with the amount of carrier bags full of tinned and non- perishable goods and the money that was given so generously. 2 Mrs Higham Mrs Withers 9 Mrs Higham Mrs Watts 16 Mrs Hawker Mrs Jones / Mr Sandall 23 Mrs Hawker Mrs Drew 30 We have had more amazing field trips to the Apple store in Bath with years 3 and 4. The children learnt how to use Keynotes this time and all made a presentation. They were given certificates, yellow T-shirts and memory sticks to take their work back to school to share. Cleaning Mrs Beck Vacant Mobile Library There is now only 1 Mobile Library van visiting Beckington. On Wednesdays every 4 weeks the van stops in: This week we are having a Wow Day for our ‘Land, sea and air’ topic. The children will be coming to school in holiday clothes and we will be mixing the classes together and then travelling to different ‘countries’, which will be in each class. They we will be doing activities to do with those Homefield Close: 12.20 – 12.40 The next visits will be: November 27th January 22nd Info: 0845 3459177 13 Beckington Astronomical Society For Sale & Wanted If you would like an entry in this column next month, please send it together with a suggested donation of £1 towards Network to Julie Evemy (see inside front cover). Private advertisements only please. ( Our next meeting will be on Friday 21st November at the Baptist Church Hall starting at 7.30 pm. Visitors are very welcome. We finish around 9.30 with tea/coffee. Our main talk is titled "A Nobleman and his House Dog" by speaker Dick Cardy. Dick is one of our members and a very popular speaker so please come along. For Sale: • Child’s ski jacket, age 7/8 – TOG24, bright blue and only worn for ski-ing £10 • Child’s Berghaus ‘Goretex’ walking boots, size 13 – blue £10 • Child’s Goretex ski gloves (mittens), age 8, only worn for 14 days! £10 (were £45) • Child’s snow boots, size 2, blue £2 • Child’s snow boots, size 13, blue/red £2 • Various child’s thermals - free Ring 01373 830570 The planets out as far as Saturn are relatively bright when in the night sky and most of us will have seen them even if not realising we are looking at a planet. Uranus and Neptune are rather different, they are so much further away that the light they reflect from the Sun is like a faint star. On the 4th November at 17.00 ( 5pm GMT) Uranus will be just below the Moon just a 12th of the diameter of the Moon below. It will be an almost Full Moon in the East. This is an opportunity to be confident you have actually seen Uranus. A word of caution however, there is a star the same brightness just above the Moon at the same time (Uranus M 5.7 and star BUP 10 M 5.74). If you view through a telescope remember your image may be upside down. Uranus is closer to the moon than the star (in more ways than one!). MacMillan Coffee Morning Our Coffee Morning was made very special event with so many friends and neighbours attending. After coffee, stalls and a very good raffle, a total of £438 was raised. Thank you for all the support. Selwood Academy Christmas Fair Friday 5th December John Ball 830419 6.30pm – 8.30pm Craft Tables, Tombola, cake stall, Bottle Stall, Refreshments available Fun for all the family 14 From the Registers Beckington Bakeoff Orchardleigh Marriages 18th August - Nicholas Watkins and Abigail McKeever 17th August - David Orley and Elissar Maidaa 23rd August - Christopher Sloan and Hannah Rivers 28th August - Adam Chapman and Victoria Brooks 20th August - Shaun Bundy and Victoria Dredge 3rd September - Joshua Miller and Lindsey Kistenmacher 7th September - Daniel Blanchard and Lucinda Dancer 10th September - Hywel Daniels and Natasha Rideout 1st October - Adam Mills and Gemma Dyke Lullington Marriages Beckington's own Bakeoff took place on 27th September as part of Village Day celebrations. This proved to be very popular with 21 entries. Organizers on the day were members of Standerwick, Beckington and Berkley WI. The competition tested basic skills on producing a Victoria sponge to a set recipe and/or a decorated chocolate cake. Entries were of a high standard with the youngest competitor 6 years and the youngest male 12 years. Both were praised by the judges (members of Southwick WI). Results Sponge: 1st Angela King 2nd Marion Oxlade 3rd Sula Farthing 24th August - Christopher Crow and Lucy Powell 26th August - Anthony Wiegand and Whitney Stallard 5th September - Donald Bowden and Charlotte Bracey 12th September - Edward Bolton and Emma Barnes 13th September - Phillip Watts and Claire Arnold 14th September - Mark Brygider and Hazel Ryder 19th September - David Matson and Victoria White 20th September - Luke Gittens and Diana Young 4th October - Samuel Barlow and Bryony New 7th October - Jonathan Bolton and Annabel Harlow 11th October - Adam Hutchinson and Greta Smith-Williams st Chocolate Cake: 1 Angela King 2nd Kath Bryant 3rd Sula Farthing Beckington WI has a varied programme and welcomes new members. Meetings take place on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7.30pm in the Clifford Suite. Our next meeting on 6th November is 'Radiography Explained' Interested? - then telephone President Sandra Hoskins 01373 832713 or just come along. 15 Beckington School 16 Berkley School Self portrait by Katie Y3 Badgers class The children were given a photo of half of their face.They then had to draw the other half. Katie did an excellent job. 17 Springmead School The Nursery class from Springmead School have been discovering Harvest and Autumn through taking part in their very own Apple Week! They picked apples, made crumble with apples, they also printed with them too! The children tried different varieties of apples which gave them an opportunity to describe how they tasted and which was their favourite. As a finale to Apple Week they made apple shaped biscuits. 18 19 AGE 2-5 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday (am) Friday 9am-12noon, 12noon-3pm Term time only. Lyes Green, Corsley, Warminster BA12 7QH 01373 832298 1 Free Introductory Session! Wash’d Up Crocks Richard Robbins Trained gardener Whatever your event, large or small, I can supply: Crockery, Cutlery, Glassware & Linen Vintage Crockery now available for small Tea Party’s. With reasonable rates and NO washing up it pays to hire! Delivery/ Collection service . For a quotation Contact: Helen Shorten Office - 01373 830141 Mobile – 07746410401 Email – with 25 years experience. All aspects of garden care undertaken. Horticultural Consultancy. LAWN CARE | HEDGES | PRUNING GRAVE TENDING/TIDYING PLANTING PLANS For your gateway to a better garden Tel: 01373 473008 Mobile: 07510 130083 Parents & Toddlers We Meet every Tuesday between 2 p.m. and 3.30 p.m. in the Beckington Baptist Church Hall. Everyone welcome, especially new families who have just moved into the area. More details: Freda 830597 20 Mothers’ Union Freda Brann “There is something undeniably special about a village property” Whether you are selling a one bedroom flat or a castle fit for a King, we can tailor make the marketing to suit your village home. Please call us for a free no obligation valuation. Frome Office 01373 455440 21 Mothers’ Union The Patient Participation Group of the Beckington Family Practice is looking for new participants. Early in October the group turned out in force for the harvest lunch, which was held at the Fairfield Opportunity Farm cafe at Dilton Marsh. This was a first visit to the cafe for many, and we were all very taken with the airy welcoming surroundings, good food, and well-stocked farm shop. A very happy time culminated in the presentation, albeit early, of a birthday cake, card and flowers to Mary Good to mark the occasion of her 100th birthday on 13th October. Mary is a much-loved member of our group, and she responded with thanks to us all, and a few words about her long association with Mothers' Union, from the time both her grandmother and mother had become members. Congratu-lations, Mary! We look forward to your continued support and interest. We meet 4 times a year at Beckington to act as a sounding board for new proposals and to help in improving communications between Patients and the Practice. We would particularly welcome interest from those groups which are currently under-represented – men; those of working age; teenagers; mothers with children; disabled, ethnic minorities etc. If you have an interest in the provision of Primary Care to the locality, please contact the Chair of the Group – Jane Kellett on 01373 830464 or Gillian Leonard on 01373 831072, either would be pleased to give more details and to answer any questions you may have. Rode Horticultural Society At a recent deanery meeting, plans were finalised for the visit to Norton St Philip later this month of our Worldwide President. There were encouraging reports from the branches of recent events and activities, and suggestions for next year's programme. The annual archdeaconry meeting will be held at Cheddar on 1st November. Our speaker next month will be Angharad Rhys Roberts, talking about the sand dams project she was involved with, so if you are interested please come and join us, at Lahs Place Hall on Wednesday 5th November at 2.15. Our speaker, Mike Smith, had many tips to offer on the care and propagation of house plants. During the slide show Mike answered questions on propagation, dividing, potting-on, maintenance, composting, cuttings, pest control and suitable composts. It has been decided that next year meetings will start at the new time of 7.30 p.m. 10th November: A talk on the Art of Garden Design 8th December: Christmas Social Evening with Bob Hill's jazz band. For further information please ring Anita Fleming on 01373 830 878 Julia Naismith Rosemary Ball 22 the cost of which means the postponement of work on the new kitchen until July 2015. The kitchen, however, remains the first priority in the Hall's development programme. Extension of the website will be carried out once the kitchen is completed. Beckington Memorial Hall The AGM of the Beckington Memorial Hall Committee was held on Monday,13th October. The Chairman, Donna Kelly, in her annual report thanked Gill and John Hayward on their retirement from the Committee for their sterling work over many years. She also paid tribute to Tony Brann and Rodney Price, two other former members of the Committee, who served for a considerable time. She was pleased to report an increase in hirings income in the past year, but was disappointed that the Committee had had to postpone work on the new kitchen until next year owing to imminent maintenance costs and the need to replace the gas heaters in the Hall. The following officers were re-elected for the coming year: The success of the Party in the Field was acknowledged by the Committee who thanked all those involved in its planning. A decision on the form of next year's event will be taken following a wash-up meeting in early November. The next event will be Bonfire Night on the 8th November (see notice below) .A Race Night and a Hall and Hearty evening are being considered as possible fund raising events in 2015. Winners in the 200 club October draw are;-1st £50 No.20 L.Dunn 2nd £25 No.122 M.Reep 3rd £10 No.74 I.Buchan Chairman Donna Kelly Vice Chairman Ian Wilcox Secretary Lisa Fisher Treasurer David Norman The 200 club's charity Reg.No. is 304484 The following were re-elected as Committee members:- Kath Bryant, Claire Colville, Alex Keevil, David Prince, Andrew Ward and Stan Wilson (representing the Parish Council). Elizabeth Snell & Family Funeral Service Independent Funeral Directors We pride ourselves on our caring and compassionate service. As a member of the British Institute of Funeral Directors we comply with a recognised code of ethics. All funerals are personally tailored to meet your needs. Pre-Paid funeral plans are available upon request. We have offices at: 44b Castle Street, Trowbridge, BA14 8AY, The Memorial Hall Committee met on Wednesday,15th October with Donna Kelly in the chair. Abbi McGilvery attended for a discussion to clarify the relationship between the Committee and the Music Hall committee. The Committee acknowledged the urgent need to replace the 20 year old heaters in the Hall and Clifford Suite 01225 775259 16 Warminster Road, Westbury, BA13 3PB, 01373 864944 Our Chapel of Rest is at: 6 Lamberts Marsh, Southwick, BA14 9PB, 01225 774788 23 Frome and District Cats Protection have many cats in care who need a loving home. Please can you help? Contact us on 07733 390345 Website Logs for Sale ARE YOU A CARER? Compass Carers is a dedicated support service for carers across Somerset. We offer FREE information, advice and guidance as well as emotional support, signposting, training and a telephone support service for un-paid carers. Please call us on 01823 255911 R M Log Supplies Beckington Call Robin on 07876 621929 Hardwood logs & kindling for sale Free delivery Basic Computers Broadband issues Are you confused? Software/hardware a challenge Instruction provided Call Ian, 01373 813353 or 07889 767886 01373 580298 24 25 The Blue House, Frome provides accommodation for 16 elderly residents. From time to time bed-sits and flats become available to rent. If you are considering such a move in the future, please telephone to arrange an appointment for an informal discussion: The House Manager - The Blue House, Market Place, Frome Tel. 01373 462577 or call in at one of our regular Wednesday Coffee Mornings Bed & Breakfast BRIAN ALLSOP Eden Vale Farm Mill Lane Beckington Frome BA11 6SN Carpet & Flooring Limited • • • • • • Carpets Vinyls Natural Floorings Laminate Floorings Vinyl Tiles Safety Flooring • Free measuring & planning • Re-stretching & repairs • Scotchguarding • Insurance quotes Beckington 01373 - 830371 Quiet riverside farmhouse Open all year En suite facilities Fishing available Tel/Fax: 01373 463866 Mobile: 07887 953014 Plumtree Joinery Country Decor Finest Quality Decorating Services 20 years experience in all aspects of interior and exterior decorating. Specialists in barn conversions, character and period buildings. All jobs considered, big or small. Please call or email Nick Lock for a free no obligation quote on 07799446704. The Gentleman Painter/Builder Top quality painting and building work guaranteed, but minus the radio blasting out radio 1, swearing, cigarette smoke, constant tea drinking and associated annoyances. I have over fifteen years’ experience of careful but efficient building and painting and decorating No job too small or large. Call Marc on 01373 813861 or 07899 900077 Bespoke Joinery, Cabinet Maker and Carpentry. Also Restoration, Renovation and Repairs Over 20 years experience. Free Estimates No job too small Contact David on 07816 922518 or 01985 248124 e-mail MILLERS ► ► ► ► ► Electrical contractors Martin Miller Fuseboard upgrades Security lights Underfloor heating Heating installation & repairs Telephone points 01373 466301/07771 543383 26 Nashblend Limited trading as: West Country Tiling Company Pitched Roofing, Lead Work, Timber Treatment, Tel: FROME (01373) 462224 Conservation work is our speciality. S.A.M SCAFFOLD Safety And Maintenance Scaffold Tel: FROME (01373) 461511 We can meet all your scaffold requirements. Do you need a Plumber? Call SHARON’S FOOT CLINIC S.A.C Dip FHPT S.A.C Dip FHPP Fully Insured And Highly Trained For The Professional Treatment of: Paul Antell Plumbing 07890 366832 01373 467427 Professional, Friendly, Reliable & Local Corns • Callus • Cracked Heels • Athletes Foot • Fungal Infections • Nail Cutting • Thickened Nails • In growing Nails • Diabetic Foot Care • Verrucas Contact Sharon on 01373 836734 or 07728 200402 12 Sunny Hill, Nunney, Frome, BA11 4ND Home Visits also Available. 27 THE FULL MOON Rudge, Nr. Frome Somerset BA11 2QF (01373) 830936 Cask Ales Traditional Food Accommodation 16 en suite bedrooms Indoor pool Function Room seating up to 100 Skittle alley available 1 mile off A36 follow sign for Rudge from Standerwick crossroads 2 minutes drive from Frome Market A top quality service provided by a professionally qualified (CSCS) tradesperson with 12 years experience. All work carried out to the standard and budget agreed with the customer i.e. from high quality domestic/office/hotel to a quick makeover for student lettings or in preparation for sale. All internal and external work undertaken including repairing of surfaces as required. Basically I can make any surface that you want look beautiful! Call or email me 07707 850 859 • • • • • Locally based architect with a personal & individual approach Extensive experience blending traditional and modern architecture Expertise in Listed Building and Conservation Area Design Elegant, simple designs; creating efficient, innovative uses of space Track record of 100% successful planning applications Visit to see recent projects Or call 01373 831585 to arrange an initial free consultation Abi McGillivray is a member of the Royal Institute of British Architects & is registered as an architect under the Architects Act 1997 28 selection service SUNBLiND Home NOW WE COME TO YOU! COMPANY MADE-TO-MEASURE! • Rollers • Romans the Tel: 01373 462528 Mob: 07511 770976 • Verticals • Venetians • Pleated • Perfect fit • Windows shutters & flooring NOW WE COME TO YOU! CUSTOM CARPeTS @HOME • Home selection • Excellent service • Fitting arranged • Carpets • Vinyl • Natural flooring & blinds Tel: 01373 472384 Mob: 07813 130014 Painting, Decorating and Plastering Services Gary Holt Tel: 01373 814642 Mobile: 078 913 12503 8 Longfield, Mells, Frome Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Specialist Recommended by • Home, Private, Lettings, Business • Independent Experienced Operator 29 erticals Veneitan Seymours Court B & B Seymours Court Farm, Beckington, Somerset. BA11 6TS Tel: 01373 830466 Web: Mail: Fifteenth century country house providing luxury bed and breakfast. Also venue for marquee based wedding receptions. Relaxed rural surroundings with a historic house backdrop Keep Active with Physiotherapy Alison Rossiter MCSP, HPC 30 years experience in the treatment of muscle and joint problems. Helping people to improve their health and fitness through treatment, exercise and advice. Home visits can be arranged. Daytime and evening appointments available. If you need help please contact: Beckington Physiotherapy tel: 01373 831483 Email: Don’t miss the Tax Return Deadline of st 31 January Cost effective accounting, bookkeeping, VAT, payroll, CIS, and taxation solutions for Self Employed, Self-Assessment, Partnerships and Limited Companies Jackie Welch JMW Accounting Fees always agreed in advance. Free initial consultation. Westbury Office with free parking 01373 822363 or 07790 325321 email jackie @ website www. 30 SERVICES November 2014 Benefice 12.00pm Midday Prayer at St. George’s Monday-Thursday St. George’s Beckington Nov 2 Remembrance Nov 9 Nov 16 Nov 23 Advent Sunday Nov 30 Dec 7 St. Mary’s Berkley All Saints Rodden All Saints Lullington Nov 2 Nov 9 Nov 16 Nov 23 Advent Sunday Nov 30 at Beckington Dec 7 11.00am 10.30am 9.15am 9.15am 10.30am Nov 2 Nov 9 Nov 16 Nov 23 Advent Sunday Nov 30 at Beckington Dec 7 6.30pm 6.30pm 11.00am 11.00am 10.30am Nov 2 Nov 16 Advent Sunday Nov 30 at Beckington Dec 7 11.00am BCP Holy Communion 11.00am BCP Matins 10.30am Benefice All-age Morning Worship followed by shared lunch 11.00am BCP Holy Communion Remembrance Remembrance St. Mary’s Remembrance Orchardleigh Nov 9 Nov 23 Advent Sunday Nov 30 at Beckington Dec 14 Baptist Church 8.00am BCP Holy Communion 10.00am All-age Morning Worship 10.30am Act of Remembrance with Berkley, RBL, Village choir and Frome Town Youth Band 10.00am BCP Matins 4.15pm Family Gathering. 10.00am All-age Morning Worship 3.00pm Songs of Praise at Lahs Place 10.30am Benefice All-age Morning Worship followed by shared lunch 8.00am BCP Holy Communion 10.00am All-age Morning Worship BCP Matins Act of Remembrance at Beckington Family Service with Berkley School Holy Communion Benefice All-age Morning Worship followed by shared lunch 11.00am BCP Matins BCP Evensong BCP Holy Communion BCP Holy Communion BCP Matins Benefice All-age Morning Worship followed by shared lunch 6.30pm BCP Evensong 10.55am Remembrance BCP Matins 11.00am BCP Holy Communion 10.30am Benefice All-age Morning Worship followed by shared lunch 11.00am BCP Matins th Every Sunday Nov 23 3.00pm Except 4 Sunday of the month 3.00pm Songs of Praise at Lahs Place 31 Diary Dates This Month Dec 9 Beckington Choir Christmas Concert. Memorial Hall 7.30pm Dec 15 Beckington Parish Council 7.30pm Clifford Suite Feb 11 1st Thursday at 30 Styles Hill 10.30am Berkley Parish Council 7.30pm Berkley School May 13 W.I.Radiography Explained .Sarah Buttenshaw 7.30pm Clifford suite Berkley Parish Council 7.00pm Berkley School (Annual Meeting) Sep 25-27 Benefice Weekend Away, Sidholme Nov 1 MU Archdeaconry meeting, Cheddar Nov 5 MU meeting, Lahs Place. Talk on sand dams, Angharad Rhys Roberts, 2.15pm Nov 6 Nov 6 Nov 8 St. George’s Christmas Market 12 noon – 3pm Nov 8 Beckington Bonfire Night Nov 10 Beckington Memorial Hall Committee 8pm Clifford Suite Nov 12 Berkley School Fashion Show Nov 17 Beckington Parish Council 7.30pm Clifford Suite Nov 21 B.A.S. 7.30pm Baptist Church hall Nov 22 Berkley Christmas Craft Bazaar 2pm Nov 22 Rodden Festive Tea 2.30pm Nov 26 Berkley Parish Council 7.30pm Berkley School Nov 29 Berkley School Christmas Fayre Reader Ministry On the occasion of our recent Frome Synod meeting held at the Standerwick Cattle Market Hall at which our new Diocesan Bishop Peter was introduced, time was taken to make known the long years of Lay Reader service by Hilary Daniels and Alan Hawker, which stretch to 50 and 58 years respectively. Hilary and Alan wish to say thank you for the acknowledgement and the book tokens presented which were most unexpected, and to say that it is humbling and a privilege to serve our Lord in Reader Ministry. HD and AH Later in the Year Dec 1 MU Advent Service, Lahs Place 2.15pm Dec 1 Beckington School Christmas Fayre 2.30pm Dec 3 MU Advent meeting Dec 4 W.I. Christmas at Home .Margaret Bown. 7.30 pm Clifford Suite Dec 5 B.A.S. 7.30pm Baptist Church hall The next issue of Network is for December/January. Last date for items: November 20th. 32
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