Gospel John 15: 1-8 Jesus The True Vine Christian Love in Action 3rd MAY 2015 “I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. 3 You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you. 4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. 5 “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. 6 Anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned. 7 But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted! 8 When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father. 5th Sunday of Easter Welcome to Worship Welcome to Revd Stuart Wilson 9.30am 11.00am Morning Prayer, St Peter’s, Thornbury Family Holy Communion, St Mary’s, Black Torrington joined by All Saints, Bradford NLT To Think About The resurrection was not a sentimental Easter card, but a profound revolution and revelation, an awe-filled one. The incredible love of God in the risen Jesus assumes its deepest significance as it springs out of our fear and amazement. Those of us who have met this risen Jesus in deep despair and are raised out of it have already been terrified and yet such love still amazes us. Many people turn away from the resurrection because of its frightening aspect. They would prefer to have life knowable and tame and ordered, at least partially within their control. If the resurrection is true, then this world is not what it seems and i may be called upon to follow the way of love revealed in this event. Love may demand all of me, and this will require courage, the kind of courage the first disciples of Jesus exhibited as they went out with their good news into a hostile and persecuting world. Morton Kelsey, Resurrection, Release from Oppression, 1985:85-86 Weds May 5th 9.00am 12noon Thornbury Church Coffee Morning, Holsworthy Memorial Hall Cake stall, tombola, plants, jewellery, books, bric a brac, please come along and support us. Any donations of cakes, tombola prizes very welcome More information from Liz 01409 261312 or Sara 01409 261760. Please take this pewsheet home with you as a reminder of events and topics for prayer Readings Acts 8: 26-40 1 John 4: 7-21 John 15: 1-8 Collect Risen Christ, your wounds declare your love for the world and the wonder of your risen life: give us compassion and courage to risk ourselves for those we serve, to the glory of God the Father. Amen At Holy Communion we invite communicant members of other Christian churches to come forward to receive the sacraments. If you would prefer to receive a blessing, please kneel at the rail with your hands at your sides. If you require gluten free wafers, please inform the person on duty at the door. Priest-in-Charge: Revd Prebendary Kathy Roberts Tel: 01409 231 279 Mob: 0771 757 5554 email: rectory@black-torrington-benefice.org.uk www.black-torrington-benefice.org.uk e-mail: enquiries@black-torrington-benefice.org.uk INTRODUCTION TO THE READINGS ACTS 8:26-40. This passage tells how the gospel became a missionary faith outside of Judaism. A eunuch whether Jewish or Gentile believer in Israel’s God would have been excluded from every Jewish congregation because he could not have any male heirs, “sons of the covenant.” The story is told as part of the main theme of Acts: To trace the expansion of the early church under the leadership of the apostles from Jerusalem to the Gentile nations of the world, especially to Rome, the capital city of the empire. 1 JOHN 4:7-21. Perhaps the finest definition of God is given here: “God is love.” Like partners in a dance, we are invited to love each other as God loves us. No one has seen God, but as we love one another we allow the world to catch a glimpse of God’s true nature. In fact, God’s love is somehow incomplete until we feature that love in our lives. JOHN 15:1-8. The allegory of the vine and the branches offers insight into the way the early Christian community saw the redemptive relationship between God, Jesus and the faithful. John stretches the image most picturesquely. The solid trunk of the vine emerging from the ground grows long, tender branches on which the fruit is produced. Without those branches, newly grown each year, the vine cannot produce. Cut off from the root, the branches are useful only as kindling for a fire. This was a common source of firewood in ancient times. God is described as the vine grower who cares for both the vine and the branches. Part of that caring requires rigorous pruning so that the vine continues to produce good fruit. This is exactly what has happened to Israel and to the church through the ages. © John Shearman PLEASE PRAY FOR: Benjie Inniss RIP John Baker The Churches within the Mission Community: Revd Christopher Penn and the Holsworthy Benefice of churches Those on the Electoral Roll at All Saints: Celia Taylor, Karl Taylor, Margaret Taylor, Martin Taylor, Michael Welch, Marion Westaway, Barbara Worth. Andrew Townsend and Margaret Cawthra whose banns are currently being called. Andrew lives in Thornbury and the couple will be married at All Saints, Fleet. Benefice Diary for May Mon 4th 8.00am No Morning Prayer, Bank Holiday Tues 5th 8.00am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s, Black Torrington Weds 6th 8.00am 9-12 Thurs 7th 8.00am Sat 9th 10.00am Sunday 10th 11.00am 7.00pm Morning Prayer, St Mary’s, Black Torrington Thornbury Church Coffee Morning, Holsworthy Memorial Hall Morning Prayer, St Mary’s, Black Torrington Benefice Saturday Church, Bradford Village Hall, followed by Holy Communion Benefice Rogation Service, Higher Odham Farm, Highampton, followed by a Bring and Share Lunch Woodacott Chapel, Thornbury, Concert the Arscott Singers Everyone Welcome, followed by refreshments Looking ahead Fri 15th May 7.00pm Barn dance in aid of St Mary's plastering fund. Barn Dance 15th May 7.00pm Barn dance in aid of St Mary's plastering fund. Tickets now available from Sue White, Janet Portman, Sheila Grabham and Val Letheren. We are putting together a hamper for a raffle prize. If anyone would like to contribute, there is a list of items we would like to include at the back of the church and a box for donations. Thank you A Prayer at Election Time Heavenly Father, source of all truth and wisdom, who knows and loves the whole creation, watch over our nation at election time: that truth may prevail over distortion, wisdom triumph over recklessness, and the concerns of every person be heard; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Contact Kate Inniss if you would like a notice included in the pew sheet by Wednesday latest, please. Phone 01409 231 234 or email kateinniss@gmail.com or benjiinniss@btinternet.com
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