Palm Sunday Service with a Twist! Today, Palm Sunday, we are going to spread out according to activity, whatever age we are! There will be an opportunity to choose from: Preparing a Drama, Learning a new Song, Godly Play, Craft activity, Prayer & Reflection, & Bible Study Mishmash Congratulations to the MishMash team, who have been nominated for this year’s Diocesan Children’s Cup! (Winner to be announced at the Starburst Conference on 9th May) PCC Have you thought of standing for the PCC? More details and nomination forms to follow shortly. Holiday Club 27th-31st July Our highly successful and popular Holiday Club can only run if we have enough leaders. Could you be part of the team? Please contact Claire Dale ( or 412390). Everyone can play a part: whether you are used to working with children or not, we can make use of your skills! Alpha Know someone who is curious about Christianity, has questions or wants to renew their faith? Our next Alpha course will begin on 15 th April at CtK with a meal at 7pm. The course lasts 10 Wednesday evenings, plus a Saturday together. If you or someone you know would like to discuss joining the course, please speak to Dawn Airey, Deborah Hicks or Steve Dodman. Manna Tuesday 31st March 10 o'clock Manna will be meeting for coffee at Seasons Garden Centre Café, Burton Latimer. Please come and join us - all welcome ! Love in Action – Children’s Competition This is the last opportunity to enter the Love in Action Competition to draw a picture or write a short story showing Love in Action. You can pick up paper from Val MacDonald at the 9am service or Carol Robinson at the 11 o’clock service. We will need your entries to be handed in to Val or Carol by Sunday 29th March, Palm Sunday. There will prizes for the winners. Mental Health Matters 1 in 4 people will suffer with Mental illness at some time in their life and this includes Christians. What does the Bible say about all this? How can we support one another? Mental Health Matters is a day for ANYONE wanting to find out more about the impact of Mental Health on us. Whether you struggle with mental illness yourself or support someone who does, this is a day for you; a day to share experiences, talk practically and find resources. With speakers Philippa Oliver-Dee and Philip Evans (Chaplain at St Andrew’s Hospital, Northampton). Saturday 18th April, 9:30 to 2:15 (bring a packed lunch). For more information speak to Eleanor Jeans. Easter Thank you to all who delivered the Easter fliers last week. There are only a few left. Holy Week Reflections – Journalling the Journey 30th March to 2nd April. Join us during Holy Week as we reflect on four passages from John’s Gospel. 8pm to 9pm in Room 3 Monday – Wednesday and Room 6 Maundy Thursday. Come for one, two, three or all four evenings Flowers for Easter We will be decorating the church on Easter Saturday – time to be confirmed. All are welcome to come and help. If anyone would like to donate money towards getting special flowers for Easter, this can be done via the church office, or see Stephanie Mercer or Sonia Tame. The Gospel of John Will be broadcast on BBC Two in three parts over Easter. It's the first of the Lumo project's four gospel films to be screened. The script for the film is taken directly from the Gospel, "word for word, unedited". John Shortt’s Funeral Many of you will know that Jon Shortt died on Tuesday. His funeral will be held at St.Andrew’s, Gt Cransley, on Thursday 9th April at 11.00am. East Kettering Church Plant The Diocese have agreed to fund a Pioneer Minister for this post, and we hope very soon to start to build a team to make things happen, including job description and so on. For those who want either to be involved, or to find out more, or to give the project vital prayer support, there are still opportunities to do so: Mon March 30th 8.00pm. Joint Prayer Meeting at CtK Mon April 27th 8.00pm. Joint Prayer Meeting at St. Botolph’s Subsequent dates to follow. Each meeting will include information sharing as well as engagement in prayer. Building the right space Over the course of the last few months we have been starting to consider the future needs for the space we have and the way it is used. In many ways we are blessed with an amazing modern building which changes function and format many times each week to serve the needs of the Church body and the local community. However, over time, as you'd expect, needs change and with that in mind we are starting to consider ways in which we can adapt and potentially add to the space we have in order to better serve God and our various communities. If you are interested in finding out more please contact Martyn Hicks 9am ( or Mike Oxford ( 11am service. The Watoto Children’s Choir, a family of orphans from Uganda, will be presenting their production ‘Oh What Love’ at CtK on Friday 17th April at 7.30pm. ‘…An emotional journey from utter despair to joyous celebration as the children share their stories.’ Admission is free. See fliers at the back of church for more information about the choir and the production, or go to Services of Baptism and Confirmation: 21st June Have you become a Christian quite recently but never been baptised? Baptism is a great way of marking your commitment to Jesus publicly, and will encourage you in your walk with the Lord. Were you baptised (you may have called it ‘christening’) as a child but the Christian faith has now become real and personal to you? Confirmation is a way of renewing the promises made then on your behalf, celebrating the faithfulness of God in bringing you to faith in Jesus and receiving the anointing of the Holy Spirit on your life. We will be running preparation evenings in the near future. For adults, please talk to Eleanor Jeans (01536 647347) or, for children in year 8 or above, Andy Stilwell (07971 170622). Fundraising for the Uganda Trip Homemade cookery books, gluten free or general, £4 each. To order, see Bethan Mercer, contact Kelly Mercer on 07940 203186 or, or Facebook Kelly. External Items Freedom in Christ Fans... Co-writers of the Freedom in Christ course, Steve Goss and Neil Anderson are sharing an evening of testimony, questions and answers and simply sharing their heart and passion about FIC, at the City Temple, Holborn Viaduct, London EC1A 2DE on May 15th at 7-9pm. The evening is free of charge, but you need to book. Call 0118 321 8084 to reserve your place. Faith on Fire Conference 27th-28th March at Open Door Church, Eden Centre, Montagu Street, Kettering. Two days of teaching and praise. Tickets £29, available from On 29th May Saltmine Theatre Company are coming to Wellingborough's Castle Theatre to perform 'Noah - A musical Adventure' in a joint venture with Christian children’s worker Doug Horley. Suitable for all ages, Tickets £14 - adults, £10 - children (you can book on-line at 30th March 4th April 5th April 6th April 10th April 15th April 17th April 18th April 20th April 27th April 2nd May 4th May 8th May 9th May 12th May 16th May 18th May 30th May 1st June 6th June 13th June 14th June 8.00pm Joint East Kettering prayer meeting at CtK Who Let the Dads Out? Easter Day Prayer Fellowship meeting Luncheon Club Alpha course begins Watoto Children’s Choir at CtK Children’s Band practice Mental Health Matters – CtK Uganda trip fundraising evening APCM 8.00pm Joint East Kettering prayer meeting at St. Botolph’s Men’s Breakfast Who Let the Dads Out? Uganda trip fundraiser at CtK Prayer Fellowship meeting Luncheon Club X:site children’s event Men’s Ministry Movie Night Children’s Band rehearsal PCC Men’s Breakfast Prayer Fellowship Meeting Who Let the Dads Out? Women's Ministry Retreat with speaker Jane Talbot or overnight from Friday 12th New Wine Celebration Contacts The Revd Dr Rob Bewley (Vicar & Mission Leader) Tel. 01536 512828 Day off – Friday The Revd Eleanor Jeans (Associate Vicar) Tel. 01536 647347 or 07432 602677 Day off - Friday Erika Burrows (Children & Families Mission Leader) Tel: 01536 503740 Day off - Monday Andy Stilwell (Youth Mission Leader) Tel: 07971 170622 Day off – Wednesday Mandy Mitchell (Parish Administrator) Tel: 01536 517553 Day off – Wednesday Andy Hotchin (Facilities Co-ordinator) Tel: 07766 006909 Day off Thursday Ian Hames (Warden) Tel: 515776 Jon Lawson (Warden) Tel: 411147 Abby Heal (Intern) Tel: 07794 723613 Day off - Saturday Jordan Allen (Intern) Tel: 07446 219211 Day off - Saturday Newsletter items by Wednesday evening to Mandy Mitchell 01536 517553 ~ Church Website: In the event of a fire, please proceed straight to the assembly point (the boundary tree line at the bottom of the drive). Your children will be escorted to that point by their group leaders and released to you there. Welcome to the Church of Christ the King - an Anglican Church and part of the Peterborough Diocese. If this is your first visit do fill in a welcome card, pick up a welcome booklet, and join us for refreshments and a chat after the service. Jesus said: “I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) Growing Together, Deeper in Discipleship, Closer in Friendship, Further with the Good News Sunday 29th March 9 & 11am Morning Worship Matthew 21.1-11 6.30pm Evening Worship Preaching: Andrew Buxton ‘Denial’ Mark 14.16-31 & 66-72 Wednesday 1st April 10am Holy Communion Speaking: Peter Gompertz Good Friday – 3rd April 9.30am: All-age Worship, 10.15 March of Witness, 11.15 Joint Service in town centre 2pm An Hour at the Cross Next week: Easter Day 9 & 11am - All-age Worship with Communion; 6.30pm Youth-led Easter Celebration Service – Preaching: Andy Stilwell Prayer Ministry - If you would like someone to pray with you at the end of the service, please go to the front of the church where there will be members of the prayer ministry team. Or you can contact Glyn and Alison Wood directly on 01536 417779. Pulse - If you have a prayer request and would like members of the church to be praying, contact John Crosswell 01536 522902 or Please also contact John to add your name to the list of those who receive these requests to pray. The Prayer Room – A quiet space, usually open to drop into from 8.30-3.30 on weekdays. Love in Action – If you are in need of practical help, often because of a crisis, contact Val Macdonald (01536 516595) or Carol Robinson (01536 414917) Church Bibles - If you would like to follow the readings please help yourself to a Bible from the shelves at the back of the worship area. Large print Bibles and copies of this news-sheet are available at the welcome desk. If you wish to give to the work of the church there is a bowl by the door as you enter the Worship Area. For more details of how you can give, including Gift Aid, please look at the church website (About Us – About our Finances). Information and forms can also be found in the Welcome Area. 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