Prayer Requests Marilyn Aber, Chuck Allen, Sue Atkinson, Sharon Bologna, Joshua Boudreaux, Mindy Boroussard, Kacee Bercegeay, Daniel Carlton, Clay Casey, James T. Cinnamond, Tracy Cobia, Michelle Clancy, Mae Conaster, Baby Sophia Cooper, Fr. Cooper, Marge Crow, Darya & Danika Darley, Josh Doherty, Jan Ebbecke, Andrea Eller, Anne Ferfuson, Ann Floreck, Nick Gallo, Maria Gouin, Hayden Green, Rosemary Greenkorn, Richard Hackle, Lori Herring, Jeff Hill, Thomas, Jahanian, Mike Klein, MaryAnn Krebs, John LeBleu, Joseph LeBleu, Concetta Loduca, Tony Logue, Monica Lopez, Jim Mahan, Betty Miller, Patrick, Malambrie, Patrick Miller, Brian Murray, Pat Neal, Berenice Newell, Carolyn Opar, Boone Pendergrast, Steve Peterson, Christopher Pierce, Samantha Reed, Deborah Roberts, Melissa Savoie, Susie Segar, Joyce Schilly, Charles Shromer, Chris Simerly, Liz Skalicky, Nick Sorel, Jennifer Trousdale, Keith Tullos, John Vambro, Cliff Wesson Margie Quast, long-time former parishioner of St. Rita, passed away January 8th. Please keep her husband, Vern & family in your prayers This Week at St. Rita First Sunday in Ordinary Time The Baptism of our Lord Sat. Jan. 10, 5:30 PM…….……………….…..…………………… 7:00 PM ……………………………...Spanish Mass Sun. Jan. 11, 8:00 AM...................+Susan Gonsalves Marsland By Brenda & Tom Roache 10:00 AM……..............…Thomas O’Sullivan Murray By Murray Family 12:00 PM..………...CTK……….…Fr. Kevin Johnson People of Christ the King 5:00 PM…...…...………..…........Fr. Kevin Johnson B y St. Rita Staff Mon. Jan. 12, 8:30 AM ……………...…....+Dean & Sadie McGhee By Phyllis McGhee Tue. Jan. 13, 8:30 AM…………….…...+ Shelly Bailey Mohagnan By Phil & Gail Carron Wed. Jan. 14, 8:30 AM………………………………... +Larry Victor By Montez Shipp Sun. 11th Baptism of our Lord Thur. Jan. 15, 8:30 AM……………………………...Breckin Walsh Mon. 12th Boy Scouts 6:00pm MSSR ………………..Prayer Group 7:00 pm Church Fri. Jan. 16, 8:30 AM………………………………+Beau Carone By Carone Family Tue. 13th GROW Men’s Group 7:00pm Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Wed. 14th Sewing Group 9:00 am MSSR Sat. Jan. 17, 5:30 PM………………....….……Fr. Kevin Johnson People of St. Rita Middle School, 5:00 MSSR, High School, 6:00 ………………..Hispanic Choir practice 5:30pm, Church ………………..Hispanic Bible Study 6:00 pm Office ........................................................................... Sun. Dec. 18, 8:00 AM ……………………...…+Olga T. Herbert By Charles Hebert Thurs. 15th NEW Catholicism Study 6:30 pm Office ………………… Men’s & Women’s club 7:00 pm 10:00 AM…………………………...+Rick Norcross By Bob & Ginger Norcross 12:00 PM ...CTK……………………………………... 5:00 PM ...……………..….………..+Linda Lascola By Richard Lascola Altar Linen January 11 Janice Schmitt 18 Brigid Iannuzzi 25 Elizabeth Stay February 1 Joyce Martin 8 Patsy Mall 15 Anna Fowler 22 Cathy Tullos March 1 Paula Michalak 8 Lucille Mahan 15 Irene Kinsley 22 Marlene Berres CARING & SHARING website: CaringsharingofWaltoncounty Please take donations to the MSSR. Thank you! January 11, 2015 The St. Vincent DePaul Society needs new Volunteers. Contact Steve at 678-362-0284. CALL SAINT VINCENT dePAUL Do you need help? Know anyone in need? Call: 888-229-6582 i necesita ayuda o conoce a alguien necesite, llamem usted a la Sociedad de la San Vincente de Paul, y pregunte por Felita al 850-278-166 despues de las 5 de la tarde. ST. RITA STEWARDSHIP Offertory $ 10,475.20 Building Fund $ 1,902.39 Upon This Rock $ 977.00 Burse Club $ 25.00 Thank You!!! Gracias!!! Baptism of Our Lord “Create a new life style in 2015: Definition A firm decision “to do or not to do” something; The act of resolving— upon an action, course of action or method or procedure. inventory RESOLUTIONS” from the God Squad! :) GS. Here we are in 2015 ………………. and many of us are making new year’s resolutions. Tomorrow is a new beginning... Will we be better thinner healthier tidier? What about today? GS. “Stop-Look and Listen;” What is going on in our lives? We need to change our habits, spiritual & physical disciplines! This New Year take a “spiritual inventory” of yourself. When you are working on changing your life style take one step at a time. Remember that a partly cloudy forecast is also partly sunny. Did you know that when a plane flies from San Francisco to Hawaii, it is off course 90% of the time, When our lives get off course turn on your spiritual auto pilot and correct your life’s destination. GS. Decide on acourse of action that you want to follow. Use your spiritual compass to direct your spiritual & physical goals. Our next public Rosary of Reparation for our nation's sins, especially abortion, and for reconciling our nation with God, will be 10 AM on Thurs., Jan. 22nd on Hwy 98 near the entrance of P.F. Chang's restaurant. “As a member of society & citizen of your country you must unite with the rest in making atonement...which Divine Justice requires for the public and national sins committed in the community in which you live...national sins must be expiated in this world for the very simple reason that they cannot be expiated in the next. -Rev. F.J. Remier, C.F.M. Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that His justice cannot sleep forever.” Thomas Jefferson INFO: J. McCollums 520-818-8651 or T. Herrick 850-267-0947. Something to think about!! “Stay to the left of but...” 1) I would go to Mass more, but it is boring. 2) I would pray more, but I have no time. 3) I would pray the rosary, but I forgot to do it 4) I would say the chaplet, but what is it? 5) I would go to Confession, but sports are on TV at that time. 6) I would read the Bible, but I don’t know where to start. 7) I would follow my resolutions, but I forgot what they were. Time is a Precious Gift. God Dispenses one second at a time. “Don’t waste it” The Soul is a garden; Sins are weeds; Virtues are the flowers, Prayer is the water and the Sacraments are the Sunlight Happy New Year from “The God Squad.” You are cordially invited to attend Saint Mary Catholic School’s Sixteenth Annual Brite Stars Gala Charity Benefit & Dinner Friday, Feb. 6, 2015 6:30 pm – 11:00 pm Monsignor Mullins Parish Life Center Tickets are on sale now in the school office or contact Kristin White at 243-8913. January 11, 2015 Baptism of Our Lord Best Fish Fry On the Coast NEW CATHOLICISM BIBLE STUDY BEGAN January 8, 2015 “For those who missed the first study or where unable to attend, a new class is starting Thursday, January 8, 2015. Sessions run from 6:30-to 8:00. Call the parish office to register. 267-2558 Cost is $25 Saint Rita Catholic Church THANK YOU TO CHICK & CATHY HUETTEL, LEADERS OF OUR CHURCH DÉCOR MINISTRY, AND ALL WHO HELPED TO DECORATE ST. RITA CHURCH FOR CHRISTMAS! 137 Moll Drive, Santa Rosa Beach 32459 850-267-0932 FISH FRY FRIDAY’S 3pm-7pm January 9 & January 23 FR. KEVIN UPDATE February 6 & February 20 Adults $10.00 • Children 6-12 $3.50 Fr. Kevin wishes to thank everyone for their prayers. He is recovering at home from surgery on his foot. Please continue to pray for a speedy recovery. Fried Fish — Chicken Fingers for the Kids— Corn Nuggets - Coleslaw - Bread-Butter Women’s Club Lunch Bunch March 6 & March 20 ** ** Hosted by Knights of Columbus Tuesday,January 13th at noon Tommy Bahama’s 525 Grand Blvd. Sandestin, FL 32550 RSVP by January 11th Baked Beans - Dessert - Coffee - Iced Tea TAKE OUT ORDERS AVAILABLE Boy Scout Benefit Pasta Dinner Saturday, January 31 from 3 -7 pm Adult $8.00; Child $3.00 generous support! 393 St. Rita 137 Moll Drive Santa Rosa Beach Helen McCall Park Ball Field The preschool would like to say Happy New years to everyone! Gulf Place & 30A Thank your for your Community Church 98 Moll Drive San Destin 5.9 Miles West Alice Ann Sanchez 850-835-5421 Our 2015-2016 school year registration packets will be ready Feb 1,2015. Just stop by and Talk with Lisa Brooks If you are interested. We will also have summer camps this summer. Make sure you check us out in this months Catholic Compass. NEED END OF YEAR TAX STATEMENT??? Email your request to our bookkeeper Laurie Elliot at: January 11, 2015 Baptism of Our Lord Estudio Biblico los martes a las 7PM ! Prayer requests For God’s Divine Healing CHRIST THE KING CATHOLIC CHURCH 1552 Scenic Highway 331, Freeport, Florida 32439 850-267-2558 FAX 850-267-3711 Fr. Kevin Johnson, Pastor “IN CHRIST’S CORNER” Church Ministry for TODAY Sunday, January 11, 2015: Eucharistic Ministers- Luann Schley, Myron Tassin, Reese Orlosky; Lector-Sally Orlosky; Ushers-Laureen Riggi, Don Norse Church Ministry for NEXT Sunday, January 18, 2015: Eucharistic Ministers, Joe and Maryann Guss, Reese Orlosky; Lector LaRae Sorrell; Ushers-Chuck Kersten and Don Norse PARISH COUNCIL MEETING AFTER MASS TODAY!!! CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS: We will be taking down the Christmas Decorations TODAY after Mass. Please stay and help us: “Many hands make light work!” Thank You! Thank You to another of CTK’s unsung heroes: Frank Trainer arrives early every Sunday to make the coffee that we enjoy after Mass. Thank You also to Chuck Kersten who “pinch-hits “for Frank if Frank is out of town. God Bless You Frank and Chuck!!! ;o) REMINDER: EVERY SUNDAY, please gather after Mass in the Social Hall and enjoy Coffee and Snacks with your CTK Family members. UPCOMING EVENTS the United States of America, for those suffering from Religious Persecution and for these CTK Family Members and their Friends, Ruth Wilson, Joyce Schilly, Ann Aultman, Dan Carlton, Rhonda Trainer, Gerald Forman, Lily Mc Coy, Gloria Caggiano, Phillip and Mary Maple, Dan Dowd Sr.,Yvonne Payne, George Dunnigan, Joe Guss, Jim Sandoski, Dottie Drury, Michael Fries, Patrick Smith, Nancy Stock, Dave Baron, Gary Kinnen, Ralph Sorrell, Skippy Hoffman and CJ Alford. There is also a request for prayers for a Special Intention and another request for the Glory of Perpetual Life with God for the Soul of Adele Barry, sister-in-law of Yvonne Payne. Please Pray For Father Kevin CTK Ten-Week Bible Study Group entitled: “James-Pearls for Wise Living” led by Jeff Cavins will be on Wednesdays, beginning on January 7, 2015 at 7PM in the CTK Social Hall. Please contact CTK Family Member, LaRae Sorrell at or 704-703-1849 for more information and to register. Cards, etc Groups Night. Several Church members have asked if we can have regularly scheduled “Cards Night” Poker, Pinochle, Texas Hold’em, Bunco, the Social Hall. Please use the “SUGGESTION BOX” in the vestibule to express your desires/needs/wants on ANY TOPIC related to CTK CTK Social Hall Members who wish to utilize the Hall are to make plans through Dave Doring at: or, 835-5470 Send info for“ In Christ’s Corner” to Sally by Sunday Evening at: THANK YOU! Continuing January 14, to March 18, 2015 Bible Study in CTK Social Hall each Wednesday at 7PM…For info or to sign-up, please: call LaRae Sorrell (704-703-1849) or email her at Offertory $ 1,564.00 January 18, 2015 Ladies Altar Guild Meeting after Mass Building Fund $ CHRIST THE KING Thank you!!!! January 11, 2014 354.00 Gracias!!!! Baptism of the Lord
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