CHRIST THE KING COMMUNITY Happy Mother’s Day! SCHEDULE OF MASSES Daily Masses: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am Saturday Masses: 8:00 am & 5:00 pm Sunday Masses: 7 am, 8 am, 9:15 am, 10:45 am, 12:15 pm, 6:30 pm CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Parish Office: 682-2486 Religious Ed: 686-1017 Youth Ministry: 676-0979 May 3, 2015 CTK School: 685-1109 Facebook: Christ the King Catholic Community of Pleasant Hill WEEK AT A GLANCE Sunday, 5/10 Happy Mother’s Day! Monday, 5/11 Bible Study A & B, 8:30-10:30 am Tuesday, 5/12 Rosary & Perpetual Help, Church 7pm Spanish Prayer, Church, 7:30pm Just Faith 7 pm Min. Ctr Chapel Wednesday 5/13 Rosary Makers Thursday, 5/14 Centering Prayer; Min Ctr 10:00 am Friday, 5/15 No Garden Café CTK Festival 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm Saturday, 5/16 Secular Franciscans 9 am Min. Ctr CTK Festival 2:00 pm - 9:00 pm Sunday, 5/17 Catholic Charities Collection CTK Festival 10:00 am - 2:00 pm To Hear the Gospel and Make a Difference Dear Friends, Reflections on Sunday Readings: Happy Mother’s Day! Today we pray for all our mothers, living and deceased, and ask God’s blessings upon them. We pray for single mothers, foster mothers, step-mothers, God-mothers and all those whose vocation comes under maternal blessings. We also reach out in prayer for our elderly mothers who carry the memories of our families and for mothers who are suffering from physical and/or emotional and mental pain - mothers who mourn the loss of a child or are suffering from having a missing child ...and for mothers who are incarcerated. May this day be a source of comfort and joy for you as we thank you for all you do and are. God bless you! First Reading: Acts 10:25-26, 34 -35, 44-48 Peter was originally skeptical about preaching the Gospel to non -Jews. Then one day, the Holy Spirit summoned him to preach to the pagan army officer Cornelius and his household. The result, as we shall see, is the first recorded conversion of Gentiles to Christianity. On a personal note, I thank God for the gift of my dear mother who died some eighteen years ago on the morning of my twin brother’s funeral. Having their funerals five days apart in January 1997 was a difficult time for yours truly, but I am grateful for the many wonderful memories and for the joy they both gave to my family and to so many others. God is good! Second Reading: 1 John 4:7-10 The tradition of the apostle John’s teachings is expressed in the first letter of John. There is a legend that John in his old age would simply repeat over and over to his people, “Love one another.” Today’s passage from that letter particularly illustrates this story. During the month of May, we honor Mary, our Mother, and we ask her help and guidance for our families and for all our loved ones. May she be an inspiration for us as we journey through this mystery of life. She, too, had many crosses to bear, but she carried them with humility, courage and faith. May she be our help and our hope. In God’s love and mine, Vince A Mother’s Prayer Dear Lord, It’s such a hectic day, With little time to stop and pray. For life’s been anything but calm, Since You called me to be a mom Running errands, matching socks, Building dreams with stacking blocks. Cooking, cleaning and finding shoes, And other things that children lose. Fitting lids on bottled bugs, Wiping tears and giving hugs. A stack of last week’s mail to read Where’s the quiet time I need? Yet, when I steal a moment, Lord, At the sink or ironing board, To ask the blessing of Your grace, I see then, in my little one’s face, That you have blessed me all the while, And I stoop to kiss that precious smile. ~Unknown PARISH STAFF CONTACTS Fr. Paulson Mundanmani 682-2486 Fr. Vince Cotter 682-2486 Fr. Brian Timoney, Deacon John Ashmore, Fr. Michael Dibble, and Fr. Tom Burns 682-2486 Sr. Joanne Gallagher, CSJ 682-2486 Sr. Dominic Bonnici OP 682-2486 Kate Doherty 682-2486 Religious Education Director Sr. Maureen Viani , SNJM 686-1017 Assoc. Director: Joan Smits 686-1017 Youth Minister, Rick Lejano 676-0979 Chris Caban, Principal 685-1109 Al Garrotto: RCIA/faith share 849-6319 Robin Morley, Office Staff 682-2486 Helen Christian, Office Staff 682-2486 Kathy Ridgway, Office Staff 682-2486 Important note from CTK School. Christ the King School is looking for highly qualified teachers. We have a few positions open for next year. Please address inquiries and resumes to Religious Education Registration Gr. Pre-K-Grade 8: Attention families of school children! It’s that time of the year again, registration for the 2015-2016 Religious Education Year! This year registration forms may be downloaded from our website,, beginning May 18th. Registration forms will also be available in the RE Office. Complete your forms and you may begin returning them to the R.E. Office on May 20th. Please note: You must provide a baptismal certificate, unless you have previously done so. No Registration Forms will be accepted through the mail. You will receive your confirmation form at the time of registration. Questions? 686-1017 Mark your calendar NOW: May 20th 5:00 pm -8:00 pm Rm A/B May 21st 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Rm D May 25-June 30th (Mon-Thurs), 10:00 am - 5:00 pm R.E. Office. Searching for a spiritual home? Our 4 week “no strings” inquiry series begins Thursday evening, May 28th. Ideal for learning about Catholicism and for baptized Catholics who have not yet completed their sacraments. Contact Al Garrotto at 849-6319 or Youth Mass is here! Join us on Sundays at 6:30 pm for mass featuring Christ the King’s dynamic youth band and teen choir. Experience a liturgy planned, led, and inspired by the young people of our community. All are welcome to attend. Hoping you will help! Religious Education is sponsoring the wine booth for the Festival. Once again we call upon your generosity. Please help by donating bottles of wine. You may drop the wine off at the RE office (facing Gregory Lane) MonThurs., 9:30 am- 5:30 pm or you may leave the wine at the Parish House. Thanks for your support-Sr. Maureen Taize Prayer Around the Cross will be at Hillcrest Congregational next Sunday, May 17th at 7:30 pm. Join us for an hour of devotional prayer in the spirit of Taize (the ecumenical community in southern France). Note: There will be no Starbooks at the festival this year. Instead, may we suggest: The Friends of the Pleasant Hill Library welcome donations of books, CDs and DVDs but cannot accept magazines or materials in poor condition. Donations can be brought to the Pleasant Hill Library during open hours and left in the donation room. If you have a large donation and need help getting it to the library, email us at and we can arrange to come to you. For more information, please go to our website at Thank you for supporting the Pleasant Hill Library. Day at the Races! Dominican Sisters Vision of Hope invite you to their annual Day at the Races at Golden Gate Fields on May 16. Enjoy the breakfast and lunch buffet and get comfortable before the first race at 11am. The Sisters hope to see you there! Call 510-533-5768 for more information. Church Support 5/3/15 $20,194; Bldg. fund $687.00 Online Giving $5,137.00 Christ the King Parish Festival 2015: Set Sail with CTK! We look forward to welcoming you aboard next weekend May 15th/17th. Bingo will be open all weekend and the Casino will be open Friday night and Saturday from 5-9 with craps, blackjack and roulette. We will no longer be selling raffle tickets or t-shirts after mass, but you can purchase them festival weekend at the information booth in the gym. Marketplace We have lots of exciting vendors in the marketplace, including religious jewelry, baby blankets, towels, soap and body products, bent wire artwork, stamped jewelry, tutus, children’s books, furniture and decorative items and much more. Great Food We are excited to support our local restaurants and parish groups: Badda Bing Donuts (Sunday only) Filipino Society Knights of Columbus La Mordida Little Red Bistro Melos Steele Smoking BBQ Yanni’s Greek Café (Fri/Sat only) Entertainment The Groove Doctors will perform on Friday. Saturday, we have the talent show, Studio A, Andrea’s Musical adventures, Tat Wong Kung Fu and CTK’s own Mike Morley. Sunday, In Motion Dance will perform. Volunteer Signups The volunteer hub is open and we need all hands on deck to pull off this parish event. Please do your part and sign up for a 2 hour shift. It is a lot of fun and a true community builder. You can sign up online at Contact your friendly Cruise Directors Kate and Mark Halfon and Paul and Elizabeth Nuti at with any questions. Happy Mother’s Day!
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