DIARY EVENTS: SUNDAY 3 rd th MONDAY 4 th TUESDAY 5 th WEDNESDAY 6 th THURSDAY 7 th SATURDAY 9 th SUNDAY 10 10.00 am: 4.30 pm: 7.00 pm: 7.00 pm: 6.00 pm: 7.30 pm: 6.30 pm: 10.30 – 1pm: 10.00 am: 4.30 pm: Childrens’ Liturgy Confirmation Candidates’ Meeting Christian Meditation Group Pilgrimage Meeting First Holy Communion Session 4 Prayer Meeting Cenacolo Prayers and Meeting Faith & Justice Commission Meeting Childrens’ Liturgy Confirmation Candidates’ Meeting th ........Manna House Dog Show & BBQ Saturday 30 May; OAG Coffee Morning th th Saturday 6 June; First Holy Communions Sunday 7 June; Confirmations st th Sunday 21 June and OAG Quiz Evening Saturday 4 July....... WEEKLY DUTIES: Commencing SUNDAY 10th May INFANT LITURGY: JUNIOR CHURCH: COFFEE: COUNTING: CLEANING: FLOWERS: FIRST FRIDAY SOUP: John Driscoll & Aggie Dobson Pauline Brooks & Francesca Scott Social Group Mrs P Gordon & C McEntegart Mrs P Mahoney, Mrs A Simm, Mrs H Walmsley th Mrs E Cartmell (15 May - thank you) th SVP (5 June – thank you) th ‘CROSSING OUT POVERTY’ Christian Aid Walk: Saturday 16 May, 10am If you would like to help by being a bridge checker (Miller Bridge) or take part in the sponsored walk, please see Father Hugh for more details – there is also an information sheet on the notice board. Thank you. REGULAR NOTICES BLESSED SACRAMENT ADORATION: The Oratory is open Monday to Friday 7am to 10pm (except Mass times.) See Deacon John Selby if you wish to take an hour. LARGE PRINT HYMN BOOKS available from the sacristy corridor. Wheelchair access via the parish centre. Hearing aid users should turn to ‘t’ for the loop system. PASTORAL VISITS: To request a pastoral visit from one of the clergy, please complete a yellow card at the back of church and hand it in. NEW PARISHIONERS: Please pick up an information leaflet from back of church. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET: is recited in church every Friday at 3pm. HOUSE GROUPS are now running. Please see list in porch for details. The Wednesday Word will remain available each week. PRAYER MINISTRY: is available each Sunday after the 10am Mass. Lancaster R.C. Diocesan Trustees Registered – Registered Charity No. 234331 HOLY TRINITY & ST GEORGE CATHOLIC CHURCH NEW ROAD, KENDAL, CUMBRIA. Also serving Sedbergh FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 3rd May 2015 TODAY’S READINGS: Make your home in me, as I make mine in you… God’s basic requirements of us are laid out in this weekend’s second reading. We are to keep the commandments, we are to ...believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and that we love one another. Be one, be united, be part of the vine, be in communion with one another and with me - this is Jesus’ teaching to the Apostles at the Last Supper. In receiving Him in Holy Communion we are united vertically with the Father and horizontally with one another. We cannot be truly free until we are as one with Jesus and one another, for this we need His grace. As we grow in faith Jesus makes us one by constantly drawing us more closely to Himself. Daily we are cared for by the Father, the Vinedresser; we are sustained by the Spirit, the Lifegiver; we are fed by Jesus, we make our home in Him and He makes His in us. This mutual abiding - He is us and we in Him is the place from which we gain the necessary grace to strive to fulfil what God asks of us. Let’s welcome our abiding guest... NEPAL EARTHQUAKE There will be a Retiring Collection this weekend for the Nepal Earthquake which is an opportunity for you to donate, if you wish, though you may well have already donated in other ways. A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS At Sunday 10am Mass there is a Children’s Liturgy (term-time) to which visitors are very welcome. Refreshments are available in the Parish Centre after the 10am Mass. Green envelopes are available in the church porch if you wish to Gift-Aid your offertory donation. Priests: Hugh Pollock. Deacons: Bernard Loveland & John Selby. PRESBYTERY& PARISH OFFICE (9am-noon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri) 33, Blackhall Road, Kendal, LA9 4BW. Phone: (01539) 720063 E-mail: kendalcatholicchurch@gmail.com Website: www.kendalcatholicchurch.org Dr Peter Campbell (Deacon Ret’d.) (Sedbergh) rd MASSES THIS WEEK: 3 May 2015 Office: Proper Psalter week 1 Sun nd 2 rd 3 FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 6.00 pm (Vigil): John Sloan RIP 10.00 am: David and Collette RIP 12.00 noon: People of the parish (at Sedbergh) 6.00 pm: McNamee and Dawson families Mon 4 th Wed 6 Tuesday of fifth week of Easter 12.15 pm: Barry Groggins, Billy and Cath 1.30 pm: Funeral Service for James Burke th Wednesday of fifth week of Easter 7.00 pm: Hubert Croasdell RIP Thurs 7 th Sat 9 Sun th 9 th 10 th The English Martyrs 9.15 am: Holy Souls th Tues 5 Fri 8 Mass Text ~ p125 Readings: Sundays Yr B. th Thursday of fifth week of Easter 12.15 pm: For a sick relative Friday of fifth week of Easter 12.15 pm: Thanks for Golden Wedding Saturday of fifth week of Easter THE ROSARY IN MAY: As you know May is a month dedicated to Our Lady. I would like to suggest that at, or as near to, 6.00 each evening, when the Angelus bell rings, wherever we are, we each say a rosary, or part of one, as a parish, so that we are praying together, and especially together with those who are sick and those who cannot be with us on Sundays. Perhaps we could take the following intentions: Monday, the sick: Tuesday, Vocations: Wednesday, Christians in the Middle East: Thursday, those suffering in disasters: Friday, our own intentions: Saturday, our families: Sunday, the parish and diocese. Or have your own intentions as you wish. Even if some of us are not used to saying the rosary, it would be a good shared experience to do it this month. th FAITH AND JUSTICE COMMISSION MEETING on Saturday 9 May in the parish centre. This is a small meeting from 10.30am until 1pm – if you are interested in the work of the Commission please feel free to drop in for a while and find out more. th SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 6.00 pm (Vigil): Michael Peoples RIP 10.00 am: For a safe delivery and special family intentions 12.00 noon: People of the parish (at Sedbergh) 6.00 pm: Kathleen Bell RIP HYNING MONASTERY WEEKEND from 6pm on Friday 29 May finishing with st Mass on Sunday 31 at Boarbank, incorporating the CROSS BAY WALK on the Saturday. Aimed at ages 18-35 cost is by donation. To register please contact hyningbookings@yahoo.co.uk or 01524 732684. NEXT CONFESSIONS: Saturday 9th May in confessional 5.10 - 5.40pm AUTHOR EVENT at Kendal Library on Thursday 14 May, 6pm, with Beda Higgins, author of ‘Little Crackers’, as part of Mental Health Awareness Week. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: LATELY DEAD: James Burke, Irene O’Brien. SICK: Bernadette Watts, Eric Marney, George Weld-Blundell, Thomas Barszczewskq, Holly Howe, Anne Riding, Ged Hillon, Francis Gallagher, Will Flitcroft, Tony Park, Veronica Walsh. ANNIVERSARIES: Stanislav Ryba, Thomas Beveridge, Dorice Gudgeon, Iride Coldati, John Duckett, Carmela L’Abbate, Alfred Smith, Rosanna Roche, Muriel Mitchell, Maureen Downing, Riet Sargen, Dorothy Postlethwaite, John Kerigan, Margaret Driscoll, Richard Salisbury, Kathleen Winter, Susan Tideswell, Norah Tickell, Michael Peoples. The Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for May 2015 General Intention: That, rejecting the culture of indifference, we may care for the neighbours who suffer, especially the sick and the poor. Mission Intention: That Mary’s intercession may help Christians in secularised cultures be ready to proclaim Jesus. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE: If you are getting the coach please arrive at 7.15am ready to be loaded onto the bus by 7.30am for a prompt leave. Thank you. th th ENCOUNTER: Cor et Lumen weekend, 8 - 10th May at St Cuthbert’s, Wigton. ‘What would happen if we really gave ourselves to God's presence with deep expectation?’ £10 registration fee includes meals! Contact 016973 45623. LANCASTER VOCATIONS Discovery Day at Our Lady & St Joseph’s, Carlisle, th th Friday 8 – Sunday 10 May. Visit www.lancastervocations.org or take a flyer. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS TRAINING for all involved in pastoral care th th on Wednesday 4 June at Maryport Methodist Church & Wednesday 10 June at Trinity Church Centre, Barrow. Free. Bookings with Helen Boothroyd 07503 th 931196; hbctic@tiscali.co.uk. (Kendal training day 4 July). Please see poster. EVERY YEAR we make a donation to a charity which is a percentage of our collection in line with the Diocese’s Option for the Poor policy. Last year we sent £738 to a charity in Barrow that helps young people with employment and training and they have thanked us for our generosity. We will be doing the same this year. Last week (26th April): Attendance: 419 Offertory: £1001.92
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