Masses and Intentions for this week Fifth Sunday of Lent Saturday 21st Lent feria Sunday 22nd Fifth Sunday of Lent 10.00am Marion Evans RIP 4.45pm Shrine prayers 5.30pm Jerome Pinto RIP 10.00am People of the parish 6.30pm Sheila Minihan RIP Monday 23rd St Turibius of Mongrovejo 9.15am Peter Becque RIP Tuesday 24th Lent feria 1.30pm Funeral Mass of Joseph Lawrence Parish of Our Lady and St Anne, Caversham Part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, Charity Number 234216 Parish Priest : Father Paul Martin The Presbytery: 2 South View Avenue, Caversham, Reading, RG4 5AB. Tel.: 0118 947 1787. e-mail: Rev. Deacon: Hugh Anscombe, tel : 07751 086561 e-mail: House Mass at the home of: Mary Van Den Berghe, 3 Devon Drive, Caversham. RG4 6NT 3.00pm Vivienne Melvin RIP Mass at Mapledurham House 6.00pm Holy Souls Wednesday 25th 9.15am Fay Farrell Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord Thursday 26th Lent feria 9.15am Gerda Margarete Hartshorn Friday 27th Lent feria 7.00pm Stations of the Cross 7.30pm Bridie O'Sullivan RIP Saturday 28th Lent feria 10.00am Special Intention - Recovery from illness 4.45pm Shrine prayers 5.30pm Ivan Kulyk Sunday 29th 10.00am Jhon Eppstein Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 6.30pm People of the parish Morning Prayer of the Church is said before 9.15am Mass. Evening Prayer before 6.00pm Mass. Confessions: Saturday 10.30–11.30am and after 5.30 pm Mass. Catholic Education St Anne’s Primary School, Washington Road, Caversham, Reading RG4 5AA. NEWSLETTER Tel: 901 5537, website: PARISH FOR THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT nd email: 22 March 2015 Mass Book Page: 173 Blessed Hugh Faringdon RC Comprehensive School, Fawley Rd, Reading Sunday’s Word RG30 3EP, Headteacher: Mr. John Casey, tel: 957 4730. First Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34 The Oratory School, Woodcote, Reading, Berks RG8 0PJ, I will make a new covenant and never their to mind. Headteacher: Mr Ccall I Dytor MCsin MA, Tel: 01491 683500. Second Reading: Hebrews 5:7-9 He learnt to obey and became for all a source of eternal salvation. Gospel: John 12:20-30 If a grain of wheat falls on the ground and dies, it yields a rich harvest. Joseph Lawrence RIP - Please pray for the repose of the soul of Joseph Lawrence, who died this week after a long illness. His funeral service will take place at Our Lady & St Anne’s on Tuesday, at 1.30pm, followed by interment at Henley Road Cemetery. We extend our deepest sympathy to Mary and to the Lawrence family. May he rest in peace. Amen. Tuesday Masses – There will be a Mass at 3pm at the home of Mary Van Den Berghe, 3 Devon Drive, Caversham. RG4 6NT and one at 6pm in the chapel at Mapledurham House. Friday - There will be Stations of the Cross in church on Friday, at 7pm before Mass at 7.30pm. Easter Mass times - Cards, giving the times of the Masses and other services for Holy Week and Easter, are available this weekend as well as Easter offerings envelopes. Palm Sunday - Next Sunday is Palm Sunday and all Masses will begin with the blessing of palms and a procession. Please assemble outside the presbytery or, if the weather is bad, in the Cenacle. There will be a Service of Reconciliation next Sunday afternoon at 3pm when Fr Paul will be joined by other priests from the area to help with the hearing of confessions. Readers and Extraordinary Ministers - are invited to sign up for ministering at Masses and Liturgies on Palm Sunday and the Triduum. We are also in need of twelve volunteers for the Washing of Feet on Maundy Thursday. Rotas can be found on the display board in the Narthex. Lent Study Group – Deacon Hugh’s Lenten study group will take place in the Cenacle on Monday evening at 7.30pm. All are welcome. Easter Flower Fund – A basket for contributions towards this years Easter flowers for the church will be at the back of the church after all weekend Masses. All donations gratefully received. Essential repairs – Alison Rees is an architect and a parishioner. Last year, she conducted a quinquennial inspection of the church and the presbytery. The inspection revealed an urgent need for major work to be done on both buildings, and Alison will speak about this at Mass this weekend. Spring Lecture – John Mullaney will be giving a spring lecture, organised by the Friends of Reading Abbey, at St James’s Church, on Friday 10 th April at 7.30pm. The lecture will be about the role of pilgrimage in the history of the church, concluding with modern pilgrimages and looking at the role the Abbey area has played in recent Catholic life. This has a special relevance for our plans to decorate the Shrine of Our Lady of Caversham and revive it as an important place of pilgrimage. It would be good if there was a significant Catholic presence in the audience that evening. All are welcome to attend. Blessings of the Easter Baskets - will take place at Our Lady and St. Anne’s Church on Saturday 4th April at 10am. Swiecenie odbedzie w kosciele Sw. Anny w Sobote 4ego Kwietnia 10ej rano. The Social Side– We will be selling bacon butties after 10am Mass this Sunday. Sponsorship needed – David Webb is running this year’s Reading Half Marathon to raise money for the parish. Most of you will already have received sponsorship forms. Please support David, if you can, and keep a special place for him in your prayers this Sunday. Volunteers – are needed to clean the church for Easter. Please come along from 9.30am on Wednesday 1st April. Easter Cards – A lovely selection is now available from the Piety Stall. Please pray for the sick and housebound Last Sunday’s Collection: Envelopes £182.50; Loose £378.22; Building Fund £25.00; Votive Candles £37.45; Standing Orders £610.24. Total: £1,233.41. Aid to the Church in Need: £1,232.39 Especially for: Betty Brown, Ann Buxton, Noel Carroll, Barbara Dalton, Mollie Durnin, June Edge, Lady Anne Eyston, Anthony Feller, Brian Geraghty, Kevin Godkin, Ruby Goward, Lucy Green, Moira Harris, John Higton, Dorothy Jennings, Bridget Johnson, Vincent Kelly, Maureen Kinnon, Christine Liberda, Ruby Mason, Kathleen Maughan, Lucy Mazlowska, Elizabeth McClatchie, Stephen O’Connor, Toby Leo Palmer, Theresa Parking, Veronica Parking, Gunther Plum, Claudina Rodriguez, Beth Selwood, Isabelle Simpson, Sheila Smith, Pamela Thompson, Brittania Ward and Marjorie Whitehead.
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