Readings for the Sunday next before Lent Page numbers in the NIV pew Bibles Communion Services 2 Kings 2. 1-12, Page No. 369 2 Corinthians 4. 3-6, Page No. 1160 Mark 9. 2-9, Page No. 1012 FOR YOUR PRAYERS All those involved in the traffic accident in Weston, Bath, for the injured and the bereaved. For all who live in Ham Lane. Bethan Lewis and Sophie Isles as they prepare for travelling to India. Families who attended Baptism Preparation yesterday. The Vaughan Centre, Gloucester, helping the homeless. For the family and friends of Michael Vaggs who died last week. Weekly news from THE CHURNSIDE BENEFICE SUNDAY 15th February Sunday next before Lent TUESDAY 17th February Shrove Tuesday WEDNESDAY 18th February Ash Wednesday 10.00am Family Eucharist 10.00am Holy Communion 3.00pm Pancake Races 10.00am 11.00am 7.30pm 8.00pm Holy Communion Wednesday Worship Mulberry Court Holy Communion HC- Imposition of Ashes SC Sidd SC SC Sidd SC All who are unwell or recovering from illness including; Richard Wrightson THURSDAY 19th February 2.00pm Under 5’s Disclosure Prayer is like watching for the Kingfisher. All you can do is Be where he is likely to appear and Wait. Often, nothing much happens; There is space, silence and Expectancy. No visible sign, only the Knowledge that he’s been there And may come again. Seeing or not seeing cease to matter, You have been prepared. But when you’ve almost stopped Expecting it, a flash of brightness Gives encouragement. SATURDAY 21st February 10.00am Coffeepot UC/SC SUNDAY 22nd February 1st Sunday of Lent 8.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.00am 6.00pm SC Pr SC Sidd SC Anne Lewin Holy Communion Coffee and Church Sung Eucharist Morning Prayer Compline SC SC – South Cerney CW - Cerney Wick Sidd - Siddington Pr—Preston Morning Prayer is said each day in All Hallows at 8.30am. (Monday to Saturday). Vicar: Rev’d Canon David Bowers, The Vicarage, South Cerney, Cirencester, Glos. GL7 5TP. Tel: 01285 860221 Curate: Rev’d Angela Austin Tel: 01285 860692 Church Office: Open Tues & Thurs. mornings Clarks Hay, South Cerney, Cirencester, Glos. GL7 5UA. Tel: 01285 862632 Email: PANCAKE RACES The Annual Pancake Races in South Cerney will take place in Church Lane on Tuesday, 17th February starting at 3pm. There will be races for all ages from preschool to adult. This is followed by refreshment and the giving of small prizes in All Hallows Church. If you are racing don’t forget your pancake! If you do not want to run then come along and watch; it is a fun afternoon. LENT COURSE The Lent Course at South Cerney is called ‘Table Talk for Easter’ and is based on a group of people sitting down to eat together and having a conversation. Each week there will be a topic with a number of question cards which will be placed on the table for people to select, not necessarily to answer themselves, but to keep the conversation going. The topics for ‘Table Talk for Easter’ are:Hope: Can tomorrow be better than today? Evil: Why do some people do evil things? Justice: What does justice mean? Forgiveness: Is forgiveness good for you? Suffering: Why do bad things happen to good people? Death: Is this it? The Lent Course starts on Wednesday 25th February at 7pm in All Hallows Church. A meal is served as part of this course. To help with the catering please sign up on the sheet at the back of All Hallows Church marking which evening you will be attending. LENT LUNCH There will be a Lent Lunch in South Cerney Village Hall on Wednesday 18th March from 12 noon. This will be in aid of Christian Aid. Please put this date in your diary. FILLING STATION The next Filling Station is on Wednesday, 18th Feb at the Royal Agricultural University at 7.45pm in Room 7, the Emerys Jones Building. The speaker is Nick Crawley, who is regional director of Filling Stations in SW England and S Wales. He also leads Crossnet. In the 1990s he led a church in Harare, Zimbabwe. COFFEEPOT The next Coffeepot in the United Church is this coming Saturday, 21st February, 10am to 12 noon. Come along for delicious coffee, tea and cakes. A warm welcome awaits all. No charge - donations only. PRAYER The Bishop of Tewkesbury, the Rt Revd Martyn Snow, is holding a series of evening events during March exploring the theme of prayer. The evenings, which are being held in four churches across the four Thursdays in March, will be a mix of presentation, discussion and prayer. The evenings start at 7.30pm and will be held at the following churches: St Matthew’s, Cheltenham – 5th March Holy Trinity, Watermoor, Cirencester – 12th March St Lawrence’s, Barnwood – 19th March St Stephen’s, Cinderford – 26th March WOMEN'S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER 2015 The annual service which this year has been drawn up by the ladies of The Bahamas, will take place in the Benefice at St. Peter's Church, Siddington on Friday, 6th March at 2pm. The guest speaker will be the Rev'd Val Bexon, Vicar of the Benefice of Ermin West. A warm welcome is extended to everyone and tea will be provided after the service. CARBON FAST The Carbon Fast is part of the Diocese of Gloucester's response to the national Church of England’s Shrinking the Footprint campaign, which aims to see carbon emissions reduce by 42 per cent by 2020. The Diocese has already made significant steps towards this target by using renewable energy sources, including installing solar panels on the roofs of vicarages, schools and churches to generate electricity, with any surplus feeding back into the national grid. This year’s focus is on the link between water, which needs to be pumped, cleaned and stored for our use, and the energy we use. Suggestions for this year’s project include committing to only showering instead of using a bath for a week, checking your house for leaks and dripping taps, and turning the heating off for a day. To find out more about the Carbon Fast, including more ideas of ways to support it, visit the website at (extract from Diocesan website) COME INTO THE LIGHT Come into the LIGHT is a Christian bookshop located at 24 High Street Stonehouse, near Stroud. They stock a comprehensive range of Bible, candles, Cds DVDs, crosses, daily readings, greetings cards, key rings, prayer cards, stationary, t-towels, and lots more. They are open 9.30am – 4.30pm Mon – Sat. They even have free car parking!
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