A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS Parish Priest: Fr. Martin O’Connor Tel: 01892 782470 Parish Secretary: Chrissie Sturgess Tel: 01892 784311 The Sacred Heart School Tel: 01892 783414 Headteacher: Mrs. Hilary Blake Sunday 24th May 2015 – Pentecost Sunday Mass Times, Feasts & Intentions for the week Sat 23rd 6 pm (Vigil Mass) – Timothy and Anne O’Rorke (Wedding Anniversary) Sun 24th 8.45 am (Rotherfield) 10:30 am (Wadhurst) – People of the Parish Mon 25th 10 am – St Gregory VII (Pope)/St Bede the Venerable Tue 26th 10am – St Philip Neri Wed 27th No Mass – St Augustine of Canterbury Thur 28th 10am Fri 29th 10am Sat 30th 6 pm (Vigil Mass) Sun 31st 8.45am (Rotherfield) 10.30 am (Wadhurst). Bishop Oliver Dashe Doeme of Maiduguri stands in the remains of a Catholic church in Bahuli, Maioduguri diocese, targeted by Boko Haram. O Lord Jesus stretch forth your wounded hands in blessing over all your people, to heal and to restore, and to draw them to yourself and to one another in love. ---oOo--- Parishioners are encouraged to contribute to this page of the Newsletter. If you have an item which you would like to offer, please email it to the Parish Office for consideration. Usual Mass Times: (See above for any changes) Sundays: Wadhurst: Sat 6:00pm (Vigil) Rotherfield: 8:45am Wadhurst: 10:30am Weekdays (Wadhurst): Monday: 10:00am Tuesday: 10:00am Wednesday: No Mass Thursday: 10:00am Friday: 10:00am Saturday: 6:00pm (Vigil for Sunday) Parish Office Hours: Monday 9am – 12 noon Thursday 9am – 12 noon Friday 9am – 12 noon Confessions: Saturday: 5:00pm – 5:30pm Easter Sat: 10-11 am by appointment Rosary: Thursdays 9.15 am Carillon Cottage Adoration (Holy Hour): First Friday: 9:00am – 10 am Mothers’ Prayers: Wednesdays 11am, Three Trees, Wadhurst Tel: Colleen (01892) 784734 Prayers for Healing: Fourth Thursday of the month, 2 pm at Carillon Cottage. Box for prayer requests in Annexe or Tel: Colleen O’Farrell (01892) 784734 News & Notices CONGRATULATIONS: Congratulations to Ellouise Adams-Webb, Eireann Baker, Sophia Clemens, Madeleine Gabriel, Cecelia Hungerford, Fergus Hungerford, Amalie Rodrigues-Hopkins, Madeleine Torpey, Emma Wadee and Jack Waddee who received their First Holy Communion last Sunday. Many thanks to all who contributed to make this such a memorable day for them. DIOCESAN FESTIVAL COACH: We have to confirm with the Festival organisers at the st Diocese by next Sunday, 31 May, the exact number of seats which have been taken up on our coach. If you did not sign up for a seat on the coach but would like to go, please do so now – this is your last opportunity. Any seats remaining will be offered to our neighbouring parishes. A reminder that the cost for the coach is £10 per seat. If you have sign up but have not yet paid, please leave your cheque, made payable to The Sacred Heart Church, in the Parish Office letterbox. If you are enclosing cash, please ensure that your name is included as well. I have been asked to stress that there will be no parking at the Stadium except for coaches and Blue Badge holders. WADHURST METHODIST: After one hundred and forty years of worship and witness in Wadhurst, the decision has been made that the Wadhurst Methodist Church will close. Their last service will be this afternoon at 3pm. It will be a celebration to mark their many years of service to the community of Wadhurst. We are all warmly invited to join in this celebration. SONGS OF PRAISE: The Churches Together in Wadhurst annual Songs of Praise service with the Wadhurst Brass Band will take place in the Commemoration Hall next Sunday, st 31 May, at 6.30 pm, with tea and cake being served from 5.30 pm. Come and hear members of the local churches speak about their choice of hymns. All welcome so do come along and perhaps bring a friend. CORPUS CHRISTI AND CARPET OF FLOWERS: This festival will take place at Arundel rd th Cathedral on Wednesday 3 June, 9.30 am to 8.pm, and Thursday 4 June, 9.30 am, finishing with Solemn Mass and procession to the castle at 5.30 pm, followed by refreshments in the cathedral centre. Entrance is free. See the poster on the notice board for full details. th GRANDPARENTS’ PILGRIMAGE TO AYLESFORD: On Saturday 11 July from 11 am to 4.30 pm. A day for the whole family. Bring a picnic. Children’s entertainment. Mass. Workshops for Grandparents. See the poster on the notice board for details. WORLD YOUTH DAY – Information Evenings: Next July, the Diocese is taking a group of teens and young adults to World Youth Day in Krakow. It is a chance to gather together with Pope Francis and millions of other young Catholics in an amazing festival atmosphere. It is open to anyone who will be 16 years of age by th 24 July, 2016. If you want to find out more, there will be an information evening at nd St Pancras Church in Lewes on Monday 22 June at 7.30pm Come along, meet others who might be going, and ask any questions you may have. You can also find out more about World Youth Day at www.yaab.co.uk, or by emailing jack.regan@dabnet.org. JOURNEY : 16 : 24 A new group for young adults aged 16 - 24 starting at the Sacred Heart Church this summer. See the poster on the notice board for full information and contact details. CARILLON COTTAGE EVENTS: The Great Carillon Cottage Bake: A sale of cakes, th th preserves, plants and local produce on Friday 29 and Saturday 30 May at Carillon Cottage. If you can help by baking a cake or donating other items, please deliver th th them to Carillon Cottage by 9am on the 29 . Open Gardens: Sunday 7 June, 26pm. Tickets are now on sale at £5 per adult (under 16s free). These can be purchased in advance, or on the day, from Carillon Cottage. In addition to 12 local gardens, you can also visit 38 plots at the Round Oak Allotments. Proceeds of both these events will be used to help run a variety of services for the local community. Please put these dates in your diary and support these very worthwhile events. If you would like to know more about the services provided by Carillon Cottage please pick up a leaflet from the Annexe. AN INVITATION: Noel and Clare Kent will be celebrating their Silver Wedding th Anniversary here at the Sacred Heart on Thursday 11 June with Mass at noon (instead of the usual 10 am), followed by drinks and light refreshments in the Annexe. They will be delighted if you could join them. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Please continue to pray for all who are sick in our parish, and amongst our families and friends. Please pray also for all who love and care for them. ANNIVERSARIES: Please remember in your prayers all who have died, and whose anniversaries occur at this time, includingChristine Pett, Ruth Willis and Dennis Gibson. ---oOo--If you would like an item included in the News & Notices, please email it to parishsecretary.sacredheart@gmail.com
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