This Week’s Calendar Monday 12th January - Psalm 2; 1 Corinthians 1:1-17 Daily Intention: The Diocese of Newcastle. For the sick: Les Bowden, Michael Lucas & Tonya 8.00am Morning Prayer & Eucharist Tuesday 13th - Psalm 9; 1 Corinthians 1:18-end Daily Intention: The Mothers’ Union. For the sick: Leonie Warwick, John Hill, Trevor Beard & Sarah Mortimer 9.15am Morning Prayer & Eucharist 7.40pm Meditation Group Wednesday 14th - Psalm 20; 1 Corinthians 2 Daily Intention: Romsey Hospital. For the sick: Daniel Green, Harry Johnson, Trevor Stott & Jake 8.00am Morning Prayer & Eucharist 2.00pm Funeral - Mr Roy Coombs Thursday 15th - Psalm 21; 1 Corinthians 3 Daily Intention: Parish visitors. For the sick: Kate Wood, Dottie Latham & Margot Edmunds Evening Prayer 10.00am Morning Prayer is said daily 10.30am Holy Communion at 5.30pm Friday 16th - Psalm 67; 1 Corinthians 4 Daily Intention: Friends of Romsey Abbey. For the sick: Megan Sutton, Luke & Jake Berry and Derek Harper 8.00am Morning Prayer & Eucharist 11.00am Funeral - Mrs Pauline Harris Saturday 17th - Psalm 33; 1 Corinthians 5 Daily Intention: Religious communities. For the sick: Diana Johnson, Beth Hingley & Barbara Parker 9.15am Morning Prayer & Eucharist Sunday 18th - Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Daily Intention: Christian Unity 8.00am Eucharist 10.00am Sung Eucharist 10.00am “Way In” in the Abbey Hall 11.30am 1662 Holy Communion 6.30pm Joint Evensong at the URC Readings for next Sunday: 8 & 10am: 1 Samuel 3:1-10; Psalm 139:1-5, 12-18; Revelation 5:1-10; John 1:43-end 6.30pm: Psalm 96; Isaiah 60:9-end; Hebrews 6:17-7:10 Welcome to the Abbey Church of St Mary and St Ethelflaeda & St Swithun’s, Crampmoor. Refreshments served in the Church Rooms after the 10am service Baptism of Christ 11th January 2015 8.00am Celebrant Eucharist Canon Tim Sledge 10.00am Celebrant Preacher Deacon Hymns Sung Eucharist and Sunday School Revd Bryan Taphouse Revd Jill Aussant Revd Jill Aussant Processional See Christ..., Gradual Psalm 29, Offertory 425, Communion Mark how the lamb, Post-Communion 56 Mathias Peeters Ave Maria - Elgar Fantaisie-Choral - Charles Tournemire Gloria Setting Motet Voluntary Prayers & Anointing for Healing are available in St Anne’s Chapel after the service 10.00am Celebrant Holy Communion at St Swithun’s Revd Nick Flood 12.15pm Leader Holy Baptism Revd Bryan Taphouse 6.30pm Epiphany Carol Service and Procession 7.00pm Sundays @ 7 at St Swithun’s Readings for today Collect Eternal Father, who at the baptism of Jesus revealed him to be your Son, anointing him with the Holy Spirit: grant to us, who are born again by water and the Spirit, that we may be faithful to our calling as your adopted children; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. First reading: Genesis 1:1-5 In the opening words of the Bible we hear of God creating the heavens and the earth. Second reading: Acts 19:1-7 Paul meets some disciples in Ephesus who had been baptised by John the Baptist. Paul baptises them into the name of Jesus Christ and they speak in tongues and prophesy. Gospel reading: Mark 1:4-11 Jesus meets John who is baptising the people in the River Jordan. As John baptises Jesus, Jesus sees the heavens torn apart, the Holy Spirit descends on him and the voice of God proclaims him beloved. Post Communion Prayer Lord of all time and eternity, you opened the heavens and revealed yourself as Father in the baptism of Jesus your beloved Son: by the power of your Spirit complete the heavenly work of our rebirth through the waters of the new creation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Priest at Font: Canon Tim Sledge Sub-Deacon: Paul Ellis Communion Assistants: Wendy Ellis, Adrienne Mordan, Barbara Parker and Lis Speck Reader at 10am: John Williams NOTICES 24/7 PRAYER - as part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, we are planning to “pray without ceasing” during the week. The venue is to be arranged, but please sign up for one of the many slots in the Pink file on the table by the South Door. Resources will be provided, but we need to populate the list as much as we can from now. Many thanks. WELCOME TABLE - for anyone new to the Abbey, there are details of the parish’s varied life and activities on the table by the font. SUNDAY SCHOOL - all 3-11 year olds are welcome to join us as we process out during the first hymn and 11-18 year olds are invited to join us for informal Bible Study - meet at the back of the Abbey at 9.55am. SUNDAYS @ 7 - tonight at St Swithun’s. This month’s theme is ‘Journeying’. The service provides a time of worship, a time to listen, to pray and a time for fellowship. We begin with tea or coffee and usually finish around 8pm. All welcome! Fellowship and Fund-Raising are holding an afternoon FILM SHOW of Part One of Rex Trayhorne's 1998 film of life in Romsey in the church rooms on Thursday 22nd January at 2pm. Tea and biscuits served. Admission free with retiring collection. (Part 2 on 19th February.) ONEFIFTY: Our new Praise & Worship Service, primarily for those aged 15-35 - January 22nd 7.30pm in the church rooms. Worship, planning and discussion with refreshments and pizza! Musicians (15-35) - please bring your instruments. Psalm 150: Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Illustrated Talk on life in BURMA - St Michael’s Church Hall, Bassett - 31st January at 7pm. Admission £5 in aid of the Burma Children’s Fund. RSVP for catering purposes - tel: 023 8076 9116. EXPLORING THE CREED sessions led by Revd Brian Pickett and Sarah Hargreaves in the church rooms on Mondays 12th and 19th Jan and 2nd & 9th February at 7.30pm. Romsey Rotary MARATHON - the PARISH VISITORS - next meeting Abbey/Triangulate team are looking for extra members for next year's relay Thursday 15th January in the church marathon on Sunday 19th April at rooms, 7.30pm (Co-ordinators Broadlands. If you would like to take part meeting at 6.45pm). All visitors in this fun event by running/jogging/ welcome - including those visiting walking 2.6 miles, then please let Bridget others informally. Brook know - tel: 519170. FRIENDS’ COFFEE MORNING Date for your diary: PARISH - Friday 16th January at the Town Hall from 10-11.45am. All welcome. RETREAT at Hilfield Franciscan Friary - 29th - 31st May 2015. More details to FREE EVENT - 'Move More, Feel follow. Better' - Thursday 22nd January between 1-4pm at The Rapids. 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