This Week’s Calendar Monday 17th November - Psalm 47; Revelation 10 Daily Intention: Standing firm for truth and right. For the sick: Les Bowden, Tonya and Alan Whitehead 8.00am Morning Prayer & Eucharist Tuesday 18th - Psalm 52; Revelation 11:1-14 Daily intention: Christian rulers. For the sick: Leonie Warwick, John Hill and Michael Lucas 9.15am Morning Prayer & Eucharist 7.40pm Meditation Group Wednesday 19th - Psalm 56; Revelation 11:15-end Daily intention: Women in the Church. For the sick: Daniel Green and Harry Johnson 8.00am Morning Prayer & Eucharist 12.30pm Memorial Service - Mr Martin Wilmshurst Thursday 20th - Psalm 62; Revelation 12 Daily intention: Our Christian heritage. For the sick: Kate Wood, Dottie Latham and Margot Edmunds Evening Prayer 10.00am Morning Prayer is said daily 10.30am Holy Communion at 5.30pm Friday 21st - Psalm 63; Revelation 13:1-10 Daily Intention: Parish Finances. For the sick: Megan Sutton, Luke & Jake Berry and Derek Harper 8.00am Morning Prayer & Eucharist 12.30pm Funeral - Mr John Hobbs Saturday 22nd - Psalm 78:1-39; Revelation 13:11-end Daily Intention: The Christmas Fair. For the sick: Diana Johnson, Trevor Stott, Beth Hingley and Barbara Parker 9.15am Morning Prayer & Eucharist 2.00pm Wedding - Thomas Lebbern and Alison Garces 7.30pm Kate Adie Lecture Readings for next Sunday: Sunday 23rd - Daily intention: Those to be confirmed. 8 & 10am: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 8.00am Eucharist 20-24; Psalm 95:1-7; 10.00am Sung Eucharist, Confirmation Service Ephesians 1:15-end; Matthew and Sunday School 25:31-end 6.30pm: Psalm 93; 2 Samuel 10.00am Holy Communion at St Swithun’s 23:1-7; Matthew 28:16-end 12.15pm Holy Baptism 6.30pm Choral Evensong Welcome to the Abbey Church of St Mary and St Ethelflaeda & St Swithun’s, Crampmoor. Refreshments served in the Church Rooms after the 10am service Second Sunday before Advent 16th November 2014 8.00am Celebrant Eucharist Revd Bryan Taphouse 10.00am Celebrant Preacher & Deacon Hymns Sung Eucharist Revd Jill Aussant Canon Tim Sledge Processional 377, Gradual Psalm 90, Offertory All creating heavenly giver, Communion 64, Post-Communion I, the Lord of sea and sky Purcell in C Merbecke Thou knowest Lord - Purcell Trumpet Tune in Bb - Purcell Setting Gloria Motet Voluntary Prayers & Anointing for Healing are available in St Anne’s Chapel after the service 10.00am Celebrant Holy Communion at St Swithun’s Revd Bryan Taphouse 10.00am “Way In” Service in the Abbey School Hall 11.30am Celebrant 1662 Holy Communion Revd David Williams 5.30pm Celebrant Preacher Hymns Psalm Canticles Anthem Readings Voluntary Choral Evensong with the Choir from Sherborne Abbey Canon Tim Sledge Revd Brian Pickett 433, 388, 338, 361 89 Collegium Regale - Howells Let all mortal flesh - Bairstow 1 Kings 1:15-40; Revelation 1:4-18 Grand Choeur in D (alla Händel) - Guilmant 8.00pm Evening Praise and Worship Readings for today Collect Heavenly Father, whose blessed Son was revealed to destroy the works of the devil and to make us the children of God and heirs of eternal life: grant that we, having this hope, may purify ourselves even as he is pure; that when he shall appear in power and great glory we may be made like him in his eternal and glorious kingdom; where he is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. First reading: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 The prophet warns of the Lord’s imminent and cataclysmic day of judgement on a people who have broken faith with him. Those who have presumed upon God’s indifference will find their material securities powerless to save them. Second reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Paul reminds the Thessalonians that, since no one knows the exact time and date of the Lord’s return, they are to encourage one another in consistent Christian living as children of the light, always prepared for God’s coming. Gospel reading: Matthew 25:14-30 Jesus compares his ultimate return to an absent master coming back to settle accounts with the servants to whom he has entrusted his wealth. Those who have used their Lord’s resources fruitfully are rewarded, the one who has done nothing is cast out. Post Communion Prayer Gracious Lord, in this holy sacrament you give substance to our hope: bring us at the last to that fullness of life for which we long; through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen. Priest at Font: Revd Liz Pickett Sub-Deacon: Rowland Davies Communion Assistants: Diane Hargreaves, Adrienne Mordan, Liz Wagner and Jean Martin Intercessor: Averil Bamber Reader at 10am: Chris Green Reader at 6.30pm: Ian Hammond NOTICES GARDENING WORKING PARTY needed for a major tidy and pruning of the South Garth - Sat 6th December, 9am-1pm. Please bring your own tools. Refreshments provided. WELCOME TABLE - for anyone new to the Abbey, there are details of the parish’s varied life and activities on the table by the font. Romsey School’s KENYA TRIP 2015 at the coffee morning held on 31st October, the sum of £571 was raised. Many thanks to all who supported us. The SHOEBOX SERVICE - today at St Mary's Church, Broughton at 3pm. Shoeboxes can still be left in Oasis. Thank you for your support. Tree of Life CALENDARS for sale featuring pictures of local churches, incl the Abbey. Desk-top type - £4 each with proceeds to support the running of the cafe. Order them from the Parish Office, sample on gift stall. Onefifty: a new EVENING PRAISE AND WORSHIP service primarily for those aged 15-35 today at 8pm in the Abbey. We’ll discuss how to create the new monthly service we would like, with refreshments and pizza! Musicians: why not come and play - 'tuning' rehearsal 7.45. Music available to download Psalm 150: Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. KATE ADIE LECTURE – Saturday 22nd November, 7.30pm in the Abbey - Christian Women in World War 1 – don’t miss it! Free admission with a retiring collection. Just a week to go until the Abbey CHRISTMAS FAIR. Please donate Christmas food for hampers puddings, chocolates, pate, biscuits, nuts, pickles, etc and baskets suitable for use as hampers. Also bottles of wines/spirits please. Thank you! Offers of ACCOMMODATION still needed for the Kings Chamber Orchestra performing here on Friday 28th Nov at 7.30pm. If you can help, please contact the Parish Office. An invitation to celebrate the work and achievement of producing DEANERY MISSION ACTION PLANS - Saturday 22nd November - refreshments at 11am followed at noon by a Eucharist in Winchester Cathedral. Revd. Dr. Paul Moore will preach and Bishop Tim will preside. All welcome! A big THANK YOU to everyone who made a donation to the Children’s Society at Mary’s party on 3rd Nov - you helped raised £155 for this wonderful cause. Pupils from Halterworth School have written POEMS commemorating the outbreak of the First World War. They are on display in St Lawrence’s Chapel. URGENT PLEA - we have the license, the wine and the spices, but Diane Hargreaves has no help serving mulled wine at the Christmas Fair. Please contact her in the Abbey today or tel 512315 and a rota will be made. Mini mince pies also still needed please. 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