News and Forthcoming Events JUNIOR CHOIR—our first choir practice is on 22 Mar after Sunday School at 11.30am in Room 6. All parents of our Junior Choir members please take note. New members are also welcomed. Please see Choirmaster James Ansibin after Mass. STATIONS OF THE CROSS every Friday in Lent immediately after the 6.30pm weekday Mass in church. "STATIONS OF THE CROSS - for all Sunday school students and their families” on 22 March at 10.30am in the church. All students must first go to their own classrooms for attendance to be taken. Students' family members are requested to assemble in church before 10.30am. The front pews will be reserved for the students." NO HOLY HOUR ON THURSDAYS IN LENT, Mass at 6.30pm. NO SUNDAY SCHOOL & CANTEEN on 15 March, resume 22 March. Parents please take note. MINISTRY OF PASTORAL CARE LENTEN COLLECTION FOR THE NEEDY - Parishioners wishing to donate dried and canned food, used clothing, books, stationery, toys and other essentials can bring them to the church office during the week or to the hall on Sundays during this Lenten season. These will be distributed to the less privileged communities by the pastoral outreach team. God bless you for your generosity. St Simon Catholic Church Likas Address: Jln Punat Tanah, Off Jln Tuaran Mile 3.5 (KM 6), 88400 Kota Kinabalu Tel: 088-212713 Fax: 088-288713 Email: Webpage: Office Hrs: Mon-Fri: Sat: PARISH MISSION IN EASTER Preparation has begun to have a parish mission led by a team of Redemptorist Priests from around the middle of April to Pentecost. Let us pray and support the preparation works! CHILDREN HELP CHILDREN (HOLY CHILDHOOD SOCIETY) Love offering collected RM391.00. Thank you to the children and parents for their generous contribution. CHRISM MASS on Thursday, 26 March at 7.30pm at SHC. NO weekday Mass at St Simon that day. RCIA SESSION 2015-2016 has begun. All intending to join in the new session are asked to contact the parish office as soon as possible COLLECTIONS 20 Feb (Ash Wednesday) - RM6,669.60 22 Feb Black Bag - RM6,646.85 Red Bag - RM5,119.35 27 Feb (Stations of the Cross) - RM1,330.50 1 Mar Black Bag - RM7,964.45 Red Bag - RM6,947.10 Thank you for your generosity, and may God bless you! Rector: 9.00am - 1.00pm; 2.00pm-5.00pm 9.00am - 1.00pm Rev. Cosmas Lee Sunday Services: Masses (Eng) - 8.30am; 5.00pm; Rosary - 4.15pm Confession - 8.15am; 4.45pm Weekday Masses (Chapel) Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri - 6.30pm Holy Hour (Chapel)-Every Thursday 7.30pm followed by Mass at 8.30pm Weekly Intercessory Prayers - every Tuesday after weekday Mass Chapel opens 7.00am - 9.00pm 3RD SUNDAY OF LENT-YEAR A—8 MAR 2015 Saints & Feast Days R1-Ex 17:3-7;R2-Rom 5:1-2,5-8;Gospel-Jn 4:5-42 8 Mar - St John of God, religious Resp. Ps—O that today you would listen to his voice: - St Senan, bishop ‘Harden not your hearts.’ 9 Mar - St Frances of Rome, religious 10 Mar - St John Ogilvie, martyr 11 Mar - St Aengus, bishop & abbot 4TH SUNDAY OF LENT-YEAR A—15 MAR 2015 17 Mar - St Patrick, bishop R1-1 Sam 16:1.6-7,10-13;R2-Eph 5:8-14;Gospel-Jn 9:1-41 18 Mar - St Cyril of Jerusalem, bishop 19 Mar - St Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Resp. Ps—The Lord is my shepherd; Virgin Mary, solemnity there is nothing I shall want. 21 Mar - St Enda, abbot 23 Mar - St Turibius of Mogrovejo, bishop 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT-YEAR A—22 MAR 2015 24 Mar - St Macartan, bishop 25 Mar - The Annunciation of the Lord, R1-Ez 37:12-14;R2-Rom 8:8-11;Gospel-Jn 11:1-45 Solemnity Resp. Ps—With the Lord there is mercy 1 Apr - St Ceallach (Celsus), bishop and fullness of redemption. COMING HOME This Lent is a good time to reflect and experience the compassion of Christ all over again, and His role as a “bridge” between God and men. He acts as a seal to a broken relationship between God and men, like “on that day at Massah and Meribah, when your ancestors put Me to the test” (Psalm 94). Like those people with Moses in the desert, how often do we find ourselves putting the Lord to the test, or question His goodness when we are hurt or disappointed with our circumstances? How many times do we find ourselves murmuring complaints against God when things don’t go our way? Sometimes these complaints may be uttered out of frustration or desperation, and are fleeting. And other times, complaints that could sever our relationship with God. But Jesus, as recounted in St Paul’s letter today, is “the grace in which we stand, and we boast in hope of the glory of God” (Romans 5:2). We have been justified by faith through our Lord Jesus. Pope Francis in his recent Lenten message challenged us to a tried and tested form of fasting. An Early Church Father, St John Chrysostom (circa 349-407), on the true meaning of fasting said: “Let the mouth fast from foul words and unjust criticism, for what good is it if we abstain from birds and fishes but bite and devour our brothers?” In the Gospel today, Jesus reminds us that He is the Living Water that quenches all thirst which cannot be found in this world (John 4:10). Notice that the closer we get to our earthly goals or desires, the drier we feel on the inside? That is because the “water” that we seek in this earthly life is fickle. Jesus offers salvation to all, whereas the Prince of the World (aka the devil) offers damnation disguised as an insatiable thirst for pleasure in the form of entertainment and easy life. As is always the case, the ever merciful and compassionate God is ready to forgive. A Polish nun who had visions of Christ and had written down accounts of her encounter on Jesus’ Divine Mercy said: “O soul, whoever you may be in this world, even if your sins were as black as night, do not fear God, weak child that you are, for great is the power of God’s mercy.” (Diary of St Faustina, 1652). Born Helena Kowalska on August 25, 1905 in Glogowiec, Poland, she offered herself to the religious life and joined a convent at the age of 20. St Faustina, who died in 1938, was later canonized on April 30, 2000. St John Paul II had established the Sunday after Easter as Divine Mercy Sunday following St Faustina’s accounts on a portrait that Christ wished to be painted and shown to the whole world. It is a portrait of Christ depicted with Him pointing towards His Most Sacred Heart, and two lights emitting from there – one red, one blue. And at the bottom is written in Polish, “Jezu, Ufam Tobie!”, which means, “Jesus, I Trust In You!” What better time to speak of conversion and God’s compassion, especially on this Third Sunday in Lent. The Gospel tells of Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. The woman, a public sinner, at first reacted to Jesus’ approach cautiously. Then she grew curious, and asked him questions. And somewhere in the conversation between herself and Jesus, her heart was converted. It is the same with us. Conversion is a process. Only when we ourselves have experienced the compassion and love of Christ in our heart can we show such virtues to our neighbors, too. Despite our sins, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). When we sin against Him, we crucify Him all over again. Our sins not only hurt the Holy Spirit that dwells in us and our relationship with God, but also Christ. He yearns for our heart like he yearned for the woman at the well. Like St Peter, we fall many times. If only we learn to trust in Jesus’ love and mercy for such times, the result can only be a conversion beyond our imaginations. So let us come home to Divine Love this Lent, and learn to love again. As the portrait depicted by St Faustina on Christ’s Divine Mercy, we pray: “Jesus, I trust in You!” Please use the Parish Webpage ( to see latest Bulletin for information for Service Schedule, etc..
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