SUNDAY MAR 1 SATURDAY FEB 28 TUESDAY MAR 3 WEDNESDAY MAR 4 THURSDAY MAR 5 FRIDAY MAR 6 SATURDAY MAR 7 2ND SUNDAY OF LENT 9:30AM MASS Kimberley 4:30 PM Mass Canal Flats MONDAY MAR 2 NOON MASS JAFFRAY 7 PM Mass Kimberley 3RD SUNDAY OF LENT 9 AM MASS NO MASS 11AM MASS PINES NO MASS PRACTICE NOON MASS 4:30 PM Mass Canal Flats 7-8:30 PM CTS 7 PM STATIONS OF THE CROSS KNIGHTS CRANBROOK March 5 March 6th March 14th SACRED HEART PARISH BULLETIN 502 Church Ave, Kimberley, BC V1A 2L3 (250) 427-2585 Fax (250) 427-3655 Church website: Diocesan Website: March 1st 2015 – 2nd SUNDAY OF LENT “I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living.” 2 PM ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN CHURCH WORLD DAY OF PRAYER CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP th 9:30AM MASS Kimberley NO MASS 9:30AM- 3PM ADORATION 1:30 PM MUSIC 6:15 CATECHISM Rose & Ambrose Kerr RIP (Margaret Kerr) SUNDAY MAR 8 JAFFRAY 7 PM Mass Kimberley Grace Ward RIP (Evelyn Neumann) UPCOMING DATES TO MARK ON YOUR CALENDAR World Day of Prayer - All Saints Anglican Church – 2 pm Stations of the Cross (Knights) – 7 pm St. Patrick’s Spring Tea – 1 to 3 pm 2014 INCOME TAX RECEIPTS Income Tax receipts have been mailed. If you have any questions, please phone the office @ 250-427-2585 and leave a message for Mary. Join us after mass in the hall on Sunday for refreshments and fellowship! Please don’t forget the Food Bank! Representatives & Information Pastor: Fr. John M. Kellogg 250-427-2585 Email: Bookkeeper: Mary O’Grady The office is open on Wednesday mornings, 9:30am - noon Parish Pastoral Council: Ann Fercho Finance Council: Andy Laturnus Buildings & Grounds: Cecil Morissette Catechism Co-ordinator: Tina Slunt Adult Religious Education: Penny Sibbald Liturgy Committee: Pat Pagura Servers: Michelle Eveson Ushers: Ron Evans Social Events: Leona Evans Catholic Women’s League: Heather Morissette Knights of Columbus: Jan Giberson Interchurch Group: Dianne Moir 250-427-2460 250-427-2681 250-427-3078 250-427-7730 250-427-2048 250-427-2558 250-427-4764 250-427-2805 250-427-2805 250-427-3078 250-427-2094 250-427-3947 Marriage Preparation: Six months notice Baptism: Preparation: Two months notice For submissions to the bulletin: email: or written submissions can be left in the church entrance by Tuesday evening. Our Parish Mission Statement: The Parish of the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church (Kimberley, B.C.), as a dedicated community of God, believes that it is through fellowship that we can understand and practice our Freedom of Faith. We also believe that with education we can encourage others to join and enhance our community. We acknowledge that we are blessed and obligated to share our blessings. FINANCIAL UPDATE Sacred Heart Parish, Kimberley February 21/22 Collection $1208.50 Thank You! St. Joseph, Jaffray February 15 Collection February 22 Collection $ 250.00 $ 294.00 Thank You! SHARE LENT The raising of awareness in the Global North of the one billion people in our world who still suffer from hunger in the Global South is the goal of this Share Lent campaign. Pope Francis invites each of us to make space in our hearts "for this emergency or respecting the God-given rights of everyone to have access to adequate food." Development & Peace works for the marginalized and the poor for justice and charity enabling the one billion to raise their food and work for a better life. Alice H. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER The Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper was a tremendous success! It wouldn’t have happened without the amazing help of our youth: Anja, Kalle, Haylee, Bianca & Kianna; and adults: Andrea, Amy, Jan, Erik, Warren, Andy, Ron, Leona, Dianne, Paula, Simone, Alice and Melissa. You were an amazing crew! Thank you very much! Heather Morissette -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STATIONS OF THE CROSS Fri., Feb 20 ~ CWL √ Fri., Feb 27 ~ Readers√ Fri., Mar 6 ~ Knights of Columbus Fri., Mar 13 ~ Altar Servers (Adult) Fri., Mar 20 ~ Greeters Fri., Mar 27 ~ Eucharistic Ministers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “TEA IS ON!” "Luck o' the Irish" *** Saint Patrick's Spring Tea *** Saturday, March 14, 2015 from 1-3 pm We are serving dainty sandwiches and sweets and having a BAKE SALE. BAKE where we need you! We are looking for your specialties in baked goods, please! Thanks a bunch! Heather Morissette -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORLD DAY OF PRAYER World Day of Prayer will be held at All Saints Anglican Church, Thursday, March 5th @ 2pm. All Kimberley Churches are invited. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ELECTIONS OF PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Nominations are open for the upcoming elections of new members to the Parish Pastoral Council. Nomination forms are located at the entrance. For further information, see Fr. John.
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