BAPTISM PREPARATION COURSE FOR PARENTS OF BABIES AND CHILDEN UNDER SIX St Mary of the Angels 68 Gratwicke Road Worthing, BN11 4BJ Parish Priest: Fr Chris Benyon Tel: 01903 200416 - Mobile 07896 680488 Email: (Parish Office) Saturday 7th March 10am to 11.30am and Sunday 8th March 3pm to 4.30pm In the Parish Centre (car park entrance) Contact Diana – 01903-211744 – to book your place on the course and arrange your child’s baptism. CARDS CARDS CARDS ....for all occasions ....Mothering Sunday 15th March , St. Patrick's day 17th March and lovely Easter [5th April] cards , all on sale in 2nd Sunday of Lent 1st March 2015 the Shop ,open after Mass , all profits go to the support of your Church Church Transfigured: Renewing Ourselves and Our Parishes in the Light of Christ. Saturday 14th March 2015, 10am - 3.30pm at Cardinal Newman Catholic School, Hove. Speaker: Alice Hall - former member of the Sion Community & leader of discipleship training programmes. A day conference hosted by the Wellspring Community with talks, Q&A, Mass, Adoration & Reconciliation. Donation-only event. For more info email or phone 07975 845193. Hospital Emergency: 01903 239611 Parish Contact: Anne Challinor 01903 247337 Parish Centre Hire: Lochlan MacDonald 01903 610966 Baptism Preparation Diana Thorn 01903 211744 Child Protection : Heidi 079696896 40 PLEASE NOTE All Services in this Church are Broadcast over the Internet Mass Dates and Times PRAYERS FRIENDS Each of our First Communion children needs a PRAYER FRIEND someone in our Parish who will prayer from them as they prepare to receive their First Holy Communion. If you feel you are able to do this, please see Mary or Teresa to sign up. Three will be a short ‘get together’ to meet each other, in the Parish th Centre after the children’s special 10.30am Mass on 26 April. PRIEST'S HOUSE BURGLAR ALARM AND CHURCH ROOF REPAIRS we need your help . Please support the fund raising Coffee Morning next Friday 6th March , after the 10am , Healing Mass .Leave saleable donations [marked coffee morning ] in the sacristy, or financial support in an envelope , if you can't be there . Many thanks. FULL DIARY OF EVENTS CAN BE ACCESSED ON THE CHURCH WEBSITE Please note: A&B NEWS Please let Astrid have a report of any activities you would like to see included. Phone 238056 or e-mail or leave it in the Sacristy. NEWSLETTER If you would like a news item placed in the newsletter please make sure it is put in the basket in the Sacristy by Thursday am or you can Sun 1st Mar Mon 2 Tues 3 Intentions 8.30 am 10.30 am 12.15 pm 5.30 pm Llewellyn Doll R.I.P. Michele Dale R.I.P. ITALIAN MASS People of the Parish nd Mar 10.00 am 11.30am Dermot O’Halloran Requiem for Pam Callaghan RIP rd Mar 10.00 am GuIlio De Sanctis R.I.P. Wed 4 Mar th 8.00 am (Avila Hse) Thurs 5 Mar th 10.00 am Alan Stanbrook R.I.P. th 10.00 am Georgette Margodt R.I.P. th 10.00 am Hyacinth O’Dea R.IP. th 8.30 am 10.30 am 12.15 am 5.30 pm Mariakutty Joseph R.I.P. People of the Parish ITALIAN MASS Maurice Beeston R.I.P Fri 6 Mar Sat 7 Mar Sun 8 Mar Holy Days 2 nd SUNDAY OF LENT John English rd 3 SUNDAY OF LENT There will be laying on of hands and prayer for Healing, in the Church after the 10am Mass on every first Friday of the month Every Third Sunday of the month there is a Malayalam Mass at 3pm THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY LAST WEEKEND Offertory - £596.00 - Gift Aid - £630.00 – Overseas Project - £60.00 Please remember in your prayers Pam Callaghan who died last weekend and all the sick that are housebound in nursing homes or in hospital and also those who care for them especially: Pauline Williams, Peter Abbott, Paul Scantlebury, Sr Rosalind, David McDonald, Ronnie Taylor, Margaret Jardine, Patrick Cummuskey, Margaret Gleeson, Paul Kelly, Marise Falkingham, Ellen Leahy, Debbie Trend,Michael Murphy, Phyllis Burholt, and John Burke. DIARY FOR THE COMING WEEK st Sunday 1 Mar Monday 2nd Mar 2nd SUNDAY OF LENT 10.30AM INTERNATIONAL MASS Followed by International shared Lunch. Please come in National Costumes and bring food to share typical of your country. See Note opposite. LEAVING COLLECTION For Cafod for the proceeds of Family Fast Day CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP 'The Way' St Mary's very own Catholic Charismatic Group meets at 8pm in the Social Area. All very welcome. Tuesday 3rd Mar JOURNEY IN FAITH GROUP meets 7,30pm. PEACE PRAYER 3pm in the Chapel Avila House 60 Gratwicke Road, everyone welcome. Wednesday 4th Mar WEDNESDAY FRIENDSHIP CLUB – Lunch at the Yeoman 1pm for 1.30pm Thursday 5th Mar --------------------------- Friday 6th Mar ALL DAY EXPOSITION & PRAYER 7AM TO BENEDICTION 7PM DIVINE MERCY PRAYER GROUP 7.30 pm in the Church. FIRST FRIDAY COFFEE MORNING after the 10am Mass. Saturday 7th Mar --------------------------- Sunday 8th Mar 3rd SUNDAY OF LENT LENT. BIDDING PRAYERS will conclude with the Hail Holy Queen. There will be 10min WAY OF THE CROSS at the end of weekday Mass where possible FR CHRIS. ALL DAY EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT FRIDAY MARCH 6TH. 7AM - 7PM IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL. Thanks to all who expressed support for this. Please sign on to cover an hour. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT IF YOU DO SIGN ON, YOU DO FULFILL THAT COMMITMENT. WHY NOT POP IN FOR A SHORT WHILE AT ANY TIME DURING THE DAY? ___________________________________________________________________ It isn't too late to join one of the Lent Small Groups ...Varied venues and times as follows .... From Monday 16th Feb.3 pm Aglaia Road [off Wallace Av.]Phone Roz and Michael 507167 From Tuesday 17th Feb 3pm Salisbury Road Phone Sr. Helen or Sr. Bernadette 233904 From Thursday 19th Feb After the 10am Mass Phone Diana 211744 From Friday 20th Feb 8pm . Just north of the Central Crossing , Phone Anne 231014 The Small Group Booklet is available in the Church Shop . The Groups are very friendly and rewarding, you will be very welcome , even if you can only make a few of the meetings (lasting approx' one and a half hours) during Lent. TAIZE SERVICE AT CHATSMORE SCHOOL for all ages but preparation for young people 6pm Service 7pm. HOLY WEEK AND EASTER SERVICES ACTION MEETING for all who are or would be willing to be involved Tuesday 10th March 7.30pm Priests House. CONFIRMATION GROUP next meets 7.45pm 10th March. THE JUBILEE INTERNATIONAL MASS will be celebrated this Sunday 1st March at 10.30am followed by the International shared lunch in the Sion School Hall. Participants are encouraged to attend in National Costumes. It is a chance to celebrate the 23+ nationalities in our community. SVP RAFFLE TICKETS – available after Mass - 50p per ticket 5.30PM WELCOMER'S NOTICE The new rota has been updated & is now available for collection. Please take a copy from the clear holder found on the notice board at the main entrance God Bless and Many thanks for your continued support. WOMENS WORLD DAY OF PRAYER th Friday 6 March at 2.30pm at the Salvation Army Citadel in Crescent Road. Please come and support this important ecumenical event.
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