This Week’s Calendar Monday 9th February - Psalm 30; John 19:1-16 Daily Intention: Parish visitors. For the sick: Les Bowden, Michael Lucas, Tonya and Jane Meakin 8.00am Morning Prayer & Eucharist Tuesday 10th - Psalm 36; John 19:17-30 Daily Intention: Parents and children. For the sick: Leonie Warwick, John Hill, Trevor Beard and Sarah Mortimer 9.15am Morning Prayer & Eucharist 7.40pm Meditation Group Wednesday 11th - Psalm 34; John 19:31-end Daily Intention: The Vicar. For the sick: Daniel Green, Trevor Stott and Jake 8.00am Morning Prayer & Eucharist 1.00pm Funeral - Mrs Elizabeth Collins Thursday 12th - Psalm 37; John 20:1-10 Daily Intention: The hungry & homeless. For the sick: Kate Wood, Dottie Latham, Margot Edmunds and Anais 10.00am Mothers’ Union Prayer Group 10.30am Holy Communion 12.30pm Parish Lunch Evening Prayer is said daily at 5.30pm Friday 13th - Psalm 31; John 20:11-18 Daily Intention: Church cleaners. For the sick: Megan Sutton, Luke & Jake Berry, Derek Harper and Rosemary Holmes 8.00am Morning Prayer & Eucharist Saturday 14th - Psalm 42; John 20:19-end Daily Intention: Orthodox Christians. For the sick: Diana Johnson, Beth Hingley and Barbara Parker 9.15am Morning Prayer & Eucharist Readings for next Sunday: Sunday 15th Daily Intention - King and the kingdom 8 & 10am: 2 Kings 2:1-12; 8.00am Eucharist Psalm 50:1-6; 2 Corinthians 10.00am Eucharist 4:3-6; Mark 9:2-9 10.00am “Way In” in the Abbey School Hall 6.30pm: Psalm 2; 1 Kings 11.30am 1662 Holy Communion 19:1-16; 2 Peter 1:16-end 1.00pm Wedding Fair 6.30pm Evensong Welcome to the Abbey Church of St Mary and St Ethelflaeda & St Swithun’s, Crampmoor. Refreshments served in the Church Rooms after the 10am service Second Sunday before Lent 8th February 2015 8.00am Celebrant Eucharist Revd Jill Aussant 10.00am Sung Eucharist and Sunday School Celebrant Canon John Reynolds Preacher & Deacon Revd Bryan Taphouse Hymns Processional 377, Gradual Psalm 104:26-37, Offertory 338, Communion 494, Post-Communion 439 Setting Gibbs in A Motet Thou knowest Lord - Purcell Voluntary Toccata in C BWV 564 - J S Bach Prayers & Anointing for Healing are available in St Anne’s Chapel after the service 10.00am Celebrant Holy Communion at St Swithun’s Revd Nick Flood 6.30pm Celebrant Preacher Hymns Psalm Responses Readings Anthem Voluntary Choral Evensong Revd Liz Pickett Revd Brian Pickett 349, 466, 267, 405 65 Ferial Genesis 2:4b-end; Luke 8:22-35 Teach me thy way - Fox Trumpet Tune - Boyce 7.00pm Sundays @ 7 at St Swithun’s Readings for today Collect Almighty God, you have created the heavens and the earth and made us in your own image: teach us to discern your hand in all your works and your likeness in all your children; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit reigns supreme over all things, now and for ever. Amen. First reading: Proverbs 8:1, 22-31 We hear the voice of wisdom, who is the first of all God’s creatures, and who gives God delight. Second reading: Colossians 1:15-20 Paul proclaims that Jesus Christ is the “image of the invisible God”, and the means by which everything comes into existence, and by which it is reconciled to God again. Gospel reading: John 1:1-14 John recasts the Genesis creation story, with Jesus as the Word God speaks to create. But although Jesus is the source of all life, some do not recognise him. Post Communion Prayer God our creator, by your gift the tree of life was set at the heart of the earthly paradise, and the bread of life at the heart of your Church: may we who have been nourished at your table on earth be transformed by the glory of the Saviour's cross and enjoy the delights of eternity; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Priest at Font: Sub-Deacon: Communion Assistants: Reader at 10am: Reader at 6.30pm: Revd Jill Aussant Rowland Davies Lis Speck, Jean Martin, Tim Burbidge and David Johnson Neil Sharman Andrew Dawbney NOTICES SUNDAYS @ 7 - tonight at St Swithun’s. This month’s theme is ‘Being a light to the world’ led by Revd Bryan Taphouse. The service provides a time of worship, a time to listen, a time to pray, and a time for fellowship, we begin with tea or coffee, and usually finish around 8pm. All are welcome to attend these services - please pass this invitation on to others. WELCOME TABLE - for anyone new to the Abbey, there are details of the parish’s varied life and activities on the table by the font. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE please pray for all those currently away on the pilgrimage. EXPLORING THE CREED - last of the sessions in the church rooms, Monday 9th February at 7.30pm. On 22nd February, we welcome Bishop Paisible Ndayisaba of the Diocese of Muyinga in BURUNDI who will preach at the 10am Eucharist. Bishop Paisible is one of the newest bishops in the country and is visiting the UK for Bishop’s induction in Canterbury and other projects linked with Burundi across the UK. Muyinga Diocese was created in 2005. A Co-ordinator is needed for the MACULAR SOCIETY Support Group in Romsey, a small gathering of blind and partially-sighted people who meet once a month at Carers Together in Love Lane. The role is to co-ordinate the speakers, promote the society and help to fund raise. Please contact Phillipa Wrightson for more info on 01962 712653. Friends of Romsey Abbey TALK Wednesday 25th February at 3pm “Stories behind the stained glass” open to everyone - tickets £4 on the HELP - is there anyone willing to play the piano for background music at the Parish Afternoon Tea on Sunday 8th March - anytime between 3-5pm in the church rooms. Any offers of help to Bridget Brook on 519170 - thank you. Update on the ABBEY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT meeting in the church rooms on 1st March between 11.15am & 12.15pm. Things have moved on since we last met and this will be a chance to communicate our thinking. Romsey Deanery WEEK OF PRAYER - 16th-21st March. As part of the Deanery Mission Action Plan, each benefice across the deanery will be working to develop its corporate life of prayer. There will be prayer events in each benefice. More details to follow and on Saturday 21st March “Exploring the Treasure Trove of Prayer” - here at the Abbey from 10am-1pm with a Eucharist at 12.30pm. A morning of prayer workshops and quiet spaces. Introductory talk by Ann Lewin, teacher, poet and retreat leader. The Art of Mindful Living - Introductory workshop to MINDFULNESS Tuesday 14th April at Wisdom House 9.30am - 1pm. Disposal of the old Abbey NOTICEBOARDS - if you would like one in return for a small donation - please see Liz Wagner.
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