St Joseph's Parish Newsletter

Church Building Fund
There will be a second collection at all Masses this weekend to support
the Church Building Fund and help pay for current works on the church
St Joseph’s Parish Newsletter
St Joseph’s,
Mayberry Place,
G72 9DA
Western Catholic Directory
Copies of the Directory for 2015 are available from the stall priced £3.00.
Adult Formation
Next meeting 19th February at 7.30 pm gathering in the sacristy. Topic
“An historical look at the Stations of the Cross” - all welcome.
House: 01698 823896
Parish Priest: Rev. Brian Lamb
Ph.B. S.T.L.
Assistant Priest Rev. Rafal Sobieszuk M. Theol.
Deacon Rev. Joseph Dowds
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Charity No. SCO1 11041
1st February 2015
+ Please Remember in Your Prayers +
Recently Dead:
Patrick Reynolds, Jean Anderson, Donald John Galbraith, Paul Noone,
Alex Frame.
Months Minds & Anniversaries
Susan Clarkin, James Gorrance, Margaret Black, Peter & Agnes Craigie, James Craigie,
Thomas McQuade, John & Jo O’Donnelly, Robert Stewart, Alice Meechan McHugh,
Elizabeth, Gavin & Gerard Bleakley, Jonathan Wilson, John Ward, Alice McDonald,
Margaret Campbell, Jimmy Campbell, Reamonn Gormley, Patrick Green, Patrick &
Catherine Fanning, Robert & Catherine Hutcheson, Elspeth Rouse, Helen Morran, John
Whitters, Bridget Cain.
Times of Services
Vigil 5.00 pm
10.00 am, 12.00 noon & 6.30 pm
Also Thursday
1.00 pm
7.00 pm
10.00 am
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Thursday 6.00 pm till 6.55 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Thursday 6.30—6.55 pm
Saturday 9.30 9.55 am
& after Vigil Mass
“He taught them with
Church Collection
Sincere thanks for your generosity.
Hall Bookings
Anyone wishing to book the church hall
is asked to phone 0793 200 1210.
Memorial Windows
The stained-glass artist is working on a design for the windows above
the choir loft. The “Blantyre Disaster” aspect will cost approximately
£15,000. It is hoped that we will get some additional funding once the
plan is drawn up and can be presented to possible supporters. The
artists impression/first sketch is available at the back of the church .
Weekday Masses
Weekday Masses will be celebrated at 1.00 pm every weekday till the
programme of works on the roof and windows is finished.
With Mgr. Nolan’s appointment and Ordination as Bishop of
Galloway; Bishop Toal has appointed Fr. Lamb as administrator of St.
John Ogilvie’s, High Blantyre. The appointment takes effect from
14th February.
Church’s Social Teaching
“The laity should take up as their own proper task the renewal of the
temporal order. If the role of the hierarchy is to teach and to interpret
authentically the norms of morality to be followed in this matter, it
belongs to the laity, without waiting passively for orders and
directives, to take the initiatives freely and to infuse a Christian spirit
into the mentality, customs, laws and structures of the community in
which they live.”
Populorum Progressio, n33.
Parish Safeguarding
The Diocesan Safeguarding Committee has let it be known that from
October 2015 anyone involved with a parish group must be registered
under the protection of vulnerable groups. If this is not completed
individuals will not be permitted to undertake parish works. Could the
co-ordinators of parish groups please contact:
Joe McBride 07760352788, Bernadette Clements 01698 828598 or
Nicola Carrigan 07967183838.
Works Programme
The upper gallery windows have now been removed on the church
hall side and the Mayberry Place side have been reinstalled [although
the temperature will need to rise to allow the workers to complete the
reinstallation]. The Mayberry Place upper roof is 70% re-slated and
should be completed within the next few days.. Lead work and
stonework are progressing well. New lightning conductors have been
installed. Over the next few weeks [weather permitting] we should see
good progress with the upper roof scaffolding and window guards
being removed and work continuing on the lower roofs.
Financial Statement
The annual returns for 2014 are now being prepared and will be
submitted to the Diocese on Monday The summary statement will be
published within the parish next weekend.
Tradecraft Stall & Coffee Morning
The Tradecraft stall will return on Sunday 1st February after 10.00 am
& 12 noon Masses. All profits from the stall and coffee morning will
go to the Scottish Churches Housing, which celebrates its 20th
anniversary on Saturday 17th January, to support them in their work
with the homeless.
400th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of St. John Ogilvie
C.T.S. have published a new booklet on the life, martyrdom and
sainthood of John Ogilvie; who was hung at Glasgow Cross on 10th
March 1615. This booklet is available from the stall priced £2.50.
Caritas Award
The young people from the parish who are involved with the Caritas
Award are invited to a short meeting in the presbytery next Sunday,
8th February at 5.45 pm.
World Day of Prayer
This year’s World Day of Prayer will be hosted by St Andrew’s
Church of Scotland, Blantyre on March 6th. St Joseph’s parish hosted
last years very successful event and many people attended from all the
local churches. If you are interested in being involved this year please
contact either Ellen 826133 or Nicola Simpson of St Andrew’s Church
on 317201 with a view to meeting some time in February.