THE WEEK AHEAD @ CTK & ST. PAUL Date Time Event Place April 5 Easter Sunday Sunday 8:30 AM Mass STP 10:00 AM Mass CTK No RE Classes Today 11:30 AM Mass STP 6:00 PM Mass CTK MASS SCHEDULE FOR APRIL 4 - 12, 2015 Sat 4 Sun 5 Mon 6 8:00 PM CTK 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 6:00 PM STP CTK STP CTK People of the Parishes Stan Dyrdek (Rick & Eileen Sirois) Salvatore “Sam” Milazzo (Mary Jane Milazzo) Gloria Monteroso (Nellia & Jamie Underwood) Birthday Joseph Petras (Wendy & Bill Serbonich) 7:15 AM STP 8:15 AM STP the Unborn Saunders & Halley Families (John & Blaine Halley) April 6 Offices Closed Today Tue 7 8:15 AM STP Alexander Vladimir Prisley (Joanne & Mickey Prisley) April 7 Tuesday 12:30 PM Offices Closed Today Wed 8 8:15 AM STP 5:15 PM CTK Judy Niemeyer (the Curp Family) Newman Community Thu 9 8:15 AM STP Gloria McCoy (Art & Terri Trese) Fri 10 8:15 AM STP Father Peter Raposo (Karen & Rich Vedder) Sat 11 5:00 PM CTK Emil Gorgos (Wendy Serbonich) Sun 12 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 6:00 PM STP CTK STP CTK Monday PRAYERS Please keep in your prayers: Robert Leo Dove (Joanne & Mickey Prisley) People of the Parishes June Carson (the Carson Family) Special Intention (Moira O’Dea) Dorothy Scarmack Clarence Caldwell Angie Dioguardi Bernice Barba Reta Robinson Cecelia ‘Tate’ Baird Send your prayer request to Wendy, 592-2711, or April 8 Wednesday 5:15 PM 6:00 PM 7:15 PM Mass CTK CM Dinner HFC Newman Meeting HFC April 9 Thursday 6:30 PM HS Bible Study HFC April 10 Friday OU Moms Weekend April 11 Saturday LITURGICAL MINISTERS For this weekend: April 4/5 Mass Greeters/Gift Bearers Servers Austin Windland 8:00 PM TBA Taylor Scott CTK Ems TBA Deacon Dan Murray Jon Denhart Jennie Matteson TBA Lillian Bohuslawsky Nicholas Bohuslawsky Tony Tonkovich Grace Tonkovich Laurel Welsh Henry Welsh Bob Curtis Jerry Hann Deacon Dan Murray, Trudy & Dave Montle, Kathleen Masters, Tim Sexton Terry Smith Stephanie Tikkanen Nancy Sand, Sandy Patton, Milagros Santoni, Terry Smith the Schroer Family Scott Carson Emma Caldwell Lisa Carson Pam Beam Jason Schroer, Thomas Tamesis, Emma Caldwell, Scott Carson Natasha Menrisky Michele Smith Martin Benencia Angela Bautista Dan Bossaller Margaret Durham, Kourtney Cline, Jimmy Lefebvre 8:30 AM the Milazzo Family STP 10:00 AM CTK 11:30 AM STP 6:00 PM CTK Readers the Welsh Family LITURGICAL MINISTERS For next weekend: April 11/12 Mass 5:15 PM CTK 8:30 AM STP Greeters/Gift Bearers Servers Readers Ems Angel Thomas Greg Foley Tony Gorman Jena & Chris Tenoglia, Deacon Dan Murray, Chad Springer Dan Denhart Janelle Brannan Dave Swanson, Joe & Ann Mulligan, Pat & Wanda Sheridan 10:00 AM CTK 11:30 AM STP 6:00 PM CTK Dale Gloeckner Christopher & Ryan Feger Patty Manzey Patty Finnearty, Deacon Dan Murray, Angela Anderson Nan Cooley Marybeth Pancoast Austin Windland Nan Cooley Nan Cooley, Chris Drummond, Lianna Flores, Terry Kemper Kourtney Cline Emily Connor Raymond Frost Kourtney Cline Emily Connor Emily Connor, Molly Doyle, Dan Bossaller, Mike Kraus Joseph & Daniel Thomas Dave & Trudy Montle Grace & Tony Tonkovich No Faith Sharing HFC April 12 Sunday OU Moms Weekend 8:30 AM First Communion Retreat STP 12:00 PM Confession STP 12:00 PM Adoration STP 4:00 PM Confession CTK 5:00 PM Mass CTK ACT Movie Night HFC Divine Mercy Sunday 8:30 AM Mass STP 10:00 AM RE Classes CTK 10:00 AM Mass CTK 11:00 AM RE Classes CTK 11:30 AM Mass STP 5:00 PM Confession CTK 6:00 PM Mass CTK 7:00 PM Confirmation Prep. STP ALMSGIVING – The Athens Catholic Community has a covenant agreement with Athens County Habitat for Humanity Partners in Faith. For many years now we have, as parishes, committed ourselves to a special Lenten Almsgiving practice, raising funds to help build a Habitat Home for someone in need here in Athens County. There are envelopes in the pews and at the doors to both churches; we ask that you use these envelopes to make a donation to Habitat for Humanity. Thank you for your generosity. Linen Care CTK STP April 5 Janis Tysko Terri Trese April 12 Karen Vedder Billie Jo Essman FIRST HOLY COMMUNION RETREAT - The First Holy Communion Family Retreat is Saturday, April 11, at St. Paul Church. The candidates and their families will progress through four stations: A tour of St. Paul looking at the many symbols and images along with a review of priestly vestments, making of unleavened bread as you hear the story of the Jewish exodus from Egypt, reenactment of the Last Supper and the opportunity to taste the bread and wine while practicing reception of Holy Eucharist; and creating a First Communion gift box and prayer candle. Please pray for the children and their families as they prepare for the special day. CATHOLIC LADIES OF COLUMBIA - Members of the CLC will meet Monday, April 13th at 6:00 PM at Christ the King Church when Father Mark will say Mass in honor of our service men and women. Following Mass, we will have our regular meeting. Please send regrets to Nadia Mitchell (707-7417) or Peggy Adelsberger (592-4358). Plan for Bingo. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CLUB - The next meeting of the CWC is Sunday morning, April 19, following 8:30 Mass at St. Paul. Women of the parishes are invited to attend the meeting which will be held in the church hall. PARISH OFFICES CLOSED - The offices will be closed Easter Monday and Tuesday this week. We will reopen on Wednesday, April 8. SUNDAY COLLECTION: MARCH 29 CTK Adult Loose Total $ 2999.00 $ 431.00 $ 3430.00 CRS ACCFP $ 50.00 $ 225.00 ST. PAUL Adult Loose Total $ 2726.00 $ 259.00 $ 2985.00 CRS ACCFP $ $ 25.00 10.00 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION - Happy Easter! Classes are cancelled this Sunday, April 5. Classes resume next Sunday, April 12; the last day of class is Sunday, April 19. EASTER EGG HUNT - Thank you to Father Mark, Mary Catherine Kennedy, the Athens Catholic Teens, the Catholic Newman Community, the teachers, parents and all those who contributed filled eggs for the Athens Catholic Community Easter Egg Hunt. Your contributions allowed the children, young and old, to have a great time as they discovered the connection of the Easter eggs to our faith. HIGH SCHOOL BIBLE STUDY - The weekly Bible Study for 8th - 12th grade students resumes this Thursday, April 9, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM in the Holy Family Center. The Bible Study continues on Thursdays, April 16 and 23. On the 23rd there will be Bible Study and a party to wrap up the year. For more information, contact CONFIRMATION PREPARATION - The Confirmation class meets for the last session of the year on Sunday, April 12, or Tuesday, April 14, in the Hall at St. Paul Church from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Karen Matteson and Molly Doyle will lead the session on “The Bible.” Students are asked to bring their Bible, book and journal. The Confirmation program resumes on Saturday, August 15, with a one-day retreat. The Confirmation Team is meeting Tuesday, April 14, at 5:30 in the Rectory at St. Paul. We will begin preparations for the Retreat and for sessions in the fall. WALK TO JERUSALEM - Thank you to all those who have contributed miles towards our Walk to Mount Calvary this Lenten season! There have been 36 dedicated walkers/runners who have logged 1,570 miles so far! Hopefully this virtual journey has brought time for reflection, prayers, and an overall sense of physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being. Our goal was to collectively travel the 6,098 miles from Athens, OH, to Jerusalem, Israel during Lent. Earlier this week we were nearing the MidAtlantic Ridge. Since we haven't quite reached our destination, the walk will continue into the Easter season! If you haven't joined us yet, you're invited to help log the miles during the next few weeks until we reach Jerusalem. To log your miles and to see where we are on the map, visit: AthensCatholicWalk Keep up the great work and keep walking! ENDOW STUDY GROUP - Join the exciting educational ministry that brings women together to pray, study, and learn. Enjoy faith and fellowship with the Endow Study Group. This course is 8 weeks long and there is no homework! Name of Class: St. Catherine of Siena (Setting the World Ablaze) Location: Holy Family Center, 75 Stewart St. Athens When: Every Tuesday at 7:00 PM, April 14 – June 2 Facilitator: Eileen Sirois To register and order your book (price $25) go to: http :// st ore .e ndow o nline .o rg /e i le e n - si ro i sp2291.aspx For more information call Eileen (910-545-8783) or visit the website Endow ~ Love the Learning ~ Build the Friendships ~ Live the Faith KROGER REWARDS - We receive many dol- lars through the Kroger Community Rewards Program with little effort on our part. The funds raised are applied to the Religious Education funds of the parishes. It costs us nothing!!! We receive a percentage of each dollar you spend at Kroger when you use your Kroger Plus Card and register online. The amount earned depends on the number of parishioners who are enrolled in the program. All participants must enroll or reenroll each year in April for the following year. To register or re-enroll, you need the following: a valid email address, your Kroger Plus Card, our name and number (C.T.K./ST. PAUL’S RELIGIOUS EDUCATION #80 96 3 ) . Please go to and follow the directions. Contact Nancy Denhart at or at 740-5922711 for more information. A huge THANK YOU goes to our participants. We have collected $2,590.90 in the past year. Since 2008, we have earned over $35,000.00! VBS - The team for 2015 Vacation Bible School is forming. Contact Kerry Sheridan Boyd at to volunteer. PREGNANCY RESOURCE CENTER - There are several ministry positions available at the PRC. To learn more about the positions, contact Rachel Esselburn, Executive Directory at Please include resume. Supporter information at ATHENS CATHOLIC COMMUNITY St. Paul Church & Christ the King University Parish Offices: 75 Stewart Street, Athens, Ohio 45701 Phone: 740-592-2711 or 740-593-7822 Website: Reverend Fr. Mark A. Moore, Pastor Reverend Mr. Daniel Murray, Deacon Nancy Sand, Pastoral Associate Nancy Denhart, Director of Religious Education Wendy Serbonich, Secretary Ellen Smith, Financial Secretary Rick Sirois, Facilities Director Masses: St. Paul: Mon.—Fri. 8:15 AM Wednesday 5:15 PM Sunday 8:30 AM & 11:30 AM Christ the King: Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM & 6:00 PM Reconciliation: St. Paul: Saturdays 12:00—1:00 PM Christ the King: Saturdays 4:00 — 4:45 PM & Sundays 5:00—5:45 PM. Confessions are heard anytime by request or appointment. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Saturdays 12:00 Noon at St. Paul, concluding with Benediction at 1:00 PM. Baptism: Contact Nancy Sand ( or 740-592-2711) to schedule a pre-baptism class and date. Marriage: Arrangements must be made six months in advance. Contact the parish office to set up a date and receive our guidelines. The guideline are also available online ( Care for the Sick or Homebound: Call the parish office to set up visitation to receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick or Holy Communion. Prayer Network: Please call or email Wendy ( or 740-592-2711) or go on-line ( to place a prayer request on the prayer line or to join in the prayers for those in need. @AthensCatholic Office Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays: 9:00 AM—9:00 PM; Fridays: 9:00 AM—5:00 PM; the offices are closed on Wednesdays. New Parishioners: Please register on-line (, call or email Wendy to register in our parishes ( or 740-592-2711). Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): For those interested in becoming Catholic. Contact Greg Kremer ( for more information. Newman Catholic Student Community: This group is open to all students of Ohio University. Visit our website, for more information or contact Nancy Sand ( High School Youth Group: Athens Catholic Teens (ACT) for high school students (grades 9-12) meets every other week during the school year. Contact our Youth Minister, Mary Catherine Kennedy ( Music Ministry: Become a member of our choirs by contacting Lynn Sullivan at St. Paul ( or Nancy Simmons-Beebe at Christ the King ( Athens Catholic Community Food Pantry: Provides food for needy families. Please call the parish office for assistance or to volunteer. Natural Family Planning: Contact Bob and Sharon Colvin (740-593-5713) or Eileen Sirois (910-545-8783).
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