CHURCH OF THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY 8501 LOCH RAVEN BOULEVARD, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21286-2313 VISIT US AT: PARISH STAFF: Rev. Michael W. Carrion–Pastor Mr. Jack Martin–Permanent Deacon Rev. Jack Mattimore, S.J. – Weekend Assistant Mrs. Deborah Thomas–School Principal Mrs. Amie Post - Director of Faith Formation Mr. Thomas Bozek–Director of Music Contemporary Music Ministry Mr. Garrett Brown–Director of Outreach Ministries PHONES Parish Office ....................410-668-7935 Fax ......................410-661-6560 Faith Formation ...............410-661-3820 Fax ......................410-661-3838 School ..............................410-668-8466 Fax ......................410-668-6171 Music Office ....................410-668-0097 Outreach Ministry ...........410-663-4357 SACRAMENTAL LIFE contact the Parish Office for details and registration SCHEDULE OF LITURGIES: Masses: Saturday: 4:30pm and 6:00pm for Sunday Sunday: 8:00am, 10:15am, & 12 Noon (10:15am–Contemp., Music-Interpreted for the Deaf) Holydays of Obligation: as announced (see inside of bulletin) Weekdays: (Monday to Friday) 8:00am Reconciliation: Wednesday: 8:30am, Saturday: 3:45pm Miraculous Medal Novena: Wednesday, 8:30am First Friday Adoration: 8:30am BAPTISM: A Baptism preparation seminar is required for all parents before Baptism. We recommend making arrangements for this class several months before the birth of your child. It is preferred that Baptisms take place in the context of the Sunday Mass (outside Lent and Advent) but Sunday afternoon ceremonies can be arranged. PARISH MEMBERSHIP: All Parishioners are requested to register. You may call at the Office Monday to Friday, 9am to 3pm, call at 410-668-7935 or fill in the form below. Please put in collection or return by mail. Thank you. MARRIAGE: Couples planning marriage should contact the priest or deacon who will officiate at their wedding to arrange for preparations. Name ___________________________________________ EUCHARIST AND ANOINTING for Home-Bound: Please contact the Parish office when someone is sick and unable to attend Mass. FAITH FORMATION: see phone numbers above. Parents should enroll all children from Kindergarten through grade 8 in the Parish School or Faith Formation Programs. (One full year’s enrollment is required before the reception of the First Eucharist, Reconciliation or Confirmation.) CONFIRMATION: Adults and Youth who have not been confirmed should contact the Faith Formation Office. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) and RCIC (for children) is offered for those wishing to become members of the Catholic Church. Classes are conducted from September through Easter. Address _________________________________________ Zip ________- _______ Phone (___) _______ - ________ __ New Registration ___Want envelopes __ Change of Address/Phone ___Moving away __ I request that a Parish Staff person contact me. The use of Church envelopes is a responsible way to support your Parish. BULLETIN DEADLINE – MONDAY, 9:00 AM Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Fifth Sunday of Lent March 22, 2015 The story of redemption is not about our perfection. It’s about broken relationships, forgiveness and new beginnings. The ongoing transgressions of humans make it abundantly clear that we have never been perfect. But God keeps offering us healing opportunities: making new covenants when relationships are broken, giving us Jesus to follow. Through baptism, we were brought into this covenanted people. What does this mean for each of us personally? How do we grow in our relationship to God, even in our imperfection? Collections for the Weekend of March 15, 2015 Beginning March 23, 2015 8:00 am Daily Mass MON: Raymond Joseph Lancelotta TUES: Susan Bindok WED : Theresa Ryan Terry Moan THURS: Msgr. I. Mitchell Cartwright Angie Brown FRI: Anna Wagner Kris Soares Saturday March 28, 2015 4:30 PM Amy Dimaamo 6:00 PM Genevieve Malaugh Sunday, March 29 2015 8:00 AM Joanna & Terry Hasselbach 10:15 AM Albert, Agnes & Paula McDermott Noon: People of the Parish S.I. – indicates Special Intention Scripture Readings for March 29, 2015 Isa 50:4-7 The suffering servant brings hope to God’s people. Psalm 22 Why have you abandoned me? Phil 2:6-11 Paul’s great hymn of Jesus’ humility and exaltation Mark 14:1-15:47 The suffering and death of Jesus, the new Moses THE PRAYER CHAIN MINISTRY consists of members who serve the Lord by fervently praying for your prayer requests. Call Joan Stanton 410-296-5752 or Neva Mattheiss 410-665-8082 with your prayer request. If you are interested in becoming a member please call. EASTER FLOWER MEMORIALS: If you wish to remember a loved one at Easter, Flower Offering envelopes are available at the doors of the church and in the church vestibule. They are also in the monthly packet. Envelope Donations Loose Children Total Less Cathedraticum Available for Parish Second Collection Poor Box $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9179.50 2192.76 27.35 11399.61 1709.94 9689.67 1783.93 Latin America 547.74 ELECTRONIC GIVING. – is a direct payment program whereby your contribution is debited automatically from either your checking or saving account, or can be charged to your credit card. Call parish office at 410-668-7935. Ext.209 RESPECT LIFE . - Good Friday Way of the Cross: Bishop Denis J. Madden will lead this annual prayer procession which begins at St. Alphonsus Church, 114 W. Saratoga St., on Friday, April 3, at 8 am. We will pray the Stations of the Cross while walking to Planned Parenthood at 330 N. Howard St. and then pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary while standing across the street from Planned Parenthood. The participants will return to St. Alphonsus for dismissal. For more details call Linda Brenegan, Archdiocesan Respect Life Program Director, at 410-547-5537. Our Prayer Shawl Ministry s meest in Cartwright Hall from 9 – 10 AM each Wednesday morning. If you cannot make the meeting but are interested in knitting or crocheting Prayer Shawls or for more info call Neva Mattheiss at 410-665-8082. STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Friday Mornings after the 8:00 AM Mass and 7:00 PM Friday evenings during Lent except for Good Friday CLUSTER LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE Monday, March 23 at 7pm at St. Ursula Church RECONCILIATION at IHM – Wednesday after the 8:00 AM Mass and Saturday at 3:45 PM. (except Holy Saturday) Did you ever wonder what Our Lady’s Sodality is all about? For information or if you would be interested in joining – call Kathy Abbott 410-661-0558. In today’s Gospel, Jesus is very direct in calling us to follow him unreservedly; to give ourselves totally to him as he gave himself totally for us. The call to the priesthood and religious life is a heroic choice to die to oneself and lose oneself to God. It is a call to follow Jesus in a more radical way. For more information on vocations visit PRAY FOR VOCATIONS LENTEN SIMPLE Join us on Friday, Friday, March 27 between 5:45 p and 6:45 p in Cartwright Hall for a simple supper of home made soup, fresh bread and salad. An opportunity for you and your family to slow down and be together during the season of Lent. Stations of the Cross follow the Simple Supper at 7 p.m. No charge - please RSVP to Amie Post so we may properly prepare for the meal. 410-661-3820 The Parish Council is seeking nominations for representatives to the Council for next year. Nominees should be registered parishioners, over the age of 18 and in good standing with the Church who are interested in serving their fellow parishioners on the Council. Elections will take place in May and new members will be invited to the Council beginning in June. If you are interested, or would like to nominate someone else or need more information, please contact:: our Parish Council President, Michael Boehk at or Fr. Mike at Palm Sunday Next weekend is Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. Palms will be distributed before Mass and blessed at the beginning of Mass at all weekend Masses. Unblessed Palm will be available at all entrances to the church. We ask that everyone please arrive a few minutes early to select your palm and take it with you into church to be blessed. The 8am Mass will have music, organ and cantor. HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE TRIDUUM HOLY THURSDAY Morning Prayer 8:00 am No Daily Mass Holy Thursday Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper: 7:30 PM the Contemporary Group and the Seasonal Choir St. Vincent de Paul For Easter we will accept grocery gift cards and monetary donations for hams for the needy in our parish and community. You can drop them off at the rectory. We will accept Easter candy and Easter baskets. You can drop them off in the back of church. Thanks to all the I.H.M. school children for their donation of food, Easter baskets and candy to our pantry the past week We collected 75 bags of food and Easter candy and toys. Holy Thursday Adoration: Following the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, the Blessed Sacrament is carried in procession to the repository to the chapel. Adoration will continue until 11:00pm. In order that the Blessed Sacrament to not be left unattended, we invite all parishioners to sign up for a period of adoration and quiet private prayer, GOOD FRIDAY: Morning Prayer 8:00 am No Daily Mass Good Friday is a day of Abstinence from meat and is a day of Fast. ( one full meal) Ushers Needed for Easter Sunday. There is a sign-up sheet located in the ushers’ closet in the vestibule of the church. We ask all ushers to please sign up for the Masses they will be attending. Extra help is needed on Easter Sunday for the church Masses: There is no Mass in the hall, however, there is an additional Mass in the church on Easter Sunday. The Passion Service – Liturgy of the Word, Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion at Good Friday Passion Service Good Friday of the Passion of the Lord: – 7:30 PM Contemporary Group, with Piano and Instruments VACATION BIBLE CAMP - Mark your calendar now for IHM VBC GREATEST HITS - Monday, June 29- Friday, July 3, 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. $50/child. Registration begins on April 1, 2015. Please take note of our special Schedule of Mass times for Easter Sunday as it is different from our regular Sunday schedule; High School Service Opportunity! Join us as we serve at the last Rest Day of the year at Grace Fellowship Church in Timonium. We will spend the day playing with children who have a range of disabilities. Training and lunch is included in the day. Please prayerfully consider taking a small portion of your month to serve those who God has placed in our community. Date: Saturday, April 25th 11:304:00pm. email: This is WELCOME WEEKEND – Everyone is invited to Cartwright Hall after all the Masses this weekend for some refreshments and an opportunity to visit with Parishioners and meet some new Friends. Holy Saturday April 4: Easter vigil – 7:30pm (no 4:30pm or 6pm Masses) no scheduled confessions Organ and Cantor, Seasonal Choir, Brass and Timpani Easter Sunday, April 5: 7:30am, 9am, 10:30am and 12:15 pm. All Masses will be in the Church. Organ and Cantor. At all Masses The 10:30am Mass will have special music with the Seasonal Choir, Brass and Timpani ALL MASSES FOR EASTER WILL BE IN THE CHURCH - CHURCH OF IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE SERVING THE IHM COMMUNITY SINCE 1960 Tim Fosbrink Valley View Inn Family Restaurant and Lounge Daily Lunch & Dinner Specials Thurs. & Sun. Sour Beef & Dumplings 8521 Loch Raven Boulevard Heather Hayes Towson, Maryland 21286 410-668-2300 410-668-0255 RUSS’S PLUMBING SERVICE 410-668-9114 SERENA R. NOLAN, M.D., P.A. “DON’T FUSS, CALL RUSS” PLUMBING - HEATING AIR CONDITIONING TERRY STEVENSON, CRNP Internal Medicine Prestige HI-TECH AUTO SERVICE CENTER 10% Off All Services w/Ad 1800 Taylor Ave. 410-882-5180 113 Back River Neck Road Essex, MD 21221 410-687-7733 410-561-8845 The health you deserve, the beauty you crave. Deer Park Center 9475 Deereco Rd. 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