St. Mary’s Catholic Church A parish of Ampleforth Abbey 25 Bond End, Knaresborough, HG5 9AW Fr. William Wright O.S.B. 01423 862388 SECOND WEEK OF LENT EVENTS AND NOTICES E-mail: Web: CELEBRATIONS AND MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK 2ND WEEK OF LENT 2014/15 Day Rank Sunday cycle B/weekday cycle I Mass times Vigil 6.00 pm 10.00 am 5.00 pm 9.00 am Mass Intention Frances Thornton Michael Clarke Parish Special Intention Eucharistic Service Sun 1st Mar SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT Mon 2nd Mar Feria Tue 3rd Mar Wed 4th Mar Feria Feria Feria 7.00 pm 9.00 am Fri 6th Mar Sat 7th Mar Feria Sun 8th Mar THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT 7.00 pm 10.00 am Vigil 6.00 pm 10.00 am 5.00 pm Thu 5th Mar No service Feria EBC Joseph Margaret Jean Weatherhead Parish EUCHARISTIC MINISTER PRAYER: As we thank God for the gift of his Son to us in Holy Communion, let us remember those of our parish who are sick, old & housebound. May the Body and Blood of your Son, which we now send to them through our Eucharistic ministers, bring them hope, consolation & peace, through Christ our Lord. SECOND COLLECTION Next Sunday 8th March for Catholic Care. STATIONS OF THE CROSS Tuesdays in Lent after the 7.00pm Mass. Also there will be settings for the Stations of the Cross available in the Atrium for private devotion. LINKS FOR LENT For the daily scripture readings of the Mass To sign up for a daily snippet from the Catholic Catechism it’s BECOMING A MISSIONARY PARISH 2 Lent Parish Gathering Friday 6th March at 7.25pm in the Parish Hall for the second of three sessions as we continue to explore what it means to become a missionary parish. All welcome. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t make the first one. Friday evenings (after 7pm Mass) this Lent are being dedicated to this project: BMP Session 3 will be held 20th March, while linked to this parish project will be Eucharistic Adoration on 13th and 27th March from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in church. ANYTHING GOES! A wine tasting evening with Fr Jeremy & entertainment from our very own St Mary's Singers on Saturday 25th April in the Church Hall from 7.30pm. Tickets £10 include nibbles & cheese & biscuits and available from 8th March. Please book/reserve early. Fundraising for the Church Hall refurbishment. See poster in the atrium. THE LEEDS DIOCESAN DISCERNMENT GROUP for young men and women next meets on Friday 6th March, 6.30pm, at the Carmelite Monastery, Linton, (LS22 4HZ). The evening will include a presentation on Carmelite spirituality, personal testimonies, Evening Prayer and dinner in a nearby pub. The Minibus will be leaving Leeds Trinity at 5.30pm. More information: Mgr Paul Grogan, 07841 584042. 24 HOURS FOR THE LORD Pope Francis has requested that on Friday 13th March and Saturday 14th March 2015 Dioceses, Parishes and Religious Communities join with him in ’24 Hours For The Lord’. PALESTINIAN OLIVE HARVEST October 2015: Interested in helping with the Palestinian olive harvest in Israel? Meet at Christchurch, Harrogate, 10.30 am Saturday 28th Feb. Or contact Canon & Mrs de la Hoyde, 548146. PALAZZOLA Visit Monte Cassino and Subiaco in the footsteps of St Benedict, Oct 11-18. Details in Atrium. MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION (for use throughout Year B): When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup, we proclaim your Death, O Lord, until you come again. ADORATION: Each weekday beginning 45 minutes before Mass THE DIVINE OFFICE is recited twenty minutes before each weekday Mass SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confession) Saturday 10.30 am to 11.00 am, and by request at other times. PRAYER GROUP Wednesday 7.25pm (Healing Prayer Group) Adoration, Lectio Divina, then prayers for inner or physical healing as required. For more information please contact Maureen 869264 IN YOUR PRAYERS, PLEASE REMEMBER: Joan Akroyd, May Braythwaite, Ellen Brown, Brian Buckley, Terry Callaghan, Alma Corrie, Katie Deaton, David Doling, Pat Eve, Brian Greaves, Philip Hall, Eileen Hawkes, Barbara Hawksworth, Rosemary Hill, Eileen Huck, Emily March, Eleanor Mayhew, Dot McEvoy, Peter Owens, Diane Norris, Mariana Robinson, Stephen Thorndike, Vitoria Windsor and all who are ill and those who care for them. PLEASE PRAY FOR: William Wilson, John Smith, Barbara Nyoka, Mark Vizockie, Maude Elland Perkins, Fr Anthony Spiller, Tom Hoyes and all whose anniversary of death occurs at this time. THE HOLY FATHER’S MISSION INTENTIONS That those involved in scientific research may serve the well-being of the whole human person. AMPLEFORTH ABBEY TRUSTEES REG. CHARITY NO. 1026493 CATHOLIC PERSPECTIVES ON POVERTY A study day on ‘Catholic Perspectives on Poverty’ will be held on Saturday 21st March at Ushaw College. Speakers include Aliston Gelder (Housing Justice), Dr Mark Hayes (Durham University), Dr Richard Finn OP (Cambridge University) and Sr Helen Alford OP (Angelicum). If you would like to attend the study day, places must be booked and paid for in advance by 1st March. £50 with a buffet lunch; £40 without lunch (packed lunches can be brought and eaten in the refectory). Concessions are available on request. For further details, any queries about transport from Durham to Ushaw College. To book, please contact Eddie Jarvis, Email: Tel: 0191 334 1656. RECONCILIATION SERVICES (with individual confession and absolution) Deanery: Sat 21st March 1100 to 1800 at St Robert’s. No Confessions at St Mary’s that day (I’ll be at St Robert’s) LENTEN DAY OF RECONCILIATION Tuesday, 25th March 2015 at Leeds Cathedral - Confessions from 7am to 7pm LENTEN RETREAT DAY: On Saturday 28th March there will be the annual diocesan Lenten retreat day at The Briery Retreat Centre in Ilkley. Time: 10:00am to 4:00pm. This retreat is open to anyone who would like the opportunity for a quiet day during Lent with the chance for prayer and reflection. For further information and booking please contact Catherine or Angela on 0113 261 8040 or 200 CLUB FEBRUARY WINNERS: £40.00 M Dawson: £25.00 B Fitzgibbon: £20.00 P Robinson: £15.00 T Britton. REAL EASTER EGG 2015 CAMPAIGN The Real Easter Egg is still the only Fairtrade Easter Egg with a copy of the Easter story in each box. There is also a charitable donation for every 150g egg sold. The Easter Eggs are available from Tesco, Morrisons, Waitrose or can be ordered online from WEEKLY COLLECTIONS w/b 23rd Feb: plate £220.33; envelopes £213.50; Votive £10.86; Building Fund £104.00; Standing Orders weekly average £505. Attendance: 261. PLEASE REMEMBER: We do NOT have use of St John’s car park on Sunday mornings. Please respect this. AMPLEFORTH ABBEY TRUSTEES REG. CHARITY NO. 1026493
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