Our Lady of the Annunciation Parish Priest: Fr. Joe O’Connor 147 Bingham Road, Addiscombe, Croydon CR0 7E. Phone 020-8654 1709 email: office@addiscombecatholicchurch.com website: www.addiscombecatholicchurch.com Diocesan website: www.rcsouthwark.co.uk Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm Deanery website: www.croydoncatholics.org.uk SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Every Saturday 9.30am and 5.00pm. 2 ovember 2014 FEAST OF ALL SAITS (see page 184 of Parish Mass Book) ALL SAINTS Mass Intentions This Week Today’s feast refers to all those baptised Christians who have died and are now with God in glory. It certainly also includes all non-Christians who lived a good life sincerely in accordance with the convictions of their conscience. Tomorrow we will remember and pray for those who have died but still in need of a process of purification before coming face to face with God. There will be Mass at 10am on Monday. To be a saint one doesn’t have to be an ascetic, or even serious and solemn. On the contrary, joy should be very much part of our lives. The saints became saints by being entirely themselves—nothing false or artificial. The best way to imitate the saints is to be our unique selves, but the best that we can be! There is a tendency to put the saints on a pedestal—the danger of this is that we could feel justified in excusing ourselves from imitating them. The saints were human beings with human flaws. They were vulnerable to the same temptations as we are. They were not perfect people. They serve as models precisely because they were sinners like us. In them we see how, with God’s help, one can triumph over human weakness and sinfulness. Being a Christian is a lot more than not doing things which are wrong. The Beatitudes in the gospel show us the qualities, the attitudes which made the saints and which can make saints of us too. Someone said that the Beatitudes are a reliable recipe for sainthood. Let’s prove them right by trying to put them into practice a bit more today! £5 – Jane Harris CHURCH CLEAIG Team C: Mrs Jones Saturday: 1 ovember 10:00 Dennis & Nora O’Donoghue RIP 18:00 Lance Baptiste RIP 2 ovember: ALL SAITS 8:30 Anastasia McHugh RIP 10:00 UCM: All Confirmation Candidates 12:00 All Parishioners Monday: 3 ovember 10.00 The Holy Souls Tuesday: 4 ovember 10:00 Richard & Ellen Stavenson Wednesday: 5 ovember 10:00 Ian Sulzdorf RIP Thursday: 6 ovember 10:00 Ints of Savio & Lynette Fernandes Friday: 7 ovember 10:00 Holy Souls 13.00 Funeral: Abina Martin Eucharistic Adoration for vocations 10.30am - 8pm in Sacred Heart chapel Saturday: 8 ovember 10.00 Joseph Dieu Tran RIP 18:00 Bernard Considine RIP Fr. Joe WEEKLY DRAW YEAR A LAST WEEK’S OFFERTORY Loose cash Gift Aid Envelopes S/Os £506.58 £407.38 £880.00 Total £1793.96 9 ovember: THE DEDICATIO OF THE LATERA BASILICA 08:30 Maurice& Margaret Slattery RIP ~# 10:00 Catherine Crowley RIP ~ # 12:00 All Parishioners # ~ With Children’s Liturgy # Foodbank Sunday COLLECTIOS Last week’s collection collection for the monthly ACA with proceeds going to our SVP, amounted to £664.64. Many thanks. Next week there will be a diocesan collection for Archbishops’ administration fund, this is Gift Aid Eligible so please use your envelopes. We pray for the sick in our Parish: Elizabeth Damsel, Fr David Peck, lilly Harley, Sheila Minus, Catherine Whelan, Clayton and Rita McMahon, Eddie Gallacher, Margarette Collins, Lauren Horwood. We pray for parishioners whose anniversaries occur this Week: Oscar Marshall, Anne Farrell, David Bassett, Maria Cowley, Vincenzina Lacovara, Frank Hadfield, Peter Lacover, Ella Bloxham, Anastasia McHugh, Kathleen Duffy, Stan Moore, Mary Tims, Lilian White, Vera Hanrahan, Bernard Considine, Eileen McDonald, Dennis Barnett, Bridget Riordan, Sybil Corcoran, Peter Marenghi, John Wynne, Denis Hathaway, Frieda Humphries, John Faragher, William Bradley, Mildred Potter, Rosanna Jamieson, Michael Jones, Denis Everest, Catherine Downes. MEETIGS Confirmation Prep: Today (Sunday) 2nd November at 5pm (Large Hall). UCM: Wednesday 5th at 8.15pm (Small Hall) RECET DEATHS: We are sorry to announce the death of Abina Martin. Her funeral service (not a Mass) will take place at 1pm on Friday 7th in the church. We also announce the death of Michael Cummins formerly of this parish, who passed away this week in Devon. Please keep both families in your prayers. COGRATULATIOS & THAK YOU To Nike, Helen and all their helpers who organised a wonderful International Event in the hall last Sunday. The food was scrumptious and plentiful, the traditional costumes were stunningly colourful, and learning how they create and wear them was most educational. There was a great spirit there, and Thank You to all who turned up. FIRE MARSHALL TRAIIG Precision health and safety company will be offering Fire Marshal training on 6th November at 1.30pm in the church. Fire Marshalls are required by the diocese, anyone interested please let us know. UCM MEETIG: Wednesday 5th November, Small Hall, 8.15 pm. We will be having a Christmas cake decorating ideas session organised by Sarah Turner. If you are definitely coming could you ring/text Clare Connor (07982 715 858), by 3/11/14. Tickets for the UCM Christmas party will also be available on the night. MOTHERS PRAYERS TALK: Saturday 15th November, 10am-4pm. St John the Baptist, Dale Road, CR8 2EF. contact Beryl on 0208406040604. THOMAS BECKET FAYRE: St Thomas Becket school have started preparing for their Christmas Fayre on Sunday 30th November. Donations of decorations, Christmas Puddings, stocking fillers, marmalades, chutneys and jams, or crockery for our smash the plates stall, would be very gratefully received and can be left in the church porch. SOCIAL CLUB ORDIATIO Sunday, 2nd November: Kevin Keys We’re delighted to announce that Archbishop Peter has fixed the date for the Ordination to the Diaconate of Keith Sylvia here at Our Lady’s—Friday 21st ovember at 7.30pm. Please put the date in your diary and feel free to bring along a plate for the reception afterwards. Please keep Keith, Jacqueline and family in your prayers. Thank You. Sunday, 9th November: Mary & The ew Counties Help raise £1K + for St Christopher’s Hospice: Brendan Shine will be appearing at the Fairfield Hall on Wednesday, 19th November. Tickets can be booked either on-line or direct from the Fairfield Hall. During the interval the Committee from the Addiscombe Catholic Social Club will be holding a raffle in support of St Christopher’s Hospice. The Fundraising Jamboree for Anerley ACROSS - a charity which takes disabled young people to Lourdes on an annual basis, will take place on Friday, 5th December. Entertainment will be by Pay Hayes with special guests The Three Celebrities - The Brush Dancers. Tickets at £5.00 each will be available on the door. You can also support this event by donating prizes for the raffle or items for the auction. ALL SOULS DAY: There will be Mass at 10am on Monday 3rd November. HOLY SOULS: Today is the feast of All Saints, followed on Monday by the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed. We invite members of the parish to take a Holy Souls envelope from the table at the back of the church, list their family and friends who have died, and place the lists in the envelope. These envelopes are placed in our Memorial chapel (in the Lady Chapel) and your deceased loved ones will be remembered at all Masses during the month of November; Any donations in the envelopes are used as Mass stipends for Masses for the Holy Souls throughout the year. APPLICATIOS FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL REFERECES: Please complete the form which can be downloaded from the parish website and return it to the presbytery, only then can an appointment be arranged with Fr Joe. Appointments will finish at the end of November. RECET WEDDIGS: We congratulate the following couples who were married here recently: Oluseyi Alabi and Petra Charlemagne, Gianluca Zucconi and Samantha Comeau, Michael Dwyer and Natalie Watt. May their love for each other grow stronger each day. GOLDE JUBILEE CALEDARS: Now available: Please buy your calendar from the repository or outside after Mass. Calendars cost £5.99. They make a unique Christmas present and Father Joe is happy to sign them. REPOSITORY: A lovely selection of Diaries and Christmas cards are now on sale in the Repository Shop. Other items for Christmas will be on sale soon. ADMISSIOS IFORMATIO MEETIG AT ST THOMAS BECKET: On Thursday 6th November at 7pm. SOUTHWARK DIOCESE YOUTH MIISTRY DAY: 15th November 10.304.30pm in Amigo Hall. Free admission, booking requiredemail info@scys.org.uk or call 01227272900. THE JOH FISHER SCHOOL: Present the Centenary of WW1 on Tuesday 11th Nov, 7.30pm in the school Chapel. Please see the notice board for more information. TEACH US TO PRAY: Experience and explore the spiritual riches of the diocese; 6th December at St George’s Cathedral, SE1 7HY, 10am – 4pm. For more info and to register visit rcsouthwarksprituality.wordp ress.com TOWARDS ADVET: Festival of Catholic Culture, Westminster Cathedral Hall, SW1. Saturday 22nd November, starting at 10.30am. ADVET WREATH MAKIG: On Saturday 29th November from 2 4pm. I have a small supply of rings for sale to make the wreaths; please contact me by Monday, 24th November if you need one. Bring garden clippers/gloves or scissors, any candles, greenery and decorations you wish to add. Jo Murphy 8405 2000. Items for collection: K Sylvia, M Rowe, P Burgess, B Cronin, M Gray, Sr Celia, P O’Sullivan, J Harris, S Hurford, P Haynes, M Gray, Dixie Family, A Dunstan, A Klutsie, S Turner, C Joyce, M A McGuigan, G Slater. Bapt Certs: 5 Brewster-Turay, E Lippett.
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