ST. ANTHONY’S PARISH - Archdiocese of Vancouver 2347 Inglewood Avenue West Vancouver, B.C. V7V 1Z9 PALM SUNDAY March 29th 2015 Pastor: In residence: Office Hours: J Office: (604) 926-6881 Fax: (604) 926-3852 Email: Website: Archdiocesan Website: Fr. Gary Franken Fr. Joseph Thanh Thoai Le, JCL Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. ohnny was baptized and dipped in water 3 times. At the 3rd time the Pastor said: “Y ou are now baptized. Y ou are a new creation, the old one is gone. No more drinking of alcohol for you. Your new name is Jacob.” Jacob went back home and headed straight for the fridge. He took a Heineken Beer, dipped it in water 3 times and said: “Y ou are now a new creation, the old one is gone. Your new name is Orange Juice!!!” Today's liturgy celebrates two processions, a procession into the city of Jerusalem, and a procession outside the city walls. Each appears to be quite different from the other. One is a scene of triumph and joy, but the other is one of sorrow and mockery. In each case it is the same character who is on the move, and again it is perhaps the same crowd that accompanies him. That same central character is of course Jesus the Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever. He enters Jerusalem in triumph like a victorious king, and He leaves like a defeated prisoner, one bound for execution. But while the same central character is the Christ, our unchanging king, that same crowd is of course us. Like the crowd, the mob of the Gospels, we are changeable. We too can be double-hearted, as long as our hearts are not fully taken prisoner to Christ. Like the Gospel's crowd, we are willing to cheer when things seem to be going well, but we can also be ready to jeer when things appear not so propitious. The Holy Week begins with the procession of Jesus into His City, the city of Jerusalem, on the back of a donkey. The owner of the donkey was asked to give up his donkey for the Lord, and he did. Are we ready to give up ourselves, the burden we carried and take up the Cross and walk with Him to Calvary? The cheering crowds confront us with a question: Which side are our hearts really on, deep down? Now Lenten preparation leads to Easter celebration, and our Easter Vigil is the great annual festival of baptism. We will go in a procession of light into the church and to the baptismal font. Round the whole world, churches will be baptising converts on Easter night, men and women who have chosen to turn to God by being baptised into Christ and His Church, by being baptised into His death and resurrection. And we, we who are already baptised, when we come to renew our baptismal vows at Easter, we will choose once again to process together with Christ, like Simon, so that at the last we may make our way into heaven, rejoicing in Christ's final triumphal procession. So this Holy Week let us purify ourselves so that we may celebrate with a new heart in the excitement of Easter. Fr. Joseph SUNDAY MASSES Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 and 11:00 AM. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM; Saturdays & Public Holidays, 9:00 AM. CONFESSIONS Mon - Fri: before 8 AM Mass; Sat: 9:30 AM & 4:15 - 4:45 PM. MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS March 29th 9 am PALM SUNDAY 11 am † Remo Gambioli Mon March 30 8 am Sp. Int. Kathy Ng Tue March 31 8 am † J ohn Mor den Wed April 1 8 am † Mary Kitchen Thu April 2 HOLY THURSDAY 7 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper Fri April 3 GOOD FRIDAY 3 PM Passion of the Lord Sat April 4 HOLY SATURDAY 9 PM Easter Vigil Mass SUN April 5th 9 am FOR PARISHIONERS SUN EASTER SUNDAY † Mary Kitchen 11 am † Anne Lucey † Dave Fleming 2 pm ST. ANTHONY’S SCHOOL (604) 922-0011 STA HIGH SCHOOL (604) 987-4431 Sp. Int. Richard Podgurski Catholic Cemeteries: are a link between the living & the departed. DATE April 2 nd: 7 PM April 3rd: 3 PM April 4th: 9 PM HOSPITALITY H HADDAD/ K NG L van UNEN H HADDAD/W GRAY R RACZ G LOWE E HOLMAN LECTORS ROBERT BUTLER MAC NOWAKOWSKI G LOWE/S MURPHY EMHC J TORRESAN/E HOLMAN ELAINE MOONEN RANDY HOLMAN SOCIAL HOSTS SUNDAY, APRIL 5th EDITHA ABENOJA ROSE MOJECA St. Anthony’s Parish Religious Education Program (PREP): Every Wednesday at 3:50 PM for students in Grades 1 - 7 not attending Catholic Schools. For other Sacramental Information, phone the Parish Office or email PREP at “CROSSWALK” Ecumenical Holy Week Liturgies Monday, 30th March, 9:30 am @ West Vancouver United, 2062 Esquimalt; Tuesday, 31st March, 9:30 am @ St. Stephen’s Anglican, 885, 22nd Street; Wednesday, 1st April, 9:30 am @ St. Francis, 4773 South Piccadilly Road; Thursday; 2nd April, 9:30 AM @ St. Anthony’s Church. Each service is a 30-minute Liturgy followed by Reception. HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Holy Thursday, 2 nd April: NO 8 AM Mass. 9:30 AM - Ecumenical Liturgy; Reception follows in the Hall. 7 PM - Mass of the Lord’s Supper; Adoration follows until 10:00 PM. Good Friday, 3rd April: NO 8 AM Mass; Stations of the Cross for Families @ 11 AM; 3 PM - The Lord’s Passion Holy Saturday, 4th April: No 9 AM & 5 PM Masses. 9 PM – Easter Vigil Mass; Reception follows in the Hall. Easter Sunday, 5th April: Masses @ 9 & 11 AM and 2 PM. CONFESSIONS @ Christ the Redeemer Parish Tuesday, 31st March, 7 PM @ St. Anthony’s Parish Good Friday, 10 AM; Holy Saturday, 10 AM and 4 PM. HOLY LAND Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, addressed the bishops worldwide re: Holy Land Collection. “Presently, there are millions of refugees fleeing Syria and Iraq, where the roar of arms does not cease and the way of dialogue and concord seems to be completely lost. Senseless hatred seems to prevail instead, along with the helpless desperation of those who have lost everything and have been expulsed from the land of their ancestors.” He continued, “If the Christians of the Holy Land are encouraged to resist, to the degree possible, the understandable temptation to flee, the faithful throughout the world are asked to take their plight to heart.” Thank-you for your support. God bless. POST CARDS “Give us Time” postcards may have been inadvertently delivered in your mail-boxes. Please drop the same in any mail box closest to you. We want them to reach Ottawa. LIGHTHOUSE DISPLAY New Books & CD’s will soon be available in our Lighthouse display cabinet. Check them out and help yourselves. CALLING EASTER LILIES! Drop them-off the parish any day now. PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR: Cathy Gardner, Jay Shrager, Marcela Chavez, Vini Fitzgerald, Patricia Trapp, Blaine Fogal, Dan & Chris Peak, Sho Uyeda, Maria Castle, Ther esa Tu, J acqueline Cummings, J oyce Field, Pat Keough, Geor gia Bridger, J oy Sescar, Donna Fontanella, Rose Kowch, Susan Stastny, Harvey Sazunic, Wallace Murray, Alexandria Pius, Declan Lord, Dan Arenet, Marina Andrew, Keith Jacobsen, Mar ian & J ack Welch, Lynne Cavaleigh, David Kritzwiser, Patr ick Leslie, Les Szabo, Roman Moshevich, Joseph Wein, Ed Hauser, Agnes Koh, Grace Sue, Lachoo Narain, Alex Barraza, Tanis Stastny, Gina Charles, Don/Edna Copley, Irene Masterman, Christine Ermita, Kenelm Burridge, Rico Alvano, Bobbi Bass, Pamela Kinna, Brendan Stephens, Louise Schubert, Agnes Notte, Margar et Irving, & Annette Garm. STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION . . . Pilate again said to them, “Then what shall I do with the man whom you call the King of the Jews?” And they cried out again, “Crucify him.” – Mark 15:12-13 Jesus told us “whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me.” Every day we are presented opportunities to help someone. Every day we have the opportunity to see the face of Jesus in others and be the face of Jesus to others. Pray for the courage to stand up for those in need of our help. CHRISM MASS Wednesday, April 1st, 5 PM, @ HR Cathedral One of the most solemn and significant liturgies of our Church where the blessing of the oil of catechumens, the oil of the sick, and the oil of chrism takes place. ALL WELCOME! RED MASS & DINNER Wednesday, April 8th, 5:10 PM, HR Cathedral Celebrant, Archbishop Michael Miller, in honour of the legal profession. Reception, 6:30 PM at the Hyatt Regency. Tickets: $130; two for $250. Visit: INFERTILITY, HEALING, HOPE, HEALTH Thursday, April 9th, 7:30 PM, JPII Pastoral Centre Explore new field of restorative reproductive medicine with Maria Bizecki. She’ll speak on differ ent causes of infertility and what couples can do to achieve pregnancy and hear success stories. Visit: SPRING INTO FAITH FORMATION Saturday, April 11th, Holy Cross Secondary, Surrey One-day faith formation and ministry training for adults. Topics: Basics of the Faith, Discovering the Gospels, Ecumenism - Why Bother? and more. Cost $35, includes lunch. Visit: SPRING RETROUVAILLE PROGRAM April 10th-12th, (604) 530-6710 Your Marriage in Crisis? Retrouvaille, a Catholic ministry offers help to married couples having difficulties including infidelity, separation, or even divorce. Rediscover romance! PREVENTING DEMENTIA Friday, April 17th, 6 PM, Vancouver Convention Centre Neurologist Dr. Alexandre Henry-Bhargava discusses changes with the aging brain & lifestyle changes to support brain health. Refreshments & displays. Register: MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND April 17th-19th @ Holiday Inn, North Van. (604) 876-7298.
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