DIARY EVENTS: SUNDAY 22 nd rd MONDAY 23 th WEDNESDAY 25 th THURSDAY 26 th FRIDAY 27 th SATURDAY 28 th SUNDAY 29 10.00 am: 4.30 pm: 7.00 pm: 6.00 pm: 7.30 pm: 6.30 pm: 12.45 pm: 7.00 pm: 10.00 am: Children’s Liturgy Confirmation Candidates Meeting Christian Meditation Group in Presbytery First Holy Communion Parents’ Meeting th NO Prayer Meeting (resume 15 April) Cenacolo Prayers and Meeting Lent Soup (Evelyn Scanlan – thank you) Mary’s Meals Presentation Children’s Liturgy WEEKLY DUTIES: Commencing SUNDAY 29th March 2015 INFANT LITURGY: JUNIOR CHURCH: COFFEE: COUNTING: CLEANING: FLOWERS: Ann Haggin & Aggie Dobson Ann White & Mary Thompson Social Group Mr & Mrs Graham Mr & Mrs C Winders th Group Easter Flowers (Saturday 4 April - thank you) A PASSION FOR KENDAL Wednesday 1 st April – dramatisation of Plot to Assassinate Jesus – Town Hall performances at 6.30 and 8pm. Tickets from Marketplace Books and Open Door Properties at £5. Good Friday the Passion for Kendal begins at 4pm Kendal Library. Saturday 4 th at 8pm the Empty Tomb is discovered in Abbott Hall Park. More details to follow...... REGULAR NOTICES BLESSED SACRAMENT ADORATION: The Oratory is open Monday to Friday 7am to 10pm (except Mass times.) See Deacon John Selby if you wish to take an hour. LARGE PRINT HYMN BOOKS are available from the sacristy corridor; hearing aid users can turn to ‘t’ for the loop system; & wheelchair access is via the parish centre. PASTORAL VISITS: To request a pastoral visit from one of the clergy, please complete a yellow card at the back of church and hand it in. NEW PARISHIONERS: Please pick up an information leaflet from back of church. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET: is recited in church every Friday at 3pm. HOUSE GROUPS are now running. Please see list in porch for details. The Wednesday Word will remain available each week. PRAYER MINISTRY: is available each Sunday after the 10 am Mass. HOLY TRINITY & ST GEORGE CATHOLIC CHURCH Lancaster R.C. Diocesan Trustees Registered – Registered Charity No. 234331 NEW ROAD, KENDAL, CUMBRIA. Also serving Sedbergh FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT 22nd March 2015 TODAY’S READINGS: LENT - Our Road to Easter Freedom nears its end... In the Scriptures a covenant is a formal, shared agreement between God and His people. Jeremiah speaks of how God will write His New Covenant in the hearts of His people and how He will forgive and forget their sins. The hour for the New Covenant’s fulfilment is fast approaching. As our Lenten journey reaches its goal our focus is moving to the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus and to seeing Him lifted up on altar of the cross. His action of sacrifice is the sealing of the New Covenant: He will draw all peoples to Himself. Let us find some time in these days to ask ourselves: how faithful have we been to our part in this New Covenant? ...how faithful have I been to God? ...to my daily prayers? ...to Sunday Mass? ...to loving, serving and forgiving my family and my brothers and sisters? Let us approach the Cross - the throne of grace and mercy – asking the Lord to write anew His Law in our hearts that we be more faithful to Him and to living out the New Covenant. Save us, Saviour of the world, for by Your death and resurrection You have set us free! Reminder that the CLOCKS go forward one hour next Saturday night for British Summer Time. Priest: Hugh Pollock. Deacons: Bernard Loveland & John Selby. PRESBYTERY & PARISH OFFICE (9am-noon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri) 33, Blackhall Road, Kendal, LA9 4BW. Phone: (01539) 720063 E-mail: kendalcatholicchurch@gmail.com Website: www.kendalcatholicchurch.org Dr Peter Campbell (Deacon Ret’d.) (Sedbergh) MASSES THIS WEEK: 22nd March 2015 Office: Proper 5th Sunday in Lent Psalter week 1 Sun st 21 nd 22 rd Tues 24 Wed 25 th Sat 28 th Monday of 5th week in Lent 9.15 am: Margaret Pape RIP th th Thurs 26 Sun th 28 th 29 EASTER SERVICES As you know these are the most important services of the church’s year. If you can manage to get to as many services as possible including the Easter Vigil then that would be a great parish celebration and conclusion to our Lenten preparation. Fr Hugh FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT 6.00 pm Vigil: Michael Peoples RIP 10.00 am: Ged Hillon (sick) 12.00 noon: People of the parish (at Sedbergh) 3.00 pm: Cenacolo Mass at Dodding Green 6.00 pm: Helen Robinson RIP Mon 23 Fri 27 Mass Text: p. 78 Readings: Sundays Yr B. th Tuesday of 5th week in Lent 12.15pm: Pat Delaney RIP 2.45 pm: Year 5 Class Mass The Annunciation of The Lord 12.15 pm: Holy Souls 7.00 pm: Penitential Service (note time) (in church) PALM SUNDAY NEXT SUNDAY: 10am Mass - prior to Mass please gather outside with your palms if the weather is fine - if wet, we will gather in the centre. 6pm Saturday and 6pm Sunday evenings, we will gather in the centre. st (note time) th Thursday of 5 week in Lent 12.15 pm: Keith Armstrong RIP Friday of 5th week in Lent 12.15 pm: Hugh Devlin RIP EASTER FLOWERS: Donations please by Wednesday 1 April latest. Thank you. WASHING OF FEET ON MAUNDY THURSDAY: A sign-up sheet is available in the porch for volunteers for this. On this day when we reflect on the command to love one another the church encourages us to provide for the poor. th CTiK EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE at Kendal Castle, 6.30am on Sunday 5 April. MARY’S MEALS PRESENTATION th after 6pm Mass next Saturday 28 March, in the parish centre. Duncan from Marys Meals will give us the latest news, so please join us for a cuppa and cake. If you have a collection box bring it along to be emptied! Saturday of 5th week in Lent PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD 6.00 pm Vigil: Terry Goundry RIP 10.00 am: Jeff Stretch RIP 12.00 noon: Fulvio Galante LD (at Sedbergh) 6.00 pm: People of the parish CONFESSIONS: Saturday 28th March in confessional 5.10 - 5.40pm PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: SICK: Bernadette Watts, Eric Marney, George Weld-Blundell, Thomas Barszczewskq, Holly Howe, Anne Riding, Ged Hillon, Francis Gallagher, Will Flitcroft, Tony Park. ANNIVERSARIES: Olive Parkinson, Valentina (Val) Ryba, Edna Holland, Simone Schofield, Margaret Wilkinson, Fr. H. Gillett, Audrey Denny, James Stephens, Mary White, Bishop Lawrence Hardman, Joseph Kelly, Arthur Keeley, Charles Whitfield, Frances Carlisle, HannaiMakkinje, Joseph Hutton, Mary Bryer, Mabel Hall, Thomas Blackledge, Michael Helly, Bella Lowther, Joseph Gamble, Peter Helly. The Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for March 2015 General Intention: That those involved in scientific research may serve the well-being of the whole human person. Mission Intention: That the unique contribution of women to the life of the Church may HOLY WATER STOOP BOWLS: If anyone has seen them please can Father Hugh have them back! Thank you. VOCATIONS WEEKEND for young women, 22nd-24thMay, Broadstairs, Kent. ‘Discerning God's Call in my life’, organised by the sisters, Faithful Companions of Jesus. Contact Sr. Lynne: lynnefcj@hotmail.com or visit www.fcjsisters.org SIGHT ADVICE exhibition of equipment and services for people with sight problems st at Stricklandgate House on Wednesday 1 April. 10am – 3pm. “THE CROSSING” WEEKEND event at Hyning, 29-31 May for young people aged 18-35, including a Cross Bay Walk on the Saturday. Please see poster and contact hyningbookings@yahoo.co.uk or 01524 732684 for a full programme. LANCASTER VOCATIONS Discovery Day at Our Lady & St Joseph’s, Carlisle, th th Friday 8 – Sunday 10 May. Visit www.lancastervocations.org or take a flyer. WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER needs a new chair. If you feel you could take on the role of chair contact Lorraine, WWDP Secretary on 015395 68172. th st LOURDES DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE, 24 -31 July with Fr. Philip Smith. Contact: 01772 865229 or e-mail director@lancasterlourdes.co.uk for more details. Last week: Attendance: 409. Offertory: £1278.43. Thank you.
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