May 2015 Newsletter - Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation

May 2015
Parish Newsletter
Cathedral Staff
Archimandrite Constantine Moralis
Presiding Priest
Andreas G. Houpos
Pastoral Assistant
Lucy G. Hagopian
Business Administrator
24 West Preston Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Beloved in Christ,
FAX 410-727-7602
The publishing of our Annunciation Cathedral Parish Newsletter is offered when
our City of Baltimore is in difficult times.
You are asked to offer this prayer that God will enlighten all.
As of the writing of this, your Cathedral continues to stand tall as an anchor in Baltimore City, as a shining example of faith. You will be called upon to help during
these times.
With blessings in the Risen Lord,
Father Dean
The next GOYA meeting will be held on
Friday, May 1, at 6:30 p.m., in the Youth
Room. At that time, election of officers
will be held for the coming year. For information or to make nominations, email
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sharkey have chosen
May 7, as their Stewardship Sponsor Day,
in honor of and for the continued well being of the Sharkey, Maistros, Bournousousis and DiBiasi Families.
The sacramental wine for the month of
May is offered to the glory of God and in
loving memory of Savvas Sarris. This gift
is donated by his wife, Irene, children and
We extend our sincere appreciation to HarSCHOLARSHIPS
ry and Nicky Sharkey for their continued
Our GOYAns will participate in the Sts.
The Lord Baltimore Chapter No. 364 Order
Constantine & Helen, Annapolis, basketof AHEPA 2015 Scholarship applications
ball tournament on May 2 – 3.
We also have an anonymous Stewardship are available from the Cathedral office.
Day Sponsor for May 6. Anyone wishing You may also download an electronic copy
On Sunday May 10, GOYA will host the to select a Stewardship Sponsor Day may from the website
community coffee hour in honor of Moth- contact the Cathedral office, 410-727ers Day.
The Order of AHEPA Worthington Chapter
#30 scholarships will soon be available and
The GOYA end-of-year party will be held STABILIZATION of PRESTON
may be picked up from the Cathedral ofat the home of Mr. & Mrs. Konstantine STREET PROPERTIES
Mallas, 920 Hillstead Drive, Lutherville, The Special Parish Assembly recently votMD, on Sunday, May 24. Please email an- ed to stabilize our vacant Preston Street Applications for the United Chios Societies, for additional infor- properties adjacent to the AOC. The pro- of Baltimore are available in the Cathedral
ject will begin in late summer. There is an office for high school graduates and graduimmediate critical need for financial sup- ate students.
port to cover the estimated $100,000 cost.
Area college and college-aged students are
It is also requested, if you need a letter of
invited to the Cathedral for dinner and dis- We invite all parishioners to help with this recommendation from Father Dean, contact
cussion on Monday, May 4, at 7:00 p.m. project. Tax-deductible donations may be the Cathedral office, 410-727-1831. Your
RSVP to, by Friday made to “Preston Properties Stabilization.” request must be received two weeks prior
May 1. This will be the final dinner/ For online gifts the giving category is— to the due date.
discussion of the academic year.
“Preston Properties Stabilization”—and can
be paid with a credit card.
Many thanks to our Philoptochos, that has
District 3 Convention in Baltimore from
generously provided the meals for these Visit our website, We May 15 – 17, 2015. This is the first time
are grateful to those who have already we will be including District 4 Chapters
made a commitment. Our total to-date from Pennsylvania, in addition to our own
District #3 Chapters from Maryland, DisHIGH SCHOOL and
raised is $5,200.00.
trict of Columbia, Virginia and North CaroCOLLEGE GRADUATES
Call or email the Cathedral office, 410-727- GREEK FESTIVAL
lina. This is a wonderful opportunity for
1831, or contact
lhagopi- CHAIR(S) NEEDED
AHEPANs, Maids of Athena, Daughters of, if you or your child are Currently, we do not have a chair(s) for the Penelope and Sons of Pericles to become
graduating from high school or college. Greek Festival which is scheduled for No- re-engaged in Hellenic life and the positive
Graduate/Scholarship Sunday is May 10, vember 6, 7 and 8, 2015. As discussed at impact they make on our community and
2015. Include a brief bio and picture with the Special Parish Assembly on March 29, our culture.
your e-mail.
the festival provides approximately
$65,000 to the Cathedral's operating budg- Activities will include a crab feast at JimARCHDIOCESE NEWS
et. The proceeds are an integral contribu- my’s Seafood on May 15, and a banquet at
Ministry Updates is a series of videos that tion to the annual budget. Please consider Columbus Gardens on May 16. AHEPANs
highlights the work of the Archdiocesan taking on this most important project. Con- and Daughters will gather in the Cathedral
Ministries and its institutions. This project tact Roann Voultepsis, 410-979-7963, ro- on Sunday, May 17, for an Artoclasia and
comes to you from the Department of Ad-, for information. Memorial Service.
ministration in association with Greek Orthodox Telecommunications.
For additional information, you may conTALENT SHOW
Introducing Annunciation's Got Talent! tact Peter Sourlis, 410-967-0053, or Bill
The Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you Bond, 410-913-2350.
Endowment Fund has graciously afforded tell jokes? Do you have a hidden talent?
this wonderful opportunity to produce these All are welcome to attend and perform at RESOURCES for YOUNG ADULTS
necessary updates that will inspire and of- this church-wide talent show. Join us on Facebook:
fer a greater appreciation of what our Arch- Sunday, May 17, in the Father Constantine GOAyoungadults;
diocese offers the Faithful, as well as the M. Monios Hall, following the Divine Lit-; and Instaworld at large. To learn more, about this urgy. If you would like to participate, gram:
exciting ministry, go to please email Andrew Koronios, acko- goa_youngadults.
We will be honoring our Greek School
Graduates on Sunday, May 31, after Liturgy. Our Greek School program has
over 100 children enrolled. We are very
proud of our staff and children for their
Christos Anesti!
It has been an awe inspiring musical
journey from Lent to Pascha. Our magnificent hymns carry a rich heritage of
Byzantine melodies, theological concepts
and poetic expressions interwoven to
We are in need of Greek language teach- convey messages about our faith.
ers for our afternoon Greek School.
Those interested may contact Fotini We began with the Salutations to the
Garefalakis, the Principal, fgarefala- Virgin Mary (Heretismi Services) with, or 443-939-8609. The the many talented choir members singing
new Greek School year begins Friday, solos on these Friday night services in
which praises devoted to the Mother of
September 4, 2015.
God were sung.
The Golden Age Club Annual Pot Luck
Luncheon on Friday, April 17, was well
attended. The Club hosted the Annunciation Senior Center participants and
Forty-eight club members and
Senior Center guests enjoyed the delicious side dishes, main dishes and desserts brought for our luncheon. Many
thanks to all who contributed and attended.
One of the most beautiful and breathtaking hymns of Holy Tuesday night is the
“Hymn of Cassiane,” which is a musical
high point of this service. This hymn was
so beautifully and inspiringly sung by the
choir and featured our own Faye Hayes
as soloist. She is a dedicated choir member for over 33 years and is our choir
president. Faye possesses an exceptional
soprano voice, and her uplifting and
beautiful singing of this hymn, arranged
Due to scheduling conflicts, there will be by the late and beloved Presbytera Anna
no Golden Age Club meeting in Gallos, was truly a heavenly experience.
May. Our regular meetings will resume
Our journey culminated with the Resurin the Fall.
rection Service featuring the hymns
Our tentative schedule for 2015 is as “Defte Lavete Fos,” (Come Ye And Receive the Light), “Tin Anastasin
Soul,” (Angels in Heaven Praise your
“Christos AnesSunday, September 20, 2015 – General Resurrection), and
God grant our
Meeting – AHEPA Room
exceptional volunteer singers and devout
Sunday, October 18, 2015 – General Greek Orthodox Christians many healthy
Meeting – AHEPA Room
years so they may continue in their choir
Sunday, November 15, 2015 – General ministry singing praises to Him.
Meeting – AHEPA Room
This year’s CYC Camp is taking place
from July 20 – 24, at Camp Wo-Me-To
in Jarrettsville, MD. Registration fee is
$495.00 per child, if registered by July
10. Those who register by May 15 will
pay a discounted rate of $425.00. Register as soon as possible, as there is a limited number of spaces available. This
year promises to be a great camp filled
with plenty of summer fun with friends
in an environment of spiritual development and education. Contact Father
Dean,, or Andreas Houpos,
Our sincere appreciation is extended to
all our devoted parishioners who have so
graciously donated to the rebuilding of
Saint Nicholas Shrine at the World Trade
Center, in New York.
Through your generous contributions,
you have enabled the humble church of
Saint Nicholas, that stood for nearly a
century, destroyed on September 11,
2001, to be a beacon of hope to the
As of this newsletter, we have received
$11,950.00 in donations from our parishioners. We thank them for their generosity and commitment to this worthy endeavor. For those who have not yet contributed, it is not too late to do so. You
may mail your check, payable to the Cathedral. Write “St. Nicholas” on the
memo line. Listed below is the additional name of those who have contributed
since our last report.
Mrs. Peggy D. Werner
You will see many faces in the choir
Monday, December 7, 2015 – Christmas which have not been seen for quite a
Luncheon – Ikaros Restaurant
while, as our college students return
home and sing with us. They began as
If you are 55 years of age and are not a teenagers in the choir and developed a LANHAM, MD
Join in the activities at St. Theodore’s
Golden Age Club member, but are in- love for our Orthodox music.
Greek Festival on May 15, 16 and 17,
terested in becoming one, call Diane
from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Festival
Homberg, 410-761-7804. Yearly dues By singing in the choir, the Liturgy be- After Hours Party Greek Taverna Night
came much more understandable and
are $5.00 per person.
on Saturday, May 16, from 10:00 p.m. to
alive for them. We are blessed with
2:00 a.m. Tickets are $20.00 and inmany talented musical teenagers in our
cludes one free drink.
parish. Encourage your young person to
If you are able to receive Cathedral become a member of the choir. Please St. Theodore’s is located at 7101 Cipricommunications electronically, send contact our choir director, Fifi Nichols, ano Road, Lanham MD. For directions
an email to,, 410-792-7332, and additional information,
go to
type ‘subscribe’ and your name in the for further information. Please lend your
support to this worthy endeavor.
subject line.
May 2015
Indicates Fast Day
Hellenic Heritage Museum Committee presents
Tony Pann, at the AOC,
immediately following
the Divine Liturgy
7:00 PM OCF dinner at
the Cathedral
GOYA Mother’s Day
AHEPA/Daughters of
Penelope Artoclasia and
6:30 PM Parish Council
meeting, Cathedral Board
5:00 PM Greek School
6:30 PM GOYA meeting/elections, in the Youth
11:30 AM Philoptochos General meeting/
luncheon and elections
at Pappas Restaurant,
Parkville, MD
6:30 PM Philoptochos
Board meeting, at the
6:30 PM Adult Greek
Language Program
5:00 PM Greek School
6:30 PM PTO meeting/
10:00 AM Evangelakia
dance practice, in the
Father Constantine M.
Monios Hall
7:45 PM Greek School
Faculty meeting
10:00 AM Loaves and
6:00 PM CYC Camp
meeting, in the Board
1:00 PM Opening Ceremonies for the AHEPA
Convention, Radisson, in
Timonium, MD
5:00 PM Greek School
10:00 AM Evangelakia
dance practice, in the
Father Constantine M.
Monios Hall
6:30 PM Missions
meeting, at the Cathedral
6:30 PM Adult Greek
Language Program
10:30 AM Hellenic
Heritage Museum
meeting, in the Board
7:00 PM Great Vespers
at Sts. Constantine &
Helen, in Annapolis
9:00 AM Orthros,
10:00 AM Divine Liturgy
Feast of the Ascension
and Sts. Constantine and
Helen, Chapel
5:00 PM Greek School
10:00 AM Evangelakia
dance practice, in the
Father Constantine M.
Monios Hall
Talent Show, in the
Father Constantine M.
Monios Hall
6:30 PM Adult Greek
Language Program
7:00 PM Women’s Guild
Board meeting
GOYA End-of-Year
Party at the Mallas home
9:15AM Orthros Memorial
Day, at the Cemetery
Chapel of the Holy Resurrection.
10:00 AM Divine Liturgy
6:30 PM Adult Greek
Language Program
5:00 PM Greek School
9:00 AM Orthros,
Saturday of Souls,
Cemetery Chapel of the
Holy Resurrection
10:00 AM Divine
Greek School Exetasis
Looking for
a Christ
We are not Jewish- but we are Orthodox
We are not Roman- but we are Catholic
We are not Protestants-but the Bible came from us
We are not Denominational-we are pre-denominational
Get to know the original. Come worship with us!
It was a busy month in April beginning with a 60 th Anniversary
celebration and blessing on Sunday, April 19, honoring all the
Presidents and Board members (past and present). Wearing
“Hats and Gloves,” the Guild women "tipped their hats" in
thanks to all the scores of dynamic Cathedral women who have
given freely of their time and talents with the dedicated support
from the Cathedral community for sixty years! Following the
Divine Liturgy, there was a gathering at Christopher Daniel's
for Sunday brunch. Nancy Pappas and Melody Simmons were
On Friday, April 24, the Women's Guild hosted a sold-out private pre-opening tour of the annual Baltimore Symphony Associates Decorators' Show House "Oak Acre" at 4309 North
Charles Street in Guilford. A reception was held after the tour
of the beautifully decorated home. Frances Apostolo and Angelique Pefinis-Newport were co-chairpersons.
On Sunday, June 7, the Women's Guild has reserved 20 front
center orchestra tickets for the 2:00 p.m. matinee of the Center
Stage "W orld Premier", Marley, an or iginal musical based on
the life and music of Bob Marley. The tickets are $60.00 and
will include a drink ticket at intermission. There will be lunch
available at Sascha's on the mezzanine level of Center Stage
before the premier performance. Reservations are being taken
by Melody Simmons,, for this limited seating
The June General Tea/Meeting has been re-scheduled for Saturday, June 20, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at the home of
Valerie Androutsopoulos, 3 North Beechwood Avenue, in Catonsville. This meeting and lunch is open to all women members of the Cathedral. A voting quorum of 25 is required. Projects will be presented for approval. In addition, the new 20152016 Officers and Board will be presented at the Tea.
The Women's Guild is thrilled to confirm its Cultural and Culinary Tour to Istanbul and the Peloponnese with the dynamic
Greek chef, Diane Kochilas, is on schedule for September 1426, 2015. A wonderful group is "on board" to share the sights
and sounds of Mediterranean cuisine and culture. The tour is
booked, but there are a few openings still available. Contact
Pam Stevens,, for information.
GOYA at Saint Katherine’s Basketball Tournament
Philoptochos would like to thank the families who have generously contributed to the scholarships that we will be presenting
on May 10, Graduate/Scholarship Sunday. Your generosity has
enabled us to help many more students meet the increasing
costs of a college education. We wish all of our new graduates
much success in the future.
Please join Philoptochos for its Spring General meeting on Saturday, May 2, at 11:30 a.m., at the Pappas Restaurant, in
Parkville. Dean Triantafilou, CEO of the International Orthodox Christian Charities, will be our guest speaker and we will
also hold elections for the 2015 — 2017 Board. For details and
reservations, contact Pat Bartsocas,,
We will have our last Loaves and Fishes this year on Saturday,
May 9, starting at 10:00 a.m., in the Father Constantine M.
Monios Hall. If you have not yet joined us to make meals for
the hungry, now is the time! National Philoptochos has a new
Feed the Hungry initiative and we were pleased to inform them
that we have been meeting the goals set for chapters for over 10
years now!
Please mark your calendars for our Annual Penny Frankos Memorial Quiltathon to be held on Saturday, June 6, from 10:00
a.m. to 2:00 p.m., in the Father Constantine M. Monios Hall.
Even if you can only join us for an hour, your help will contribute to the beautiful baby quilts we donate to needy children. If
you can tie a knot, you can make a difference.
Start collecting those Second Hand Treasures for our annual
yard sale to be held August 21 — 23. Information as to when
we will be accepting donations will be forthcoming. Thanks to
the overwhelming generosity of our community, this has been
an extremely successful event in the past.
What is the Point of Pentecost?
Andreas Houpos, Pastoral Assistant
What do we know about the Feast of Pentecost? First of all, what’s in a name? The word “Pentecost” simply means “fifty days.”
So, what? If one were asked “What is the meaning of Pentecost?” one might respond, “It is the celebration of when the Holy Spirit
appeared to the disciples of Christ fifty days after His Resurrection.” Well, this response is accurate, in that it describes a particular event. But, there is much deeper significance to the feast of Pentecost than a certain number of days.
In the story of Pentecost, which is found in the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, we read: “When the day of Pentecost
came. . .” (2:1a). This means that something called “Pentecost” already existed. So, that makes the definition in the previous paragraph problematic, because the definition for “Pentecost” cannot then simply be “the appearance of the Holy Spirit fifty days after
Pentecost, it turns out, is the name the Hellenistic (that is, Greek-speaking) Jews had given to one of their ancient feasts. Jewish
Pentecost (Shavuot) is a celebration of God’s gift of the Law to Moses upon Mt. Sinai. As the Jews’ flight from Egypt is marked
by Passover, Pentecost, celebrated fifty days later, marks Israel’s becoming the people of God.
Perhaps now we might start to get a sense of the deeper significance of the feast we call “Pentecost.” Just as Moses led the Jews
out of Egyptian slavery, which is celebrated by Passover (Hebrew: Pesach; Greek: Pascha), we as Christians celebrate Christ’s
Passover, which has brought us out of slavery to sin and death, to the possibility of forgiveness and everlasting life. And, just as
the Hebrews observe, fifty days after Passover, God’s giving of the Law to His people, it was on this day of celebration that God
sent the Holy Spirit upon the Church. When we step back and see the greater picture, we understand that Pentecost does not just
mean “fifty days,” but it is a powerful sign of the fulfillment of God’s Law in Jesus Christ with the seal of the Holy Spirit.
Furthermore, it is also a powerful sign to us of the great privilege and responsibility we have as Christians. If you read the Old
Testament, one of the recurring themes is Israel’s rejection of God and His commandments. Over and over again, Israel turned
away from God, either by worshiping idols, or by relying on their own cleverness to try and solve problems or to gain worldly
power. And, over and over again, they would incur the wrath of God. Now that Christ has come, and the New Israel (i.e., the
Church) has been established, those of us who are baptized, chrismated Christians must look at how we live our lives: Do we walk
the straight and narrow path to follow God’s commandments and to honor Christ? Or do we resemble the stubborn and adulterous
Israelites who did not mature spiritually, but remained spiritually childish?
Our celebration of Pentecost is a reminder to us that God has called us to spiritual maturity in Christ. There are no more excuses.
As we chant immediately after receiving Holy Communion: “We have seen the true light, we have received the heavenly Spirit,
we have found the true Faith, worshiping the Undivided Trinity, for the Trinity has saved us.” Let’s live up to our calling and to
the words we say about God and what He has done for us!
An Orthodox Christian Prayer for Peace
Almighty God and Creator, You are the Father of all people on the earth.
Guide, I pray, all the nations and their leaders in the ways of justice and
peace. Protect us from the evils of injustice, prejudice, exploitation, conflict
and war. Help us to put away mistrust, bitterness and hatred. Lead us to find
peace, respect and freedom. Unite us in the making and sharing of tools of
peace against ignorance, poverty, disease and oppression. Grant that we may
grow in harmony and friendship as brothers and sisters created in Your image, to Your honor and praise. Amen.
The Stewardship program provides nearly
80% of the revenue necessary to maintain the
Cathedral programs. The Cathedral budget is
carefully prepared by the Parish Council and
reviewed and approved by the Parish Assembly.
Your financial support is critical
throughout the entire year to help us minister
to our faithful. Help our community become
100% Stewardship based and continue to do
the work of Christ. We, who are involved
with the life of the Church and our Christian
faith, are given the responsibility to sustain
and preserve our faith both for ourselves and
for the faithful who one day will be part of
our worshipping community.
If you need a 2015 pledge card, please call
the Cathedral office, 410-727-1831, and one
will be mailed to you. Pledge cards are also
available from the Cathedral office or at the
As of April 25, we have received 444 pledge
cards for a total of $508,119.00 pledged.
Listed below are names of parishioners who
have recently submitted their pledge cards.
Mrs. Ourania A. Abbas
M/M Ector Alexandratos
Mrs. Anna P. Alexis
Ms. Niki J. Alexis
Mrs. Mary L. Angelaras
Mrs. Athena Antonis
Mrs. Nancy Asimakes
M/M Kostas Astifidis
Miss Anastasia August
Ms. Nicolette Ballas
Mr. Hercules Barberis
M/M Terry Barberis
Mrs. Joanne Bare
M/M John Bartsocas
M/M Chris Bennett
M/M James Biagioli
M/M Timothy Boia
Mrs. Chrisanthe Bouyoucas
M/M Kosta Bouyoukas
M/M Jonathan Boyer
M/M John Bratsakis
M/M David Brock
Mr. Don Brooks
Mrs. Kiki Burgan
Ms. Jeri Cauthorn
Mrs. Linda Chios
M/M Andrew J. A. Chriss
M/M Achilles Cocoros
Mrs. Despina Coroneos
M/M Elia Cossis
Mrs. Maria Courpas
M/M Arthur Daidakis
D/M Christopher de Borja
M/M Phineas Deford
M/M Thomas Delise
M/M Nicholas Del Pizzo
M/M Daniel Demopulos
D/M Nicholas Dezes
Mrs. Rita Diacumakos
Mr. Michael P. Donnelly
Mrs. Jeanette Drosinos
M/M Vasilis Fellas
Mr. James G. Flizanes
Mr. Konstant G. Fotis
M/D Constantine Frangakis
Ms. Elizabeth Gabriel
M/M Pericles Galanakis
Mr. Harris J. George
Mrs. Stella George
M/M Jim Georges
D/M Paul German
Miss Stephanie Geyer
M/M Anastasios Giannakis
M/M Alexander Hajimihalis
Mr. Dimitri Hajimihalis
M/M Nicholas Hardee
M/M Christopher Helmuth
Mrs. Esther Heras
Mr. Charles W. Hicks
M/M Warren Hobbs
M/M Ron Hogle
Mrs. Helen Hollingsworth
M/M Elias Houliaras
M/M Andreas G. Houpos
M/M James Howard
M/M Larry Jenkins
M/M Mark T. Jensen
M/M Steve Karabelas
D/M Avraam C. Karas
Mr. Steve Karas
Mrs. Katherine Karavedas
Mr. Diamond Kimos
Mrs. Dina Mallis Klicos
Miss Zaharoula Kokinos
M/M Harry Kokkinakos
Mrs. Stacy Kosmides
Mrs. Cresy Kostis
M/M Dennis Koulatsos
Mrs. Georgia Lambrinos
Miss Anastasia Lambropoulos
M/M James Larentzos
M/M John Leos
M/M James Lillie
M/M Lawrence J. Link
Ms. Carlie Locklear
Mrs. Dorothy Lykos
M/M Xenophon Maglaras
Mrs. Evangelia Maheridis
Ms. Christina Makris
M/M Christopher Maistros
Mr. Harry B. Marcoplos
M/M Spiros Marvelis
M/M Demetrios Matsakis
Mrs. Claudia N. McBrien
M/M M. Joseph McKenny, Jr.
M/M Robert Merrifield
M/M George Mexis
M/M Russell C. Meyers
Mrs. Helen Morekas
Mr. Robert Morris
D/D Anthony Narlis
M/M Epaminondas Narlis
Mrs. Nitsa Nicholas
Ms. Lia Nichols/
Mr. Chris Reamy
Mrs. Estelle Nicolet
M/M Steven Nichols
M/M David Oliphant
M/M Erik Oosterwijk
M/M Evan Padousis
Miss Katherine Panagakos
M/M Vasilis Panageotou
Mrs. Dottie Panos
Mr. Spyridon Papadimas
M/M James Pappas
Mrs. Mary Peltsemes
M/M George Petasis
Mr. George Petrocheilos
Mr. Nicholas J. Pistolas
Ms. Angeline Polites
Mrs. Chrysoula Ponticas
D/M Iraklis Pozios
M/M Ernest Rafailides
M/M Thomas Rafailides
M/M Matthew Rakentzes
M/M Dimitrios Roros
M/M Isidoros G. Roros
D/M Constantine Sakles
M/M Steve Salisbury
M/M Gerard Schweiger
M/M Antonios Seas
Mrs. Despa Sfakianos
M/M George Sfakianoudis
Mr. James Sfekas
M/M Angelo Sfondiles
Ms. Melody Simmons/
Mr. Michael Brown
Mr. Emmanuel M. Skevofilax
M/M Michael Skevofilax
M/M Harry Sharkey
M/M Sean Smith
M/M Alex Solomotis
D/M Gregory Sophocleus
M/M Sophoclis J. Sophocleus
M/M Thomas Sotirelis
M/M George Steven Stamas
M/M Steven Stamatakos
M/M Constantine Stavrides
Ms. Pamela A. Stevens
Mrs. Georgia Stratakis
M/M Sotirios Strumpis
M/M Christopher Swanson
Ms. Helen Tangires
Mrs. Vanessa Telis
Mrs. Chrisanthy Theodorou
M/M Dimitrios Topaltzas
Mr. James Tsakalas
M/M Nick Tsonis
M/M James Tsouvalos
Ms. Rita Turc-LaBar
D/M Thomas Tzomides
M/M Theodoros Vlahoyiannis
M/M Joseph Werner
M/M Daniel Wiles
M/M Gerald R. Zavage
Saturday of Lazarus
Golden Age Club Pot Luck Luncheon
Egg Hunt on
Visit of His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey
Photograph of Congregation taken on Palm Sunday 2015
Senior Center Assisting with preparations for Holy Week and Pascha
Image from the Baltimore Sun from Great and Holy Friday
Decorating the
Kouvouklion for
Good Friday
The Paschal Sermon of Saint John Chrysostom
If any man be devout and loveth God, let him enjoy this fair and radiant triumphal feast! If any man be a wise servant, let him rejoicing
enter into the joy of his Lord. If any have labored long in fasting, let
him now receive his recompense. If any have wrought from the first
hour, let him today receive his just reward. If any have come at the
third hour, let him with thankfulness keep the feast. If any have arrived at the sixth hour, let him have no misgivings; because he shall in
nowise be deprived therefore. If any have delayed until the ninth hour,
let him draw near, fearing nothing. And if any have tarried even until
the eleventh hour, let him, also, be not alarmed at his tardiness.
fatted; let no one go hungry away. Enjoy ye all the feast of faith; receive ye all the riches of loving-kindness.
Let no one bewail his poverty, for the universal Kingdom has been
revealed. Let no one weep for his iniquities, for pardon has shown
forth from the grave. Let no one fear death, for the Savior's death has
set us free. He that was held prisoner of it has annihilated it.
By descending into Hell, He made Hell captive. He embittered it when
it tasted of His flesh. And Isaiah, foretelling this, did cry: “Hell,” said
he, “was embittered when it encountered Thee in the lower regions. It
was embittered, for it was abolished. It was embittered, for it was
mocked. It was embittered, for it was slain. It was embittered, for it
was overthrown. It was embittered, for it was fettered in chains. It
took a body, and met God face to face. It took earth, and encountered
Heaven. It took that which was seen, and fell upon the unseen.
O Death, where is thy sting? O Hades, where is thy victory?”
For the Lord, who is jealous of his honor, will accept the last even as
the first. He giveth rest unto him who cometh at the eleventh hour,
even as unto him who hath wrought from the first hour. And He
showeth mercy upon the last, and careth for the first; and to the one He
giveth, and upon the other He bestoweth gifts. And He both accepteth
the deeds, and welcometh the intention, and honors the acts and prais- Christ is risen, and thou art overthrown! Christ is risen, and the demons are fallen! Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice! Christ is risen,
es the offering.
and life reigns! Christ is risen, and not one dead remains in the grave.
Wherefore, enter ye all into the joy of your Lord; receive your reward,
both the first, and likewise the second. You rich and poor together, For Christ, being risen from the dead, is become the first-fruits of
hold high festival! You sober and you heedless, honor the day! Re- those who have fallen asleep. To Him be glory and dominion unto
joice today, both you who have fasted and you who have disregarded ages of ages.
the fast. The table is full-laden; feast ye all sumptuously. The calf is
Day Parade
Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation
4 eett rretton ttreet
Baltimore, Maryland
May 1, 2015
Dear Parishioners,
You are invited to attend the Spring Parish Assembly to be held Sunday, June 14, 2015, at the conclusion of the Divine
Liturgy, in the AHEPA Room, at 12:00 p.m. Registration of members will take place at that time. Copies of the
Minutes of the Fall Parish Assembly and the Special Parish Assembly are available from the Cathedral office.
Opening Prayer
Election of Parish Assembly Officers—Chairperson and Vice Chairperson
Reading of Minutes of the Fall Parish Assembly, December 14, 2014 and
Special Parish Assembly, March 29, 2015
Message by Father Constantine Moralis
Pastoral Assistant’s Report, Andreas G. Houpos
Parish Council President’s Report, Roann Voultepsis
Treasurer’s Report, Dimitrios Topaltzas
Capital Campaign Report, Roann Voultepsis
Election of Nominating and Election Committee
Old Business/New Business
Closing Prayer
Under the Uniform Parish Regulations, (Article 31, Section 2) no tice o f a Parish Assem bly shall be m ailed to all Parishioners in good standing at least ten (10) days prior to the Assembly and shall include the agenda. The agenda shall be prepared by
the Priest and the Parish Council, and the agenda shall include all items to be discussed at the Assembly.
Under the Uniform Parish Regulations (Article 31, Section 3) a Parish Assem bly co nsists o f p arishio ners in go od
standing of the Parish who have met their stewardship obligations to the Parish in accordance with the Parish Bylaws. A person
whose name appears on the Stewardship rolls, but who is in arrears in the payment of his/her stewardship obligations, may take
part in the Parish Assembly by meeting such stewardship obligations on or before the date of the meeting. If a Parishioner is delinquent for more than the current calendar year, he or she may vote at the Parish Assembly only after that parishioner has met the
unfilled stewardship financial obligations at least thirty (30) days before the Parish Assembly. New parishioners may exercise
their vote at Parish Assemblies if they have been parishioners in good standing for at least three months. The Priest shall be a nonvoting participant of the Parish Assembly.
The Parish Assembly is the place where you can help make the decisions which will affect and guide the continuing
progress and well-being of our Parish and Cathedral.
Roann Voultepsis
Archimandrite Constantine Moralis
James Kokorelis
Roann Voultepsis
Parish Council President
Archimandrite Constantine Moralis
Presiding Priest
James Kokorelis
Non-Profit Org.
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Baltimore, MD
Permit NO. 632
The Greek Orthodox Cathedral
of the Annunciation
24 West Preston Street at Maryland Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21201-5700
Time Sensitive Material
MAY 25, 2015
On Monday, May 25, the Greek Orthodox community will observe Memorial Day
with a Divine Liturgy and Memorial Service at the Greek Orthodox Cemetery on
Windsor Mill Road, beginning at 9:15 a.m., Orthros; 10:00 a.m., Divine Liturgy.
Please write the names of those whom you wish to commemorate in the space below and send to the Cathedral office.