OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH NEWSLETTER 36, UTTOXETER ROAD, MICKLEOVER, DERBY. DE3 9GE Tel: 514107 Www.ourladyoflourdesparish.co.uk E.mail: frpaul@ourladyoflourdesparish.co.uk Parish Priest: Fr Paul Chipchase 16th November 2014 thirty-third week of ordinary time (A) People of the Parish. Mafalda Orco RIP (Neville) Joan Eastwood RIP (Beben) Saturday SUNDAY 6.30 pm 8.00 am 10.00 am MONDAY St Hugh of Lincoln 7.00 pm Exposition & Benediction 7.30 pm Rita Woodman RIP TUESDAY Feria 9.30 am Patrick Kelly RIP WEDNESDAY St Elizabeth of Hungary 9.30 am Kevin Connolly RIP THURSDAY Feria 9.30 am Kevin Butler (O’Kane) FRIDAY Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 6.15 pm Evening Prayer of the church 6.30 pm Bob Neville RIP (Sellors) SATURDAY St Cecilia, 9.30 am Fiona Smith RIP (Burns) Christ the King 6.30 pm 8.00 am 10.00 am Netty Crowley RIP (Cafferky) Linda McCready RIP People of the Parish Saturday SUNDAY DIARY FOR THIS WEEK Sunday: Signed Mass 10.00 am Mass. Under 7’s Liturgy 10.00 am Mass. Sunday School after 10 am Mass. faith in families — collection of items for their Christmas Hampers. (See News & Events). Bacon butties will be on sale in the Parish Centre after 10.00 am Mass in aid of Connect 2. Tuesday: Tuesday Club: 7.30 pm . Wednesday: Coffee after Mass. All welcome. Women on Wednesday meeting 7.30 pm in the back room of the Parish Centre. See News & Events. Thursday: Over 50’s: 2.00 pm Next Sunday: Under 7’s Liturgy 10.00 am Mass. Sunday School after 10 am Mass. Coffee after 10.00 am. Mass during which cakes will be on sale in aid of McMillan Care. All welcome. (See News & Events) C.T.U. 6-8.00 pm. Anniversaries: Fiona Smith, Joseph Bracken, Margaret Swift, Monsignor Purdy Tom McColgan, Mary Galley, Terry Tracey, Peter Walsh Jerry Dourgan, Joan Smith, Susan Rowe, Elsie Leach ROTAS Readers: This week: Next week: Counters: Sat. 6.30 pm. 8.00 am. 10.00 am. J. Keily N. McIntyre M. Cafferky H. Baines S. Rodger G. & R. Bryant This week: Mrs Howard, Ms Floyd Next week: Mr & Mrs Cundy Offertory Sat. Mass: This week: Collectors Next week: Bennett Family Offertory Sun. Mass: This week: Under 7’s Liturgy Next week: Under 7’s Liturgy Cleaners: (3) Tessa Howard, Pauline Phillips, Janet O’Boyle, Julie Kennedy Coffee after Mass: This week: Kininmonth family, Meek family Next week: Swinson family, Gupta family NEWS AND EVENTS faith in families There will be a collection for items which can be included in Christmas food and toy Hampers which will be distributed by faith in families to vulnerable families across the Nottingham Diocese. To enable any donations to reach them so that the hampers can be packed and distributed in time for Christmas the collection will be over this w/end 15th/16th November. A list of the items being requested is on the notice board and there is a box for your kind donations. faith in families if there are any box holders who require their box emptying please contact Ann Shaffery - 523898. Thank you to those who have left boxes to be emptied, they are now available for collection in the Gathering Area. Women on Wednesday will meet next Wed. (19th) at 7.30pmin the back room of the Parish Centre. Fr Paul will lead further discussion on Evangelli Gaudium -The Joy of the Gospel -Pope Francis. All welcome. Next Baptism Preparation Programme is at St Joseph's this Wed. 19th Nov.. at 7.30pm. This will be the final programme this year. Please contact Pauline (pauline.gallear@gmail.com ) to register. Youth Sunday (22nd Nov) CTU Retreat begins at 2.00 pm. in the Parish Centre. Preparing for the Mass at 6.30 pm. Food will be provided. All 7Y & upwards are all invited. Our Christmas Fair will be on Sunday 7th December. There will be a meeting of stall holders & helpers after 10.00 am Mass this am in the Byron Room. Please use the rear entrance. As usual we are requesting your generous donations for the stalls please. NO BRIC A BRAC. Please bring items to the Presbytery or place them in the box which will be in the in the Gathering Area soon. Outreach At the recent meeting it was decided that the recipients of the proceeds of this year’s Christmas Fair would be Padley Centre, CAFOD –Connect 2, Kids Aid Tanzania and Mental Health Unit gifts if required. Raffle Tickets for the Christmas Fair are now available from the Gathering Area. Please take some to sell. £1 per ticket £5 a book. Parish Diaries for 2015 will be on sale at the Fair. £1 each. First Holy Communion 2015 Children who will be 8 or over in the coming school year and have attended the precommunion year at Sunday School or attend Catholic schools are eligible for their First Holy Communion on Sunday 14th June 2015. Parents who think that their children are ready for the sacrament and who are willing to participate in the necessary preparation programme themselves are invited to write to Fr. Paul stating their wishes and commitment by this weekend. (15th/16th November). Operation Christmas Child the shoe box appeal is again being co-ordinated by the Co-Workers. Please take a leaflet from the Gathering Area. Enquiries to Mary-Anne Lillie (513754). Please return your boxes by Sun. 23rd Nov. Macmillan Coffee after Mass 23rd Nov. There will be a bacon rolls and a bring and buy cake sale after 10.00 am Mass to support the work of Macmillan nurses. Please bring donations on the day. Please come & help sweep & tidy our grounds ready for the winter. Sat. 29th November from 10.15 am. Refreshments will be available. Please bring your own brushes and if anyone has a leaf blower to bring that would be much appreciated. CTOG (Churches Together in Mickleover)The Schoolchildren’s Nativity Activities hosted by CTOG will finish with a DVD and tea on Saturday 29th November in our Parish Centre from 3:30 to 5:00.The DVD is called ‘It’s a Boy’ and will beby mince pies, cakes and biscuits. Any offers of help on the day and/or donations of cakes will be greatly appreciated. sign the sheet in the Gathering Area to let us know if you can help or able to provide cakes/biscuits etc. Marika 01332 523152, Belinda 17714473811, Trish Hopton (07986875440) Partylite Candle Evening at Gillian von Fragstein's house, November 25th.30-9pm,Grafton Street Derby DE23 6PB Tel: 07757120753. Beautiful candles and candle etc plain and scented. A chance to have fun, meet friends and do some Christmas shopping! All proceeds to the Kaoma Orphanage Zambia. All Welcome! Zambia. We will make a 'Ring Of Silver 'for Kaoma on November 29th/30th with any loose coins. A thank you letter from Sister Vianney and the latest news from Zambia is on the notice board. Travelling Nativity Mary, Joseph and their donkey will be travelling around the parish on their way to Bethlehem this Advent. How it works - a family volunteers to host Mary and Joseph for a night . At Mass on the 1st Sunday of Advent (30th Nov.) Fr Paul will hand over to them a box containing Mary, Joseph and their donkey, together with a short Liturgy sheet, The next day, they hand the box to the next family on the list, with maybe the little liturgy && biscuits. This pattern continues until Christmas Eve when the family currently "hosting" & J them back to 6 pm Mass and put them in the empty stable on the sanctuary ready for the coming of Jesus. Please sign the list in the GA for a date your family can host the travellers and bring a special focus to your celebration of Advent. CTOG will again be providing carol singers for the ‘Our Mickleover’ Christmas Fair being held on Sun. 30th Nov. If you would like to volunteer to come & sing please put your name on the list in the Gathering Area. (N.B. there are no rehearsals!!) Messiah' from scratch Sunday Dec. 21st.chance to singHandel's Messiah here in the church, and raise a Christmas present for the Kaoma and Jeel-Amal orphanages!!!All welcome to join us for the afternoon s rehearsal and sing in the Evening concert. Further information and application forms available in the Gathering Area and on-line at: charitymessiahmickleover.tumblr.com New Readers’ Rota (blue) is now available. Copies were emailed on Friday.14th. if you have not received yours or are unable to receive emails there are a few copies available in the Sacristy. Thank you for your continued support for this important ministry. Thank you to all those who braved the rain to come and support the Alternative Christmas Market last Saturday. Just over £3000 was made on the day. Closing date for postal orders is 22nd Nov. and the final figure will be available shortly after that. Tessa Howard would like to thank you for all the lovely cards, good wishes and prayers, she is very grateful and touched and hopes to be able to tell you herself in the near future. Katie Mowles & Katie Bennett would like to say a huge thank you to all the parishioners who came to our wine and cheese evening on Friday. Everyone hopefully had a very enjoyable evening, and we raised £236 for our Arusha fund. Thanks again!
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