The Bulletin - Hocking Hills Catholic Church, Logan Ohio

St. John Church
Logan, Ohio
March 22, 2015
Your prayers are asked for the following people:
Mar. 21
9:00 AM
5:00 PM
Fr. Joseph Byrne
Sr. Patricia McNamee
(Marie Auflick)
Mar. 22 – Fifth Sunday of Lent
8:00 AM
Charles & Dorothy Dalton
(Eason & Emily Hildreth)
10:00 AM
People of the Parish
Mar. 23 – St. Turibius of Mogrovejo
8:00 AM
Rosemary Johnson
(Van Keuren Family)
Mar. 24
8:00 AM John Baker
(Barbara Rust Brown)
Mar. 25 – The Annunciation of the Lord
9:00 AM
Fr. John Metzger
Mar. 26
8:00 AM
Chapel Open
Mar. 27
8:00 AM
Marjorie Campbell
(Jeannette Frazier)
Mar. 28
9:00 AM
Fr. William J. Metzger
5:00 PM
People of the Parish
Mar. 29 – Palm Sunday
8:00 AM
Mary Cassady
(Deb & Ed Mohler)
10:00 AM
Bernard Schmeltzer Family
(Shirley & Bill Harwood)
Marie Bachmann
Betty Bails
Rick Begley
Vikki Blount
Doris Schrader Brooks
Keith Burris
Randy Carr
Bob Cassady
Bob Cassady, Jr.
Hannah Colliton
Nancy Comstock
Barb Crabbe
Sarah Crihfield
Deacon Bob Crook
Charlotte Crothers
Terry Cruise
Kerrill Dennis
Mindy Ellis
Rebecca Esters
Ron Fannon
Bernadine Frasure
Matt Fulkerson
Autumn Guthrie
Joe Howdyshell
Bob Kaising
Don Keister
Maureen Kemper
Irene Kidder
Tony Kilbarger
Tom Kunkler
Michelle Maley
Teresa O’Dell Martinez
Julie May
Patrick McEntee
Westley McKinley
Vicky McNamee
Michelle Mock Maley
Amy Mohler
Evelyn Perkins
Martie Poe
James Rimelspach
Betty Roop
Fred Quick
Nancy Saving
Bill Shaw
Charlotte Shaw
Lisa Sheets
Charles Slusher
Cindy Snider
Lisa Spurlock
Dorothy Stivison
John Switzer
Shirley Switzer
Teresa Szymczak
Zoltan Tarsoly
Dennis Thompson
Quentin Waid
Mary Wilson
Helen Worthington
To place/remove a name on the prayer list, please call the office.
Weekly Collection:
$ 5836.11
Catholic Relief: $ 780.00
9:00 am PSR
9:20 am Rosary
4:00 pm Parish Lenten Mission
7:00 pm Knights Mtg. & First Degree
7:00 pm RCIA
7:00 pm Palm Weaving
7:00 pm 175th Committee Mtg.
7:00 pm Choir Practice
7:00 pm Adult Education Class
7:00 pm Server Training
2:30 pm School Stations of the Cross
4:00 pm Knights Fish Fry (until 7:00 pm)
7:00 pm Stations of the Cross
9:00 am Kairos Training (until 3 pm)
March 28, 2015
Church Cleaning
D. Mohler, T. Shaben, P. Olson
Please Note: Easter Vigil will begin at
8:30 p.m. on April 4.
5:00 PM
M. Auflick
8:00 AM
S. Taulbee
10:00 AM
D. Robers
C. Robers
C. Batina
A. Potter
Mary Beth
S. & T. Karnes
B. & D. Miller
Altar Servers
C. Osburn, M. Lewis
Extraordinary Ministers
J. Hahn, D. Giffin, C. Guyman
M. Saving
S. Saving
J. Maroon
K. Kerns, T. Kessler, J. Mansfield
B. Amnah, M. Murtha, D. Duclos
R. Beiter, I. Beiter, J. Bartolovich
A. Klinger, J. Lanning, P. Robers,
D. Lira, J. Maroon
5:00 PM
D. Vasko
P. Scarmack
C. Batina
B. Frasure
C. Ucker
Altar Servers
A. Hahn, C. Hahn, A. Gall,
J. Wallace
Extraordinary Ministers
M. Auflick, J. Kaising, D. Schmitt
8:00 AM
K. Kerns
A. Taulbee
A. Potter
Mary Beth
E. & S. Hughes
T. Stalford, C. Mansfield,
T. Mansfield, J. Shaben
T. Kessler, J. Inboden, K. Inboden
10:00 AM
J. Anderson
M. Shaw
S. & T. Karnes
C. & K. Stiverson
T. Blevins, C. Blevins,
E. Lanning, O. Hill
C. Shelton, D. Robers, T. Lindsay,
C. Shaw, S. Keels
Ministers, please pick up schedules in back of church.
Give me justice, O God, and plead my cause against a nation
that is faithless. From the deceitful and cunning rescue me, for
you, O God, are my strength.
- cf. Psalm 43:1-2
Our Parish Lenten Mission will be held
today, March 22, from 4-6 p.m. Speaker:
Dan Thimons. Topic: Family Spirituality.
Old Palms may now be turned in by placing them in
the baskets provided near the entrances to church.
The Palm Weaving Committee will meet Tuesday,
March 24, 7:00 p.m., in the School Hall to prepare
decorations for Palm Sunday. Anyone interested in
helping weave palms are welcome. Instructions
provided for those new to the craft. - Kathy Frasure
Holy Thursday Adoration: A sign-up
sheet is located in the Church Hall and
the vestibule for those wishing to sign
up for adoration after the Holy
Thursday 7:00 p.m. Mass. Adoration
will continue until 11:00 p.m. that
evening. – Pam Olson
Holy Thursday Feet Washing: We
now have enough women signed up, but
men are still needed. To sign up, please
contact the church office.
Knights of Columbus: Please try to sell or buy your Charity
Bonanza tickets. The first turn-in is before April 6.
Easter Flower Envelopes are available near the bulletins for
those who wish to donate toward our Easter flowers. Please note
that any excess amount not needed for Easter services will be
designated toward flowers for the church throughout the year.
Stations of the Cross will be held each Friday during Lent.
Please check the schedule for times.
K of C Fish Fry: The final fish fry for this Lenten season will be
held this Friday, March 27. Hope you can make it!
PTA Flower Sales: Order forms are located in back of church as
well as in the church and school offices. Orders due April 6.
Mulch for Sale: Order forms for mulch can be found with the
PTA flower forms. Proceeds go toward Catholic Youth Summer
Camp. Deadline for return of orders is April 6.
The 175th Anniversary Committee will meet on Wednesday,
March 25, at 7:00 p.m. in the church office conference room.
New members are always welcome.
Family Movie Night: Saturday, March 21, 6:15 p.m. Now
showing: “Son of God.” From the acclaimed TV miniseries,
"The Bible." An excellent Lenten event. Free hot dogs, chips,
dessert, popcorn, drinks. All are welcome. Sponsored by Squires.
The Youth Group would like to thank all of those who
participated in Trivia Night. We were able to raise enough to
help send three more youth to Catholic Youth Summer Camp!
Thank You to all who have brought in cancelled stamps for the
missions. We appreciate your continued support! - Janet Kaising
Adult Education Classes: Wednesdays in the Church Hall at
7:00 p.m. Topic: “What Catholics Really Believe”.
Whoever serves me must follow me, says the Lord; and where I
am, there also will my servant be.
- John 12:26
Emma Kathryn Kline, daughter of Colin and Jillian
(Patzkowsky) Kline, was baptized here March 1, 2015.
We welcome her into the Church and to St. John Parish.
IN OUR Deanery
Way of the Cross: St. Joseph Church and the Christian churches
in Sugar Grove will be promoting an outdoor Way of the Cross.
This Lenten devotion will go up in the village on March 21 and
remain up until April 6 – the day after Easter Sunday.
Maps available at each station. Park at St. Joseph Church parking
lot. On Good Friday,11:00 a.m., St. Joseph parishioners will join
with the village and surrounding area to follow Christ’s path to
His crucifixion and our redemption. All are welcome.
St. Mary Church will offer Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
on the Sundays of Lent and Palm Sunday beginning at 4:00 p.m.
Vespers at 4.40 p.m.; Benediction at 5:00 p.m. All are welcome.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend: The next two
weekends are April 10-12 and a special in-parish weekend on
July 31-August 2. For more information or to register, contact
Paul & Marilou Clouse at 614-834-6880 or visit .
Cum Christo Weekend: The next Women’s weekend will be
held April 16-19. For information/applications, contact Phil
Roblee at Visit the Cum Christo website
at The transformative Cum Christo
weekend brings adults from Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant
churches together for a 3-day workshop in Christian leadership
and living.
World Meeting of Families & Pope’s Visit to Philadelphia:
Pope Francis will come to Philadelphia in September for the end
of the week-long World Meeting of Families. For info. about
diocesan pilgrimage options, please contact the church office.
Face Forward Service Awards: Sponsored by The Office of
Vocations. Open to all students in grades 8-12 living in the
Diocese of Columbus. Two $500 awards given. The criteria for
award eligibility includes parish involvement, service, and a short
300-word essay on the importance of service and giving back to
the community. Go to for more info. Deadline for applications: April 30, 2015.
News from Fisher Catholic: Donations are now being gathered
for the Bid O’ Luck dinner auction on April 25. If you don’t have
items to donate, you are welcome to give cash and let the
committee shop for you! Goods and services needed for the silent
and grand auctions. Contact Milea Quaintance, 740-689-3288.
Everyone who lives and believes in me will not die for ever, says
the Lord.
- cf. John 11:26
SPONSOR OF WEEK: D. A. Robers & Assoc.