- Cathedral St. Joseph

Most Holy Trinity
May 31, 2015
Mass Intentions
Monday, June 1
Tb 1:3, 2:1b-8… Mk 12:1-12
8:00 AM Mass – Helen and Arthur Roseler
Tuesday, June 2
Tb 2:9-14…Mk 12:13-17
8:00 AM Mass – Rev. Francis Schuele
Wednesday, June 3
Tb 3:1-11a, 16-17a…Mk 12:18-27
6:00 PM
Mass – Richard O’Konski
Thursday, June 4
Tb 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:4-9a…Mk 12:28-34
8:00 AM Mass – Wilma Gosda
Friday, June 5
Tb 11:5-17…Mk 12:35-37
8:00 AM Mass – Nadyne Justin
Saturday, June 6
Tb 12:1, 5-15, 20…Mk 12:38-44
8:00 AM
Mass – Flossie Everett
4:00 PM
Mass – John J. Sutera
Sunday, June 7
Ex 24:3-8…Heb 9:11-15…Mk 14:12-16, 22-26
9:00 AM Mass – Gina Cunningham
11:30 AM Mass – People of the Parish
Cathedral is putting together a new parish pictorial directory.
If you are interested in helping us take photos of parish
groups/committees, please contact the Parish Office.
Trash Bags are available all summer long after weekend
Masses at the Cathedral Cash table in the west vestibule or in
the School Office.
Thank you for your generous donation of soda pop for Camp
Quality and seeing Christ in these special children. “I was
thirsty and you gave me drink…” Matthew 25:35
Thank you for your generous support of our Holy Father’s
charitable works in the Peter’s Pence Collection. Your
contributions will be combined with those of our brothers and
sisters around the world to help Pope Francis provide essential
relief to people in need. May God bless you.
We know you may be out of town for a few
weekends this summer. With Online Giving, you
can contribute from wherever you are….you can
even set up payments in advance if you like!
When you give online, it also helps us make our budget, even
when attendance is low. Visit www.cathedralsj.org and click
on the “Online Giving” button, or use your smart phone and
click on this QR code.
Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $76,166.00
Week 1 $10,611.74 Pantry, Aged, Sick & Poor $950.00
Week 2 $11,094.43 Pantry, Aged, Sick & Poor $423.00
Week 3 $ 8,327.71 Pantry, Aged, Sick & Poor $131.00
Week 4 $11,460.47 Pantry, Aged, Sick & Poor $ 50.00
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $43,048.35
Variance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - $33,117.65
This Coming Week
Monday, June 1
9:30-11:00 AM
Food Pantry
Tuesday, June 2
5:30 PM
Finance Comm. – Msgr. Dierkes Mtg Rm
7:00 PM
Boy Scouts - Gym
Wednesday, June 3
9:00 AM-12:00 PM Sewing Group – Rectory Basement
9:30-11:00 AM
Food Pantry
Thursday, June 4
6:00 PM
Grounds Meeting-Msgr. Dierkes Mtg Rm
7:00 PM
Cantor Rehearsal - Church
7:30 PM
Cathedral Choir – Church
Friday, June 5
9:00 AM
Parish Staff Calendaring Mtg-Msgr. Rm
9:30-11:00 AM
Food Pantry
Saturday, June 6
3:00-3:30 PM
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
Sunday, June 7
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
Mass – Sacred Heart Alumni Mass
After Mass
Coffee and Donuts
11:30 AM
Tim Hatfield’s Signature Beef has natural fed ground beef for
sale in 10 lb. cryovac packages @ $4.50/lb. If interested in
purchasing it for your own use or for the Food Pantry to
distribute, please call Kitty in the Parish Office at 232-7763.
James Bradley from Liturgical Publications, our bulletin
publisher, was here last week securing advertisers for our
bulletin. We would like to thank all of the advertisers who
have generously committed to the bulletin! We still have
space available and humbly ask that you consider advertising
your business or remembering a loved one in our weekly
bulletin. Our bulletin is one of our main communication tools
to our parish members. It provides Mass intentions, news, and
events for the week ahead. We are thankful that this crucial
communication piece is provided to our parish at no cost
thanks to the generous advertising support of our parishioners
and community-minded businesses. Sponsors of our bulletin
recognize the tremendous value of connecting with our church
family, who in turn respond by supporting our sponsors! If
you would like to advertise in the bulletin, contact James at
lbradley@4LPi.com or 913-596-0118.
Thank you to Kent McEnaney who is going to help us with
classroom rearrangements as we begin to prepare for the 2nd
Kindergarten classroom and to move the Music Room.
Volunteers will be needed throughout the summer as we
empty, prep, and move these two rooms along with helping
some of our teachers who are switching classrooms. Please
contact Mary Burgess at mburgess@cathedralsj.org or 2328486 if you would like to volunteer or need service hours.
Adult Faith Formation Workshop will be held here at
Cathedral on Saturday, June 13, from 9:00 AM-1:00 PM.
If you are interested in joining the team, please call the
Parish Office.
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you
always, until the end of the age.” Mt 28:19-20
Thank you to Father Christian Malewski and the parishioners
of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish for their generous donation
of scholarships to assist two of their families in providing a
Catholic education for their children at Cathedral!
The Alumnae of the Convent of the Sacred Heart will meet for
the 9:00 AM Mass here at Cathedral on Sun., June 7. Coffee
and donuts will be served in Ruggle Hall Mtg Rm after Mass.
Anyone who attended the Convent is welcome.
Catholic Radio Network’s 2nd Annual Pitching for Priests:
Priests of the Archdiocese of KC, KS vs Priests of the Diocese
of Kansas City-St. Joseph – they will play ball on Monday,
June 15, at the T-Bones Stadium @ The Legends. Game Time
6:30 PM, Tailgating begins at 3:00 PM. Between innings, there
will be fun for the kids. Tickets are $10. Contact 816-630-1090
or online www.theCatholicRadioNetwork.com and click on
News and Events (in the header). Help support the vocations
Fund for each Diocese.
Overnight Ozark Getaway with Religious Ramblers. Visit the
Titanic Museum in Branson, MO. Attend America’s top
outdoor drama, The Great Passion Play, and relax in historic
Eureka Springs, AR. Tour a working grist mill dating back to
1832. June 18-19. Space is limited and commitments are needed
ASAP. For more information or to sign up, contact Mark
Wyble, 233-8427 or religiousramblers@gmail.com.
Tim Waris of the Bill Waris Blue Jays Basketball Club and
Vince Fitzgerald, Director of the KC Parochial League will host
2 basketball camps: July 6-9 at Bishop O’Hara High School,
9:00 AM-11:00 AM for Grades 2-5 and 11:15 AM-1:15 PM for
Grades 6-8 for the Southland Catholic Schools; July 13-15 at
St. Therese’s of Parkville Grade School, 9:00-11:00 AM for
Grades 2-5 and 11:15 AM-1:15 PM for Grades 6-8 for the
Northland Catholic Schools. Cost is $70/camper for Bishop
O’Hara High School’s camp and $60/camper for St. Therese of
Parkville’s camp. Discounts offered for 2 or more campers.
Register at www.billwarisbluejays.com and click on
CAMP/REGISTER. Please register early. Questions? Contact
Tim at Tim@stmkc.com or 816-536-9895.
Beginning Experience Weekend is July 17-19 at Precious
Blood in Liberty, MO. This weekend is for those widowed,
separated, or divorced who are suffering the loss of a love
relationship and may feel left out, uneasy, unsure of themselves
and uncertain about their future. Weekend helps grieving persons
focus on their experience, deal with the natural grief process and
offers an opportunity to turn the pain of loss into an experience of
positive growth emerging from the darkness of grief into the light
of a new beginning. Contact: www.beginningexperience.org,
register.bekc@gmail.com or Jerry at 785-766-6497.
Stewardship Makes a Difference…Thank you to
the Powers Family for donating a chest freezer to our Food
Pantry. Thank you to Bill McGaughy who used his trailer
to transport the freezer and to Nick and LeRoy for installing
CHECK THIS OUT. . The Good News of Cathedral
 Congratulations to the winners of our 6th annual Raven
Ramble: Under 10 - Oliver Sullivan, Ages 10-14 – Rudy
Barbosa, Ages 21-39 – Tim Seufert, Ages 40-54 - Deborah
Smith, and Ages +55 – Ron Barbosa!
congratulations to our overall winners: 1st place – Rudy
Barbosa, 2nd place – Billy Wise, 3rd place – Deborah Smith,
4th place – Tim Seufert, and 5th place – Ron Barbosa!
 Congratulations to Annelise Puett who was recently awarded
a scholarship as part of the Missouri Youth election Worker
 Congratulations to Henry Kress (Gr. 6) and Grace Pfister
(Gr. 3) who were chosen to participate in this summer’s joint
MWSU & SJSD “Write Fierce” Writing Project! Quite an
honor! We are so proud of you!
 Congratulations to Cathedral Ravens who are members of the
LB Track team and medaled at the State of MO track meet:
Jaclyn Dickens, Jack Hausman, and Michael Modlin!
School and ECC News
 We are excited to welcome Ms. Amy Rich & Mrs. Veronica
Dominguez as the newest teachers at Cathedral School for the
2015-2016 school year! Ms. Rich will be the new 3rd grade
teacher! Mrs. Dominguez will be our new Middle School
Spanish teacher! We also are thrilled to welcome “home” Mrs.
Mary Kay Wright and Mrs. Barb Yarbrough who will join
the teachers on our Middle School team! In other staff
changes, Mrs. Tracy Mattox is going to be the new 2nd grade
teacher, and Mrs. Julie Guldan is going to be the new 5th
grade teacher! Mrs. Toni Lynn Gardner is going to be the
new part day four year old prekindergarten teacher in addition
to being our librarian! Mrs. Sara Lile will be the new part day
three year old preschool teacher as well as continuing her
Public Relations and Marketing duties part-time! We at
Cathedral are so blessed to have such an incredible and
devoted teaching staff!
 Since there will be two Kindergarten classes for the 2015-2016
school year, Mrs. Trish Supple and Ms. Ashley Rich are
continuing with their Kindergarten screenings. To schedule
your child’s screening, please contact the school at 232-8486 or
 School summer hours: School will usually be open during
June on Mondays-Thursdays from approximately 8:00 AM3:00 PM. We do keep the security system on at all times. If
you stop by and no one answers the doorbell, please call the
School Office, 232-8486, or email us in advance at
Stewardship Wish List – Sharing your time, talent, treasure
 Thank you to Jeannie Franklin for her generous donation of
art materials to Cathedral School & ECC!
Cathedral Cash…Summer shopping is easy with
Cathedral Cash. Shop in the west vestibule after our
weekend Masses, order online, or contact Cathedral School
at 232-8486 or CathedralCash@cathedralsj.org.