www.schoolofthecathedral.org The Wednesday Bulletin March 25, 2015 Nationally designated “Blue Ribbon School” Upcoming Events Wednesday, March 25 Progress Reports Go Home Casual Conv. w/ Admins, 8:30-9:30 am Goliath Author visit, 1:30 pm, Parish Ctr. Thursday, March 26 Grade 8 Class Mass, 8:15 am Friday, March 27 Birthday Dress-Down Pass Day Middle School Play, 7 pm Saturday, March 28 Middle School Play, 7 pm Sunday, March 29 Palm Sunday Middle School Play, 7 pm Wednesday, April 1 NO CED 8 am Assembly 11:45 am Dismissal Thursday, April 2-Friday, April 10 School CLOSED for Easter Break Monday, April 13 School re-opens Tuesday, April 14 Class Picture Day School Board Meeting, 8 am See the full calendar on the website Dear Parents, This morning, we hosted another Casual Conversation with parents. The time was well spent and the feedback from parents was, as always, beneficial. Next week, Mr. Bush and Mr. Wright will host an Open Session for parents to learn more about Cathedral’s athletic program and provide an opportunity for parents to ask questions and share their hopes for the future. This meeting will be on Tuesday, March 31st from 8:30 to 9:30 in the cafeteria. We would like to let parents know of an upcoming event at Notre Dame of Maryland University. The University is presenting “Women Leaders in STEM” on Wednesday, April 29 at 7 PM in the LeClerc Auditorium. This event presents a unique opportunity to hear from some of Baltimore’s top women leaders in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. This event is free and open to the public, but pre-registration is required. For more information, please visit http://www.ndm.edu/gateways/alumnae-and-alumni/events/the-charles-j-busta-iii-lecture-in-business-2015/. Parents of students in fourth through eighth grades might have had the experience of asking their children how school was that day and not receiving as detailed an answer as they might have hoped. One word answers such as “Good,” “Fine,” or “Fun” are unfortunately quite common. Sometimes students may need to be encouraged to think deeply about how they learn. Asking students different types of questions that are reflective in nature may provide parents an opportunity to see a different side of their children. Below are several questions, asked at different times, which might be helpful in encouraging students to be more reflective and share more with their parents: What happened in school today that you were you most proud of? Where did you encounter struggle today, and what did you do to deal with it? What about your thinking, learning, today brought you the most satisfaction? Why? What is frustrating you? How do you plan to deal with that frustration? What lessons were learned from failure today? (I love this question because it speaks to learning from failure and being resilient) Where did you meet success, and who might benefit most from what you’ve learned along the way? What made you curious today? How did you help the class today? Perhaps these questions will stimulate more discussion on the ride home or around the dinner table. We are sure that parents will also come up with their own questions as well. Some final quick reminders: Wednesday, April 1st is a half day and there is no CED that day. We look forward to warmer weather and the transition to summer uniforms on April 20th. Should the weather turn warmer sooner we will consider the possibility of transferring to summer uniforms earlier. Msgr. Richard Woy, Rector rwoy@cmoq.org Dr. Jane Towery, Principal jtowery@cmoq.org Mr. Michael Wright, Assistant Principal mwright@cmoq.org Thanks and God Bless. Dr. Jane Towery Principal Mr. Michael Wright Assistant Principal Congratulations 5th grade Basketball St. Ursala Invitational 2015 Champions Used Uniform Bank Open House Dates April 13–17: 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, April 18: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. This April 20th we change to our Spring uniforms. Please stop by the Cathedral Used Uniform Bank (located on the floor above the nurses office) the week of April 13th to help you with any uniform size changes you may have with your children. In addition, please refer to the following links/document for referencing our Spring Uniform requirements. You can go to the Cathedral School website, click on the Parents Tab and see the Uniform Tab. In the Uniform Tab, you will see the pdf documents reviewing our 2015 uniform requirements. Thank you. CLASS PICTURE DAY for Grades MWP-7 (Grade 8 has their picture taken as a class at graduation) will be on Tuesday, April 14th Students in Grades K-7 should be in full Winter Uniforms (No Gym Uniforms) Please feel free to contact our Uniform Committee if you need any additional information: Sally: 443-452-7791,Nicole: 410353-0407, DeannaSzeliga@gmail.com, stacyward613@gmail.com, GladysUdenta@yahoo.com and fdingle@gmail.com Happy Spring! Order envelopes have been sent home. Only pre-paid orders returned by picture day at 8 a.m. will receive pictures. Counselor’s Corner Parent Conversation Starters Health News As most of you know by now, I slipped on the ice 2 weeks ago and broke my left arm. I was walking my dog and he thought it would be fun to chase a squirrel while on his leash! I had to have surgery and they placed 12 screws and a rod in my left arm! I would like to thank all the students for the cards and well wishes. I would also like to thank the staff for their support and kindness. A very special thanks to Mrs. Streett, Father Andrew, and Chris for the special home deliveries they provided with prayers and lots of laughs! Source: “Going beyond ‘How was your day?’ ; Questions to ask your child after school to get a conversation started.” By The Reading Bungalow. Website: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/The-Reading-Bungalow Happy Wednesday! Mrs. Streett •2• The School of the Cathedral • March 25, 2015 • www.schoolofthecathedral.org End of Year Calendar Changes Due to the time missed for inclement weather, June 11th and 12th are now school days, 11:45 am dimissal. June 10: 11:45 am dismissal, NO CED (not a change) June 11: 11:45 am dismissal, NO CED June 12: Last Day of School, 11:45 am dismissal, NO CED. Progress Reports distributed End of Trimester 3 Closing Liturgy, 10:30 am CATHEDRAL WELLNESS COMMITTEE Cathedral 4th graders enjoy birthday celebrations that include fun activities and compliment cards: a note from each classmate mentioning what is special about the birthday person. The child leaves school with a backpack filled with these keepsakes. Many students and their families have commented how meaningful these traditions are. One Cathedral family was particularly impacted: Being new to the school, leaving a group of friends behind, and starting at Cathedral in November, my 4th grader was understandably going through a tough transition period. As her birthday rolled around, she was especially missing old friends. Her whole outlook turned around after her birthday because of the special celebration focusing on her. She now has 19 awesome notes like this onebeats cupcakes any day! Interested in getting involved in either initiative? Please email: wellness@cmoq.org Sports Corner Basketball Uniforms for Grades 4-8: if your team is finished for the season, please place your uniform in a bag with your name on it and return it to the Athletic Office. Grades K-3 do NOT return their t-shirts, they may keep those. In case of bad weather, please call the Athletic Office 410-464-4083 after 8 a.m. for any cancellation information. MSGR. WOY’S WEEKLY MESSAGE Dear Friends, This is the first work task I have done since last Saturday morning. I’ve been fighting a virus that has landed me in the rectory over the past days. Hopefully, I’ll be back for this weekend Masses. I certainly missed being with you last weekend. Fr. Andrew and I will conduct our 2nd listening session on establishing a “Family Mass” today (Sunday) after the 8:30 AM Mass. All are welcome to attend. If you cannot be present, feel free to make suggestions known to either of us. As I mentioned last week, there are four “takeaways” from the last session: 1. The need to re-examine the Sunday Mass schedule; 2. The desire for a Children’s Choir; 3. The need to do something “every Sunday” that would appeal to families (i.e. Class Mass, Children’s Liturgy of the Word); 4. The importance of fostering a greater sense of hospitality at all Sunday Masses. This week you will receive a mailing from the parish with a complete listing of the services and devotions for Holy Week and Easter. In particular, I want to draw your attention to “THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU!” In every parish in the Archdiocese, a priest will be present to hear confession between 3:00-8:00 PM. Normally, there will be 2 priests available each hour along with babysitting service so that families with small children may go to confession undistracted. I want to thank Deacon Bill Senft who has agreed to take our Baptismal Prep Program under his wing and make it an opportunity for evangelization outreach to parents who present their children for Baptism. Bill intends to involve young families in the program as part of his team. If he reaches out to you, please give his request consideration. Baptism is often the first contact a young couple has with the Church for years. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite people into a deeper participation in the life of the Church. Next weekend is Passion/Palm Sunday and of course, we will have larger crowds including visitors. Please go out of your way to make others feel welcome and comfortable who have blessed us with their presence. Archbishop Lori will be the principal celebrant of the 11:00 AM Mass. Like Fr. Andrew and I, the Archbishop really likes people sitting in the lower sanctuary. Besides the “Listening Session” after the 8:30 Mass, there will also be a “Welcome ReceptionProgram” for newly registered families in the Undercroft immediately after the 11:00 AM Mass. If you are new and did not register for the reception, please feel free to join us. At 5:00 PM, our Director of Music, Glenn Osborne will present his inaugural concert on our Cathedral Organ. Everyone is welcome, including your neighbors and friends. My next message will be in preparation for Holy Week. Plan now to make this a special spiritual time for you and your family. Have A Good Week! Msgr. Woy CASPA Corner News for All Parents Check out the Camp Auction table in the foyer. Camps include: McDonogh Soccer day camp, Kaleidoscope Red Hot Summer Camp, and Michael Phelps Swim School. Cathedral Ball Raffle Tickets - Buy a chance to win 1 out of three $500 cash prizes. Top seller wins an iPad mini and the top selling 8th grade boy & girl will be crowned Prom King and Queen! All proceeds benefit SCMOQ. Cardinal Cup 5K Run and 1 Mile Fun Run Registration is now open- drop off your registration forms to the SCMOQ office. Proceeds benefit our sister school, Mother Seton Academy. Yearbook Photos Needed! The Yearbook Committee needs photos of your children from the fall activities and events, including: soccer, basketball, class field trips, Haiti Carnivale, Family Fit Night, Blessing of the Pets, middle school mixers, Halloween, 2nd grade I Am Me, Baltimore Blast, and any other Cathedral-sponsored activities or clubs. We need your help! Please send photos to: Kathleen Lineberger, Michele McComas (8th grade), Alexa Gilmore (7th grade), Lisa Melancon (6h grade) Stephanie Jones (5th grade), Michelle Hamed McGonnigal (5th grade), Stacey Hardin (4th grade), Debbie Troy (3rd grade), Tracy Thiese (2nd grade), Nicole Kelley (1st grade), Megan Hatfield (PF), Amy Matteini (K). Last chance... if you are interested in participating on the CASPA Board for the 2015-2016 school year, or would like to nominate someone for the CASPA Board, please contact Jenai Paul at jenaipaul@hotmail.com Upcoming Events: Saturday, March 28th from 10 - 11 am in the SCMOQ Cafeteria - Cupcakes with the Characters. Meet cast members and enjoy cupcakes, fruit & water. $10pp contact Jennifer Brittingham (brit97@comcast.net) by March 25th to register. Saturday, April 25th at 8:00 am at SCMOQ- Cardinal Cup 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run Saturday, April 25th from 7-11 pm at SCMOQ- Totally 80's Cathedral Prom (RSVP by Sat., April 18th, please) The School of the Cathedral • March 25, 2015 • www.schoolofthecathedral.org •3• Community News The Painting Workshop offering many classes for all ages. Brochures are available in the office. For information call 410-602-9799 (office) or e-mail classes@thepaintingworkshop.com Painted Nest Interior and Decorative Painting, Cathedral parent Emily McGeady 410-428-3641, Experienced, Dependable, Detail Oriented, Reasonable Rates. Got books? Local charities: TurnAround, Our Daily Bread, Sisters Academy, Family Crisis Center and Beans and Bread are in need of children's books (preschool-12). Contact Andrea to donate: tuckersba@verizon.net Community Service Opportunity in Lacrosse: CCYL, "Charm City Youth Lacrosse" is looking for 7th & 8th boys and girls to help on Saturdays 9am-12 noon in downtown Baltimore City areas. We will be helping low income inner city kids to learn the sport of lacrosse in a fun and kind way! Come out and help these kids learn the sport, help with uniforms, the gear, the rules, stick work, scrimmages and more! If you love helping kids, want to make a difference in someone's life, and have a passion for the sport of lacrosse, we look forward to seeing you :-) Please email or call Michelle Hamed -McGonnigal, Advisory Board Member for CCYL #410-274-9500 (c) or personal emma_82003@yahoo.com. Thank you for helping out for such a great cause, our children in Baltimore City! Join Baltimore Mediation at our Introduction to Personality & Conflict Transformation Workshop on Wednesday, May 20, 2015. In order to be understood by others, we need to have a better understanding of ourselves. The Enneagram defines nine distinct patterns of thinking, feeling and acting. Understanding the Enneagram offers us profound insight into why we behave the way we do and the knowledge we gain about ourselves helps to reduce personal reactivity, opening a path to psychological and spiritual freedom. Call us at 443-524-0833 for more information! Cathedral Extended Day The Cathedral Tax ID # 52-0716698 SOLD OUT!!! Open seating for each show. Friday and Saturday doors open at 6:30 pm. Sunday doors open at 2:30 pm 21st Annual Cardinal Cup Saturday, April 25, 2015, 8:00 am Running tip of the day: Even though you might not be thirsty, drinking water throughout the day can be the difference between feeling sore and feeling refreshed - remember that "in training" is a lifestyle. Any questions or concerns, please contact Diane Baird dbaird@cmoq.org Next Our Daily Bread Pick-Up is on May 5th Registration forms were sent home in last week's Wednesday folder and can also found on the school website. Contact Kathleen Lineberger (kmlineberger@gmail.com) or Amy Matteini (amatteini@jhmi.edu) with any questions. Babysitters Needed The Cathedral will have confessions on Friday, March 27th from 3PM-8PM. We are looking for volunteers to babysit younger children while parents are celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Contact Sherri Rachuba at 410-464-4010 or srachuba@cmoq.org. Please let Sherri know if you have completed the STAND/Shield Vulnerable training. Confirmation candidates are welcome! •4• Tickets for Mulan Jr.ALL SHOWS ARE Sacred Oils [Chrism Mass] Volunteers ("Oilers") On Monday, March 30, 2015, for the 32nd consecutive year, the Sacred Oils [Chrism Mass] Volunteers ("Oilers") will gather in the large Conference Room in the Cathedral's Undercroft at 6:30PM to receive & empty the sacred oil containers in the kits & cases brought by priests & parish/institutional representatives from all regions of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. The Chrism Mass begins at 7:30PM and, after the oils presented with the Offertory Gifts are blessed, the "Oilers" whirl into action to fill the containers with the new stocks for pick-up after Mass (app. 9PM). Last year, we filled 175 kits & cases! We need 40 Oilers. If you are available on March 30th (Monday of Holy Week) and have steady hands, skid-free soled shoes, and an apron (to protect clothes from oil splashes), we can use your help!. To volunteer, please contact Gail Fennessey at (phone) 410-542-5425 or (email) gail1914@earthlink.net. Thank you. The School of the Cathedral • March 25, 2015 • www.schoolofthecathedral.org
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