St John the Baptist Parish Newsletter Parish Office: Sacred Heart Church, Silver Link Rd, Tamworth, B77 2EA Parish Office: 01827 769403 Parish Centre Bookings: 01827 288226 Priests: Fr Michael – Fr Noel – Centre Bookings: Rev Deacon Brian Cox and Mrs Nora Cox – Tel. 288226 Admin: Wendy Quinn – Gift Aid, HOT, database (Tues & Wed): Rob Breeden – St John’s Church in on St John St, Tamworth, B79 7EX Third Sunday of the Year (B) – 8th March 2015 Psalm Response: You Lord, have the message of eternal life th Saturday 7 March Lent feria Third Sunday of Lent Sunday 8th March Third Sunday of Lent Monday 9th March feria Tuesday 10th March Lent 10.30am (S.J.) 6.00pm (S.J.) 9.00 am (S.H.) 10.30 am (S.J.) 12.00 noon (S.H.) 10.00 am (S.J.) Teresa Weir Maureen McDonnell – Pat Lane Baby Izaiyah & Family – Megan O’Connor Holy Souls – Mary & George Carroll Sarah White – Marion Fleming Kath Wakelin Lent feria 7.00am (S.J.) Fr Vincent Royles 11.00 am (S.J.) Derek Barker 7.00pm (S.H.) Communion Service th Wednesday 11 March Lent feria 10.00 am (S.J.) Martin Morris Thursday 12th March Lent feria 7.00am (S.H.) Mary Porter 10.00am (S.J.) Liam (Luke) Ryan Friday 13th March Lent feria 9.15am (S.G.) Holy Souls 12.30pm (S.J.) Memorial Mass for Bro. Martin Morris 7.00pm (S.H.) Stations of the Cross Saturday 14th March Lent feria 10.30am (S.J.) Patrick Gillen Fourth Sunday of Lent 6.00pm (S.J.) Mary Carney – The McGeever Family Sunday 15th 9.00 am (S.H.) Michael Dunleavy – Darren Burford 10.30 am (S.J.) Derek Barker – Mrs Forde Fourth Sunday of Lent 12.00 noon (S.H.) Nancy Lynch – Martin Morris Confessions at St John’s: Sat 11.00 till 11.30 am and 5.15 – 5.45 pm. Please pray for the sick: Mick Evans, Chad Williams, Steve Brindley, Finn Lynch, Teresa Woodcock, Gill Horsley, Margaret Thompson, Phil Crook, Keith Waterhouse, Mary Pullen, Kit Liversidge, Patrick O’Hara, Maggie Gordan, Noreen Doherty, Christine Lavery, Michelle Mason, Julie Orme, Nikolas Atkins, Sheila Brown, Stephen Morley, Jaden Walker, Frank Ryan, Elsie Newbold, Gillian & John Solanky, Edna Mundin, John Barrass, June Beggan, Michael Fox, Betty Meehan, Mary Miller, Sarah Gillen, Conan Teyssou, Winnie Claridge, Ann-Marie Purslow, Eileen and Vincent Murphy, Janine & Philip Nolan, Margaret Fenn, Ann Bernes, Teresa Weir, Morag Deighton, Joan Trevis, Linda Winwood, Nellie Mattison, Tony Soden, Matthew Luck, Betty Meehan, Ethel Haughton, Stan Merryweather, Eileen McDaid Reflection: Jesus stood up for the poor and the exploited. When prejudices about the poor or the marginalized are being voiced, how do you react? Have you been in a situation when somebody just says something that stands out from current opinion and stands up for another, how does it make you feel? For God to be fully alive in our community we need to care for people when no one else seems to – for careers, the elderly who slip through the welfare net or for people with disability which nobody seems to notice. Let us pray that God will give us the strength to be fully alive in our faith by standing up for the people who cannot stand up for themselves. Na każdej niedzielnej mszy dostępne są polskie tłumaczenia czytań i Ewangelii. Można je znaleźć w prz edsionku kościoła. Miłej i owocnej lektury! Please pray for those whose anniversaries occur around this time: Arthur Pallett, Mary Weir, Ernest Cope, Mary Burke, Peter Shakespeare, Patrick Callaghan, Annie Cuffe, Molly Seedhouse, Reginald Slates, Mrs. Davis, Mr. Beardsley, Helen Lilly, Susan Bradley, Francis Fellows, Mary Quinn, James and Marlene Robinson, David Knowles, Frank Newby, Salvatori Pascalis, Pearl Tarpey, Tom Coleman, Eileen McCormack, Doris Nunan, Katherine Perchanycz, Phyllis Luckett, Patrick Fitzsimmons, Joan Moore, Winifred Fitzpatrick, Martin Weir, Peter Peacock, John Davis, Edna Wedgbury, Margaret Whalley, David Ryan, Doreen Smith, Mary Johnson, Stanley Sharratt, Patrick Egan, Agnes Kemble, Bernadette Sheldon, Pauline Cadman, James O’Reilly. Please pray for the Repose of the soul of Patricia Fleet whose funeral will take place at Holy Trinity church, Wilnecote on Wednesday 18th March at 10.45 and for Stan Chipman, brother of Dennis and Baby Noah son of Nikki and Matt Batchelor. May all who are experiencing loss in their lives find consolation and peace in love of Jesus Christ. Lent: Personal daily prayer–please use the Walk with Me booklets Here are other opportunities to expand our spiritual horizons in Lent: 1. Soup: Fast Day lunch each Friday after 12.30 Mass. Our generous donations can make a real difference to the work of CAFOD. Please join us: Mass at 12.30 Soup at 1.00. 2. Early Morning Masses throughout Lent continues throughout Lent Tues at St John’s, Thurs Sacred Heart, both at 7am. 3. Stations of the Cross a powerful way to contemplate, and enter into, the mystery of Jesus' gift of himself to us. Every Friday evening at Sacred Heart 7.00pm. 4. The internet can help! 40 days of giving back, doing good and living generously. It is an online resource with lots of great ideas on how to make the most of Lent. 10’s of thousands of people are doing it. Just log on to: and give it a try. 5. Retreat Day for anyone interested in helping those in need. This should be a great spiritual day taking place at Oscott College on Saturday March 21st from 10.30 till 4.30. An amazing venue and just 10 miles up the road (lifts could be arranged). See poster in Church. Cost is just £10 and you can book by going to, then log on to caritas for booking form. It is being led by David McLoughlin who has spoken in our Church. If you need a lift, please contact the parish office. Today’s Live Simply prayer: For those around the world who are affected by extraction of fuel, metal, minerals from the Earth; that they and we can live in harmony with creation and each other. Lord hear us. We ask for God’s blessing on the Journey in Faith Group. That, trusting in the truth of Christ, they may find freedom of mind and heart and preserve it always. Easter Sunday Lunch – We need volunteers to help with cooking and serving Easter Sunday Lunch for people who may live alone or are in need. Also if you can help with transport. Please ring the parish office or speak to Fr Michael, Fr Noel or Deacon Brian. National Dementia Prayer Week 12-19th March 2015 organised by the Pastoral Care Project charity based in our Diocese, offers everyone the opportunity to pray for and with those who live among us with dementia. Prayer Leaflets and resources to download from their website In our daily prayer let us also remember all who care for people with dementia, that they find the love of God strengthens them in their dedication. Leaflets at the back of church. Fancy a Treat? Today is a great opportunity to come and enjoy Afternoon Tea with musical entertainment at Sacred Heart Centre (Sunday 8th March, 2.30pm – 5pm) £10 adults £7 children. There are just a few places left. All proceeds to parish funds. Sunday 8th March at St John’s, after 10:30 Mass. This will include a cake raffle. As part of the Big Brew promotion from Traidcraft Join us for a cuppa after mass and help farmers grow more, earn more and eat more.! All monies raised at these events will be doubled by the government! The 2014 Annual Report is ready. You can view it on the parish website now – this to avoid unnecessary expense. It has a review of the year written by different parishioners, as well as our accounts. If you have no access to the internet, we will print some off and leave them in the sacristy next weekend. If you can access our website, please do take a look and if you have any queries please approach us. Questions and suggestions can be left in the suggestions box in the Church porch. Please make sure they are signed. The Parish AGM this year will be at Sacred Heart on Sunday April 19th at 1.00. We will provide soup and a sandwich. As usual, we will be producing an annual report for 2014. This should be ready by the end of February with an opportunity to write questions in advance of the meeting. St John’s Developments: Thank-you to all for the response to the consultation that took place two weeks ago. We have had a lot of verbal and written feedback – the vast majority of it very positive. It included repeated phrases like “Creative use of space” “It will be great to have a town centre facility” “Great” “Fantastic” “the Church will look beautiful”. There were repeated recommendations about prioritising heating in the Church, extending the ‘shower area’ to maximise useful space, some access and security issues. We felt that many people have concerns about the heating and did not express them because they wanted to be positive. As a result of that consultation and further discussions we propose to: 1. Change the heating system in the Church (before next winter rather than next year which was planned) 2. Rearrange the ground floor layout of the community area 3. Ensure good security with internal locking doors where appropriate This remains subject to Diocesan and Parish Council approval. Shortly, we will put the new plans in our Churches for everyone to see. This will include a new design for the windows into the new meeting room space, from St John’s Street – allowing much more light into those areas. Funding this work. Stage 1 includes all works to meeting room areas, shower facility and counselling room, new sacristy area. Most of this is eligible for grants through Heart of Tamworth (but that does not mean we will get them!); we have begun the process of applying. Stage 2 includes all improvements to the Church. This is something the parish will have to fund. Our finances are much stronger now and we can afford to get a loan (at very low interest through the Diocese – about 1%) and pay it off over 4/5 years. However, we are now looking to bring forward improvements to the heating and that would mean extending our existing debt – unless we have any generous benefactors? This will cost approximately £20,000. If anyone feels they would like to donate to this then please let us know. It would be very welcome. Mothering Sunday is next weekend. It is a chance for all of us to pray for our Mothers and ask God’s blessing on them. This is whether they are with us or not. If you are a Mother please join us as we give thanks to God for your invaluable vocation next weekend. St Elizabeth’s, a Catholic school, in the Parish of St John the Baptist Tamworth needs a new HEADTEACHER. It is a fine school of 200 pupils, recently being recognised as Good by Ofsted. It enjoys the support of great staff, governors and a vibrant parish. Access to Tamworth is excellent. If you are an aspiring head and a committed Catholic this is a wonderful school in which to work. To request an application pack please contact More details can be found at. Please call 01827 475860 to arrange your visit. St Elizabeth’s is committed to safeguarding the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. This post is subject to enhanced DBS checks. Senior Citizens at Sacred Heart – Meet every Tuesday for social gatherings at 1.30am. Easter Vigil Choir – There will be practices on Wednesday at 7.30pm at the Sacred Heart Church. Everyone is welcome. 200 Hundred Years to Celebrate! There will be a meeting on Mon, 23rd March, 4pm at Sacred Heart to share ideas and start to prepare ways in which we can mark the occasion on the 15th August 2015, when it will be 200 years since the first Mass was celebrated in Tamworth (Post Reformation) Everyone is welcome. General Election 2015 - We all have a responsibility to be involved in the democratic process. The Bishops of England and Wales have put together a leaflet for us to read through before we vote in the General Election on Thursday, 7th May 2015. Please take one and ask the question ‘how in the light of the Gospel, can my vote best serve the common good?’ Copies of the leaflet are at the back of church. YOSH is our youth group for young people in yrs 5 and 6 (mainly). We have lots of fun with exciting activities like big indoor games, team events, arts and crafts, musical chairs, puzzles, swimming, local walks and outdoor sports. At the end of each session we gather together in prayer circle for simple sharing of our faith. Thursday March 12, 2015 is ‘Pig Painting’ evening This session will be for children who wish to help with painting our pig. The paint will be water-based so should wash off hands and clothes easily. But we suggest the children wear clothes that they would not mind too much if they got a little paint on them. (The Pound Shop might still be selling cheap overalls). Do you like working and playing with children, aged about 9-11? Would you like to help us lead our buzzing youth group YOSH for upper primary ages? If so, we'd love you to join us. If you have any further questions, please ask Stephen. Email or phone 01827 251197. APF Mission – novena to St Joseph takes place from the 10th to 18th March at St Joseph’s Church, Cookham Road, Maidenhead, SL6 7HT. Mill Hill Missionaries prepare for St Joseph’s feast with a special Novena of Masses and prayers for Gods Blessings, as well as for intentions of all who support their work. You are invited to send your petitions to the address above or through their website: Archbishop Romero - On behalf of His Grace, Archbishop Bernard Longley would like to invite all parishioners to the annual Mass to celebrate the life and legacy of Archbishop Oscar Romero on the 35th anniversary of his martyrdom. Mass will be held at St Chad’s Cathedral at 1pm on Tuesday 24 March 2015. Mass will be followed by a reception in the Grimshaw Room, with a talk by Clare Dixon Head of CAFOD’s Latin America team and Secretary of the Archbishop Romero Trust. Light refreshments will be served. Carer/companion wanted for a sociable female parishioner. You would need to have your own transport and payment will be negotiated. Please contact the parish office by email: or telephone with your details. Starfish: Our Starfish ‘breakfast club’ takes place at Sacred Heart from 10am till 12.00 am. Thanks to all our volunteers – more are welcome. Multiple Sclerosis (M S) Society and Tai Chi – Meet on a Tues at 11.30am in the Modwen room. The Tai Chi class is open to anyone. The MS Society meets for Money Matters their meeting after the class at 12.30pm Envelopes 165.19 650.00 Irish Dancing Classes now run from the parish centre every Saturday. Standing Order It is open to people of all ages. If you are interested then contact Katie Loose 443.09 Martin on or tel. 07932 359413 Total: £1258.28 CAFOD 1095.43 The Bridge Club are also keen to recruit new members – come and play the King of card games on Monday evenings at 7.00 pm. Pilates Classes – A set of exercise performed in standing, seated and lying positions. Pilates exercise can be beneficial for everyone whatever their fitness. Thurs 7pm – 8pm. £5 per session. A.A. meeting at St John’s upper room on Mondays at 8.00 pm for people recovering from alcohol related problems Registered Charity 234216
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