Our Lady & St Herbert`s, Windermere

Our Lady & St Herbert’s, Windermere
Roman Catholic Church
Lake Road, Windermere, LA23 2EQ
St Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School
Fr Kevan Dorgan
Wansfell Road
Ambleside, LA22 0EG
tel. (015394) 32283
e-mail: kpd71267@gmail.com
Sunday Masses:
Sick: Brigid Monks
Lately Dead: Jack Hardy and Monica Child
Anniversaries: Winifred Lowe, Patrick David
Bland, Denzil Anthony Duggan, Lucy Birkett,
Lesley Rainbow, James Bond, Mary Nolan,
Doris Roach, John Peter Keenan,
Mary McCaffery, Frederick Rainbow,
Constance Reynolds, Catherine and Thomas
Meaney, Rev Deacon Gerald Milddlesborough
and Canon Tony Boyle
Headteacher Mr Peter Harrison
Princes Road, Windermere
Cumbria, LA23 2DD
Tel: (015394) 48125
11.15 AM (Int. Monica Child)
5.15 PM (Int. Sheila Flynn)
Masses in Ambleside:
Sunday 9.30 AM (Int. People of the Parish)
Tuesday 6.00 PM (Int. Eamonn Rush)
Thursday 9.30 PM (Int. John and Sheila Graham
Golding Wedding)
Saturday 9.30 AM (Int. Madam President of UCM)
Welcome to all our visitors
We hope you enjoy your stay
in Windermere.
Please help us to support the parish
and maintain the Church by gift-aiding
your offerings. It makes a real
difference to our income.
Envelopes can be found in the pews.
Last week’ attendance: 196
Mass Offertory: £ 380.91
17th May 2015
The Ascension of the Lord
Weekday Masses:
Wednesday 9.30 AM (Int. John Morgan)
Friday 9.30 AM (Special Int. Sr Phylis)
Confessions before Masses
Parish news and events
Today is the Solemnity of the Ascension and also
Communications Day. There will be a retiring collection and
Prayer for the right use of the media. Please take a prayer card
Holy Hour for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life
on Wednesday 20th May, 6PM at Our Lady and St Herbert`s.
Bible Society Coffee Morning on Saturday 23rd May, 10AM at
Carver Church Hall on Lake Road. Please support or donate.
Please do join us for refreshments
after Mass on Sunday morning.
All tea, coffee and sugar
used is Certified Fairtrade
Boarbank Hall – Coffee Morning – Bank Holiday Monday 25th
May, 9.30AM - 12 noon. The proceeds will be for a new MINI
BUS for the Nursing Home.
Polish Mass – every Saturday 3.30 PM / Polska Msza w każdą
sobote o 15.30
Our Lady & St Herbert Church is open
daily for private devotions and visits to
the Blessed Sacrament. Please call in!
Please e-mail items for parish bulletin to:
For more information, news and events please visit our website:
www.ourladyofwindermere.co.uk, please stay in touch with our parish
community and sign our guest book on the web.
The parish is in the Lancaster Diocese, a registered charity. The full name is Lancaster Roman Catholic Diocese Trustees. Registered Charity Number: 234331