123 Cannock Road, Burntwood, Staffs, WS7 0BB Telephone: 01543 686266 Email: stjosephsburntwood@googlemail.com WIMW: stjosburntwood.co.uk Clergy: Rev Fr Paul Haines, Rev Tony Deaville Parish School: StJoseph and St Theresa, High Street, WS7 3XL Tel: 01543 510485 Office and General Enquiries: Julie Train & Cath Nugent, open Wednesday 1000 - 1500. Week Commen Second Sun of Lent (Psalter Week 2. Sunday Readings Year B\ Saturday 1600 Confessions LTOO People of the Parish (for Sunday) Sunday --q 1000 Geoff Harris Monday. Feast of St Chad &* *b 0915 Word & Eucharist --*" s* Tuesday, Lent feria 0915 Brian Taylor 1630 Reception into Church Isabella Veronica Martin Wednesday. Lent feria 1000 Funeral Mass Isabella Veronica Martin Thursday. Lent feria No Mass Lent feria 1200 Holy Souls (CAFOD Lenten Lunch) 1900 Woman's World Day of Prayer Celebration Saturday. Lent feria 1600 Confessions L700 Antonie Markle (for Sunday) Third Sundav of Lent 1000 Monica & Norman Roberts \* *t'fut #hfr tr 1" Mar Mar 12'h Mar 20h Mar 26'h Mar lTh N.4ay 2"d 28'hJun 1930 1000 1930 1000 1000 1000 After Morning Mass CAFOD BIG BREW Rosary Group Womens Christian Union Friday Prayer Group (following the Stations) Womens Christian Union First Holy Communion Mass Confirmations Bishop David McGough ffi w$ StJoseph's 9 Hamps Close StJoseph's StJoseph's StJoseph's StJoseph's StJoseph's PraGillianAtkinson,ChrisAustin,ChristopherBarton,Nikki Carr, Pauline & Ken Chaplain, Auriel Dalley, Blanaid Drain, Janet Evans, Stuart Frost, Jill Gutteridge, Mary Hughes, Sa1ly Ireson, Clare Kettle, Lorraine Macbeth, Phoebe Gartshore, Lily McGrath, Michael McGowan, Anita Mcl,ean, Paul Robert Moffat, Daniel Moody, Ricardo Morcillo, Bob Preston, Tony Scott, Margaret Taylor, Margaret Tricketq Cath Twyman, Matthew Waterfield, Maureen Withy, Letitia Worth, Maureen Dewsberyz, Phoebe Gardner, Mary Stone,John Mountford, Ann Darcy, Helen Harvey, David Newis, Mike Edwards, Derrick Brown, Gabrielle Shine, Kathleen Kutt, Monique Atkins, Sheila Bishop, Dorothy Walters, Sue Bennett. Recently Deceased: Jean Winsper, Patricia Ann F{eap, Patrick Walsh, John Magulski, Nina Sniezko-Blocki, Margaret Ethel Lees, Michael Ellis, Bernard Fish, Wilfred Mace,Isabella Martin. And for those whose Anniversary is within the week Dorothy Slade, George Hill, Ruby Tibbitts, Ellen winsper, Sarah Dutton, Geoff Harris, Patrick & Mary Mealn Patrick Neenan, Hilda Hession, Lettie Cureton, Alphons Rudzinski, John O'MaIley, Janet McKeon, James Gaffey. Senior Citizens Luncheon Club resumes 19ft May 2015 following Midday Mass: Freshly cooked two course meal, glass of wine, coffee or tea f4 per head. Transport can be arranged. Please let Carol Wood know on 01543 529169 should you wish to attend and enjoy. Raffle also this time round. Gap in proceedings is due to the season and the availability of Carol in April. We would like to express our thanks to Carol and all the helpers for the success of the lunch so far. Thank you all so much. Collection Last Weekend: Loose: {167.10 Gift Aid: !228.27 Thank you for your continued generosity. This weeks second collection supports Lent Fast (CAFOD) and next Sunday supports Cathedral Maintenance. Eucharistic Ministers: Plans are underway to have our five new Eucharistic Ministers trained here in the Parish in April. Existing ministers will be offered a refresher course also and all ministers will be instituted on the ThJune, Solemlity,g-{,the $osl HolySodpandBlood of+he,Lerd. Furtherdetails areto folfow. Woman's World Day of Prayer: Volunteers are needed to help with Tea & Coffee here on the night would be highly appreciated- A Nieht of Irish Music and Dancing: With Gan Teideal featuring former pupils of Cardinal Griffin School. Sat ll April 2Al57prn at St Anne's Church Chasetown. Tickets f4 available fromJo WaIl01543 670O7L orYvonne Griffin01543676790email@youmaya1socontactStAnne'soffice01543686111 Diner's Club: Next venue Tuesday 24h March at the Fox & Hounds, Shenstone at7pm. Please sign the list at the back of church and take a pre-order menu to be returned no later than Friday 20 March. Celebrates his GoldenJubilee of Ordination on 13th March this year. A special Mass will be on Friday 13th March at Christ the King Church, 124 Warren Farm Road Kingstanding at 7.00pm celebrated B44 OQN followed by a reception. If you are able to attend, please leave a message on 01926 773744 or email mchatfieldSl@outlook.com to help facilitate catering. All are invited and most welcome, -Fr David Keniry: $t Elieabeth'$, a Catholic ch{}ol, in the Parish of $t lohtl the Baptist Tamworth needs a new HGADTEACHE*. It is a fine school of 200 pupils, rscently being recognised as Good by Ofsted. It enjoys the support of great staff, governor$ and a vibrant parish. Access to Tamworth is excellent. If you are an aspirins head and a committed Catholic this is a wonderful echool in which to work. The elosing date is March 15th 20:.5" Ts request an application pack please eontact *:tyr''.t._iilliJ$S-[.i:.rgr_.:;L More details can be Flease call 01827 475860 lo arrange your $t elizabeth's is committ*d to safeguarding the welfare of children and young people and expects all stafi and This Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham Registered Charity No 234216.
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