APRIL 19, 2015 PRAYER CORNER Lord Jesus, open our minds to understand the Scriptures that we may fully comprehend the truth of Your word. Anoint us with Your power and give us joy and boldness to proclaim the Gospel in word and deed. LAST SUNDAY’S COLLECTION Regular Sunday Collection – $8,378.95 Building Fund Collection – $1,621.30 MASS INTENTIONS 18 RIP(5pm) Julie & Joseph Morris / Colin Morris 19 RIP(9am) Elise Richard / Donald & Emilienne 19 INT(10:30) Special intentions 19 INT(5pm) OLOF parishioners living & deceased 20 RIP Gil Braconnier /Anita 21 RIP Gilles Lizee / Jeannette Frechette 22 RIP Jose Batista / Maria Batista 23 RIP Léoza Parent / Thérèse Ryman 24 RIP Gi Yang Mary Li / Her family 25 INT Sr. Josephine Carney / Yuri Watanabee 25 RIP(5pm) Peter Reece / The Kelly family 26 RIP(9am) Leo Leclerc / Henriette Bernardin 26 RIP(10:30) Joan West / John West 26 INT(5pm) OLOF parishioners living & deceased SECOND COLLECTION The second collection next weekend will be taken for the Work of Vocations to support seminarians studying to become priests for the Archdiocese of Vancouver. The Archdiocese has approximately 28 men currently studying for the priesthood. THE HOLY HOUR OF POWER Join our PREP students and Youth for an evening of Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction on Tues, May 12, from 7-8pm, in the church. Children and their families are encouraged to come out and meet the Lord in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar, a truly beautiful way to introduce this form of prayer to your children. Come for prayer, meditation, healing, and music led by Tami Comuzzi. PASTORAL APPOINTMENTS Pastoral appointments have been announced. Find out which priests moving and where. To view the full list, visit rcav.org/pastoral-appointments-2015/ SECULAR CARMELITES INFO SESSION Meet Catholics who are following the path of St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Teresa of Avila, St. John o the Cross. A beautiful charismatic and mystical journey towards divine intimacy. Sat, May 2 at 1:30pm, All Saints Parish, Coquitlam. BOXES OF ENVELOPES The 2015 boxes of envelopes issued Nov 2014 will be taken from the church the last week of this month and the numbers reassigned. If you feel that you meant to do something but can’t remember what it is—picking up your envelopes was probably it! Don’t delay. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BREAKFAST The Knights of Columbus are serving their delicious breakfast this Sun, Apr 19. Bring your family, friends, and hearty appetites for a bargain meal and parish get together. Family $20, adult $5, youth (13-18) $4, child (12 and under) $3, senior (65+) $4. Join us after the 9 & 10:30am Masses. Our Mother’s Day breakfast is on Sunday May 10. Circle your calendars and treat mom for free. FATIMA NIGHT WHAT: Dinner / Dance featuring The Magic Rooster Blues Band and 2nd band Level Ground FOOD: Prime rib dinner prepared by 2 professional chefs WHERE: The church hall aka basement WHEN: Saturday, May 30—doors at 6pm WHO: Fatima Fundraisers COST: $35 per person FOR: The parish seismic upgrade and Youth Ministry TIX: After weekend Masses and at the parish office INFO: Parish office 604-936-2525 PARISH PHOTO DIRECTORY Reminder to sign up for the Parish Photo Directory—lots of spots available for both weeks. Please book through the parish website www.ourladyoffatima.ca. Scroll down the first page to find the info. Or contact Margaret at 604420-3723 or Linder at 604-931-7590. Be part of this great parish initiative. By your participation you will receive—a complimentary parish photo directory, a complimentary 8 x 10 family portrait and you can purchase additional photo studio quality portraits, however there is no obligation to do so OPENING FOR NEW ALTAR SERVERS Want to be an Altar Server or know someone who may be interested? Boys and girls who have received First Holy Communion are eligible. Learn more and apply using the forms at the back of the church or online at ourladyoffatima.ca/parish-life/altar-servers. Register before May 4. Classes are on May 8 & 22. This is the only opportunity for training this calendar year. BENEFIT FOR DISPLACED IRAQI CHRISTIANS Enjoy an evening of presentations by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, and Development and Peace, plus an authentic 3-course Iraqi dinner and traditional Iraqi entertainment. On Sat, May 9 at 6pm, All Saints Parish. Tickets are $60 and available at All Saints office. Net proceeds will go to the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace. THE BASICS OF STEWARDSHIP—WHAT IT IS / WHAT IT’S NOT Keynote Speaker: Archdiocese of Vancouver Stewardship Director Barbara Dowding. Sat, May 9, from 10:30am-2pm, Corpus Christi Church, Vancouver. Conference is Free. All are welcome. Bring a bagged lunch, beverages provided. Pre-register by Wed, May 6, by email at sec-corpuschristi@shaw.ca or phone Helen at 604-324-2265. ROARING 20’s EXTRAVAGANZA Archbishop Carney Regional Secondary School WHAT: Dinner / Dance featuring the Bruce James Orchestra WHEN: Saturday, May 9—doors at 5:30—dinner at 6:30 WHERE: ACRSS Gym FOR: Toward purchase of a new school bus COST: $40 each—table (10 tix) $350 before April 18 CALL: For tix call Lorraine Joseph at 604-466-5112 CARNEY SILENT AUCTION At the Roaring 20’s Extravaganza All feeder parishes have been asked to make a donation basket for the silent auction. Our basket will be an “International Wine & Fine Gourmet Food” basket and we are requesting donations from you to make our basket the best. Include our fine BC wines with a suggested price of $20+. Purchase your ticket or drop off your wine donation at the parish office. There will be someone after all the Masses this weekend to answer questions, sell tickets, etc. We look forward for your generous support. For more info please email Ivonne Pedroso at consulamer@telus.net. WHO: CARE CENTRE LITURGY INFORMATION The following is information is for friends and families of seniors of our parish living in care centres: Belvedere Senior Apartments, Delestre Avenue, Mass on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month at 2:15pm—Communion service every other Saturday at 2:15 Belvedere Extended Care Home, Alderson Avenue, Mass on the last Friday of the month at 3pm Christmas Manor, Austin Avenue, Mass on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, at 10:30am—Communion service every other Sunday If you can volunteer for any of these dates please call Margaret Ross at 604-525-7424 NEW ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB Are you interested in learning more about environmental stewardship and how you can care for God’s Creation? Your help is needed in forming a new environmental ministry club at OLF! Please join us for a planning and info session date and time TBA. Email Christine at eco.Fatima1@gmail.com. MARIAPOLIS 2015 The Eucharist – Bond of UnityThe Focolare Movement invites you to Mariapolis 2015, which will include presentations on the spirituality of communion, sharing of individual experiences, small group sharing, daily Mass, prayers and recollection, games, outdoor activities and special programs for teens and children. Sat, May 16 to Mon, May 18, Trinity Western University, Langley. For info, please contact the Focolare Centre at 604-468-2871 or email ffvancouver@shaw.ca CHRIST THE KING SEMINARY Reunion for all alumni (clergy & lay) of the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission on Mon, May 18 with 10:30am Mass in the abbey church, followed shortly by midday prayer & lunch. At 1:30pm there will be a program in the gym. RSVP by May 11 by email sckalumni@gmail.com or by phone 1-604-826-8975. PRO-LIFE March for Life “Every Life’s Worth Living.” Join thousands of others for B.C.’s 7th annual pro-life march and rally on Thurs, May 14 in Victoria. Bus will leave All Saints Parish at 7am for the 9am sailing and return by 5pm sailing. Fare per person is $45 and includes bus and ferry rides. To reserve seats, call All Saints office 604-939-1741. More info at www.m4lvictoria.ca ATTENTION: FATIMA YOUTH & YOUNG ADULTS YouthLeader: July 27 – 31 (Gr 10 & Up) Searching in the Spirit: August 24 – 28 (Newly confirmed) Info contact olfyouthmin@gmail.com or 604-931-7590 ATTENTION PARENTS OF TEENAGERS Youth Day is an annual rally for high school teens regardless of where they go to school. Please encourage your child to join hundreds of teens for an awesome day of faith, fellowship, and fun! Sat, May 2 from 9am-9pm at Carney School. Register by Mon Apr 20. See parish website for registration form—click on Register for Youth Day 2015. Play against our seminarian, Francis Apacible, at the Men In Black soccer game. “He is the Vine, we are the branches” PARISH EDUCATION COMMITTEE (PEC) We are currently looking for 4 people, 3 elected and 1 appointed, to run for positions on the Committee. This is a 2-year commitment, which involves monthly meetings, possible extra-ordinary meetings and, depending on the portfolio, school related functions. Those eligible to hold office must be practising Catholics, approved by the Pastor, eligible to vote in the parish and have reached the age of 19 with the following exceptions: 1. Teachers and principal of the school 2. Past employees of the school until three full calendar years have passed since the termination of employment 3. Employees of the parish/school 4. Spouses, children, parents, brothers, and sisters of persons covered in the above 5. All other teachers/principals employed by CISVA If you would like to run for one of these positions, nomination forms can be picked up either at the school or parish office. The completed nomination forms must be submitted no later than May 20 to the parish office. Elections are May 30/31. If you have any questions email pec@fatimaschool.ca SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL PRAYERS are requested for: Lucienne Albert, Rella Audette, Jaime & Eleanore Awa, Fernanda Badke, Al Barbers, Mona Bouchard, Elaine Bro, Claire Carrier, Rev. Guy Delionnet, Levi de los Reyes, Sid Fehr, Anne Gibson, Dulce Guzman, Walter Harris, Claudette Heino, Amalia Hightower, Jasmine, Nicole, Jeannine, Breanne Kelly, James Lagare, Lester, Jessie Lidstrom, Linda, Bob & Roberta Lord, Brigid Lynch, Maurice Martin, Ray Messier, Norma, Joey Pacis, Bernice Parker, Dianne Paxton, Karen Peterson, Raffaela Pontellini, Hilda Ramos, Romeo Roberge, Theresa Roque, Aurelie Roy, Rob Schmuck, Mila Sison, Jeanne Sloan, Lilian Svensson, Noemi Talabis, Carmen Tolusso, Marion Waugh, Amanda Wong, Cheryl Wunderlich, Larry Wunderlich, Argia Zecchel. MEDITATION ON TODAY’S GOSPEL (2015 Don Schwager-Daily-Scriptures.net) Jesus’ cross is the door to heaven and the key to paradise. The way to glory is through the cross. Jesus shows us the way and He gives us the power to overcome sin and despair, and everything else that would stand in the way of His love and truth. Just as the first disciples were commissioned to bring the good news of salvation to all the nations, so, we, too, are called to be witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus Christ to all who live on the face of the earth. Do you witness the joy of the Gospel to those around you?
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