` Christ the King Church 90 Greers Road, Burnside, Christchurch Fr. Stephen Lowe (In residence) frstevelowe@gmail.com THE FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING - 23 NOVEMBER 2014 – TODAY’S READINGS Fr. Joaquin Camano (In residence) First Reading: Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17 Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, Alleluia! Blessings on him who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessings on the coming kingdom of our father David! Alleluia! www.christtheking.org.nz or www.ctk.org.nz Ph: 358 2611 Fax: 358 4190 Parish Secretary Melonie de Roo Tues. – Fri. 8.15am - 12.15pm Ph: 358 2611 ctk.parish@xtra.co.nz Communion to the Sick Peter Nevin Ph: 358 7254 or the Parish Office Ph: 358 2611 Psalm Response: The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46 Second Reading: Corinthians 15:20-26.28 Prayer of the Faithful Response: Lord hear our prayer. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Remember in your prayers: The sick in the parish also: Mons. Bill Middleton, Kathy Toumazou, Christine Prendergast, Colleen Anderson, Margaret Sheehan, William Koko, Tom Koko, John Manning, Peri Marks (teacher at CTK School). Recently Deceased: Angela Mottram, Brian Willcox, Shirley Sweeney. Youth Co-Ordinator James Bryant Ph: 354 9093 Mobile 02102593343 ctkyouthnz@gmail.com Masses Requested: Margaret Collins (R.I.P) , Joe Cotteral (R.I.P), Mary Ferigo, (Ann.), Nicanora Vergara (Ann.), Eileen Eccleton (R.I.P) & Scully Families. Parish Pastoral Council Pat McQuinn (Chair) Ph: 348 2896 Book of Memories: 23 Mary Dolheguy, Ron Cusack, Michael Atkin, Violet Myers, th th Julia Pearce; 24 Rose Callaghan; 25 John Slattery, Mary Kerr, James Lysaght, th Betty Kirkpatrick, Carmel Otto; 26 John O’Keefe, Mary Cosgrove, Geoffrey Ross; th 27 Peggy Kennedy, Patrick Kenny, Joseph McDonald, Daisy Hodnett, Lee Silcock; th 29 Joyce Williams, Simon Callanan, Kathleen O’Regan. Christ the King School Mike Bonisch (Principal) Ph: 358 2708 www.christtheking.school.nz MASS TIMES Monday – Thurs. 9am Friday – 7am & 9am Saturday – 9am Saturday – Vigil – 6pm Sunday – 9am & 11am Reconciliation Saturday 9.30am 10.30am [or on request] Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament Mon. – Fri. 8am – 8.50am Thurs. 2.00pm – 4.00pm Fri. 9.30am – Sat. 8.50am Rosary Mon-Sat after the 9am Mass and Divine Mercy Chaplet Novena Saturday 5pm-5.30pm followed by Rosary rd CHURCH INFORMATION What’s On: Sun. 10.00am Mon. 7.00 – 8.30pm Tues. 4.30pm 7.30pm Wed. 9.45am Thurs. 8.00pm Fri. 3.15 – 5.00pm Sat. 3.00pm Parish Morning Tea Youth Group – High School S.V.D.P Meeting Choir practice Christian Meditation R.C.I.A - Oratory Youth Group - Primary School Legion of Mary - Oratory Next Week’s Readings: Year B First Reading: Second Reading: Gospel: Isaiah 63:16-17; 64:1.3-8 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:33-37 Welcome to all newcomers to Christ the King, if you would like to be visited by a member of our welcoming committee please write your name in the green book at the back of the church Sunday Reflection Happy Feast Day! This weekend we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King, our parish feast day and a feast day for the whole Church. Concerned at the rise of communism and fascism Pope Pius XI established this feast in 1925. He was right to be concerned as these two political systems led to the deaths of over 100 million people in the 20th century. In the face of such tyrannical political systems the Holy Father wanted to remind the world there was a radically “other way,” the way of Christ the King, the prince of peace. We hear of that radical way in today’s Gospel. When we think of a King we think of crowns, palaces, power and wealth. But Christ the King reminds us that he identifies with the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick and imprisoned. “I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you made me welcome; naked and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me.” In many ways the parish has seen a magnificent example of this in Monsignor Bill. In caring those in need Monsignor Bill crowned Christ the King. May his love of those in need continue to be an example to us all. God bless. Fr Steve CTK High School Youth Group Our end of year picnic which will be held on Sunday 7th December at Corsair Bay, we will travel out as a group from CTK Church after 9am mass. S.V.D.P You may have noticed that for some time there has been a St Vincent de Paul collection box placed at each of the 3 doors into the church. For security reasons, the boxes at the two side doors have been removed. Should you wish to make a monetary contribution to SVDP, the most secure method would be to place your donation in an envelope, note it clearly “SVDP Donation”, and either hand it in to the parish office, or place in the collection baskets at each Mass. Many thanks for your ongoing support of both goods and monetary donations. Invitation: The Lewis Family group invite all parishioners to join us or a BYO picnic lunch and walk, meeting just behind Riccarton House at Riccarton Bush, today, Sunday 23 November at 12.30pm. Novena finishes on Saturday 29 November and recommences on 7 February 2015. Rosary will continued to be prayed at 5.30pm before Mass. th th Next Week’s Roster 29 /30 November 6 pm Cantor/Organist, Z Ioane, P E Sia Music Groups Readers P Wong, A Emery Ex. Ord. Min. M & J Dominic, V & C Chia, P Of Holy Com. Nevin, M Bennett, C Riffel Offertory Greeters Servers Collectors Church Cleaning Morning Tea Counters Christmas Cards and Columbian Calendars are available now!!!! S.V.D.P will be selling Christmas Cards and Columban Calendars after all Masses during the month of November. A pack of 5 cards $2.50 and calendars are $10. Dove Catholic Women’s Advent Celebration Christmas Carols & Mass to be celebrated by Fr Jack Allow the Lord to minister to you, feel His love & be renewed, receive all the graces He has for you through Holy Mass, Prayer Ministry and Christian Fellowship. Saturday 6th December 2014 - “The Feast Day of St Nicholas”. 1 pm – 3.30pm, Christ the King Parish Centre. All women welcome. Enquiries: Diane Findlay 03 312 8672 or www.dove.org.nz Catholic Women’s League Notices Thursday 4 December, regional meeting at St Joseph’s. Mass at 12 noon, followed by a shared Lunch. Saturday 6 December, closing Mass at Sumner at 10am. Please bring non-perishable items for the Home & Family appeal. Members to meet at CTK car park at 9am to carpool. Wednesday 10 December, Branch Christmas Luncheon, 12.30pm at Hoofbeats. Names to Ngaire th by Monday 8 please. CTK Friendship/Activities Group Our final meeting of the year will be a Christmas Luncheon at the Commodore Hotel on Monday, 1 December, we will meet at the hotel at 12noon. th Please RSVP to Joyce 351 8660 by 24 November. If you need transport please let Joyce know. Cost $30. The Magnificat Advent Companion is available from the parish office and is $3 a copy. This rich spiritual companion will accompany you like a beloved friend through the four weeks of Advent with poignant scriptural reflections for each day of the season. You will also find a wealth of meditative prayers, essays, poetry, and examination of conscience, and a unique feature: the Advent Stations. If you long for the nearness of God in your life this invaluable little booklet promises to bring you ever closer to the One who promised: “I will be with you always” (Mt 28:20). Festival 200 – 6pm, 7 December, Horncastle Arena, please see the notice board for more information. 9am R Crossland, J Gill L Durkin, M-A Holgate G Holgate, A Devonport, T Campbell, R de Roo, R Dey, D Pitcaithly, N Sheehan Morahan Family Y & B Quinn B Lim, H King H Muir, P Selvam A Kuek, T Tan, C Tan, A Tan L de Roo, C Bryant, P Bryant, B Barrett D Boyle, P Cosgriff K Lewis, J Noble th Thursday, 4 December – John Burns (C) Eileen Keane – Children’s Liturgy M McGowan, B Craddock More Notices, News and Information available on our website 11 am B Reddington, P Goh S Roughan, McNeill J Preddy, L O’Rourke, C & J Kennedy, M Reynolds, M Fraher, C Sissons C Swinney, P Lynch P Fogarty, M de Gouw V Becker, M McNulty, C Mercer, M Mercer B Perwick, P McAuley www.christtheking.org.nz
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