Catholic Parish of Our Lady and All Saints, Stourbridge 13, New Road, Stourbridge DY8 1PQ Tel 01384 395308 E-mail: Parish website: Parish Priest: Mgr. Canon Patrick McKinney, STL, Deacon: Rev. Mr. Tom Tranter The parish is part of the Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham: Registered as a charity No. 234216 Sat Sun 18th & 19th April 2015 Third Sunday of Easter (Year B) Mass Times & Intentions 5.00pm 8.30am 10.30am Vincent Lyons, RIP People of the Parish Sean Kennedy, RIP Mon 9.00am Tue 12.30pm Wed 9.00am Thu 12.30pm Fri 7.30pm Ints of Mr & Mrs Almeida (40 Wedd Anniv) Weekday of Easter Ints of Patricia Cotterill St Anselm, Bishop, Doctor of the Church Isabella Boyce, RIP (Anniv) Weekday of Easter Lynda Law, RIP (Anniv) Solemnity of St George, Patron of England Ints of the SVP Weekday in Easter Sat 10am Annie Fox, RIP Feast of St Mark, Evangelist Stan Love, RIP (B’day) 5pm th Sun 8.30am 10.30am People of the Parish Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious Life (Catenians) MORNING PRAYER: Mon. 8.45am ROSARY : Fri. 7.05pm CONFESSIONS: Saturday 10.30am – 11.00am & 4.30pm– 4.50pm. PRAYER BEFORE THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Sat 9.30am 5 WELCOME: please introduce yourself to Fr Pat or Deacon Tom if you are new to the parish, and complete & return the new update of Parish Records sheet in the porch. LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTION: £427.71 and £603.46 gift aided. Thank you for your generosity. NEXT WEEKEND’S RETIRING COLLECTION will be for the Clergy Training Fund. SVP MASS & TEA FOR THE ELDERLY & HOUSEBOUND THIS SUNDAY 19TH APRIL AT 4PM. Volunteers to help with lifts would be very much appreciated. Contact Ken Baker on 01384 375835 3 EVENINGS OF PRAYERFUL INTERCESSION IN PREPARATION FOR PENTECOST During this Season of Easter we are inviting parishioners to gather together each fortnight for 3 (one hourly) ‘Evenings of Prayerful Intercession’ from 8 – 9pm. We will pray specifically for any prayer requests within the parish, and will pray also for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our parish. The 1st of these ‘Evenings of Intercession’ will take place this Thursday 23rd April. Intercessory prayer is basically prayer on behalf of someone else, or prayer for a particular project. There will be a short talk on Intercession, quiet prayer time, and also a time of intercessory prayer, all before the Blessed Sacrament. Everyone is most welcome. DUDLEY DEANERY CELEBRATE THE YEAR IN HONOUR OF THE CONSECRATED LIFE Please join us next Sunday 26 April at Our Lady of Lourdes, Kingswinford, to celebrate the Vocation of Religious in our Deanery. Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament from 12.30pm, 3pm Divine Mercy Prayer, 5pm Rosary ending at 6pm with Evening Prayer and Benediction. Religious will be available throughout the afternoon to answer questions & talk about their Vocation. Please feel welcome to pop in for any part of the afternoon. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL WEEKDAY MASSES ARE NOW IN CHURCH. EVANGELII GAUDIUM (Joy of the Gospel) - the document issued by Pope Francis “One form of prayer moves us particularly to take up the task of evangelization and to seek the good of others: it is prayer of intercession. Let us peer for a moment into the heart of Saint Paul, to see what his prayer was like. It was full of people: “….I constantly pray with you in every one of my prayers for all of you…. Because I hold you in my heart” (Phil 1:4, 7). Here we see that intercessory prayer does not divert us from true contemplation, since authentic contemplation always has a place for others.” (281) PARISHIONERS FAVOURITE PRAYER May our Feet Journey Together May our Hands Gather in Unity May our Hearts Beat to the Same Rhythm May our Souls be in Harmony May our Thoughts be in Unison May our Ears Listen to the Silence Together May our Glances Melt in One Another and May our Lips Beg Our Heavenly Father Together, to Obtain Mercy. Do you have a favourite prayer you would like us to print in the bulletin? BUILD UP TO THE OCTOBER SYNOD ON THE FAMILY – TODAY’S SCRIPTURE REFLECTION ( Let peace reign in our hearts There are times in life, as couples, when the demands of work, concerns about money and care of the children can seem overwhelming. In times like these let’s acknowledge each other, take time out to clarify the issues and remind ourselves of the words of Jesus to the Apostles when they thought it was all over, “Peace be with you!” DEEPENING OUR REVERENCE FOR THE EUCHARIST Our Bishops have suggested that we might try to be especially quiet in church before Mass begins, so that everyone can be helped to prepare prayerfully. Please do also be conscious of those people who wish to remain in church to pray at the end of Mass. WELCOME TO OUR PARISH Emily Rose Hamilton- Flavell who is to be baptised this weekend. Please keep her mom and dad in your prayer. ELECTION 2015 – HUSTINGS ORGANISED BY STOURBRIDGE CHURCHES TOGETHER The Hustings starts at 7.00 p.m. at Chawn Hill Church this Wednesday 22nd April and will be open to everyone. All local candidates have been invited and will be sent a list of questions in advance of the evening. GIFT Please ensure you use the correctly AID & NON GIFT BOXES for 2015/2016 are now available. dated envelopes. For gift aiders please pick up your named box today. IN THE PARISH CENTRE, OPPORTUNITY TO GET TO KNOW OTHER PARISHIONERS TEA/COFFEE Meet others in the Parish Centre after Sunday 10.30am Mass, or after the 10am Mass on Saturday Morning. We are a large parish, so these are opportunities to get to know other people a little better. PARISH GROUPS & SOCIETIES SENIOR CITIZENS LUNCHEON CLUB Thanks to May Sweeney & all the team who kindly prepared, cooked and served lunch last Wednesday. Also thanks to the Children & Staff of Year 6 at St Josephs who helped to serve & to clear the tables. Their next lunch will be held on Wednesday 20th May School at 1pm in the Parish Centre. Lunch will cost £3, which is excellent value for money. Please feel free to come along & bring a friend – you will receive a warm welcome. SENIOR CITIZENS COFFEE GROUP - will be meeting in the Parish Centre on Wednesday 6th May from 10.30 until noon. PRINCIPAL REQUIRED FOR ST WULSTAN’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL, STOURPORT - PART OF THE ST NICHOLAS OWEN MAC St Wulstan’s is looking for a new principal – Could you be the person to start the next chapter of their journey? Closing date for applications: 12 noon on Monday 27th April, Interviews to be held on Friday 1st May. If you would like further information, a confidential conversation, or to arrange a School visit please contact Elizabeth Brauer at Academicis, email , telephone 01223 907973 or 07901 585959. ‘FAMILY SPACE’ IN CHURCH POLITE REMINDER It is encouraging to see that this space is being well used by families with very young children, but it is sometimes left untidy. Would families please ensure that at the end of Mass the toys, soft toys, crayons and paper are tidied away in the appropriate boxes, and that any biscuits or other food is tidied up off the carpet. It helps to keep the church tidy, and the area ready for next Mass users. MESSAGE OF THANKS FROM PARISHIONER JACKIE SMITH I would like to thank all the parishioners who sponsored my son, Adrian Smith, recently in his charity hair & beard cut. He raised £1800.00 for the Just giving Cancer Charity. Thanks to everyone. CONGRATULATIONS - 400 CLUB APRIL 2015 WINNERS £75 - Shelagh Fletcher, Mrs Byrne, Helena Hudyba, Sadie Murphy. £25 - Emily Roach, Mrs P Walters, Joan Allsop, Alison Basford. £10 – T Doran, Rachael Millward, J Polychronakis, J Moran, G Evers, T Morrisey, Jim Spencer, Terry Gormley, Mrs Clarke, Mr & Mrs Perkins, Mrs M Baker, Anna Willetts, Mrs W Edwards, Terry Brennan, K J Hartley, Geraldine Nokes. If you would like to join the 400 Club please pick up an application form at the back of church today or contact Ken Baker on 01384 375835. If you’re not in, you can’t win! ST JOSEPH’S PTA ST GEORGE’S DAY FESTIVITIES NEXT SATURDAY 25TH APRIL 6.00PM – 8.30PM, at St Joseph’s Primary School Professional Fireworks (on the field) /Medieval performance by ‘The Mummers’/Morris Dancing Display/BBQ/Bar/Live folk music/Face Painting Tickets £5 each, children’s tickets include a hotdog or burger & a drink. Tickets are available from Amanda Compton on 07974 688851 (before Wednesday nd 22 April) as admission to this event is by pre-paid ticket only. CHURCHES TOGETHER IN STOURBRIDGE SERIVCE FOR THE LAUNCH OF CHRISTIAN AID WEEK Sunday, 10th May, 6.00 pm at St. Michael's Church, Wollaston. CHRISTIAN AID WEEK COFFEE AND CRAFT Saturday 9th May, 10am-1.30pm St Thomas Church Hall, Market Street, Stourbridge DY8 1AQ Drop by and enjoy tasty coffee, cakes and children’s craft activities; and help people around the world escape poverty. THE KENELM YOUTH TRUST Lourdes Pilgrimage, 23rd – 30th May 2015 th th Summer Camp 2015, in partnership with LIFETEEN. 24 - 28 July for those aged 11-18. The camp consists of catechesis, outdoor activities, and a full day at Alton Towers as well as time to share prayer and Mass together. Pick up a flyer at the back of Church for more details. BELMONT ABBEY HEREFORD Torchlight Procession in honour of Our Lady Wednesday 13th May 2015, starting at 9pm Preacher : Rev. Fr. Duncan Ferguson Refreshment available before procession. Free guided Tours of the Abbey Church 10am to 4.30pm – Visit the Gardens & Abbey Shop Monday 4th & 25th May, Saturday 27th June, Monday 31st August, Thurs 10th & Fri 11th September. PILGRIMAGE TO OUR LADY OF STONE Saturday 30th May 2015 10.30am Arrivals & Coffee, 11am Talk “Our Lady, Mother of the Church” by Sr Ann Catherine Swailes 2pm Procession, 3.15pm Vigil Mass for Sunday Bring a picnic lunch – tea & coffee provided. See poster at the back of church for further details. HENWOOD SCHOOL OF DANCE CLASSES HELD IN OUR PARISH CENTRE. Ballet, Tap Jazz, Modern, Lyrical Jazz, Contemporary, Street, Body Conditioning and Aerobic Fitness. Students from 3 years to 50+ Presentations and Grade Examinations Studio’s based in Stourbridge, Call Laura Power on 07591 122196 for a FREE taster class THE GEORGE COLLER MEMORIAL FUND VINTAGE BUS & CRAFT FAIR FAMILY FUN DAY Monday 4th May 2015 12noon – 4pm Aston Manor, Transport Museum, Shenstone Drive, Northgate, Aldridge, WS9 8TP All money raised will support Free Asthma training program for all schools across the West Midlands. See poster at the back of church for more details.
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