Catholic Parish of Our Lady and All Saints, Stourbridge 13, New Road, Stourbridge DY8 1PQ Tel 01384 395308 E-mail: Parish website: Parish Priest: Mgr. Canon Patrick McKinney, STL, Deacon: Rev. Mr. Tom Tranter The parish is part of the Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham: Registered as a charity No. 234216 Sat Sun 11th & 12th April 2015 Second Sunday of Easter (Year B) Mass Times & Intentions 5.00pm 8.30am 10.30am Joyce Foy, RIP People of the Parish Amy & Ted Baker, RIP Mon 9.00am Tue 12.30pm Wed 9.00am Thu 12.30pm Fri 7.30pm Ints of Jane & John Trinham Easter Weekday Service of Word & Holy Communion Easter Weekday Service of Word & Holy Communion Easter Weekday Service of Word & Holy Communion Easter Weekday Victor Fernandez, RIP Easter Weekday Sat 10am 5pm Sun 8.30am 10.30am Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious Life Vincent Lyons, RIP Easter Weekday People of the Parish Sean Kennedy, RIP MORNING PRAYER: Mon. 8.45am CONFESSIONS: Saturday 10.30am – 11.00am & 4.30pm– 4.50pm. PRAYER BEFORE THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Sat 9.30am 5 WELCOME: please introduce yourself to Fr Pat or Deacon Tom if you are new to the parish, and complete & return the new update of Parish Records sheet in the porch. SYMPATHY & PRAYERS: please pray for the repose of the souls of Frances Donnellon and Catherine Mary Meddings. Please keep their families in your prayer at this sad and difficult time for them. LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTION: £136.69 and £470.50 gift aided. GOOD FRIDAY COLLECTION in support of the ongoing maintenance of the Holy Places in the Holy Land raised £332.45. Thank you for your generosity. GIFT AID & NON GIFT BOXES for 2015/2016 are now available. Please ensure you use the correctly dated envelopes. For gift aiders please pick up your named box today. EASTER ‘WALK WITH ME’ BOOKLETS – a small number are still available from the back of church for £1. HAPPY EASTER & THANKS FROM FR PAT & DEACON TOM We wish you a very happy Eastertide and the peace and joy of the Risen Lord, & take this opportunity to thank the many people of the parish who work so generously throughout the year to ensure that the church (and the Parish Centre) are clean, decorated appropriately and well looked after; that the altar linen is washed and ironed, and that the liturgy, serving, music and singing is of a high standard which helps us to give worthy praise and thanks to God. Thank you also for your most generous Easter Offerings. Our grateful thanks! ENROLMENT ON CONFIRMATION PREPARATION PROGRAMME BEGINS AT PENTECOST sign the sheet in the porch if you have children in Yr 5 or above, not at St Joseph’s school, who would Please like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation later this year. All candidates will be enrolled on the preparation programme during the 10.30am Mass on Pentecost Sunday, 24th May. DEEPENING OUR REVERENCE FOR THE EUCHARIST DURING EASTER Our Bishops have suggested that we might try to be especially quiet in church before Mass begins, so that everyone can be helped to prepare prayerfully. Please do also be conscious of those people who wish to remain in church to pray at the end of Mass. WEDDING CONGRATULATION & PRAYERS Congratulations to Keyren Anderson & Colette Anslow who are due to be married this weekend. We pray that their love for each other will grow stronger with each passing year. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL WEEKDAY MASSES WILL NOW BE IN CHURCH. EVANGELII GAUDIUM (Joy of the Gospel) - the document issued by Pope Francis ‘Christ’s resurrection is not an event of the past; it contains vital power which has permeated this world. Where all seems to be dead, signs of the resurrection suddenly spring up. It is an irresistible force. Often it seems that God does not exist: all around us we see persistent injustice, evil, indifference and cruelty. But it is also true that in the midst of darkness something new always springs to life and sooner or later produces fruit. On razed land life breaks through, stubbornly yet invincibly. However dark things are, goodness always re-emerges and spreads. Such is the power of the resurrection, and all who evangelize are instruments of that power.’ (276) PARISHIONERS FAVOURITE PRAYER Lord, help each of us to live the fullness of life by following your call. Send your Holy Spirit to guide those who are making life choices. We pray especially for those who are called to serve you in the priesthood, permanent diaconate or consecrated life; may they be supported in their vocations and truly be a sign of your love in the world. Amen. (A prayer after the Rosary for Vocations) BUILD UP TO THE OCTOBER SYNOD ON THE FAMILY – TODAY’S SCRIPTURE REFLECTION ( Doubt no longer Sometimes we are asked to trust our spouse implicitly despite the doubts that plague us. Can we believe them when something really important depends on it? Thomas needed proof of Jesus’ wounds before believing. Jesus said: “Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe [and]…Doubt no longer but believe.” It’s important to believe and to decide to trust. DUDLEY DEANERY CELEBRATE THE YEAR IN HONOUR OF THE CONSECRATED LIFE Please join us on Sunday 26 April at Our Lady of Lourdes, Kingswinford, to celebrate the Vocation of Religious in our Deanery. Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament from 12.30pm, 3pm Divine Mercy Prayer, 5pm Rosary ending at 6pm with Evening Prayer and Benediction. Religious will be available throughout the afternoon to answer questions & talk about their Vocation. Please feel welcome to pop in for any part of the afternoon PARISH GROUPS & SOCIETIES PARISH SVP: the next Meeting is this Monday, 13th April, 7.30pm, in the Assisi Room of the Parish Centre. SENIOR CITIZENS LUNCHEON CLUB – This Wednesday 15th April – Please see tear-off slip below. STARTING SOON - 3 EVENINGS OF PRAYERFUL INTERCESSION IN PREPARATION FOR PENTECOST During this Season of Easter we are inviting parishioners to gather together each fortnight for 3 (one hourly) ‘Evenings of Prayerful Intercession’ from 8 – 9pm. We will pray specifically for any prayer requests within the st parish, and will pray also for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our parish. The 1 of these ‘Evenings of rd Intercession’ will take place on Thursday 23 April. Intercessory prayer is basically prayer on behalf of someone else, or prayer for a particular project. There will be a short talk on Intercession, quiet prayer time, and also a time of intercessory prayer, all before the Blessed Sacrament. Everyone is most welcome. PRINCIPAL REQUIRED FOR ST WULSTAN’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL, STOURPORT - PART OF THE ST NICHOLAS OWEN MAC St Wulstan’s is looking for a new principal – Could you be the person to start the next chapter of their journey? Closing date for applications: 12 noon on Monday 27th April, Interviews to be held on Friday 1st May. If you would like further information, a confidential conversation, or to arrange a School visit please contact Elizabeth Brauer at Academicis, email , telephone 01223 907973 or 07901 585959. ELECTION 2015 – HUSTINGS ORGANISED BY STOURBRIDGE CHURCHES TOGETHER The Hustings starts at 7.00 p.m. at Chawn Hill Church on Wednesday 22 April and will be open to everyone. All local candidates have been invited and will be sent a list of questions in advance of the evening. SENIOR CITIZENS LUNCHEON CLUB I / We would like to book ………. place (s) [state No.] for the Senior Citizens Lunch in the Parish Centre at 1pm on Wednesday 15th April. Each lunch costs only £3. Please complete this slip & return to the presbytery or contact May Sweeney on 01384 373143 by Monday 13th April. NAME(S) [PLEASE PRINT]............................................……...................................................................................
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