THE WEEK AHEAD @ CTK & ST. PAUL Date Time Event Place March 22 Fifth Sunday of Lent Sunday 8:30 AM Mass STP 10:00 AM Mass CTK 10:00 AM RE Classes CTK 11:00 AM RE Classes CTK 11:30 AM Mass STP 5:00 PM Confession CTK 6:00 PM Mass CTK 7:00 PM ACT STP MASS SCHEDULE FOR MARCH 21 - 29, 2015 Sat 21 Sun 22 5:00 PM CTK 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 6:00 PM STP CTK STP CTK Birthday of Barbara Petras (Wendy & Bill Serbonich) Brother Kenneth Fitzgerald (the Holmes Family) People of the Parishes David Underwood (the Pancoast Family) Bob Yoakam (Caitlin Tuttle) Mon 23 7:15 AM STP 8:15 AM STP the Unborn Richard L. Winbigler (Jerry & Robin Schaffer) Tue 24 8:15 AM STP Special Intention (Art & Terri Trese) Wed 25 8:15 AM STP 5:15 PM CTK Gaye Royko (Anne Chonko) Newman Community Thu 26 8:15 AM STP Saunders & Halley Families (John & Blaine Halley) Fri 27 8:15 AM STP 7:00 PM CTK Jessie Summers (the Curp Family) Stations of the Cross Sat 28 5:00 PM CTK Bryan Bell (the Bell Family) Sun 29 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 6:00 PM STP CTK STP CTK PRAYERS Please keep in your prayers: Dorothy Scarmack Clarence Caldwell Angie Dioguardi Bernice Barba Reta Robinson Cecelia ‘Tate’ Baird Send your prayer request to Wendy, 592-2711, or People of the Parishes Joanne Longo (Anna Longo & Family) Laone Trese (the Trese Family) Betty Gloekler (Maria Henning) LITURGICAL MINISTERS For this weekend: March 21/22 Mass 5:00 PM CTK 8:30 AM STP 10:00 AM CTK 11:30 AM STP 6:00 PM CTK Readers Ems Beatrice Selotlegeng Noah Hawk Miriam Shadis Justin Frantz Lynn Simon, Deacon Dan Murray, Bob Bell, Tony Gorman the DePeel Family Ami Brannan Jacqueline Perich Lori Pierce Bruce Steiner Sara Menchofer, Anita Weisenbach, Jerry Hann, Mike & Renee Baum the Owens Family Henry Welsh Eric Kim Emma Kessler Mary Ann Simon Deacon Dan Murray, Emma Kessler, Kathy Baca the Meyer Family Scott Carson Lisa Carson Theresa Meyer Theresa Meyer, Scott Carson, Rachel Meyer Claire DeBruin Megan Norris Patty DeBruin Trent DeBruin, Jimmy Lefebvre, Eric Mayer, Megan Norris March 25 Wednesday 5:15 PM 6:00 PM 7:15 PM 7:00 PM March 26 Thursday Greeters/Gift Bearers Servers Readers Ems Anita Weisenbach TBA Mary Ann Reeves Janis Tysko Carol Wasko, Bob Maher, Wendy Serbonich, Viki Snider Sara & Roger Menchofer Jon Denhart Taylor Scott Dave Swanson Mike Baum Deacon Dan Murray, Marguerite Kostival, Nancy & Dan Denhart, Charles Mansfield the Blair Family Andrea Bedell Charlie Strohm Kurt Montle Meg Omecene Patty Finnearty, Chuck Bechter, Sherry Curp, Mary Helen Graham the Pancoast Family Sydney Davis Marybeth Pancoast Terry Kemper Christina Orozco Deacon Dan Murray, Christina Orozco, Terry Kemper, Marybeth Pancoast Jake Welter Jimmy Lefebvre Jennie Matteson Michele Smith Jacob Welter Karen Matteson, Sara Sand, Hadley Savoldi, Kelli Zeese, Nicholas Cundiff Mass RCIA STP HFC STP STP STP Marietta 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross CTK 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM March 29 Sunday Mass CM Dinner Newman Meeting Penance Service 6:30 PM H.S. Bible Study HFC 7:00 PM Penance Service Belpre March 28 Saturday 10:00 AM LITURGICAL MINISTERS For next weekend: March 28/29 Mass 5:00 PM CTK 8:30 AM STP 10:00 AM CTK 11:30 AM STP 6:00 PM CTK STP Finance Council Mtg. STP March 24 Tuesday 12:30 PM Faith Sharing STP 7:00 PM Penance Service Beverly March 27 Friday Greeters/Gift Bearers Servers Elizabeth Dyar Ben Eilers March 23 Monday 10:00 AM 7:15 AM 7:00 PM Ordination to the Diaconate St. Mary, Marietta NO Confession STP NO Adoration STP Confession CTK Mass CTK Palm Sunday 8:30 AM Mass 10:00 AM Mass 10:00 AM RE Classes 11:00 AM Easter Egg Hunt 11:30 AM Mass 5:00 PM Confession 6:00 PM Mass STP CTK CTK CTK STP CTK CTK THANK YOU - To all the people who generously contributed their time to prepare food, to set up and to clean up for the reception this week following Fr. Peter’s funeral. Linen Care CTK STP March 22 Carol Sauber Teresa Caldwell March 29 Wendy Serbonich Gwyn Scott STATIONS OF THE CROSS Friday, March 27, 7:00 PM Christ the King University Parish SYMPATHY - Please pray for the repose of the soul of Father Peter Raposo who died last week. We offer his family and friends our sincere sympathy. There will be a general memorial service for Fr. Peter on Monday, March 30, at 7:00 PM at St. Paul Church. LENTEN PENANCE SERVICES - There are several Communal Penance Services scheduled this Lent: Tuesday, March 24, at St. Bernard, Beverly at 7:00 PM; Wednesday, March 25, at the Basilica of St. Mary in Marietta at 7:00 PM or at St. Ambrose Church in Belpre on Thursday, March 26, also at 7:00 PM. BABY BOTTLE CAMPAIGN UPDATE - The results of the Pregnancy Resource Center’s annual Baby Bottle Campaign are in. The goal was to raise $20,000 to help finance the PRC’s day-to-day operations. Over $20,400 was raised, and the Athens Catholic Community raised $2,206. Thanks to all who generously contributed to the PRC! BAPTISM - This weekend we welcome into the Church Brantley Benjamin Smith, son of Ben Smith and Keryn Swart. Brantley is the grandson of Ellen and Scott Smith. SUNDAY COLLECTION: MARCH 15 CTK Adult Loose Total $ 3747.00 $ 320.00 $ 4067.00 CRS ACCFP $ 450.00 $ 135.00 ST. PAUL Adult Loose Total $ 3143.00 $ 272.00 $ 3415.00 CRS ACCFP $ 1047.00 $ 225.00 GENESIS TO JESUS: JOURNEY THROUGH SCRIPTURE Thursdays throughout Lent, 6:30 - 8:30 PM Open to all 8th-12th grade students We will study for an hour from 6:30-7:30 PM, and from 7:30-8:30 we will have praise and worship and time for prayer with Our Lord Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. You may come to one or both sessions. We will meet in the library in the Holy Family Center. For more information, contact FILLED EASTER EGGS NEEDED - The parish is sponsoring an Easter Egg Hunt on Palm Sunday, March 29. Parishioners are invited to help supply plastic eggs filled with goodies or small items. The filled eggs can be dropped off in the boxes in the Gathering Space at Christ the King and the Vestibule at St. Paul. Fr. Mark encourages ALL the youth of the parishes to participate. EASTER EGG HUNT - This annual event for ALL children in the parishes is Sunday, March 29. Children 5 and under launch the egg hunts at 11:20 in the front yard at Christ the King following 10:00 Mass. Children who are over 5 years old AND not in the RE Program have the opportunity to hunt for eggs at 11:30. The egg hunt for the older children is part of their classroom preparations for Holy Week. They will hunt eggs with their classes. The Newman Community and Athens Catholic Teens are helping Fr. Mark hide the eggs. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION RETREAT - The annual retreat for children making their First Holy Communion is Saturday, April 11, from 8:30 to 11:00 AM. It will be held at St. Paul Church. WALK TO JERUSALEM - Don't forget to log your miles at It's not too late to contribute, even if you haven't yet logged miles from Week 1, 2, or 3, you can add them at any point. We're over halfway through Lent and still have many more miles to travel to reach Mount Calvary by Good Friday. Keep up the great work! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - There will be a 4th Degree meeting on Sunday, March 29, at the Marietta Hall at 1:00 PM. All 4th Degree Knights are asked to attend. Call Don Frymyer, 740-591-7490, for more info. HOLY WEEK AND EASTER SCHEDULE Chrism Mass 7:00 PM Tuesday, March 31 St. Mary, Marietta Holy Thursday Mass 7:00 PM April 2 Christ the King Good Friday Passion 7:00 PM April 3 Christ the King Holy Saturday Vigil 8:00 PM April 4 Christ the King Easter Sunday Masses 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 6:00 PM April 5 St. Paul Christ the King St. Paul Christ the King SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE The 2015 St. Paul Church Scholarship applications are available at the parish offices, and are due by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, March 31, 2015. Applications should be delivered to the parish offices. The 2015 Bratton Scholarship applications are available at the parish offices. Applications and accompanying documents must be returned to the Bratton Scholarship Committee, First Presbyterian Church Office, 9 North College Street, Athens, Ohio 45701. All applications and accompanying documents must be received by 5:00 PM on Thursday, April 9, 2015. PILGRIMAGE OPPORTUNITIES - Fr. Dan Pisano, Pastor of St. John, Wellsburg, WV, is the spiritual director for a 13-day pilgrimage to Spain and Fatima September 14-26, 2015. The itinerary includes overnights in Madrid, Burgos, Santiago de Compostela, Fatima, and Lisbon. Visits to Toledo, Avila, Segovia, Salamanca and Braga are included. The cost is $3550 per person with deposit of $450 and final payment by June 14. Package includes round-trip air from most east coast and midwest airports, superior tourist class hotels, escorted guides, air conditioned motorcoaches, daily breakfast and dinners. For more information/ brochures, contact John Tagnesi, 1888-544-4461 or Make a pilgrimage to the Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation in Carey in 2015 - the Year of Consecrated Life! For more information, call 419-396-7107, or email ATHENS CATHOLIC COMMUNITY St. Paul Church & Christ the King University Parish Offices: 38 North College Street, Athens, Ohio 45701 Phone: 740-592-2711 or 740-593-7822 Website: Reverend Fr. Mark A. Moore, Pastor Reverend Mr. Daniel Murray, Deacon Nancy Sand, Pastoral Associate Nancy Denhart, Director of Religious Education Wendy Serbonich, Secretary Ellen Smith, Financial Secretary Rick Sirois, Facilities Director Masses: St. Paul: Mon.—Fri. 8:15 AM Wednesday 5:15 PM Sunday 8:30 AM & 11:30 AM Christ the King: Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM & 6:00 PM Reconciliation: St. Paul: Saturdays 12:00—1:00 PM Christ the King: Saturdays 4:00 — 4:45 PM & Sundays 5:00—5:45 PM. Confessions are heard anytime by request or appointment. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Saturdays 12:00 Noon at St. Paul, concluding with Benediction at 1:00 PM. Baptism: Contact Nancy Sand ( or 740-592-2711) to schedule a pre-baptism class and date. Marriage: Arrangements must be made six months in advance. Contact the parish office to set up a date and receive our guidelines. The guideline are also available online ( Care for the Sick or Homebound: Call the parish office to set up visitation to receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick or Holy Communion. Prayer Network: Please call or email Wendy ( or 740-592-2711) or go on-line ( to place a prayer request on the prayer line or to join in the prayers for those in need. @AthensCatholic Office Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays: 9:00 AM—9:00 PM; Fridays: 9:00 AM—5:00 PM; the offices are closed on Wednesdays. New Parishioners: Please register on-line (, call or email Wendy to register in our parishes ( or 740-592-2711). Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): For those interested in becoming Catholic. Contact Greg Kremer ( for more information. Newman Catholic Student Community: This group is open to all students of Ohio University. Visit our website, for more information or contact Nancy Sand ( High School Youth Group: Athens Catholic Teens (ACT) for high school students (grades 9-12) meets every other week during the school year. Contact our Youth Minister, Mary Catherine Kennedy ( Music Ministry: Become a member of our choirs by contacting Lynn Sullivan at St. Paul ( or Nancy Simmons-Beebe at Christ the King ( Athens Catholic Community Food Pantry: Provides food for needy families. Please call the parish office for assistance or to volunteer. Natural Family Planning: Contact Bob and Sharon Colvin (740-593-5713) or Eileen Sirois (910-545-8783).
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