Latest Newsletter - Our Lady & St Joseph Catholic Church Matlock

Parish Priest:
Fr. Bernard Needham
Parish Deacon: Rev. Richard Walsh
Parish Sister:
Sr. Frederica Britto
The Presbytery
1 St Joseph’s Street
 01629 582804
FAX 01629 582804
4 April 2015
11 April 2015
Easter Sunday
Second Sunday of Easter
Year B
Year B
Week: 4 April 2015
8.00 pm (Vigil)
8.30 am
10.30 am
9.30 am
9.30 am
9.30 am
9.30 am
9.30 am
Elizabeth Hyde
All the people of our Parish
Brigid & Tom Doyle
Geraldine Silke RIP
Monica McDonnell RIP
Val Ryan RIP
Aideen Lovett RIP
Billy Quinn RIP
Week: 11 April 2015
6.00 pm (Vigil)
8.30 am
10.30 am
9.30 am
9.30 am
9.30 am
9.30 am
9.30 am
Noel Nagle RIP
All the People of our Parish
Fay Family Intention
Morning Prayer & Holy Communion
Morning Prayer & Holy Communion
Morning Prayer & Holy Communion
Morning Prayer & Holy Communion
Morning Prayer & Holy Communion
Christ has risen. Alleluia!
Easter Sunday.
Acts 10. 34 & 37 – 43 Colossians 3.1- 4 John 20.1 – 9
2 Sunday of Easter. Acts 4. 32 – 35
1.John 5. 1 - 6
John. 20. 19 -31
Friday: 6.30 - 6.55 pm
Week Commencing 4 April
Week Commencing 11 April
Easter Vigil 8.00pm
Saturday 6.00 pm.
8.30 am
10.30 am
J.M. & D Lambert
D. Johnson
S. Bradshaw
M. Goddard
F. Kornas
A. Whittaker
C. Wroe
A. Seeney
D. Johnson
D. Wain
M. Lambert
Parish Team
Alan & Eileen Johnson
Roseanne Coyne & Ann Seeney
John & Gloria McCaul
March 2015 £549.20
Saturday: 10.30 - 11.00 am, and on request
29 March 2015 £626.50
Welcome to Elizabeth Hyde and
Richard Angrave who will be
received into full Communion with
the Catholic Church during the
Easter Vigil Ceremony.
It seems appropriate to express our
thanks to all who make our
Passiontide and Easter Celebration
so satisfying: the choir who sustain
us so well with their singing; the
ladies who decorate the sanctuary and church so
beautifully; the servers who reverently serve at the
altar; Jackie who prepares and prints the service
sheets; thanks to Derrick Wain who ensures
everything is ready and in its proper place.
Easter Flowers
Many thanks to you for your very
generous donations towards
funding the flowers for the
church at Easter which came to
Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline Children’s’ Visit to the UK 2015
We are appealing for host families
for this summer of 2015 to host 2
children and even though this has been advertised
in local papers we have had little interest. If you
know of anyone who may be interested in hosting
2 children or supporting a host family please
contact us. We also need to fundraise for this
year and if you are able to spare a couple of hours
to help with a Sainsbury’s bag pack on Saturday
18th April please contact us.
St John Fisher Catholic
Voluntary Academy, Derby
are looking to appoint a full-time
Key Stage 2 Teacher from Sept
2015. For more information and an
application pack please call the school office and
speak to Mrs Harlow 01332 572154 or email
Gift Aid Envelopes
If you use envelopes for the
offerings at Mass, it would be a
great help if you would collect your
box which is available at the back of church.
The Diocesan
Education Service.
Is seeking expressions of interest
from people interested and willing
to serve the mission of the Church
by becoming a Foundation Governor in one of our
schools/academies. For more information visit where you will also
find further information and a ‘Self-Nomination’
form. Alternatively, call 01332 293833 for more
Divine Mercy Sunday
At St Joseph’s Church
(1st Sunday after Easter)
12th April 2015 at 2.45pm
All are welcome.
Youth Singing Day
with Apollo5
vocal ensemble.
Saturday 16th May at
St Barnabas Cathedral
Afternoon Workshops . Concert starts at 7.45pm.
For more information please see poster on the
notice board.
The Big Briars Bike Ride!
The Briars are looking for people
age 18+ to take part in the Big
Briars Bike Ride 3-5th July 2015. This
will cover 150 miles of beautiful
Derbyshire Scenery. Accommodation will be
provided en route at Alton Castle. For more
information contact Angela Gillespie at or phone 01773 852044 see
poster on the notice board at the back of church
Medjugorje Pilgrimage
May 10th – 17th 2015
Flying from East Midlands directly to
Dubrovnik. Coach from Dubrovnik
airport to Medjugorje. Dinner, Bed
and Breakfast £544.00 per person for
further details please see poster on
the notice board at the back of church. Or phone
Kath Gambin on 0116 2340103 or Phil Lees on
07837 932795
St Margaret Clitherow, Catholic
Voluntary Academy, Nottingham
are seeking to appoint a Class
Teacher. For further details or to
arrange a visit please phone the
school office, 0115 9150296. Closing date for
applications is Mon 27th April 2015.
Why look among the dead
for someone who is alive?
For us who believe in Christ a glorious day has dawned, a long unending day, the mystical Passover
symbolically celebrated by the law and effectually accomplished by Christ, a wonderful Passover, a miracle of
divine virtue, a work of divine power. This is the true festival and the everlasting memorial, the day upon which
freedom from suffering comes from suffering, immortality from death, life from the tomb, healing from a
wound, resurrection from the fall, and ascension into heaven from the descent into hell. So does God perform
his mighty works, bringing the incredible from the impossible to show that he alone can do whatever he wishes.
To show that he had power over death Christ had exercised his royal authority to loose death’s bonds even
during his lifetime, as for example when he gave the commands, “Lazarus, come out and Arise, my child.” For
the same reason he surrendered himself completely to death, so that in him that gluttonous beast with his
insatiable appetite would die completely. Since “death’s power comes from sin,” it searched everywhere in his
sinless body for its accustomed food, for sensuality, pride, disobedience or, in a word, for that ancient sin which
was its original sustenance. In him, however, it found nothing to feed on and so, being entirely closed in upon
itself and destroyed for lack of nourishment, death became its own death.
Many of the just, proclaiming the Good News and prophesying were awaiting him who was to become by his
resurrection “the firstborn from the dead.” And so, to save all members of the human race, whether they lived
before the law, under the law, or after his own coming, Christ dwelt three days beneath the earth. After his
resurrection it was the women who were the first to see him, for as a woman brought the first sin into the world,
so a woman first announced the news of life to the world. Thus they heard the holy words, “Women, rejoice,”
for sadness was to be swallowed up by the joy of the resurrection.
Hippolytus (c. 170-236)
After eight days
Jesus came in
and stood among them.
Thomas’ profession of faith came swiftly when,
eight days after he had declared his unwillingness
to believe, Christ showed him his side and the nail
marks in his hands and removed every possible
doubt. Our Lord Jesus Christ had miraculously
entered the room when the doors were closed. As
this would have been impossible for an ordinary
earthly body he reassured Thomas, and through
him the other disciples, by letting him see his side
and the wounds in his flesh.
Only Thomas is reported to have said: "Unless my hands touch the marks of the nails and I see them, and unless
I put my hand into his side, I will not believe"; yet to some extent all the disciples were guilty of disbelief.
Doubt remained in their minds even after they had told Thomas that they had seen the Lord.
Saint Luke’s account says that, “while they stood amazed, torn between joy and disbelief Christ said to them:
'Have you anything to eat?' They gave him apiece of broiled fish and part of a honeycomb, which he took and
ate before their eyes.” This surely proves that it was not only in the mind of blessed Thomas that disbelieving
thoughts still lurked, but in the minds of the other disciples as well. It was their very astonishment that made
them slow to believe, but when it became impossible to disbelieve what they could see with their own eyes,
blessed Thomas made his profession of faith: “My Lord and my God.”
Jesus said to him: “Because you have seen me, Thomas, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not
seen, and yet believe.” There was a wonderful providence behind these words of the Saviour, and they can be of
very great help to us. They show once again how much he cares for our souls, for he is good and as Scripture
says: He wants everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth.
Even so, this saying of his may surprise us. As always, Christ had to be patient with Thomas when he said he
would not believe and with the other disciples too when they thought they were seeing a ghost.
Because of his desire to convince the whole world, he most willingly showed them the marks of the nails and
the wound in his side; because he wished those who needed such signs as a support for their faith to have no
possible reason for doubt, he even took food although he had no need for it. But when anyone accepts what he
has not seen, believing on the word of his teacher, the faith by which he honours the one his teacher proclaims
to him is worthy of great praise.
Blessed, therefore, is everyone who believes the message of the holy apostles who, as Luke says, were
eyewitnesses of Christ’s actions and ministers of the word. If we desire eternal life and long for a dwelling
place in heaven, we must listen to them.
Cyril of Alexandria (d. 444)