REFLECTION Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT 15 MARCH 2015 Mission Statement “We, the community of OLPS, strive to follow Christ and be His witnesses, reaching out to all through love and service.” We are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for the good works that God has prepared. (Ephesians 2:10) Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have your own personal tailor who could create a whole wardrobe for you? There would be the right outfit for everything you need or want to do. Each one would look so good that you would feel great wearing it. You could just imagine yourself walking down the street with an air of confidence and self-assurance: you know you look good! Well, according to St. Paul, God has fashioned not our outer appearance but our inner lives. And the clothing he provides for this tailored interior is a unique set of “good works” that are perfectly suited to the gifts and talents, the insights and personalities he has given us. So open up your spiritual closet, and try on what’s there. You’ll probably feel very comfortable stepping into some of those good works that seem to match your preparation and talent. Others, however, may feel like a stretch. You may be tempted to think someone else could perform them better. But as you step into them, you’ll discover abilities you never knew you had—just as a woman discovers that an A-line dress really does look good on her! For example, perhaps you’ve always hoped the garment of parenthood was in your closet. But when the time comes, you discover that the good work God has designed for you is foster parenting—welcoming unwanted children into your home for a short time until they can find their forever homes. Or maybe you envisioned yourself as a catechist in your parish, but God offers you a different garment: a home-based ministry where you can spend your time caring for an ailing elderly parent. Be of good cheer! Your Creator and Designer will patiently work with you until there’s a perfect fit between you and the garment of service he lays on your shoulders. “Creator Lord, thank you that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Give me the courage to grow into your good plan.” [Reprinted with permission of ”The Word Among Us”] Mandarin Speaking Community 3月4,11,18和25日(五个星期三 2015年3月15日-四旬期第四主日 形式:拜苦路,弥撒与证道。 四旬期告解圣事(华语) 日期:3月21日(六) 永援圣母堂华文成人慕道团 1)2015年3月15日 时间:7.45pm - 9.45pm 地点:耶稣复活堂 授信经、天主经、傅油礼 负责:林子显 2)2015年3月22日 时间: 下午二时 无课 时间:上午9点至下午5点; 地点:圣母圣诞堂; 地点: 圣母圣诞堂 *2015年华语婚前辅导 日期: 2015年8月2号, 9号(星期日) 活动 (守礼社、教堂、拜苦路) 永援圣母堂四旬期拜苦路 华语拜苦路:每逢星期二,晚上7点30分(从 报名费:一对$80 2月24日至3月31日) 96862640 英语拜苦路:每逢星期三下午3点正(从2月 新加坡华文夫妇恳谈会主办 第71期夫妇恳谈原 25日至4月1日)和每逢星期五,在傍晚6点的 始周末 日期:3月20-22日(住宿周末) 时间:星期五 弥撒后(从2月27 日至3月27 日) 询问电话/Email: 秀琼:98524047 永援圣母堂四旬期忏悔礼仪 日期:3月23日(一) 晚上8点至星期日 时间:早上10点30分和晚上8点 17th Avenue Singapore 829651 2015年教委四旬期证道会 报名:永义+月圆 97329749 主题:城市里的仁慈 日期:2月25日, 玉珍: 下午5点 地点:夫妇恳谈会会所 201B Punggol 电邮: 31 Siglap Hill, Singapore 456085 Website: Facebook page: MASS SCHEDULE Weekday : Saturday : Saturday Sunset : Sunday : (Confession before Mass) 6.30 am (on Public Holiday 8.00 am) & 6.00 pm 6.30 am (on Public Holiday 8.00 am) Novena 4.00 pm 4.45 pm & 6.30 pm 7.30 am (Mandarin); 8.45 am; 10.30 am; 12.15 pm & 6.00 pm PRIESTS & DEACON (Vicar) Rev Fr Gregoire Van Giang Tel: 6445 6092 Rev Fr Bruno Saint Girons Tel: 6444 3242 Rev Fr Charlie Oasan Tel: 6241 8905 Rev Deacon Clement Chen Tel: 6241 0953 PARISH SECRETARIAT Agnes Chan Tel: 6241 9565 Andrew Foo Fax: 6241 5874 CATECHETICAL COORDINATOR (Children & Teens) Nancy Chan Tel: 6241 8047 YOUTH COORDINATORS Tamara Emir Tel: 9686 8706 OLPS Church Autogate closure time St Stephen’s School (car park timings) Adoration Room Mass in Adoration Room Intercessory Prayers Columbarium Christian Meditation Charismatic Prayer Meeting Charismatic Mass Infant Baptism Migrant Mass Bahasa Indonesia Mass Bahasa Indonesia Praise and Worship Tagalog Mass Rosary Recitation Divine Mercy Devotion St Pio Devotion Email: Email: Email: Email: Email: Email: Email: 12.30 am - 5.30 am (daily) 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm (Saturday); 8.00 am - 1.30 pm (Sunday) Daily 7 am to 12 Midnight; Saturday Vigil until 6 am Sunday Every first Friday of the month at 10.00 pm Every first Thursday of the month at 8:00pm-9:00pm in Adoration room Opens daily 7.00 am to 7.00 pm Every Wednesday at 8.00 pm in St John & St Luke Rooms Every Wednesday 8.00 pm in Verbist Hall (Level 4, by lift) Every last Wednesday at 8.00 pm in Verbist Hall Preparation 2nd Sunday at 3 pm; Baptism 3rd Sunday at 4 pm Every 2nd Sunday of the month at 12.15 pm Mass Every 1st Sunday of the month at 3.30 pm Mass Every 3rd Saturday of the month at 3.30 pm in John Paul room Every 4th Saturday of the month at 8.00 pm Mass. Mon - Wed; Thursday (intentions for Priests) at 5.15 pm Every Friday after morning Mass in church hall and at 5.15 pm. in church Every 23rd day of the month at 6.45 pm (after the 6 pm mass). MARRIAGES: Application/Booking for Wedding in our Parish should be made at least six (6) months in advance. This would give the couple adequate time to attend Marriage Preparation Course (MPC) or Engaged Encounter Weekend (EE). Application forms available at the Secretariat. Booking is confirmed only when full contribution is received six (6) months before the Wedding Date. No Weddings during Lenten Season. Mass Readings (15 Mar – 22 Mar 2015) 15 Mar (Sun) 4th Sunday of Lent 2 Chr 36:14-16,19-23; Ps 136:1-6; Eph 2:4-10; Jn 3:14-21 16 Mar (Mon) 4th Week of Lent Is 65:17-21; Ps 29:2,4-6,11-13; Jn 4:43-54 17 Mar (Tue) 4th Week of Lent Ez 47:1-9,12; Ps 45:2-3,5-6,8-9; Jn 5:1-16 18 Mar (Wed) 4th Week of Lent Is 49:8-15; Ps 144:8-9,13-14,17-18; Jn 5:17-30 19 Mar (Thurs) St Joseph, spouse of the BVM solemnity 2 Sam 7:4-5,12-14,16; Ps 88:2-5,27,29; Rom 4:13,16-18,22; Mt 1:16,18-21,24 or Lk 2:41-51 20 Mar (Fri) 4th Week of Lent Wis 2:1,12-22; Ps 33:17-21,23; Jn 7:1-2,10,25-30 21 Mar (Sat) 4th Week of Lent Jer 11:18-20; Ps 7:2-3,9-12; Jn 7:40-53 22 Mar (Sun) 5th Sunday of Lent Jer 31:31-34; Ps 50:3-4,12-15; Hebr 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33 PARISH BULLETIN - 15 MARCH 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT Level 10 confirmation camp CHILDREN & TEENS 4 Days 3 Nights live-in camp from 19 – 22 Mar at Hai Sing Catholic CATECHETICS School. This is part of the Confirmation programme. Compulsory attendance for all Level 10 teens. Teens to report at the foyer on Thurs, 19 Mar at 8:00am. The camp will end with Mass on Sunday, 22 Mar at 2:30pm, in Hai Sing Catholic School. Enquiries, contact Tamara Emir: 96868706. PENITENTIAL SERVICE & HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE OLPS LENTEN RECOLLECTION 2015 Penitential Service is on Monday, 23 March at 10:30am and 8:00pm. Holy Thursday, 2 Apr Mass of the Lord’s supper at 5pm and 7pm with adoration until midnight. Good Friday, 3 Apr Stations of the Cross and celebration of the Passion of Christ: 7:30am (in mandarin); 10:30am; 2:00pm and 5:00pm Holy Saturday, 4 Apr (No Morning Mass and No Novena Service) 8:00pm Easter Vigil and Adult Baptism Easter Sunday, 5 Apr 7:00am (in Mandarin) with Adult Baptism; 8:45am; 10:30am; 12:15pm; 2:30pm (children’s Mass) and 6:00pm 21 March 2015, Saturday 9am - 12:30pm OLPS Church led by the Sisters from Verbum Dei Missionaries. Lent - The Greatest is Love. Come and spend the morning to be loved by God and to follow His way of love. Through the Word, we invite all to come for an encounter with the God of Love, and be renewed again. Contribution: Free - love offering. To register please visit our booth at the foyer this weekend or register online at CHILDREN’S LITURGY This month’s celebration will be conducted on March 22 and it will be held in conjunction with the Sunday’s 10:30am and 12:15pm Mass. Children’s Liturgy is strictly for children aged 5 -12 years old. Subsequent celebrations will be held on the last Sunday of each month, unless otherwise announced. If you enjoy working with children and would like to find out more about this ministry, please contact Francisca Dass 96360361. NEW RCIA JOURNEY 67 Interested to inquire about the Catholic Faith? Please register for new RCIA Journey 67 starting from Sundays, 12 Apr 2015 onwards from 7:309:30pm. Registration Forms are available at the Secretariat or RCIA ministry at and can be dropped into RCIA postbox next to Secretariat office. Further enquiries, contact Edward @ 96303276 or email to J67 OPEN HOUSE Are you willing to open your home to welcome Inquirers and Sponsors for 5 RCIA Home Sessions on Sunday evenings from May 10, 17, 24, 31 & June 7. Enquiries, contact Joan @ 96673477 or email to NEIGHBOURHOODS Bedok Reservoir/Kaki Bukit: Rosary prayers at 8:15pm on 17 Mar (Tues) at Mary Rajendran’s home, Blk 605 #02-572. All are welcome. Frankel & Kembangan: Frankel & Kembangan NCCs will be hosting "Walking with Christ: Neighbourhood Stations of the Cross" on Sat, 21 March. The 5km walk will start from Lor Kembangan at 4pm and end at Frankel Walk. Fr Charlie will lead the reflections at each Station and celebrate Mass at the end. Mass will be followed by fellowship. For more information or to register, please email Alex & Jocelyn at Siglap 1: Lenten reflection at 8:00pm on 16 Mar (Mon) at 2:30pm at Mabel & Lynette’s home, 5 Siglap Terrace. All are welcome. CELEBRATIONS IN HOLY WEEK CHARISMATIC RENEWAL ST PIO DEVOTION Please note that there will be no sessions on 23 March (Mon) at OLPS church, Verbist Hall. The last talk by Fr Ignatius Yeo and J.J. Fenelon will be on 16 Mar (Mon) at 8:00pm. Charismatic Prayer meeting is on 18 Mar (Wed) at 8:00pm. Topic: “Fasting or Feasting”. All are welcome. Devotion Prayers to St Pio will be held on 23 Mar (Mon) at 6:45pm (after the 6:00pm Mass). All are welcome. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER STATIONS of the Cross for MARRIED COUPLES Fri 27 March, 8 pm in Church of the Holy Spirit Worldwide Marriage Encounter Singapore invites all couples to a unique experience of carrying our own “crosses” with the Lord on His final journey, reflecting on our spousal relationship and increasing our resolve to live a sacramental marriage. (Minding service for children 4-10 years will be provided.) Please register by 22 March at: OR inquire at: COMTEMPLATIVE PRAYER Contemplative Prayer Through Chant Fr Damien’s Youth Choir, children aged 7-17, will be singing contemplative Taize chants on 02 April, Holy Thursday night at 8:30pm and 10:00pm at Blessed Sacrament Church. The chants reflect the love and suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ, who died to save us. Come and join us in prayer and meditation through chant. VOX CORDIS CHORUS Vox Cordis Chorus is presenting a charity concert comprising traditional spiritual and gospel music entitled "The Joy of The Gospel" on Saturday, 25 April 2015 at 7:30 pm at The Church of Risen Christ Toa Payoh. All ticket proceeds will go to Project Dove (Cambodia). For concert tickets please contact Maike at 8158 1772 and Monika at 8457 7397. ENSEMBLE NOBILES GERMANY A CAPPELLA In conjunction with “50 years of diplomatic relations between Singapore and Germany”, the German-speaking Catholic Community of St. Elisabeth in Singapore is delighted to present a concert, Ensemble NOBILES “Germany A Cappella – A German Mass”.The five young musicians are former choristers of the famous St. Thomas Boys Choir Leipzig – Date: Friday, 27 March at 8:00 pm at the Church of St. Ignatius. Admission is free.
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