MASS TIMES TAUNTON CATHOLIC CHURCH ONE GOD, ONE FAMILY, ONE COMMUNITY The Holy Family & Christmas Octaves ST GEORGE’S Sat Vigil 17:30 Carlos Walsh RIP Sun 28th 8:00 Charlie Duff RIP Sun 9:30 Derek Wigens RIP Mon 29th December St Thomas Becket 9:30 Michael O’Brien Tues 30th 9:30 Larry Kent RIP Wed 31st 9:30 Betty Hodges RIP Thurs 1st January 2015 Fri 2nd Sat 3rd 11:00 John Lowe RIP ENTRY The Shepherds went in haste, and found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in a manger. RESPONSE O blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways! ACCLAMATION Alleluia, alleluia! May the peace of Christ reign in your hearts; Mary, Mother of God New Years Day let the message of Christ find a home with you. Alleluia! 10:00 Marrianne, Vincenco & & Deceased Members of the Pizii Family Saints Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen 9:30 Barbara Hunt (Rowan) RIP COMMUNION PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: 9:00 9:30 Tony Pizii SICK: Christopher Browne, Martin Connolly, Jane Willcox, Candy Halloran, Kathleen Pocock, James Willetts, Iain Polley, Carmel Allan, Margaret Litchfield, Sheila Sullivan, Mary Annet Jimmy, Christine Holloway & all who are sick at this time. DEATHS: ST TERESA’S ANNIV: Vincent Grendon, Nora Robbins, Fr Patrick Ryan, Larry Kent, Doris Golding, Margaret Smith, Peter Wills, David Harrison, Lola Granville Barker, Robert Nesbitt, Larry Whitford, Edith Blagdon, James Gallagher, Sam Wrigley, Agnes Lambert, Marcelle McDonald & all whose anniversary occurs at this time. DIOCESAN PRAYER LINK: Somerton St Dunstan/Langport St Joseph/Yeovil Holy Ghost with South Petherton 17:30 Annie & Richard Vernon RIP 8:00 Tanis & John Ballantine Our God has appeared on the earth, and lived among us. Fri 9:15 Morning Prayer 9:30 Deceased Members of the Walker & Baron Families 10:00 Rosary ST GEORGE’S Sun 28th December 2014 - Newsletter 765 - Psalter Week 1 - Year B - Christmas Octaves Sunday Readings: First Reading: Ecclesiasticus3:2-6.12-14; Second Reading: St Paul to the Colossians 3:12-21 & Holy Gospel: Luke 2:22-40 17:00 People of the Parish NEXT SUNDAY (04/01/2015) - THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD -YEAR B - PSALTER WEEK 2 Sat Vigil THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY & JOSEPH ST TERESA’S Sun 11:00 Thomas Joseph Burke & Mary Cecilia Burke 17:00 People of the Parish 12:00 Epiphany Event for Volunteers Noon in the Parish Centre CONFESSIONS & ROSARY—SUBJECT TO CHANGE SHOULD A REQUIEM TAKE PLACE ST GEORGE'S - THURSDAY: 12.00-12:20 CONFESSIONS EXPOSITION & SIMPLE BENEDICTION WITH PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS DURING CONFESSIONS SATURDAY: 10:00-10:30 & 17:00-17:20 CONFESSIONS ROSARY AFTER MASS ON THURSDAYS & AFTER MASS ON SATURDAY MORNINGS ST TERESA’S - CONFESSIONS BY REQUEST CONTACT US- Parish Team: Parish Priest: Fr David Mills Permanent Deacons: Rev Trevor Jones & Rev Ed Channing Parish Sister: Sr Michelle Priests also Assisting: Fr Peter Hawkins, Fr Michael Lewis, Fr Bernard Shackleton & Fr Peter Marden Parish Safeguarding Representative: Rev Trevor Jones St George, Billet St, Taunton, TA1 3NN -Tel 01823 272700 Office Hours: 9.30am—1pm, Monday to Thursday & 10am—5pm, on Friday St Teresa, Eastwick Rd, Taunton, TA2 7HF - Tel 01823 333608 E-mail: What is Safeguarding? “Being loved and being kept safe go to the very core of the Church’s Ministry to children and vulnerable adults. The work of safeguarding has to be seen within the overall mission of the Church. As she seeks to protect the vulnerable and weak, the Church needs to ‘act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God’. (Micah 6:8). It is a ministry of love and healing and seeks justice for all”. (Bishop Declan Lang - Feb 2012). EVENTS IN THE PARISH IN THE FOLLOWING WEEK There will be sherry & mince pies after St George’s morning Masses today 28th December in the Parish Centre. All welcome to join us. The nearly new paperback bookstall in aid of the missions will be open next Sunday 4th January in the Parish Centre after both Morning Masses. We are always glad to receive good quality paperbacks to sell, please bring them in at any time THANKS The Polish Christmas Eve Story raised the marvellous sum of £340 for the St George's Window Restoration Project. Many thanks to the Taunton Polish Association for the fantastic afternoon. Thanks also to those who attended & those who made donations making this event such a great success. Fr David JESSE TREE: Thank you for your wonderful generosity. Over 200 gifts have been received for The Open Door They have now been distributed prior to Christmas & have been very much appreciated. Please see the Newsletter or Website for Mass Times as there may be changes. Please remember to take your valuables with you when going to Communion COLLECTIONS: St George's: Collection: £1070; St Teresa's: Collection: £252; Thank you for your generosity Iraqi Christians—If you would like to respond to the dire crisis being experienced by our Christian Brothers & Sisters in Iraq you can do so by donating via Aid to the Church in Need. Visit. MISCELLANEOUS Taunton Christians Together Ecumenical Service at 6:30pm on Sunday 18th January 2015 at St. James's Church, Taunton The rotas for Eucharist Ministers & Readers for January, February & March are available for collection at the back of the church. 2015 diaries, diocesan directories for sale in the parish shop, please visit as every sale supports our church. Opening times: every Sunday, 8.30am -11.30am. Eucharistic Ministers— Please return your pyx by the Wednesday of each week. Thank you. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their generous Christmas Offerings, the many cards CHURCH FLOWERS & the presents I have received. Thank you for your donations for the Christmas Flowers at St George’s & St Teresa’s Churches; they are much appreciated. Are you a budding flower arranger/would you like to join the St George’s Church Flower Rota? FFI contact the Parish Office. Thank you to everyone who has helped in any way to ensure that we have been able to celebrate Christmas EPIPHANY EVENT I would like, on behalf of the Parishes of St Teresa & St George, to invite all those who carry out any functions within our parishes to a thank-you buffet lunch on Sunday 4th January 2015 at 12 noon in the Parish Centre. This is meant to be a small token of my thanks, & that of the whole Catholic Community, for the many hours of work you selflessly devote to the Church. We are fortunate to have so many volunteers in our parish that it would be a very difficult task to make sure everybody that ought to be invited is indeed asked to come along, so I am using the newsletter to do so. I would thus like to invite all the Choir, Music Groups, Organists, Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Treasurers & Gift Aid Persons, Counters, Paying In People, Registers People, Church Cleaners, Flower Arrangers, Children’s Liturgy Helpers, Catechists, St George’s School Foundation Governors, Parish Centre Management Committee, Church Social Members, Finance Committee Members, PPC Members, DPC Members, Gardeners, SVP Members, Hospital Eucharistic Ministers & Visitors, Clergy & Parish Team, Sacristans & Helpers, Bookshops & Helpers , Coffee Rota Volunteers, Website & Office back-up Person, Friends of St George’s Charity Members, Church Greeters, Bellringers, Parish Magazine Collators, Altar Servers, together with any St George’s or St Teresa’s Volunteers I have missed. Please do come along and I look forward to your company on the feast of the Epiphany. Fr David. in such a worthy fashion. I would also like to thanks those who regularly assist in the smooth running of the parish. The Parish Team & I would like to wish you all a Happy & Blessed New Year. Fr David
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