Our Lady & St Herbert’s, Windermere Roman Catholic Church Lake Road, Windermere, LA23 2EQ St Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School Fr Kevan Dorgan Wansfell Road Ambleside, LA22 0EG tel. (015394) 32283 e-mail: kpd71267@gmail.com Sunday Masses: Sick: Brigid Monks Lately Dead: Graham Cauldrick Anniversaries: Ursula Crooks, Jack Lowe, Alan Sproat, John Dugmore, Katherine Parle, Genevieve Mary Ryan, Jack Woodhouse, Sister Peter Francis, Ann McKevitt, John Keane, Fr John Gornall and Canon Alban Cochrane Headteacher Mr Peter Harrison Princes Road, Windermere Cumbria, LA23 2DD Tel: (015394) 48125 11.15 AM (Int. Betty Farron) 5.15 PM (Int. Tony Sainty) Masses in Ambleside: Sunday 9.30 AM (Int. People of the Parish) Tuesday 6 PM (Int. Helen Waldon) Thursday 9.30 AM (Int. Graham Cauldrick) Saturday 9.30 AM (Int. Pat and Packy Dorgan) Welcome to all our visitors We hope you enjoy your stay in Windermere. Please help us to support the parish and maintain the Church by gift-aiding your offerings. It makes a real difference to our income. Envelopes can be found in the pews. Last week’ attendance: 142 Mass Offertory: £409.07 Please do join us for refreshments after Mass on Sunday morning. All tea, coffee and sugar used is Certified Fairtrade 5th April 2015 Easter Sunday Weekday Masses: Wednesday 9.30 AM (Int. Joyce Higgs) Friday 9.30 AM (Int. Margaret Docherty) Confessions before Masses Parish news and events Wishing you all a most holy and blessed Easter. With Every Prayer and Good Wish to you and all your families and friends. Fr Kevan P Dorgan Many thanks to all those who have helped in the celebration of the Easter Triduum liturgies. A lot of work goes on behind the scenes and often unnoticed. Thanks for all that you have done to enable a very worthy celebration of Our Blessed Lord`s Paschal Mysteries. Parish Coffee Morning in Maryholm on Saturday 11th April from 10.30 till 12 noon. Entrance £1 inc refreshments. There will be cakes, fancy goods, plants, books and a raffle. Please could you help with anything for the stalls? You can give them to Maureen (AM) or Rosemary (PM). Please support all you can as the proceeds will go to church funds. Polish Mass – every Saturday 3.30 PM / Polska Msza w każdą sobote o 15.30 Our Lady & St Herbert Church is open daily for private devotions and visits to the Blessed Sacrament. Please call in! Please e-mail items for parish bulletin to: kinga827@gmail.com For more information, news and events please visit our website: www.ourladyofwindermere.co.uk, please stay in touch with our parish community and sign our guest book on the web. The parish is in the Lancaster Diocese, a registered charity. The full name is Lancaster Roman Catholic Diocese Trustees. Registered Charity Number: 234331
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