‘GOOD’ FRIDAY A Meditation by Anne Reid “It was the King thing that did it … … although we know now it would have happened anyway. I was never one of the inner circle, but a follower, certainly. Strange things moved in me when I heard him, and saw him. Here I am in all this stink and filth, very shaken, because, as he dragged by, he turned his head and seemed to look into my eyes; no – I know he looked into my eyes. And she, poor lady, how dignified and silent, you can see it is breaking her. What is all this? I move along out of the tumult, he looks nearly gone. Terrible. They got that Simon to help carry the cross; it would not have suited them if he’d died on the way. The women are there, you know, more loyal than some of us. I thought, how could anyone believe now, whatever does he look like, not a king by any means, it is all hard to take in. But they did that to him and he didn’t complain. Worse to come. You’d think he’d send for the golden chariots and be borne away … It just struck me – this is love.” (Contributed by Maggie Payne) --- oOo --Parishioners are encouraged to contribute to this page of the Newsletter. If you have an item which you would like to offer, please email it to the Parish Office for consideration. Parish Priest: Fr. Martin O’Connor Tel: 01892 782470 Parish Secretary: Chrissie Sturgess Tel: 01892 784311 The Sacred Heart School Tel: 01892 783414 Headteacher: Mrs. Hilary Blake Sunday 22nd March 2015 – Fifth Sunday of Lent Mass Times, Feasts & Intentions for Fifth Sunday of Lent Sat 21st 6 pm (Wadhurst) – People of the Parish Sun 22nd 8.45 am. – Ann Griffiths – R.I.P. 10:30 am Mon 23rd 10 am – Christopher Burlison R.I.P. – St Turibius of Mogrovejo Tue 24th 10 am Wed 25th No Mass – The Annunciation of the Lord Thur 26th 10 am Fri 27th 10 am – Anna Everett R.I.P. Sat 28th 6:00 pm (Vigil Mass) Sun 29th 8.45 am (Rotherfield) 10.30 am (Wadhurst). Usual Mass Times: (See above for any changes) Sundays: Wadhurst: Sat 6:00pm (Vigil) Rotherfield: 8:45am Wadhurst: 10:30am Weekdays (Wadhurst): Monday: 10:00am Tuesday: 10:00am Wednesday: No Mass Thursday: 10:00am Friday: 10:00am Saturday: 6:00pm (Vigil for Sunday) Parish Office Hours: Monday 9am – 12 noon Thursday 9am – 12 noon Friday 9am – 12 noon Confessions: Saturday: 5:00pm – 5:30pm Rosary: Thursdays 9.15 am Carillon Cottage Adoration (Holy Hour): First Friday: 9:00am – 10 am Mothers’ Prayers: Wednesdays 11am, Three Trees, Wadhurst Tel: Colleen (01892) 784734 Prayers for Healing: Fourth Thursday of the month, 2 pm at Carillon Cottage. Box for prayer requests in Annexe or Tel: Colleen O’Farrell (01892) 784734 News & Notices PLEASE NOTE: Attached to this newsletter is an envelope for your personal offering to Fr Martin for Easter. This is being done this week, as we are aware that many of you may be away over the Easter period. SPECIAL COLLECTION: There will be a special collection next weekend for Easter Flowers. This can be gift-aided. PROCLAIM 15: Included with this newsletter is Part 3, the final part, of ‘Proclaim 15’. STATIONS OF THE CROSS: There will be Stations of the Cross this evening at 5pm and every Sunday evening during Lent. The prayers and meditations are slightly different each week. EASTER SERVICES: Details of the services for Holy Week and Easter are attached to this Newsletter. Singers: More singers are needed for the Easter Services and for Sunday Mass. Please talk to Joan Grace or Toni Buckley if you would like to join the choir. th Choir Practice: Choir Practice for the Easter services will be held on Monday 30 March at 7.30 p.m. in the Sacred Heart Church. All welcome. Readers and Servers: Please put your name on the list in the Annexe (Readers), and in the Sacristy (Servers) if you will be able to help at the Easter services. HUSTINGS FOR 2015 GENERAL ELECTION: This will take place in Uplands College th Hall on Friday 24 April. Please note this event in your diaries. The UKIP, Labour and Conservative candidates have confirmed that they will attend, and confirmation is awaited from The Greens and Liberal Democrats. EASTER RECONCILIATION: An Easter Reconciliation Service will be at St Mary’s, rd Crowborough on Monday 23 March at 7.30 pm, and at the Sacred Heart, Wadhurst th on Tuesday 24 March at 7.30 pm. DIOCESAN FESTIVAL 50: th Music Rehearsals – The rehearsal at Keymer on Saturday 25 April will be the most convenient one for our parish. Anyone who would like to join will be most welcome, either to sing with the choir on the day, or just to learn the new Mass setting, which has been written especially for this event. If you are interested, please let the Parish Secretary know so that lifts and car-share can be organised. Sign-Up List – There are sign-up lists in the annexe for those wishing to join the coach going to Brighton. This does not commit you at all to attending - it is merely to give an idea of possible numbers for transport purposes AN EASTER TAIZE SERVICE: A candlelight service with singing, prayer, meditation and th bible readings at St. Augustine’s Church, Flimwell on Sunday 29 March at 6.30 pm. Plenty of time to get there after the Stations of the Cross at 5 pm. PRAYERS FOR HEALING: The Prayers for Healing group will meet this Thursday, 26 March, at 2pm in Carillon Cottage. If you have a prayer request please place it in the box in the Annexe or telephone Colleen (01892) 784734. SACRED SPACE, STONEGATE: The Stonegate Sacred Space for Easter, a Holy Week th meditation entitled ‘Failure and Forgiveness’, will be on Monday 30 March at Stonegate Church, 6 pm. This is an opportunity to take ourselves away from our busy days for just 45 minutes, and to rest in peace and tranquility accompanied by wonderful music, readings and meditations. A perfect start to Holy Week. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Please continue to pray for Sue Plummer, and for all who are sick in our parish, and amongst our families and friends. Please pray also for their families and those who love and care for them. th th NOURISH: The Nourish collection will be taken next weekend, 28 /29 March, a week earlier than normal, so that your donations can reach the families in time for Easter. Easter Eggs will be very welcome! CAFOD LENT FAST DAY: Your CAFOD Lent envelopes will be collected this weekend and next weekend. Every donation made will be matched by the Government, up to £5m total, and CAFOD will continue to receive Matched Funding for any donations th th made to their Lenten Campaign between Ash Wednesday and Sunday 17 May (7 Sunday of Easter). Any soup lunches, cake sales or other fundraising events will therefore be included in the matched funds. th ANNIVERSARIES: Please remember in your prayers all who have died, and whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Francis Moran. If you would like an item included in the News & Notices, please email it to parishsecretary.sacredheart@gmail.com
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